IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-04-04

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev11:13
Decidim status update (jelkner)11:13
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Decidim status update (jelkner)12:47
jelkner!remind New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy12:48
'New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy' added to message queue12:48
jelkner!remind Plans to address Sanjay12:53
'Plans to address Sanjay' added to message queue12:53
jelkner!remove PLans to address Sanjay12:54
Decidim status update (jelkner)12:54
New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy (jelkner)12:54
Plans to address Sanjay (jelkner)12:54
LittleBrotherAvailable commands: !event, !help, !ping, !remind, !remove, !time12:54
jelkner!remove "Plans to address Sanjay"12:54
'Plans to address Sanjay' removed from the message queue12:54
Decidim status update (jelkner)12:54
New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy (jelkner)12:54
jelkner!remind Plans to address Sanjay\'s BT issue12:54
"Plans to address Sanjay's BT issue" added to message queue12:54
jelkner!remind Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging12:55
'Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging' added to message queue12:55
Decidim status update (jelkner)12:55
New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy (jelkner)12:55
Plans to address Sanjay's BT issue (jelkner)12:55
Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging (jelkner)12:55
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Decidim status update (jelkner)13:00
New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy (jelkner)13:00
Plans to address Sanjay's BT issue (jelkner)13:00
Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging (jelkner)13:00
jelkner!remind Request for blanket vote of approval for July PRIME interns13:01
'Request for blanket vote of approval for July PRIME interns' added to message queue13:01
Decidim status update (jelkner)13:01
New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy (jelkner)13:01
Plans to address Sanjay's BT issue (jelkner)13:01
Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging (jelkner)13:01
Request for blanket vote of approval for July PRIME interns (jelkner)13:01
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev14:48
Decidim status update (jelkner)14:55
New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy (jelkner)14:55
Plans to address Sanjay's BT issue (jelkner)14:55
Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging (jelkner)14:55
Request for blanket vote of approval for July PRIME interns (jelkner)14:55
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jelknergood morning, nana!15:39
jelknercan we chat briefly on BBB?15:39
nrcernaMorning Jeff15:39
Decidim status update (jelkner)15:44
New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy (jelkner)15:44
Plans to address Sanjay's BT issue (jelkner)15:44
Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging (jelkner)15:44
Request for blanket vote of approval for July PRIME interns (jelkner)15:44
nrcerna!remind MSP project15:45
'MSP project' added to message queue15:45
nrcerna!remove MSP project15:45
'MSP project' removed from the message queue15:45
nrcerna!remind Regarding MSP15:46
'Regarding MSP' added to message queue15:46
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SITarabuta : Andrei : @ubuntourist : lelkneralfaro : Hisham : +jelkner : nrcerna : @ChanServ : @mjsir91116:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Decidim status update (jelkner)16:00
New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy (jelkner)16:00
Plans to address Sanjay's BT issue (jelkner)16:00
Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging (jelkner)16:00
Request for blanket vote of approval for July PRIME interns (jelkner)16:00
Regarding MSP (nrcerna)16:00
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Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone!16:00
HishamHello awesome people!16:00
AndreiHey there!16:00
jelknerG'day, mates!16:00
ubuntouristACTION cracks open a Diet Coke and waves16:01
nrcernaGood to see you all here :)16:01
nrcernaOk, let's start!16:01
nrcernafirst item: Decidim status update 16:01
jelknerI put this on the agenda, but it is for lelkneralfaro 16:02
jelknerto address16:02
jelknerwe talked a few days ago, and we can talk in more detail later today16:02
lelkneralfaroit's deployed and ready to explore16:02
jelknerso, lelkneralfaro, a brief summary for the record...16:02
lelkneralfaroand troubleshoot16:02
jelknerACTION done16:02
lelkneralfaroit's deployed... it's a bit messy and complicated16:03
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, self-registration or does everyone need to go through you? And where is it again?16:03
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, self-registration16:03
nrcernaI was trying to test it with lelkneralfaro 16:03
SITarabutaubuntourist ustechworkercoops.org16:03
nrcernaand reading the documentation to understand how it works16:03
lelkneralfaroit's potentially useful. if we can get over the hump of trying to figure it out16:04
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, Ah, right. Old brain. Andrei, Hisham, I'm guessing you're welcome to come out and play on that too... Yes, jelkner?16:04
lelkneralfaroand then get over the hump of teaching people to use it16:04
lelkneralfaroand then getting over the hump of hearing them complain :)16:04
jelknerthe key question is for us to decided two things:16:04
jelkner1. is this tool indeed useful for the movement?16:05
jelkner2. if so, can we effectively market support for it?16:05
SITarabutaWhat does "support" really mean?16:05
jelknerwe should answer those questions in order, naturally, since if 1 is a no, 2 is irrelevant16:05
jelknerSITarabuta, let's talk about that after16:06
jelknerwe need to focus on 1 first16:06
jelknerso yes, getting interns to try it out is a great idea!16:06
jelknerACTION done16:06
nrcernanext item: New inquiry from local Arlington business and what it means for our marketing strategy16:07
jelkneri was delighted to see that email!16:07
jelknerfrom an Arlington dentist wanting a website.16:07
jelknermarketing our business in Arlington is the easiest thing for me to do16:08
jelknerif we are able to work with a few partners here, it will help us find more16:08
jelknerso, let's see what happens16:08
jelknerACTION done16:08
SITarabutaI wonder how they found us16:09
nrcernagood point16:09
jelknerGood question, SITarabuta 16:09
SITarabutaThere is no way they searched "web development" and we hit the first page\16:09
jelknerlelkneralfaro, we should ask them at some point16:09
ubuntourist♪Son, be a dentist♫ ("Little Shop of Horrors") 😜16:09
SITarabutaMight've originally be interested in "arlington web development" or something16:10
lelkneralfarojelkner, yes16:10
HishamIt's the first thing that pops up when you search NOVA web development16:11
HishamAKA Northern Virginia16:11
lelkneralfaroHisham, I'm glad *thats* the case lol16:11
jelknerThat's why it's such a good name! ;-)16:11
lelkneralfaroHisham, if another organization popped up when we search our name16:11
SITarabutait's all about the... keywords/16:11
lelkneralfarothat wouldn't be great lol16:11
SITarabutaIt's funny, sometimes we are battling on NVCC's web development course page lol16:12
ubuntouristSITarabuta, That's because we teach it better than NVCC. 😜16:13
SITarabuta+1 ;-)16:13
nrcernaAlright, next item: Plans to address Sanjay's BT issue16:13
jelknerok, in brief, SITarabuta and jelkner had a very productive discussion around BT with Agaric on Friday16:14
jelknerwe agreed to the following:16:14
jelkner1. BT is not ready for real professional use, and Agaric will continue using Harvest (or something) for the next year.16:15
jelkner2. The cost of making it ready is prohibitive, and we have no viable business plan around doing that.16:15
jelkner3. NOVA Web is still to immature a business to even know what features we need, we will no a lot better a year from now.16:16
jelkner4. We are most grateful to Agaric for their continued mentorship of us, and would appreciate it if they could continue to work with us on the gradual development of BT over time.16:16
jelknerSanjay filed the first "low hanging fruit" issue.16:17
jelknerWe now need to be responsive, or they will lose interest in helping us.16:17
jelknerI will fund that issue.16:17
jelknerACTION done16:17
ubuntouristI imagine Sanjay made another pitch for Redmine (his favorite toy of this nature)?16:17
jelknerit didn't come up16:17
ubuntouristACTION is done16:18
jelknerSITarabuta, i'll put this on the agenda again next Sunday and expect to hear from you, ok?16:18
nrcernagreat, thanks16:19
nrcernanext item: Helping NOVALACIRO with regular blogging16:19
jelknernrcerna and i talked about this in our pre-meeting meeting16:19
jelknerno need to say more here.16:20
jelknerACTION done16:20
SITarabutaAhh I know we are on the next item, but I really wanted to say that Adrian has been helping with BT. He already started working on Sanjay's issue.16:20
SITarabutaHe already did part of it.16:20
jelknerSITarabuta, let's talk about that after16:20
jelknerthat is important!16:20
SITarabutaYep, that's why I wanted to mention it ;-)16:20
nrcernathanks SITarabuta 16:21
nrcernanext item: Request for blanket vote of approval for July PRIME interns 16:21
jelkneras understood, this will require only my effort, or we shouldn't do it16:22
jelknerso i want to have the independence not to bother you with each applicant16:22
jelkneri met with another one on Saturday16:22
jelknerany questions about what I'm asking?16:22
jelkner7 minutes left folks, let's move116:23
SITarabutaYes, you are giving me a heart attack!!16:23
ubuntouristjelkner, Sounds okay to me. But, one assumes they'll be interacting with more than just you. Be nice to get a read on them...16:23
ubuntouristACTION is done16:23
jelknerubuntourist, all i mean is no will be expected to do anything other than me16:24
jelknerof course, as in your case, some may want to16:24
jelknerACTION done16:24
nrcernaok last one:16:24
nrcernaRegarding MSP16:24
nrcernaI briefly mentioned this to SITarabuta and lelkneralfaro on discord16:25
jelkneroh no, non-free software! ;-)16:25
jelkneri have zulip on my phone now, btw16:25
SITarabutaOh my goodness...16:25
jelknerACTION done16:25
SITarabutaWe are sorry :(16:25
nrcernaSteve wants to meet them regarding the requests and see how he can help as well16:25
nrcernaSorry jelkner :-)16:25
jelknerso, i already said i will fund this16:26
jelknerplease deliver16:26
lelkneralfaroI'm almost done16:26
lelkneralfaroneeds tests16:26
ubuntouristLast week we had a bit of playtime on Apache OpenMeetings, BTW. 16:26
nrcernaI can set up a meeting if u want16:26
jelknerACTION done16:26
nrcernawe can talk this after16:26
lelkneralfaroI could, he never replied to em16:26
jelknerlelkneralfaro, cc Meihzu16:27
jelknerand me16:27
nrcernaanything else?16:27
ubuntouristAnd in the "Anything Else?" Department: The Annual Report of Achievements (ARA) has reared its ugly head again... 😜16:27
jelknerit's beautiful head, you mean!16:28
SITarabutaOh yeah ubuntourist16:28
jelknerARA, we love you!16:28
jelknerACTION done16:28
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:28
SITarabutaYou know it feels good in a way to work on that again.16:28
jelknerLet's talk on BBB16:28
SITarabutaIt feels, safe, no risk?16:28
jelknermr_german, please join us16:28
jelknerinterns, you too16:28
nrcernathanks everyone16:28
ubuntouristjelkner, you wouldn't say beautiful if you saw my code. ;-)16:28
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, ping18:19
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, Ja?18:20
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, I responded to your proposal about the mapping18:20
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, I was wondering if you are notified about my comments18:20
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, lemme check. My guess is "yes"18:21
ubuntouristYes. It came in as e-mail.18:21
lelkneralfarogot it, I guess that's not ideal. Could lead to too much email clutter18:22
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, speaking of e-mail, I created a group NWD, and it wanted an address, so I put "members". It apparently then happily sent an invitation to members...18:22
lelkneralfaroyup I see it18:22
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