IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2022-08-26

*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:44
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jelknerGood morning fkoikoi and scooper!12:19
jelknerNice surprise to see fkoikoi here.  That's progress.12:19
jelknerTomorrow it will be our goal to get everyone on.12:20
jelknerAnd I see from the logs that mulbah connected earlier. Great!12:21
jelknerEveryone should get in the habbit of checking the logs:
jelknerWhich is where to go to find out what happened in the channel at any given time.12:23
jelknerscooper: I'm going to sign off for awhile.12:27
jelknerIt would be nice to see messages to me in the logs when I return.12:28
jelknerNote: you can tab complete users logged in to the channel.12:28
jelknerTalk to you later...12:28
jelknerACTION logs out12:29
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:29
*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)12:31
jelknerI'm sending this from my phone just to test it out.12:42
*** jelkner has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:42
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:52
scooper_Are you ready???12:53
mulbahhello spencer12:58
mulbahcan you see me now12:58
jelknerYes, mulbah, I can see you! ;-)12:59
jelknerGood afternoon, tboimah!13:00
jelknerscooper_: you seem to be logged in several times.13:00
jelknerthat's why we see scooper_, scooper__, and scooper13:00
tboimahHello spencer.13:00
jelknerGood morning svaye 13:01
jelknerWho is trust?13:01
tboimahcan you see me13:01
jelknerYou all should decide on nicks you want to keep, and regsiter them.13:01
jelknerYou set a password so you can protect your nick and keep it.13:02
jelknerMine is jelkner.13:02
scooper__Hmmm I think it's Janet that did that (Trust)13:02
svayeGood morning jeff13:02
jelknerGood afternoon Shallon!13:02
jelknerYes, her machine is named trust13:03
jelknerGood afternoon Janet!13:03
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:04
scooper__She is changing it jeff (Janet)13:05
jelknerscooper__: I need to get to work for my day job.13:06
jelknerIt is *so* good to see you all here.13:06
jelknerLet's meet here tomorrow at 8 am my time (12 noon your time).13:07
jelknerIf you have some time today, you can read about irc and look at the docs at
jelknerIt's been a long time since I used irc regularly, and the last time I was on freenode, not oftc13:08
jelknerso it would be really cool if we can start teaching each other how to use it well13:08
jelknerI need to log off for today, but I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning.13:09
*** trust_ has quit (None)13:09
*** trust has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:09
jelknerscooper__: our plan will be to meet here, and then try to setup a jitse so we can talk13:09
jelknerif that works, great, if we have trouble, we just type (see, I told you typing was going to be *really* important! ;-)13:10
jelknerSee you all tommorrow...13:10
jelknerACTION quits13:10
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:10
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jkolliehi jeff13:11
*** scooper__ has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:11
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*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:12
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*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:13
*** jkollie has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:18
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:30
*** janet has quit (None)14:17
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dcammue_hello guys I made it here!!17:08
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*** tboimah has quit (None)18:42
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*** jelkner has quit (None)22:02

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