IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2021-06-24

LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:03:03
LittleWebsterVote to become a member (added by abuchholz)03:03
*** sitarabuta_ has quit (None)03:58
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:04:25
LittleWebster2Invalid arguments.04:25
LittleWebsterVote to become a member (added by abuchholz)04:25
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:26
LittleWebster2Invalid arguments.04:26
sitarabuta!!agenda sunn04:26
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:26
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:26
LittleWebster2Invalid arguments.04:26
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:26
sitarabuta!!agenda Sun04:26
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:27
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:27
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:27
sitarabuta!!add sun stuff and item04:27
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:28
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:28
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:28
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:28
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:28
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:29
*** LittleWebster_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:29
*** LittleWebster_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:30
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:30
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:30
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:30
LittleWebster2Warning: There are no items on the Sunday agenda!04:30
sitarabuta!!add sun item 104:31
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:31
sitarabuta!!add sun item 104:32
LittleWebster2Success: "item 1" has been added to the agenda.04:32
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:32
LittleWebster2This is the agenda for the next Sunday meeting:04:32
LittleWebster2item 1 (added by sitarabuta)04:32
sitarabuta!!agenda thu04:32
LittleWebster2Warning: There are no items on the Thursday agenda!04:32
sitarabuta!!remove item 104:32
sitarabuta!!remove thu item 104:32
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:32
sitarabuta!!remove item 104:33
sitarabuta!!remove thu item 104:33
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:33
sitarabuta!!remove thu item 104:33
LittleWebster2Error: "item 1" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!04:33
sitarabuta!!remove item 104:33
sitarabuta!!remove sun item 104:33
LittleWebster2Success: "item 1" has been removed from the agenda.04:33
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:33
LittleWebster2Warning: There are no items on the Sunday agenda!04:33
LittleWebster2Invalid arguments.04:34
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:34
sitarabuta!!agenda ts04:34
LittleWebster2Error: Agenda "ts" is not valid!04:34
sitarabuta!!agenda t04:35
LittleWebster2Error: Agenda "t" is not valid!04:35
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:35
LittleWebster2Warning: There are no items on the Sunday agenda!04:35
sitarabuta!!agenda thu04:35
LittleWebster2Warning: There are no items on the Thursday agenda!04:35
sitarabuta!!add thu item104:35
LittleWebster2Success: "item1" has been added to the agenda.04:35
sitarabuta!!add sun item104:35
LittleWebster2Success: "item1" has been added to the agenda.04:35
sitarabuta!!agenda thu04:35
LittleWebster2This is the agenda for the next Thursday meeting:04:35
LittleWebster2item1 (added by sitarabuta)04:35
sitarabuta!!agenda sun04:35
LittleWebster2This is the agenda for the next Sunday meeting:04:35
LittleWebster2item1 (added by sitarabuta)04:35
sitarabutaabuchholz, check it out it04:36
abuchholz!!add sun this is a test04:36
LittleWebster2Success: "this is a test" has been added to the agenda.04:36
abuchholz!!agenda sun04:37
LittleWebster2This is the agenda for the next Sunday meeting:04:37
LittleWebster2item1 (added by sitarabuta)04:37
LittleWebster2this is a test (added by abuchholz)04:37
abuchholz!!agenda thu04:37
LittleWebster2This is the agenda for the next Thursday meeting:04:37
LittleWebster2item1 (added by sitarabuta)04:37
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)04:42
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:04:42
LittleWebsterVote to become a member (added by abuchholz)04:42
*** abuchholz has quit (Quit: Leaving)04:59
*** sitarabuta has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)05:12
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:16:48
LittleWebsterVote to become a member (added by abuchholz)16:48
nrcernasitarabuta, the agenda that is here is for the sunday meeting, right? 16:48
nrcernais not firing thursday and sunday16:49
FaithIDENTIFY password Faith18:31
jelknerHello, Faith. Great to see you here!18:47
jelknerI was just asking Hisham this morning if he had heard from you.18:48
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:18:50
LittleWebsterVote to become a member (added by abuchholz)18:50
jelkner!add New "add_thu" and "add_sun" commands?18:51
LittleWebsterSuccess: "New "add_thu" and "add_sun" commands?" has been added to the agenda.18:51
jelkner!remind Can we have our blog ready for the Summer sprint?18:51
jelkner!add Can we have our blog ready for the Summer sprint?18:51
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Can we have our blog ready for the Summer sprint?" has been added to the agenda.18:51
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:18:51
LittleWebsterVote to become a member (added by abuchholz)18:51
LittleWebsterNew "add_thu" and "add_sun" commands? (added by jelkner)18:51
LittleWebsterCan we have our blog ready for the Summer sprint? (added by jelkner)18:51
FaithHi! Yeah sorry I didn't check my email for a for the past week so I just got all the emails. I was going to email Hisham in a little bit. I was just trying to figure out how to verify my account on here. I have never used this type of platform before. When I try to login it says if my account or password is incorrect19:06
sitarabutajelkner, can you join BBB before the meeting?19:31
*** Faith has quit (Quit: Page closed)19:40
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:19:53
LittleWebsterVote to become a member (added by abuchholz)19:53
LittleWebsterNew "add_thu" and "add_sun" commands? (added by jelkner)19:53
LittleWebsterCan we have our blog ready for the Summer sprint? (added by jelkner)19:53
LittleWebstersitarabuta : nrcerna : jelkner : lelkneralfaro20:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!20:00
LittleWebsterIt's 20:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.20:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:20:00
LittleWebsterVote to become a member (added by abuchholz)20:00
LittleWebsterNew "add_thu" and "add_sun" commands? (added by jelkner)20:00
LittleWebsterCan we have our blog ready for the Summer sprint? (added by jelkner)20:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!20:00
jelknerGood afternoon!20:00
sitarabutaHi jelkner 20:00
nrcernaHello jelkner 20:00
jelknerJust left Show-and-Tell20:00
jelknergood discussion on marketing in IT20:00
sitarabutaHi everyone else as well ;-)20:00
nrcernahello everyone!20:01
jelknerso let's roll20:01
nrcernaOk, let's start with the items that jelkner added to the agenda20:01
nrcernabut first, I thought that Colombene were about to join us20:02
sitarabutaFYI, abuchholz is here20:02
nrcernasame place jelkner 20:02
sitarabutaI'm at stefan's house 20:02
nrcernathey're together20:02
jelknergot it20:02
sitarabutathis is adrian atm20:02
nrcernaso t I have a question first20:03
nrcernais this item for today's meeting or sunday?:20:03
jelknerwhich item?20:03
nrcernaVote for Adrian to become a member20:03
jelknergood question, nrcerna 20:03
jelknerwe need to vote again on Sunday20:04
jelknerso that it goes in our records in the place where we can find it20:04
nrcernaOk, sunday then?20:04
jelknerbut, can we vote today also?20:04
jelknerso that i can move his email from interns to members?20:04
nrcernaif everyone agrees, we can do it20:04
sitarabutajelkner, told adrian to add the item to do a vote today and then log it on Sunday20:05
nrcernaOk, let's do it20:05
jelkneri move that we approve adrian as a candidate member20:05
jelknersitarabuta, you are having doubts?20:06
sitarabutastefan is using the restroom20:06
sitarabutai'm getting permission by yelling at him +1 or not20:06
jelknerwhen you poo, you lose ;-)20:06
sitarabutahe told me to say "+1 -.-"20:07
jelknercool, on sunday we can just note this in the logs20:07
nrcernaOk, next item: New "add_thu" and "add_sun" commands?20:07
jelkneri mentioned this to sitarabuta 20:08
sitarabutayep. he did an implementation last night with me20:08
jelknernow that we are meeting twice a week again20:08
jelknerhow does it work?20:08
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove20:08
jelknerhelp doesn't report it20:08
sitarabutai am back jeff20:08
sitarabutait would be easier to explain on BBB20:08
sitarabutabut I did not activate it because I wanted to get your opinion on it first20:09
jelknerhmmm, sitarabuta 20:09
jelknerthat's not good20:09
jelknersince we want !help to work20:09
jelknerotherwise it is too complicated20:09
sitarabutaI did not push the changes to live yet, jelkner 20:09
sitarabutaThat's why it is not there20:09
sitarabutaI wanted to try it with someone else first20:09
nrcernaWe should try it20:10
nrcernawe'll talk later in BBB20:10
nrcernanext item: Can we have our blog ready for the Summer sprint?20:10
jelknerso, i'm doing all i can to market us20:11
jelkneras nrcerna pointed out, having a blog would be a great way to add to our exposure and cred20:11
jelknergetting our Summer sprint interns to post would be a nice way for them to return value to our coop20:12
jelknerbut if we don't have a blog20:12
jelknerthey can't20:12
jelknerthey start july 620:12
jelkneri would really like to assign them the task of blogging20:12
jelknerACTION done20:12
nrcernaI agree on having ready our blog20:12
nrcernaIt supposed that German was about to work on that, even I mentioned that this week, but not sure how' is it going20:12
jelknerwe can't wait for german20:12
jelknerhe isn't reliable20:13
nrcernaI know20:13
jelknerit's getting too close20:13
jelknergive me an estimate20:13
nrcernaso, who's going to work on that?20:13
jelkneri'll pay for it20:13
lelkneralfarono idea how long it will take20:13
lelkneralfarobut we will have it done by the 6th20:13
sitarabutawell it should be pretty straight forward20:13
sitarabutaconsidering we already have it20:13
jelknerby the way, we need to update our website20:14
jelkneradd colombene20:14
jelknerremove "intern" from abucholz20:14
nrcernastep by step, jelkner . We need to updated that so badly. But with that we need to improve a lot of things20:15
nrcernaIt can't be rush20:15
jelkneryes ma'am20:15
nrcernawe need to do it the best way we can this time20:15
jelknerjust a suggestion20:15
nrcernaI feel like we've been improving and learning more things20:15
nrcernathat website is one year old20:16
nrcernaso we need to make it better, not just add things20:16
nrcernaI propose do it again, from scratch20:16
nrcernawe can set up a date as well20:17
jelknersummer sprint20:17
nrcernato launch that we website20:17
jelkneri'll leave that to the dev team20:17
jelknerbut the better our website, the easier it is for me to market20:17
nrcernayou're right20:17
nrcernaI have some items that are not in the agenda btw20:18
nrcernafirst one: Meeting with Heylin regarding MMLO Co-Op20:18
jelknernrcerna: let's talk about that in BBB20:18
jelknera lot is up20:19
sitarabutaYes please, text has its limitations ;-)20:19
jelknerfor one thing, i need to recruit a board20:19
jelknerand determine direction20:19
jelknerwe just ran out of money to pay her20:19
jelknerso we are in a bind20:19
nrcernaI met with her today, I have some information (that I need to translate, since my notes are in spanish) lol , I'll add the meeting notes to the stream in zulip I made for it20:19
lelkneralfaro@sitarabuta, restructuredText doesn't though :D20:20
jelknerthe coop is waiting for paperwork from the virginia scc20:20
nrcernaand the other item: just mentioned that I sent two invoices to Agaric, for work that is pending to pay20:20
jelknernrcerna: i deposite a $3K check20:21
jelknerdid lelkneralfaro tell you?20:21
nrcernanope jelkner 20:21
nrcernaregarding CCC20:21
nrcernaThank you20:21
nrcernaOh, Glad you're here colombene_ 20:22
nrcernasorry that maybe is a bit confusing since you join the BBB and we're muted20:22
colombene_yes, this is very difficult for me20:23
nrcernaabout the thing we were mentioning regarding the streams on zulip, we need your help badly20:23
nrcernasitarabuta, and I were trying to kinda organize that20:23
sitarabutaIt is difficult for me too; can we please join BBB?20:23
nrcernathanks everyone!20:24
nrcernasee you there20:24
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel20:24
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove20:28
jelkner!help add20:28
LittleWebsterAdd an item to the agenda.20:28
sitarabuta!!help add20:28
LittleWebster2Add an item to the agenda.20:28
LittleWebster2!!add <name> [<text>...]20:28
sitarabuta!!add sun Some item20:29
LittleWebster2Success: "Some item" has been added to the agenda.20:29
LittleWebster2Available commands: !!add, !!agenda, !!help, !!remove20:29
jelkner!!help add20:29
LittleWebster2Add an item to the agenda.20:29
LittleWebster2!!add <name> [<text>...]20:29
LittleWebster2Available commands: !!add, !!agenda, !!help, !!remove20:30
sitarabuta!!agenda sun20:31
LittleWebster2This is the agenda for the next Sunday meeting:20:31
LittleWebster2Some item (added by sitarabuta)20:31
sitarabuta!!agenda thu20:31
LittleWebster2Warning: There are no items on the Thursday agenda!20:31
lelkneralfaro!!agenda sun20:32
LittleWebster2This is the agenda for the next Sunday meeting:20:32
LittleWebster2Some item (added by sitarabuta)20:32
lelkneralfaro!!add thu test item20:32
LittleWebster2Success: "test item" has been added to the agenda.20:32
lelkneralfaro!!remove thu test item20:33
LittleWebster2Success: "test item" has been removed from the agenda.20:33
lelkneralfaro!!add sun jelkner can do it like this20:34
LittleWebster2Success: "jelkner can do it like this" has been added to the agenda.20:34
lelkneralfaro!!remove sun jelkner can do it like this20:36
LittleWebster2Success: "jelkner can do it like this" has been removed from the agenda.20:36
*** LittleWebster2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:43
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:58
nrcernaACTION Goes away 22:05
*** nrcerna has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:05
*** sitarabuta has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)23:52

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