IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-06-13

*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev04:42
Presentation of candidate member (jelkner)04:43
Our last meeting on freenode? Can we get admin rights on oftc by next week? (jelkner)04:43
Following up with Brian Danzig. Are you going to do that Stefan? (jelkner)04:43
*** LittleBrother_ has joined #novawebdev09:37
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev15:22
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jelknerGood morning abuchholz!15:25
abuchholzGood morning jelkner!15:27
jelknerJust you and me here so far.15:28
Presentation of candidate member (jelkner)15:28
Our last meeting on freenode? Can we get admin rights on oftc by next week? (jelkner)15:28
Following up with Brian Danzig. Are you going to do that Stefan? (jelkner)15:28
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Presentation of candidate member (jelkner)15:34
Our last meeting on freenode? Can we get admin rights on oftc by next week? (jelkner)15:34
Following up with Brian Danzig. Are you going to do that Stefan? (jelkner)15:34
nrcerna!remind About planning meetings during the week15:42
'About planning meetings during the week' added to message queue15:42
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:46
Presentation of candidate member (jelkner)15:46
Our last meeting on freenode? Can we get admin rights on oftc by next week? (jelkner)15:46
Following up with Brian Danzig. Are you going to do that Stefan? (jelkner)15:46
About planning meetings during the week (nrcerna)15:46
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Ksbihi : lelkneralfaro : nrcerna : SITarabuta : abuchholz : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ : wolcen16:00
Tick Tock!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Presentation of candidate member (jelkner)16:00
Our last meeting on freenode? Can we get admin rights on oftc by next week? (jelkner)16:00
Following up with Brian Danzig. Are you going to do that Stefan? (jelkner)16:00
About planning meetings during the week (nrcerna)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone!16:00
jelknerGood day, everyone!16:00
nrcernaGlad to see you all here :-)16:01
nrcernaalright, let's start16:01
nrcernafirst item: Presentation of candidate member16:01
jelknerThat's me16:01
SITarabuta*drum rolls*16:01
jelknerGreat news, Colombene Gorton wants to join our coop!16:01
jelknerSo, I propose that we accept Colombene Gorton as a candidate member of NOVA Web Development16:02
jelknercan we vote?16:02
jelknershe will be here next Sunday16:03
jelknershe is away camping this weekend16:03
jelknerACTION done16:03
nrcernathanks jelkner 16:03
nrcernanext item: Our last meeting on freenode? Can we get admin rights on oftc by next week16:03
jelknerI put this on the agenda16:04
jelknerand we talked about it already16:04
jelknerbut to sum up16:04
jelknerIf we don't get the credentials we need from ubuntourist by week's end16:04
jelknerwe will need to postpone this16:04
jelkneri hope that doesn't happen16:04
SITarabutaI don't think that is gonna be the case16:04
jelkneri'll email him to let him know we are potentially blocking on him16:05
jelknerACTION done16:05
SITarabutaYeah. So unless we decide otherwise, we should assume we are meeting on OFTC next week16:05
SITarabutaThis would be a link for the webchat16:05
jelknerSITarabuta: you will need to switch Little Brother16:05
SITarabutaIn case people use that:16:05
SITarabutajelkner Should be a 15 minute thing16:05
jelknerbut we need it to work!16:06
SITarabutaWe still need #novawebdev_learn over the summer, right?16:06
jelknerso testing is important16:06
jelknerSITarabuta: no16:06
jelknerlet's pull the plug on that16:06
SITarabutaOh, can I shut the logging for that starting Sunday, the 20th?16:06
jelkneryou can shut it down now16:06
jelkneri'm not taking attendance any more16:06
jelknermy last day was friday16:07
SITarabutaOk; and when we will need it again, let's make it #novawebdev-learn ;-)16:07
SITarabutaI think IRC standard is with dashses instead of underscores16:07
SITarabutaACTION done16:07
nrcernanext item: Following up with Brian Danzig. Are you going to do that Stefan?16:08
SITarabutaHas happened ;-)16:08
jelknerlet us know how it goes tomorrow16:08
jelknerACTION done16:08
nrcernaalright, last one then16:08
nrcernaAbout planning meetings during the week16:08
nrcernawe we're talking about this with lelkneralfaro 16:08
nrcernawe found out that we have a lot of thing to discuss16:09
nrcernaregarding partners/ workflow/ payments and such16:09
jelknershould we resume our thursday meetings?16:09
nrcernaso would be great for us to have maybe 1 or two during the week16:10
nrcernawhat do you think lelkneralfaro ? thursdays?16:10
jelknerwould thursday 4 pm est work?16:10
lelkneralfaroif other people want Thursdays that will work16:10
SITarabutaSo what was our time in the past for Thursdays?16:10
lelkneralfaroI suppose I am leaning towards a more agile approach16:10
jelknerit is good for me, since i can do 4 pm even when school starts again16:10
nrcernait was 6 and then 3, and the 4 lol16:11
lelkneralfaromeeting when it's time to meet16:11
SITarabutaWe had like 6pm before but that becomes a problem for me16:11
SITarabuta4PM is about the limit - that is gonna be 11PM when I move to Romania16:11
jelkneris that ok, SITarabuta?16:11
SITarabutaI am fine with 11, yah16:11
nrcerna2PM here, 3PM for lelkneralfaro 16:11
jelknerwill it work from England?16:11
SITarabutaIn England it's perfect, 9PM16:11
jelknernrcerna: no, 1 pm for lelkneralfaro 16:12
lelkneralfaroutf something16:12
SITarabutatimezones, right ;-)16:12
lelkneralfarobecause nobody knows utf16:12
jelknerlelkneralfaro: this doesn't contradict your agile approach16:12
jelknerwe have been doing that16:12
jelkneror at least i have16:12
jelkneri call for a meeting when i need one16:12
nrcernaso? 11 ET? or 4 PM ET?16:12
jelkneri was assuming others would do that too16:13
nrcernayes we do that16:13
jelknerthose meeting should be short and to the poit16:13
SITarabutaHmm, we have a little problem actually16:13
jelknerso we can get work done16:13
nrcernathat's the reason that we chat and have brief meetings 16:13
SITarabutaAll our meetings are UTC. Sunday is 16:00 UTC which is 12PM in the summer and 11PM in the winter16:13
jelknerSITarabuta: yes16:13
jelknergood point, SITarabuta 16:14
SITarabutaWe should also decide the new meeting based on UTC, however, that is gonna make it 3PM in the winter16:14
jelkneri can't make the thrusday meeting if it happens earlier than 3:30 EST16:14
SITarabutaAlso, daylight savings starts and ends differently in the EU than the US which is gonna make it even more confusing; so it is better to keep it UTC to be in sync16:14
jelkneri agree with you about utc16:14
jelknerwe agreed to that16:14
jelknerso let's do it right16:15
SITarabutaShould we do 4:30PM? Or is :30 a little weird?16:15
SITarabutaThat way it would be 3:30 for jelkner in the winter16:15
jelkneri can do that16:15
nrcernaCan we have it and fill you in on sunday? is like the same that you've been saying jelkner , sometimes is micromagement16:15
nrcernaThat's the way I see it16:15
jelknerworks for me, nrcerna 16:15
jelkneryou're the boss ;-)16:16
nrcernaand then we'll have items to add to the agenda16:16
nrcernaand you'll be happy16:16
nrcernaSITarabuta, lelkneralfaro does that work for you? 16:16
SITarabutaSo our 2 options are:16:16
SITarabutaNot include jelkner, or inlcude jelkner and make it 4:30PM16:17
SITarabutaOr neither16:17
SITarabutaI am confused ;-)16:17
SITarabutaSometimes, nothing can replace voice chat ;-)16:17
nrcernaAny imput lelkneralfaro ?16:18
lelkneralfaroname a time16:18
lelkneralfaroI join16:18
nrcernaGo ahead then SITarabuta, pick a time16:18
SITarabuta*anything for the coop* at anytime16:18
lelkneralfarothat's right16:18
SITarabutaWell, it depends if we'll have jelkner in the meeting! If we do, we gotta do 4:30 which is fine with me. If not, how about 3PM?16:19
SITarabutaOr 4. I have no idea; whatever works with you all as well16:20
SITarabutaShould we talk in BBB so that we don't prolong this meeting too much?16:20
nrcernalet's discuss this there16:20
jelknerwe can vote on it next week16:20
jelknerso it goes in our minutes16:20
nrcernaanything else?16:21
SITarabutaAnd we can start having it after the 20th after we move LittleBrother16:21
SITarabutaACTION done16:21
jelknergreat suggestion, SITarabuta 16:21
jelknerthe launch of the Summer sprint for me16:21
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:21
nrcernaThanks everyone16:21
jelknerthanks nrcerna!16:22
nrcernahave a great start of the week16:22
jelknersee y'all in BBB16:22
jelknerACTION signs off here...16:22
SITarabutaSee you.16:22
*** Andrei84 has joined #novawebdev16:29
Andrei84Hey guys, I'm a little confused, did we make the switch from freenode yet?16:30
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