IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-07-11

*** LittleWebster has joined #novawebdev00:55
*** LittleWebster has joined #novawebdev01:00
*** LittleWebster has joined #novawebdev01:10
*** jelkner has quit (None)11:43
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:43
LittleWebsterRegistering the domain? (added by sitarabuta)11:43
LittleWebsterMoving LibreOrganize's repo to NOVA Web Development's GitLab (2nd try) (added by sitarabuta)11:43
jelkner!add Making Decidim work on decidimdogfood today.11:44
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Making Decidim work on decidimdogfood today." has been added to the agenda.11:44
jelkner!add Update on MSP, CJS, and NOVALACIRO11:45
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Update on MSP, CJS, and NOVALACIRO" has been added to the agenda.11:45
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:45
LittleWebsterRegistering the domain? (added by sitarabuta)11:45
LittleWebsterMoving LibreOrganize's repo to NOVA Web Development's GitLab (2nd try) (added by sitarabuta)11:45
LittleWebsterMaking Decidim work on decidimdogfood today. (added by jelkner)11:45
LittleWebsterUpdate on MSP, CJS, and NOVALACIRO (added by jelkner)11:45
*** jelkner has quit (None)11:45
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:16
LittleWebsterRegistering the domain? (added by sitarabuta)15:16
LittleWebsterMoving LibreOrganize's repo to NOVA Web Development's GitLab (2nd try) (added by sitarabuta)15:16
LittleWebsterMaking Decidim work on decidimdogfood today. (added by jelkner)15:16
LittleWebsterUpdate on MSP, CJS, and NOVALACIRO (added by jelkner)15:16
LittleWebsterHisham_Picard : jelkner : lelkneralfaro : abuchholz : sitarabuta : mjsir91116:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!16:00
LittleWebsterIt's 16:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.16:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:16:00
LittleWebsterRegistering the domain? (added by sitarabuta)16:00
LittleWebsterMoving LibreOrganize's repo to NOVA Web Development's GitLab (2nd try) (added by sitarabuta)16:00
LittleWebsterMaking Decidim work on decidimdogfood today. (added by jelkner)16:00
LittleWebsterUpdate on MSP, CJS, and NOVALACIRO (added by jelkner)16:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!16:00
lelkneralfaroNo Natalia today16:00
jelknerGood day, NOVA Websters16:00
lelkneralfaroso I'll move us through the agneda16:00
lelkneralfarowe've already covered topic 116:00
jelknerbut let me say a few things here for the record, lelkneralfaro 16:00
lelkneralfaroand I think we decided we will leave it for later16:00
jelknerif you please16:00
lelkneralfarogo for it16:01
jelknerThe first week of the Summer sprint was most productive!16:01
jelknercolombene gave a talk on UX, the four PRIMES started doing valuable research16:01
lelkneralfarothanks jelkner we will come back to that16:01
jelknerACTION apologizes for being out of turn!16:02
lelkneralfarofirst things was the domain16:02
lelkneralfarowhich we decided we will leave for later16:02
lelkneralfaroanyone else want to say something for the record?16:02
sitarabutafor the record, i don't have anything to add ;-)16:02
lelkneralfarositarabuta, :) wonderful16:03
lelkneralfaronext item16:03
lelkneralfaroMoving LibreOrganize's repo to NOVA Web Development's GitLab (2nd try) (added by sitarabuta)16:03
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:16:03
LittleWebsterRegistering the domain? (added by sitarabuta)16:03
LittleWebsterMoving LibreOrganize's repo to NOVA Web Development's GitLab (2nd try) (added by sitarabuta)16:03
LittleWebsterMaking Decidim work on decidimdogfood today. (added by jelkner)16:03
LittleWebsterUpdate on MSP, CJS, and NOVALACIRO (added by jelkner)16:03
sitarabutaWell abuchholz handled this beautifully16:03
sitarabutaso that has been addressed16:03
jelknerhe sure did!16:03
jelknerbtw, abuchholz, LA is not in our list on CoopHub16:03
jelknercan we add it?16:04
jelknerLos Angeles16:04
abuchholzI saw I'm working on a merge request16:04
jelkneroften known as LA, sitarabuta 16:04
sitarabutaOh, I thought you were talking about a repo ;-)16:04
lelkneralfaronext item... 16:04
abuchholzIn addition, we should probably discuss what we are going to do with the django_gents repos16:04
lelkneralfaroabuchholz, that would be good to discuss on bbb16:05
abuchholzalright sounds good16:05
lelkneralfaroMaking Decidim work on decidimdogfood today. (added by jelkner)16:05
lelkneralfaronow it's your turn jelkner 16:05
jelknercool, lelkneralfaro has sudo on the server now16:05
jelkneras i was saying out of turn16:05
jelknerthe first week was very productive16:05
jelknerand gives me great hope we can accomplish the sprint goals in the next three weeks16:06
jelknerbut only if we remain on top of things16:06
jelknerHisham_Picard, will you be there tomorrow?16:06
jelkneri have been summoned to jury duty16:06
Hisham_PicardYup, always!16:06
jelknerso i'll make the morning meeting, but then need to leave16:06
Hisham_PicardNo worries16:07
Hisham_PicardI'll be more hands on if they require it16:07
jelknerso I'm hoping you can help us make sure things keep moving16:07
jelknerlelkneralfaro: once you have decidim running16:07
jelknercould you send an email letting us know how to log in and create accounts?16:07
jelknerso they can start doing that tomorrow morning first thing?16:08
lelkneralfarookay, who should I make admin16:08
jelknerjelkner and Hisham_Picard 16:08
lelkneralfarowell we can talk about that after16:08
jelknerACTION done16:08
lelkneralfaroUpdate on MSP, CJS, and NOVALACIRO (added by jelkner)16:08
lelkneralfarojelkner, not done yet :)16:08
jelknerok, i'll keep this brief, and we can talk more on BBB16:08
jelknerwe want to get an agile development process going with MSP16:09
jelkneri'm committing $500 per month for 6 months to develop the website16:09
jelknerthanks to lelkneralfaro, we have a good idea of what things cost so far16:09
jelknerSteve and I need to put together a user meeting16:09
jelkneri would like natalia, lelkneralfaro, and colombene to be there from our side.16:10
jelknerthe big news from NOVALACIRO is that Mujeres Manos a la Obra Virginia Cleaning is now a registered business in VA16:11
colombenecan you clarify what is MSP and CJS?16:11
jelknerMSP is Mexico Solidarity Project16:11
colombeneok, thanks16:11
jelknerCJS is Claudia Jones School for Political Education16:12
jelknerand NOVALACIRO is16:12
jelknerwe need a way to schedule the meeting16:13
sitarabutaNorthern Virginia Latinx Civil Rights Organization16:13
jelkneri wonder if there is any Python Django tool we could use for that?16:13
jelkneri'll ask in BBB afterwards16:13
jelknerACTION done16:13
lelkneralfarogreat then that's it for the agenda16:14
lelkneralfaroany last minute additions?16:14
lelkneralfaroACTION drops the bag of gravel16:14
jelknersee y'all in BBB16:14
*** lelkneralfaro has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:14
jelkneror hear you all16:14
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:15
*** Andrei has quit (None)16:15
*** Hisham_Picard has quit (Quit: Page closed)16:15
AndreiIs it just me or I can't reach bigbluebutton?16:16
abuchholzJust you I think. Are you getting an error?16:17
AndreiYeah its taking too long to respond16:18
abuchholzSo it's timing out?16:19
abuchholzI assume you have tried clearing cache, different browser, etc?16:25
AndreiI've made it in!16:27
*** sitarabuta_ has quit (None)16:41
*** Andrei has quit (Quit: Page closed)16:44
*** abuchholz has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:54
*** sitarabuta has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)18:11

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