IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-01-10

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev10:05
*-* nothing to see here *-*10:05
jelkner!remind Can we port LittleBrother to zulip?10:06
'Can we port LittleBrother to zulip?' added to message queue10:06
jelkner!remind Bianca\'s invitation for Tax Prep training10:06
"Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training" added to message queue10:06
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)11:54
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)11:54
jelkner!remind Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow?11:55
'Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow?' added to message queue11:55
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)13:19
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)13:19
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)13:19
jelkner!remind Timeline for integrating TheBlog?13:19
'Timeline for integrating TheBlog?' added to message queue13:19
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev13:35
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)13:36
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)13:36
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)13:36
Timeline for integrating TheBlog? (jelkner)13:36
ubuntouristjelkner, I was about to put a "roll our own Zulip?" in as an agenda item. All indications are that we need our own to integrate LittleBrother and so much more.13:39
ubuntouristjelkner, BTW, the Zulip hosting we're using offers "one-click shopping" for ad hoc meetings. It generates a random link.13:41
jelknerHmmm, ubuntourist, we shouldn't be hasty about this, but investigate and think things through before we encumber ourselves with more work we can't keep up with14:27
jelknerand aren't getting paid for14:27
jelknerwe won't survive unless we make good choices14:27
jelknermakes me nervous14:28
jelknerbest plan would be to talk to Agaric14:28
jelknerlet them know what we are doing14:28
jelknerand see what they recommend14:28
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)14:28
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)14:28
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)14:28
Timeline for integrating TheBlog? (jelkner)14:28
jelkner!remind Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums14:29
'Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums' added to message queue14:29
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev15:07
nrcernamorning jelkner 15:08
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)15:08
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)15:08
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)15:08
Timeline for integrating TheBlog? (jelkner)15:08
Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums (jelkner)15:08
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:20
jelknernrcerna, good morning15:34
jelknerare we doing BBB today?15:34
nrcernanot sure, is something we should decide :)15:36
nrcernaare you there?15:36
nrcernain the BBB now?15:36
jelkneri'm there15:37
jelknerwe can talk about the agenda, nrcerna 15:38
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)15:38
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)15:38
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)15:38
Timeline for integrating TheBlog? (jelkner)15:38
Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums (jelkner)15:38
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:38
nrcerna!remind requesting a new BBB room?15:38
'requesting a new BBB room?' added to message queue15:38
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)15:39
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)15:39
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)15:39
Timeline for integrating TheBlog? (jelkner)15:39
Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums (jelkner)15:39
requesting a new BBB room? (nrcerna)15:39
*** GFbot has joined #novawebdev15:52
lelkneralfaro!remind heads up that I'm moving to Los Angeles and will be absent for the first week of March. 15:54
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.15:54
lelkneralfaro!remind "heads up that I'm moving to Los Angeles and will be absent for the first week of March. "15:54
"heads up that I'm moving to Los Angeles and will be absent for the first week of March. " added to message queue15:54
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)15:54
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)15:54
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)15:54
Timeline for integrating TheBlog? (jelkner)15:54
Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums (jelkner)15:54
requesting a new BBB room? (nrcerna)15:54
heads up that I'm moving to Los Angeles and will be absent for the first week of March. (lelkneralfaro)15:54
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)15:56
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)15:56
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)15:56
Timeline for integrating TheBlog? (jelkner)15:56
Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums (jelkner)15:56
requesting a new BBB room? (nrcerna)15:56
heads up that I'm moving to Los Angeles and will be absent for the first week of March. (lelkneralfaro)15:56
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:56
nrcernaGFbot, ubuntourist , lelkneralfaro btw we're using BBB as side conversation15:58
SITarabuta : GFbot : abuchholz : lelkneralfaro : nrcerna : @ubuntourist : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Can we port LittleBrother to zulip? (jelkner)16:00
Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training (jelkner)16:00
Ready for AEA meeting tomorrow? (jelkner)16:00
Timeline for integrating TheBlog? (jelkner)16:00
Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums (jelkner)16:00
requesting a new BBB room? (nrcerna)16:00
heads up that I'm moving to Los Angeles and will be absent for the first week of March. (lelkneralfaro)16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone! 16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
abuchholzHello Everyone!16:00
jelknerGood day!16:00
nrcernafirst item: Can we port LittleBrother to zulip?16:01
jelkneri talked to nrcerna about this16:01
jelknerno need to rush16:01
jelknerbut we should reach out to agaric around zulip16:01
jelknerand discuss with them where they host16:01
jelknerand the possibility of providing zulip as federation infrastructure16:02
jelknernrcerna, who has the closest ties with agaric16:02
ubuntouristjelkner, is theirs internal only, or do some of us play on their Zulip instance?16:02
jelknershould pursue this16:02
jelknerACTION done16:02
jelknerubuntourist, you're asking the wrong person, nrcerna is the one you should address16:03
ubuntouristnrcerna, maybe that's a question for you/16:03
ubuntouristjelkner, yeah. I realized. ;-)16:03
nrcernaI'm not really sure about it16:03
nrcernaI was mentioning Jeff that I'm in their zulip as a guest16:04
ubuntouristnrcerna, that answers the question: You're on their server.16:04
nrcernayeah, but I joined as the same way I joined NWD16:05
nrcernawith an invitation from a member16:05
ubuntouristI just wanted to know if any of us were on their system. You are.16:05
ubuntouristACTION is done16:05
nrcernanext item: Bianca's invitation for Tax Prep training16:06
nrcernathat's you jelkner 16:06
jelkneryes, nrcerna, but it really shouldn't be16:06
jelknerdid any of you see the invitation?16:06
jelknerseveral of you have taxes to file16:07
jelknerand i don't want to be responsible for that16:07
jelknerbut i did want to put it on the agenda16:07
jelknersince bianca sent us an email, and i was afraid no one would reply16:07
jelknerACTION done16:07
nrcernaI was reading the email thread, we're going to follow up with lelkneralfaro, SITarabuta and GFbot 16:07
nrcernaI guess one of the first issues we need to address is the process with the form I sent twice16:08
nrcernaand we don't know what happened16:08
nrcernato move forward with the other things regarding taxes16:09
nrcernaACTION done16:09
nrcernanext item: Timeline for integrating TheBlog?16:09
nrcernayou addressed that regarding our blog jelkner 16:09
nrcernabut we need to talk regarding AEA as well16:10
jelknerthis was nrcerna's idea, and it's a good one16:10
jelkneri just wanted to make sure we had a plan16:10
jelknerfor AEA, we have a work session after this meeting, yes?16:10
nrcernaI forwarded that email that she sent, and she's saying that is kinda urgent16:10
jelknerwe can talk then about that16:10
jelknerACTION done16:10
nrcernaand yeah regarding ours, I mentioned GFbot about it16:11
nrcernaso he can work on that 16:11
nrcernanext item: Getting LO into the local community with ACC Alums16:11
jelknerjust an FYI16:11
jelknermy top web student has been asking me for a full stack web project since october16:12
jelkneri talked to him this morning and we came up with a plan16:12
jelknerdo develop a website for Arlington Career Center alumni using LO16:12
jelkneri was hoping conor would be here this morning16:12
jelknerACTION done16:13
nrcernathanks for sharing jelkner 16:13
nrcernanext item:heads up that I'm moving to Los Angeles and will be absent for the first week of March16:13
nrcernalelkneralfaro, that's you16:14
nrcernaThanks for the heads up16:14
lelkneralfaroso I'm moving across the country in just under two months16:14
jelknerindeed, since we need to be aware and ready to take up the slake while you are away16:14
jelknera bit of planning is all we need16:15
SITarabutaThat's gonna be fun, I hope ;-)16:15
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, yes I think it will!16:15
ubuntourist♪ Walkin' L.A. Nobody walks in L.A. ♫16:15
nrcernaanything else, anyone?16:16
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, I don't know the song but I'll have to check it out16:16
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:16
nrcernawell that was really quick16:17
jelknercan we meet on BBB to alk about AEA?16:17
nrcernathanks everyone16:17
jelknerthanks, nrcerna!16:17
ubuntouristSo, I don't know if you all saw it, but in the #news stream on our Zulip instance, we've been noticed, now that we're on co-op lists.16:17
GFbotsend me the code please16:17
nrcernaACTION going to check...16:18
SITarabutaubuntourist where can I check?16:18
SITarabutaI wanna see ourselves!16:18
nrcernaI also added a stream "projects / partners" so we can create topics for each one and follow up there16:19
ubuntouristSITarabuta, I don't know which list Mackenzie found us on. I can ask.16:19
nrcernaLater when you can ubuntourist, can you give me Admin permissions on the zulip? I messed up creating a stream with just a "P" and I want to edit that but I'm not able to do it because I'm a member but no a Admin, you're the only one.16:49
nrcerna ( I can not see the pencil button) and I'm not able to edit or delete streams16:49
nrcernaI want to rename that stream as "NWD Paperwork" to add information there taxes, accounting,etc16:50
ubuntouristnrcerna, Done16:54
nrcernathank you ubuntourist 16:56
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev17:44
ubuntouristcat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zulip.list18:05
ubuntouristdeb stable main18:05
nrcernaACTION AWAY19:00
nrcernaACTION BACK20:02
jelknerACTION signs off for the day.21:11

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