IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-05-30

*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev03:38
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)03:38
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)03:38
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev14:24
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)14:24
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)14:24
jelkner!remind Moving to oftc for our irc meetings14:25
'Moving to oftc for our irc meetings' added to message queue14:25
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)14:25
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)14:25
Moving to oftc for our irc meetings (jelkner)14:25
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)14:35
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)14:35
Moving to oftc for our irc meetings (jelkner)14:35
jelkner!remind Update on discussion with Colombene14:36
'Update on discussion with Colombene' added to message queue14:36
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)14:36
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)14:36
Moving to oftc for our irc meetings (jelkner)14:36
Update on discussion with Colombene (jelkner)14:36
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev14:56
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)14:56
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)14:56
Moving to oftc for our irc meetings (jelkner)14:56
Update on discussion with Colombene (jelkner)14:56
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)15:06
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)15:06
Moving to oftc for our irc meetings (jelkner)15:06
Update on discussion with Colombene (jelkner)15:06
jelkner!remind Plans for the NOVA Web Dev blog15:06
'Plans for the NOVA Web Dev blog' added to message queue15:06
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev15:16
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)15:17
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)15:17
Moving to oftc for our irc meetings (jelkner)15:17
Update on discussion with Colombene (jelkner)15:17
Plans for the NOVA Web Dev blog (jelkner)15:17
jelknernrcerna: ping15:22
jelknerGood morning!15:22
jelknerI'm in BBB now.15:22
jelknerwaiting for you and Stefan15:22
nrcernaMorning jelkner 15:24
nrcernaI was sending an email15:24
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:32
*** Hisham has joined #novawebdev15:34
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:36
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)15:36
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)15:36
Moving to oftc for our irc meetings (jelkner)15:36
Update on discussion with Colombene (jelkner)15:36
Plans for the NOVA Web Dev blog (jelkner)15:36
*** Andrei has joined #novawebdev15:58
Andrei : SITarabuta : Hisham : abuchholz : nrcerna : +jelkner : wolcen : @ChanServ : @mjsir91116:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)16:00
1ST International Coop Meeting ( (jelkner)16:00
Moving to oftc for our irc meetings (jelkner)16:00
Update on discussion with Colombene (jelkner)16:00
Plans for the NOVA Web Dev blog (jelkner)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
*** Ksbihi has joined #novawebdev16:00
nrcernaHello everyone!16:00
HishamHello my fellow friends! <316:00
jelknerGooood morning!16:01
nrcernaok, let's start!16:01
nrcernaFirst item: Partnering with Northwest FCU
SITarabutaAlright so Jeff talked with them on Thursday16:01
SITarabutathem = ACFCI16:01
jelknerACFCU ;-)16:01
SITarabutaYep.. :(16:02
SITarabutaAnd they said that they are going to help us find a solution to this16:02
SITarabutaThey are going to recommend someone16:02
jelknerand in our pre-meeting meeting we agreed SITarabuta will take over that conversation16:02
SITarabutaI'll have to talk with them and see what's happening16:02
SITarabutaThat's about it for now.16:03
nrcernaNext item: 1ST International Coop Meeting ( 16:04
jelknerThis is happening next Sunday at 11 am EST16:04
jelkneri put it on our calendar16:04
jelkneri propose that we agree to schedule our meeting next week with flexiblity16:05
jelknerso that it begins immiediately *after* this one ends16:05
jelknerso that those of us who are interested can participate16:05
jelkner(including yours truly ;-)16:05
jelknerany objections?16:06
SITarabutaan infinite amount16:06
AndreiSo we would reschedule our 12:00 pm meetings to before 11 am?16:06
jelknerAndrei: we could do that16:06
jelkneri'm an early bird16:06
SITarabutaSomeone please think about Louis ;-)16:07
jelknerbut SITarabuta may not be so happy about that16:07
nrcernajust next sunday Andrei 16:07
nrcernayes :-( poor Louie16:07
AndreiSo next Sunday we would be looking at what time?16:07
jelknerso, we need 3 votes, and there are only 3 of us here who can vote16:07
jelknerso it has be unanimous16:07
SITarabutawe could do a 10am meeting but Louis would have be up at 6:30am16:08
SITarabutaSo let's not16:08
jelknerI propose that we meet immediately after the international meeting ends16:08
SITarabutaWhen would that be16:08
jelknernot sure, SITarabuta 16:08
SITarabutaIn case people are not in that meeting16:08
jelkneraround the usual time16:08
jelknerbut it might run over16:08
SITarabutaIs it supposed to be 1 hour?16:09
nrcernasome meetings like that last between 1:30 - 2 hrs16:09
SITarabutaWe could make it 1pm to be safe16:09
jelknergood idea16:09
jelknerSITarabuta: it's up to you ;-)16:10
SITarabutaWell there's that16:10
SITarabutaWell I suggested it jelkner ;-)16:10
SITarabutaI should inherently agree with it16:10
SITarabutabut yes, +116:10
jelknerSITarabuta: that is not true16:10
abuchholzI'm not opposed to later in the day :)16:10
jelknerin a discussion, you may want to suggest something that after discussion you don't agree with ;-)16:10
jelkneranyway, we passed that now16:10
jelknerACTION done16:10
nrcernanext item: Moving to oftc for our irc meetings16:11
SITarabutaAfter some pre-meeting discussion, we have come up with a time for the move16:11
nrcernawhen? :-O16:11
jelknerwe will make this move for our meeting on 6/2016:11
SITarabutaWe would be having our meeting on 6/2016:11
SITarabutaat oftc.net16:11
jelknerso, check your email for the new link16:11
SITarabutaI will talk with Kevin to change the MOTD on this channel so people can see16:12
jelknerubuntourist already has #novawebdev regsitered there16:12
jelknerwe need to add SITarabuta and mjsir911 as channel oops16:12
SITarabutaOr someone with op privileges can do it16:12
jelknerand jelkner as a moderator16:12
SITarabutaI already am on that channel16:12
SITarabutabut not here unfortunately16:12
jelknerso we flip the switch on 6/1916:13
jelknerand test it out16:13
jelknerso we are ready for 6/2016:13
jelknerif something goes wrong and little brother is not recording, we don't switch16:13
jelknerbut if it all works, we do16:13
SITarabutaOnly 2 more meetings on Freenode16:13
jelknerSITarabuta: i'll be available 6/19 to help you test16:14
jelknerACTION done16:14
nrcernanext item: Update on discussion with Colombene16:14
jelkneri put this on the agenda, but nrcerna, can you give us a brief update please?16:14
nrcernaI met with her last week, we introduced ourselves,16:15
nrcernashe's a great designer, with UX background, is freelancing and trying to join a co-op16:16
nrcernawe agreed to meet again,16:16
jelkneri want to add that she has a deep and long commitment to cooperativism16:17
jelknershe has been involved for several years16:17
nrcernaI was about to do it a few days ago, but I focused on learning Penpot, since Tuesday I have to deliver first Vulk website prototype16:17
jelknerso let's talk again next week16:18
jelkneri'll keep bringing it up, since i want to push the process forward16:18
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jelknerACTION done16:18
nrcernaso I wanted to try it first, and then meet with her to show the work I've done and she can help me or guide me16:18
nrcernaand also talk about NWD and her role16:18
nrcernaif she want to join us16:18
jelknerthat sounds like a great plan, nrcerna!16:18
jelknertry working with her in practice16:18
nrcernaShe does the same but with XD so she will find it pretty similar I guess16:19
nrcernaACTION Done16:19
nrcernanext item: Plans for the NOVA Web Dev blog 16:20
jelknercan we talk about this in BBB after meeting?16:20
nrcernamr_german, that something you need to be aware of16:21
nrcernaanything else?16:21
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:22
nrcernathank you everyone!16:22
jelknernice job, as always, nrcerna!16:22
jelknerlet's meet in BBB16:22
jelknerKsbihi, Andrei, mr_german, can you join us there?16:23
jelknerhere comes Andrei already ;-)16:23
nrcernagreat place btw, but they need a website redesign jelkner, SITarabuta , abuchholz  16:25
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev17:18
jelknernrcerna: great to hear you made the USFWC meeting!17:32
jelknerI didn't know Vulk and BCI had joined, but I did see that throneless did17:33
jelknerthis is great news17:33
jelknerthanks, nrcerna!17:33
jelknerACTION signs off17:33

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