IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-05-09

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev11:29
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev11:33
Send 2 contracts (split hosting and technical support) to Susan at Gallaudet University (SITarabuta)12:05
Edzon's old files for Libera project website artifacts removed from the message queue (Hisham)12:05
Moving forward with the Tech Co-op Network and getting us listed here: (jelkner)12:05
Following up with Colombene (jelkner)12:05
jelkner!remind Walking on two legs - marketing and growing our capacity12:09
'Walking on two legs - marketing and growing our capacity' added to message queue12:09
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev12:19
Send 2 contracts (split hosting and technical support) to Susan at Gallaudet University (SITarabuta)12:19
Edzon's old files for Libera project website artifacts removed from the message queue (Hisham)12:19
Moving forward with the Tech Co-op Network and getting us listed here: (jelkner)12:19
Following up with Colombene (jelkner)12:19
Walking on two legs - marketing and growing our capacity (jelkner)12:19
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev15:15
Send 2 contracts (split hosting and technical support) to Susan at Gallaudet University (SITarabuta)15:15
Edzon's old files for Libera project website artifacts removed from the message queue (Hisham)15:15
Moving forward with the Tech Co-op Network and getting us listed here: (jelkner)15:15
Following up with Colombene (jelkner)15:15
Walking on two legs - marketing and growing our capacity (jelkner)15:15
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:43
Send 2 contracts (split hosting and technical support) to Susan at Gallaudet University (SITarabuta)15:44
Edzon's old files for Libera project website artifacts removed from the message queue (Hisham)15:44
Moving forward with the Tech Co-op Network and getting us listed here: (jelkner)15:44
Following up with Colombene (jelkner)15:44
Walking on two legs - marketing and growing our capacity (jelkner)15:44
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:49
*** mr_german has joined #novawebdev15:52
*** Ksbihi has joined #novawebdev15:55
*** Andrei has joined #novawebdev15:59
Andrei : Ksbihi : mr_german : abuchholz : lelkneralfaro : nrcerna : +jelkner : @ubuntourist : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ : wolcen16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Send 2 contracts (split hosting and technical support) to Susan at Gallaudet University (SITarabuta)16:00
Edzon's old files for Libera project website artifacts removed from the message queue (Hisham)16:00
Moving forward with the Tech Co-op Network and getting us listed here: (jelkner)16:00
Following up with Colombene (jelkner)16:00
Walking on two legs - marketing and growing our capacity (jelkner)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone!16:00
*** Hisham has joined #novawebdev16:00
ubuntouristHail and well met.16:00
nrcernaHow's everyone doing today?16:00
ubuntouristI'm freezing. In May. ;-)16:00
jelknerGoooood morning!16:01
abuchholzI hate the weather atm16:01
Hishamhow dare you Adrian16:01
abuchholzIt goes from hot to cold16:01
nrcernahere's really hot :-(16:01
abuchholzand back to hot16:01
abuchholzin the span of two days16:01
jelknerbring me to Santa Ana!16:01
nrcernaWe're waiting for you with Horchata and two pupusas jelkner 16:02
jelknerLoL, ok nrcerna, let's roll!16:02
nrcernaOkay let's start 16:02
nrcernafirst item: Send 2 contracts (split hosting and technical support) to Susan at Gallaudet University 16:02
nrcernaOur dear friend SITarabuta added this16:03
jelknerStefan-Ionut is not here, but he and I attended a meeting with Susan16:03
ubuntouristAt her behest? Or is that our idea?16:03
jelknerI told him I would cover this16:03
jelknerShe wants to receive two invoices this week16:03
jelknerone for hosting, and the other for support16:03
jelknershe said we can just tweak the ones we sent last year16:04
jelknerlelkneralfaro and nrcerna, i hope you have this16:04
jelkneri told her we would get back to her this week16:04
jelknerACTION done16:04
nrcernaI mentioned this to jelkner , lelkneralfaro we can figure this out16:04
ubuntouristSo, that would give them the option of changing one or the other... Seems odd but, the customer is occasionally right. ;-)16:04
jelknerubuntourist: at her behest16:05
nrcernathanks jelkner 16:05
ubuntouristACTION is done16:05
nrcernaThanks ubuntourist 16:05
nrcernanext item: Edzon's old files for Libera project website artifacts removed from the message queue 16:05
HishamI'm currently working on the project but was told that their currently exists some sort of website? I'm just looking for the any of the files that could potentially save us some time in building their new site.16:06
nrcernanot quite sure about it Hisham 16:07
jelknernrcerna: how do we find out?16:07
jelknernrcerna: do you see zOnny on discord?16:07
jelknercould you ask him, please?16:08
nrcernaYes, but has been a while since we didn't catch up.16:08
jelknerit isn't fair to ask Hisham to do this without giving him what we have already done16:08
jelknerit doen't make sense16:08
nrcernaI can try to reach him out16:08
jelknerplease do16:08
jelknerIsaac wants Hisham to do the website for his schools16:08
jelknerACTION done16:08
nrcernabut not sure if he's going to reply, you know zOnny when is busy16:08
HishamIf it comes to it, I don't mind doing it from scratch. I actually quite enjoy change.16:09
nrcernaOk jelkner 16:09
HishamIt would just be easier for both parties is all16:09
nrcernaI'll try to reach him Hisham and i'll let you know, if we dont have a feedback you should just proceed16:09
Hishamsounds good! Thank you.16:10
jelknerThere is a lesson here...16:10
nrcernaThank you! Hisham ;-)16:10
jelknerWe need better tracking and communication16:10
ubuntouristIs that the old Free* something site? (I forget the name)16:10
jelknerwe will succeed or fail in large part based on how efficiently we handle things like this16:10
jelknerWe are failing here, it looks like :-(16:11
jelknerACTION done16:11
jelkneryes, ubuntourist 16:11
jelknerit is16:11
nrcernaI feel you jelkner 16:11
jelknerwe didn't have BT then16:12
jelknerso hopefully we are in better shape in that regard now16:12
nrcernaNext item: Moving forward with the Tech Co-op Network and getting us listed here:
jelknerGood new, all, after more than a year of trying, we are now members of the Tech Co-op Network!16:13
jelkneror at least i think we are ;-)16:13
jelkneractually, all I know for sure is we have been invited to the next meeting16:13
jelknerit's this Wednesday16:13
ubuntouristNot Free*. Fee*.
jelkneri can't go, sadly, but nrcerna has agreed to go in my place16:13
jelknerwe want to get NOVA Web Development listed on
jelknerand let them know about our Decidim experiment16:14
jelkneri won't be at our meeting next Sunday16:14
jelknerbut i'll check in with nrcerna wednesday evening to find out how it went16:15
jelknerACTION done16:15
nrcernaI'll fill you in after that meeting jelkner 16:16
nrcernaNext item: Following up with Colombene16:16
nrcernaDone jelkner  ;-)16:16
jelkneryes, but for everyone else's benefit16:16
jelknerI plan to put her forward as a candidate member16:17
jelknerand I am hoping nrcerna, and then lelkneralfaro, can meet with her one-on-one soon16:17
jelknersince, as i told her in our delightful conversation yesterday, it would really be nrcerna, lelkneralfaro, and her that would form the core of planning for our coop16:18
jelknerso they need to figure out if they think they would have a solid, enjoyable, collaborative relationship16:18
jelknerACTION done16:19
nrcernaWould be great to meet her :-) 16:19
nrcernathanks jelkner 16:19
nrcernaNext item: Walking on two legs - marketing and growing our capacity16:19
jelknerthis is related16:19
jelknerif we want to transition to a viable, sustainable business, we need to do two things at the same time:16:20
jelkner1. continue outreach and marketing16:20
jelkner2. continue to grow our capacity (including strategically growing and networking with other coops)16:21
jelknerwe are on the path16:21
jelknerbut we need to continue moving forward on both of those two things16:21
jelknerACTION done16:21
nrcernaThanks jelkner for your effort on marketing us16:22
nrcernaanything else? Anyone?16:23
HishamI'm trying to fulfill #1 and am still reaching out to potential jobs.16:23
ubuntouristHisham, jelkner, In the words of Julie Andrews ("Sound of Music") ♪♫ A very good place to start ♪♫ =
nrcernago ahead lelkneralfaro 16:23
Hishamah, thank you kind sir.16:23
lelkneralfarosomeone named samuel wenck reached out to us interested in a job16:23
lelkneralfarolooks like they have quite a bit of experience16:24
nrcernaOh yeah, I forwarded you that lelkneralfaro 16:24
lelkneralfaroand a good paying job16:24
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, us doing a job for him or him doing a job for us? Sounds like the later. 16:24
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, looking for us to hire him16:24
jelknernever mind16:24
HishamWell, they already have a job, no?16:25
jelkneri get one of those every other day16:25
lelkneralfaroyes they already have a job16:25
jelknerubuntourist: nice work on finding the repo, Hisham, you have it now, yes?16:25
lelkneralfarojust brought it up, because if it were more rare maybe it would be worth reaching out to see if they wanted to get into the fold16:25
HishamYup jelkner16:26
lelkneralfaroI'll explain in voice... too much typing16:26
lelkneralfaroACTION done16:26
ubuntourist(Our twitter feed is full of agencies "following" us so that they can offer to do a web site for us... 😉)16:26
nrcernaIf someone like him (I dont know much about him) but if he's experience we can apply for the gigs that Hisham shared with me16:26
HishamThat's actually a good idea!16:26
jelkneryeah, ubuntourist, i really think our closer, more personal networks are going to be our best path16:27
lelkneralfaroyes it looks like he is quite experienced and we don't have somone like that yet16:27
jelknercold calls and such generally lead no where16:27
jelknerand take a lot of time16:27
ubuntouristThe Ghost of Stefan says "Two minutes!!!"16:28
jelknertwo minutes left16:28
nrcernaubuntourist, I felt the same right now16:28
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:28
nrcernaThank you everyone16:29
jelknernice work, nrcerna!16:29
jelknersee you in BBB16:29
ubuntouristSomewhere in the world, Stefan is sighing relief.16:29
jelknerKsbihi: can you join us in BBB?16:31
KsbihiI just need the link and password16:33

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