IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-02-07

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev12:22
Rework Bol proposal for Dulce Hogar / NOVALACIRO / BCI (jelkner)12:22
Vote on tweeks to Operating Agreement (and ask for SVG sigs from everyone). (jelkner)12:22
Make note of Caleb's blog in relationship to PD. (jelkner)12:22
Set jelkner up to add accounts to aea site. (jelkner)12:22
Hisham's proposal (jelkner)12:22
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev14:57
Rework Bol proposal for Dulce Hogar / NOVALACIRO / BCI (jelkner)14:57
Vote on tweeks to Operating Agreement (and ask for SVG sigs from everyone). (jelkner)14:57
Make note of Caleb's blog in relationship to PD. (jelkner)14:57
Set jelkner up to add accounts to aea site. (jelkner)14:57
Hisham's proposal (jelkner)14:57
nrcernamorning jelkner 15:00
nrcernaI'm about to meet with Louie regarding the proposal for BCI / NOVALACIRO15:00
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jelknerGood morning, nrcerna15:20
jelkneri'm in our BBB room15:20
nrcernaI'm in meeting with Louie now15:21
nrcernaregarding Dulce hogar proposal jelkner 15:21
jelkneri'm going to call heylin15:21
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jelknerGM, SITarabuta 15:50
SITarabutaGM, jelkner15:50
jelknerSITarabuta, can you meet me in our BBB room?15:50
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Rework Bol proposal for Dulce Hogar / NOVALACIRO / BCI (jelkner)15:58
Vote on tweeks to Operating Agreement (and ask for SVG sigs from everyone). (jelkner)15:58
Make note of Caleb's blog in relationship to PD. (jelkner)15:58
Set jelkner up to add accounts to aea site. (jelkner)15:58
Hisham's proposal (jelkner)15:58
mr_german : SITarabuta : +jelkner : nrcerna : wolcen : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Rework Bol proposal for Dulce Hogar / NOVALACIRO / BCI (jelkner)16:00
Vote on tweeks to Operating Agreement (and ask for SVG sigs from everyone). (jelkner)16:00
Make note of Caleb's blog in relationship to PD. (jelkner)16:00
Set jelkner up to add accounts to aea site. (jelkner)16:00
Hisham's proposal (jelkner)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone!16:00
jelknerGM, nrcerna!16:00
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nrcernaGM jelkner 16:00
nrcernaOk let's start16:01
nrcernafirs item: Bol proposal for Dulce Hogar / NOVALACIRO / BCI16:01
jelknerI put this on the agenda, but it is a request16:01
jelknerany news?16:01
nrcernajust let you know that we started this jelkner, but we need some information regarding how they handle the requests16:02
jelkneri want to submit it to BCI and offer to have NOVALACIRO go in half and half with them16:02
nrcernaI mean Dulce Hogar workflow16:02
lelkneralfarobetter to talk about it on BBB16:02
jelknerwell, nrcerna, you know who you need to talk to about that, yes?16:02
nrcernain order to know what to offer them regarding custom apps16:02
jelknernot me16:02
nrcernaI know16:03
lelkneralfaroI propose we cover that in BBB16:03
jelknergood idea, lelkneralfaro 16:03
lelkneralfarojust briefly16:03
lelkneralfaroshouldn't take long16:03
jelknerACTION done16:03
nrcernanext item: Vote on tweeks to Operating Agreement (and ask for SVG sigs from everyone)16:03
lelkneralfaroI vote +116:03
lelkneralfaroI'm an operating agreement change hardliner16:04
jelknernrcerna? SITarabuta?16:04
lelkneralfarodon't even need to see it16:04
jelkneri emailed you all the changes16:04
jelknerubuntourist said he would be here16:04
jelknerwhen i saw him on friday16:05
jelknerdon't know what happened16:05
lelkneralfarowe have majority16:05
nrcernanext item: Make note of Caleb's blog in relationship to PD.16:05
jelknerjust a quick plug16:05
jelknerIt is great working with Caleb16:06
jelknerhe is using Clean Code as his text16:06
jelknerand blogging about it each week16:06
jelknerhe is a very bright student (heading to Brown University next Fall)16:07
jelknerand he is really enjoying our study16:07
jelknerwhich is helping me too16:07
jelknersince i need to keep up with him16:07
jelknerACTION done16:07
nrcernaseems really good16:07
nrcernathanks for sharing this16:07
nrcernanext item: Set jelkner up to add accounts to aea site. 16:07
jelknerSITarabuta and i are already working on this16:08
jelknerlong story short, i am going to add them myself16:08
jelknerbetter to ask forgiveness than for permission ;-)16:08
jelknerACTION done16:08
nrcernanext item: Hisham's proposal16:09
jelknercan we meet with Hisham at 3:30 pm today?16:10
jelknermr_german, SITarabuta?16:10
jelknerit is important for all of you to be part of this16:10
jelknernrcerna already met with him16:11
SITarabutaYes, I will try16:11
lelkneralfarowhile we wait...16:13
lelkneralfaroI have one item16:13
nrcernaOk let's check first jelkner 16:13
nrcernago ahead16:13
lelkneralfarowhich I didn't put on the agenda16:13
mr_germanjelkner sounds good to me16:13
lelkneralfaroyes just that I updated the AEA time/budget tracking spreadsheet16:13
lelkneralfarowe can look at it afterward for a minute or two on BBB16:13
lelkneralfaroACTION done16:14
jelknerSITarabuta and i are there already16:14
jelknerACTION done16:14
nrcernaJoining now16:14
mr_germanim on it16:14
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:16
jelknerGreat job, nrcerna!16:17
nrcernathanks everyone ;-)16:17
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ubuntouristSorry. The day got away from me again.16:19
ubuntouristACTION is switching windows to check IRC logs.16:20
ubuntouristACTION apparently missed it by two minutes... 16:21
SITarabutaPretty close ;-)16:21
jelknernrcerna, ping18:00
nrcernapong jelkner 18:04
jelknerdo you have a few minutes to talk NOVALACIRO, nrcerna?18:05
jelkneri just got off the phone with Heylin18:05
nrcernasorry my mom has and issue in her hand I need to get some food for her and help her out, I'll be in in the meeting with Hisham, but can I catch with Heylin later or tomorrow?18:07
jelknernrcerna, take care of your mom18:12
jelknerheylin is going to invite you to a meeting with the Dulce Hogar owners sometime next week18:12
jelknerto talk to them about the website18:12
jelkneri'll email you and her (and louie)18:13
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nrcerna_Votes here then?21:42
SITarabutaVotations ;-)21:42
lelkneralfaronrcerna_, yes21:43
nrcerna_I see21:43
jelknerI move that we accept Hisham Gagnon as an intern at NOVA Web Development21:54
ubuntouristACTION moves molehills... ;-)21:55

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