IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-01-31

*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev05:06
AEA budget/time spreadsheet created (lelkneralfaro)05:06
Pyston worth looking at? (ubuntourist)05:06
Blog (with reStructuredText for our website (to include Caleb's contrib) (jelkner)05:06
using Zulip to expand communications network? (jelkner)05:06
Status check-in on Agaric colab and BT (jelkner)05:06
*** nrcerna_ has joined #novawebdev14:58
AEA budget/time spreadsheet created (lelkneralfaro)14:59
Pyston worth looking at? (ubuntourist)14:59
Blog (with reStructuredText for our website (to include Caleb's contrib) (jelkner)14:59
using Zulip to expand communications network? (jelkner)14:59
Status check-in on Agaric colab and BT (jelkner)14:59
*** wolcen has joined #novawebdev15:04
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:12
lelkneralfaro!remind 1099-NEC filed15:15
'1099-NEC filed' added to message queue15:15
lelkneralfaro!remind Lee Carter's translations finished15:15
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.15:15
lelkneralfaro!remind "Lee Carter's translations finished and deployed, careful sending translators .po files"15:15
"Lee Carter's translations finished and deployed, careful sending translators .po files" added to message queue15:15
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev15:35
lelkneralfaro!remind "Francisco has all bank statements and is checking our accounts for correctness"15:45
'Francisco has all bank statements and is checking our accounts for correctness' added to message queue15:45
lelkneralfaro!remind "zOnny's $600.00 transfer on 01/24... from business account?15:50
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.15:50
lelkneralfaro!remind "zOnny's $600.00 transfer on 01/24... from business account?"15:50
"zOnny's $600.00 transfer on 01/24... from business account?" added to message queue15:50
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:52
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:52
*** mr_german has joined #novawebdev15:53
AEA budget/time spreadsheet created (lelkneralfaro)15:55
Pyston worth looking at? (ubuntourist)15:55
Blog (with reStructuredText for our website (to include Caleb's contrib) (jelkner)15:55
using Zulip to expand communications network? (jelkner)15:55
Status check-in on Agaric colab and BT (jelkner)15:55
1099-NEC filed (lelkneralfaro)15:55
Lee Carter's translations finished and deployed, careful sending translators .po files (lelkneralfaro)15:55
Francisco has all bank statements and is checking our accounts for correctness (lelkneralfaro)15:55
zOnny's $600.00 transfer on 01/24... from business account? (lelkneralfaro)15:55
*** abuchholz_ has joined #novawebdev15:56
abuchholz_ : mr_german : SITarabuta : +jelkner : lelkneralfaro : wolcen : nrcerna_ : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
AEA budget/time spreadsheet created (lelkneralfaro)16:00
Pyston worth looking at? (ubuntourist)16:00
Blog (with reStructuredText for our website (to include Caleb's contrib) (jelkner)16:00
using Zulip to expand communications network? (jelkner)16:00
Status check-in on Agaric colab and BT (jelkner)16:00
1099-NEC filed (lelkneralfaro)16:00
Lee Carter's translations finished and deployed, careful sending translators .po files (lelkneralfaro)16:00
Francisco has all bank statements and is checking our accounts for correctness (lelkneralfaro)16:00
zOnny's $600.00 transfer on 01/24... from business account? (lelkneralfaro)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
jelknerGood day, mates!16:00
lelkneralfaroGood morning16:00
SITarabutaGood morning16:00
abuchholz_Lots of snow here :-)16:01
lelkneralfaronrcerna_ is busy this morning so I'll be moving the agenda along16:01
lelkneralfaroabuchholz_, yeah it's nice :)16:01
lelkneralfarothe first item of the agenda is a carryover from last meeting16:02
SITarabutaI love it16:02
lelkneralfaroso we can skip that one16:02
jelknerbut we should talk after on BBB about plans16:02
lelkneralfaroand ubuntourist isn't here so we'll move one to jelkner's16:02
lelkneralfaroBlog (with reStructuredText for our website (to include Caleb's contrib) (jelkner)16:03
jelknerSimply stated, nrcerna_ has been suggesting for a few weeks we get a blog on our website16:03
jelknerit's a great way to market ourselves16:03
jelknerto promote what we are doing16:03
SITarabutaSo that's cool. Why restructuredText16:04
jelknerduh, SITarabuta 16:04
jelknerwe need that16:04
SITarabutais it "duh", jelkner? :)16:04
jelknerso we can provide code examples, etc16:04
jelknersame reason i needed it16:04
jelknerwe can get "free" posts by including Caleb's16:05
jelknerlet's talk after in BBB16:05
jelknerACTION done16:05
abuchholz_Jeff can't we do code examples with the current editor?16:05
SITarabutaalso, isn't this the old blog jelkner? Which we are trying to get rid of16:05
jelknerabuchholz_, you do it the way you want16:05
jelknerbut i warn you, you will hate it16:05
jelknerbecause i will keep complaining i need to do this and that16:05
jelknerand you won't be able to deliver16:06
jelkneri'm trying to make it easy for you16:06
jelknerbut if you prefer pain16:06
jelkneryour call16:06
jelknerACTION done16:06
lelkneralfaro@SITarabuta, abuchholz_ any last words in response to the provocation?16:07
abuchholz_nah we can talk about it after16:07
SITarabutaLet's take it in court16:07
lelkneralfarocool, next item using Zulip to expand communications network? (jelkner)16:07
jelknerthis is for nrcerna_, so let's punt that to next week16:08
jelkneri'll add it back16:08
lelkneralfarocool, next item ...16:08
lelkneralfaroStatus check-in on Agaric colab and BT (jelkner)16:08
SITarabutajelkner, did you just rejected the opportunity to work with CfA just because they are using Slack?16:08
jelknerno, SITarabuta 16:08
jelkneri'm on discourse16:08
jelknerSITarabuta, turn your mic on16:08
lelkneralfarojelkner ... this item is yours16:09
jelknerthis was a question for SITarabuta 16:10
SITarabutaIs it16:10
SITarabutaI did not see it16:10
SITarabutaSo I fixed a few issues, but I asked some questions in the GitLab issue for the more important ones16:11
SITarabutaAnd that was 2 days ago and nobody replied16:11
SITarabutaSo I am waiting rn16:11
jelknersounds good16:11
SITarabutaWell I did not check this morning, I just woke up16:11
lelkneralfaronext item. 1099-NEC filed (lelkneralfaro)16:11
abuchholz_Thank You!16:12
jelknerthat's all i had, just wanted to keep it on our radar16:12
jelknerACTION done16:12
lelkneralfaroI filed Adrian's 1099-NEC16:12
lelkneralfaroNon Employee Compensation16:12
jelknerlelkneralfaro, can we talk taxes after in BBB?16:12
lelkneralfarojust wanted to mention it here so that next year or for future cases people have familiarity with which form to file16:12
lelkneralfarofor consultants16:13
lelkneralfarojelkner, yes16:13
lelkneralfaronext item16:13
lelkneralfaroLee Carter's translations finished and deployed, careful sending translators .po files (lelkneralfaro)16:13
lelkneralfarofinally finished up Vietnamese and Korean16:14
lelkneralfaroI tried having the translators translate directly in the .po files because otherwise copying the content takes a lot of time and is boring16:15
lelkneralfarobut they didn't like working with the .po file16:15
lelkneralfarojust a heads up in case anyone else has to deal with translators16:15
SITarabuta.po files are standard for translation16:15
SITarabutaThere is no way they "don't like it". Like every translation app out there uses them16:16
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, I thought it wouldn't be a big deal either16:16
SITarabutaAnd it is also just text!!!16:16
SITarabutaAhhh, Windows people!16:16
SITarabutaIt has .po as extension, how do I open it?? With Notepad!!16:16
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, but apparently it was a pain point for them. I think they were accustomed to just translating  Word type documents16:16
lelkneralfaroI with you SITarabuta, but most of the world are tech inflexible16:18
lelkneralfaronext item... Francisco has all bank statements and is checking our accounts for correctness (lelkneralfaro)16:18
lelkneralfaroupdate that the Francisco who is helping with bookkeeping as all 2020 bank statements and is going through them16:19
jelknerthis is what i was hoping to talk about after meeting16:19
jelknerglad to hear things are moving forward16:19
lelkneralfarochecking them against our gnucash file16:19
lelkneralfaronext item...16:19
lelkneralfarozOnny's $600.00 transfer on 01/24... from business account? (lelkneralfaro)16:20
jelknerno, lelkneralfaro 16:20
lelkneralfarowhy not?16:20
SITarabutawhy yes16:20
jelknerlet me explain16:20
jelknerthe $3K is now credited to my balance16:20
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, I thought the $3000 was in our account16:20
jelkneri'll be paying him back on my own16:21
jelknerACTION done16:21
lelkneralfarookay cool16:21
lelkneralfaroI thought it was in the business account for some reason but I guess I was mistaken16:21
lelkneralfaroin that case unless there is anything else I will wrap things up16:22
jelknerlelkneralfaro, we will continue the discussion in BBB, yes?16:23
jelkneri want to talk about planning16:23
jelknerbut there, not here16:23
lelkneralfaroACTION drops the bag of gravel16:23
jelknermr_german, nrcerna_ can you join us in BBB?16:23
lelkneralfarothanks everyone!16:23
jelknerthanks, lelkneralfaro 16:23
lelkneralfaronrcerna_, we can fill you in later, no pressure to join today16:25
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev21:59

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