IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-09-03

LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:09:49
LittleWebsterNOVA Websters reports on what they did last week (10 minutes). (added by jelkner)09:49
LittleWebsterBrief introduction to our irc bot, LittleWebster (5 minutes). (added by jelkner)09:49
LittleWebsterContinue live presentation of Robots are Coming development (1 hour 15 minutes). (added by jelkner)09:49
*** LittleWebster has joined #novawebdev10:02
LittleWebsterTick Tock!10:04
LittleWebsterIt's 10:04 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.10:04
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:10:04
LittleWebsterNOVA Websters reports on what they did last week (10 minutes). (added by jelkner)10:04
LittleWebsterBrief introduction to our irc bot, LittleWebster (5 minutes). (added by jelkner)10:04
LittleWebsterContinue live presentation of Robots are Coming development (1 hour 15 minutes). (added by jelkner)10:04
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!10:04
*** LittleWebster has joined #novawebdev10:05
jelknerGood morning scooper!11:26
jelknerscooper: we have 30 minutes until class starts.11:27
scooperGood morning Jeff I'm set and awaiting your signal11:27
jelknerDo we want to try to do the September funds transfer?11:27
jelknerI forget what we used for that.11:27
scooperI done understand sir11:28
jelknerYou and I sat in a restaurant, and I transferred funds to you.11:28
jelknerWe need to do it again.11:29
jelknerSince it's a month later.11:29
jelknerHow did we do that?11:29
scooperOK Jeff My since number I give you first11:29
jelknerWhat platform did we use?11:29
jelknerI forget everything?11:29
jelknerdelete the ?11:29
jelknermake it a !11:29
scooperIt was Remitely11:30
jelknerACTION goes to try to login to Remitely...11:30
scooperyou should login not me11:33
scooperDO you till have the number I give you???11:33
scooperThe number is +23188685200911:34
scooperPLease text me the link we use this goe saturday for our video conversion... Tried searching Hexchat but it seeing difficult to locate in a quick manner11:36
scooperI received it11:37
jelknerThat was *easy*.11:38
jelknerOk, we're all set.11:38
scooperPlease text me the link Jeff11:38
jelknerWhat link?11:38
scooperThe link we use this goe saturday for the video chat11:38
jelknerSo we can get to that a bit later.11:39
jelknerWhat we really need is to learn to use this irc chat effectively first.11:39
scooperI'm searching Hexchat but can't locate right now...11:39
jelknerWe'll get to that, and I'll explain it more when the other NOVA Websters arrive.11:39
jelknerFor now, try typing !agenda11:40
jelknerWhat do you see?11:40
scooperI m seeing your text for now11:40
jelknerI mean when you type "!agenda"11:40
scooperNOTHING SIR11:41
jelknerReally? That's troubling.11:42
scooperI type as you instructed but can not see anything strange 11:42
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:42
LittleWebsterNOVA Websters reports on what they did last week (10 minutes). (added by jelkner)11:42
LittleWebsterBrief introduction to our irc bot, LittleWebster (5 minutes). (added by jelkner)11:42
LittleWebsterContinue live presentation of Robots are Coming development (1 hour 15 minutes). (added by jelkner)11:42
jelknerI see three agenda items11:42
jelknerAnd a heading that says "This is the agenda for the next meeting"11:42
jelknerWe need to get that to work for all of us.11:42
scooperOh do you mean what you sent me this gone thursday??11:43
jelknerHere in irc, you should be able to type "!agenda"11:43
jelknerwithout the quotes11:43
scooperInstructing all the intern to complete their weekly task?11:43
jelknerand see today's agenda11:43
jelknerNo, my friend, don't over complicate this.11:44
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:44
LittleWebsterNOVA Websters reports on what they did last week (10 minutes). (added by jelkner)11:44
LittleWebsterBrief introduction to our irc bot, LittleWebster (5 minutes). (added by jelkner)11:44
LittleWebsterContinue live presentation of Robots are Coming development (1 hour 15 minutes). (added by jelkner)11:44
jelknerThere you go! ;-)11:44
jelknerThis is my first objective for today11:44
scooperI m sorry I include the qoutation first11:44
jelknerGot it11:44
jelknerSo LittleWebster is a bot11:44
jelknera bot is just a program that runs constantly and enables us to give it commands11:45
jelknerLouis has fixed it so that our weekly meeting is scheduled for 12 noon UTC11:45
scooperWhat next should are domonstrate 11:46
jelknerduring the week, whenever any of us thinks of something we should discuss at the start of our weekly meeting11:46
scooperwhat next should I demonstrate??11:46
jelknerthey can just type (without the quotes): "!add We should talk about this or that"11:46
jelknerand "We should talk about this or that"11:46
jelknerwill appear in the agenda11:46
jelkner"!remove We should talk about this or that"11:47
jelknerwill remove it11:47
jelknerIn 13 minutes, LittleWebster will automatically print out our agenda11:47
jelknerAnd our meeting begins11:47
scooper!remove we should talk about this or that11:48
LittleWebsterError: "we should talk about this or that" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!11:48
jelknerThe URL:
jelknerCan be used to see everything that is written in this channel by date.11:48
scoopershould I click the link above?11:48
jelknerGo ahead.11:48
jelknerCheck it out.11:48
scooperIt's loading 11:49
scooperI m in11:50
jelknerSo take a look at how it is organized11:50
jelknerby date11:50
scooperYes I 'm seeing everything11:51
jelknerYou can look back at last Saturday, for example11:51
jelknerand see our meeting last week.11:51
jelknerThis makes it easy for the interns to review what we discuss after the meeting is over11:51
jelknerSo I just want to get everyone used to using this tool.11:52
jelknerIt is very light weight (requires minimal bandwidth)11:52
scooperOK should I connect them now??11:52
jelknerAre they here?11:52
jelknerThey should join irc as soon as they arrive11:53
jelknerThis is where we meet11:53
jelknerWe I want to do a presentation, we'll start a video chat, but only one computer there should be used for that11:53
jelknerto avoid feedback and minimize bandwidth use11:54
jelknerI meant to say "When we want to do a presentation..."11:54
jelknerWe don't what to start that until item 3 in our agenda11:54
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi!11:55
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff11:55
fkoikoiHow was your night?11:56
scooperDaniel is absence for now11:56
jelknerGood morning janet!11:56
jelknerGood morning svaye_!11:56
scooperwelcome svaye11:56
svaye_Good morning11:57
janethow are you jeff11:57
jelknerI'm happy to be chatting with you, janet 11:57
scooperHow was your night and what did you ate this morning?11:57
jelknerI really look forward to Saturday morning!11:57
jelknerGood morning mulbah and tboimah!11:57
svaye_How was your week Jeff11:57
scooper+ tboimah11:58
jelknerIt was great, svaye_.11:58
tboimahI'm fine and you?11:58
jelknerMy classes are off to a nice start.11:58
jelknerHow was yours?11:58
svaye_It was great11:59
jelknerGlad to hear that.11:59
jelknerIn less than a minute, LittleWebster should print our agenda11:59
jelknerLet's see if it works.11:59
LittleWebstermulbah : jelkner : scooper : janet : tboimah : fkoikoi : svaye_12:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!12:00
LittleWebsterIt's 12:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.12:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:12:00
LittleWebsterNOVA Websters reports on what they did last week (10 minutes). (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterBrief introduction to our irc bot, LittleWebster (5 minutes). (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterContinue live presentation of Robots are Coming development (1 hour 15 minutes). (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!12:00
jelknerLoL it did!12:00
jelknerSo everyone, let's jump right in.12:00
jelknerThe first agenda item is your weekly reports12:00
jelknerYou don't have to wait for each other, you can all type at once12:00
jelknerjust give us a brief summary of what you learned last week12:01
jelkneror what you studied12:01
scooperGuys base on your paste please start texting12:01
jelknerACTION waits for the NOVA Websters to give their reports...12:02
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:05
fkoikoiHi jeff!Last week was great. I learned a lots of thing and i was able to complete challenge 3 and 4 on robot. I am moving to challenge five(5) now. Even though it's a bit difficult but i think that i will get it done as soon as possible. I have also started practicing on vim tutor. 12:06
janetlast week i studied on the robots are coming,and am working on challenge 5 right now,hopping to move to six as soon as possible.12:06
dcammueHi Jeff12:06
jelknerGlad you're continuing with the vim tutor, fkoikoi 12:06
jelknerincreasing your typing speed and learning to use vim are going to be very important for success in our project12:07
tboimahokay, I work on the robot program and i am seeing some progress, now i can see a box and a circle on my program and i can also move the box by pressing a letter on my key broad, in short i can say i am done with challenge 1,2,3,4 and 5, not forgetting i also work on my unix command and key broad thanks. 12:07
jelknerexcellent, tboimah 12:08
jelknerunix cli is the 3rd piece of our essential skills12:08
tboimahokay thanks12:08
jelknerKevin Cole, who will be substituting for me next week, can really help with that12:09
jelknerACTION will step away for 3 minutes while he waits for the other reports to finish12:09
scooperIt will be a pleasure interacting with Kevin Jeff......12:09
mulbahGood moring jeff i'm in12:10
mulbahjeff i think i'm making prograss i'm done with challenge 4, 5 and 6 and i'm working on challange 7 nown and i'm also reading my vim tutor 12:11
jelknerACTION is waiting for mulbah to type is report12:11
jelknerNice! ;-)12:11
jelknerOh, a quick irc trick to learn now12:12
jelknerif you type "/me" without the quotes12:12
jelknerit will put your user name12:12
svaye_Alright, I worked on the robot program,and I completed challenge 4,5,and 6. The higher I go the game get more interesting, and I also read a little bit on vim tutor. I trying to get the dosbox to work so I can continue the typing lesson.12:13
jelknerso when you are giving your reports you can type "/me spent 5 hours on the vim tutor, and 10 hours on Robots, and 5 on unix cli"12:13
jelkneror something like that12:13
jelknertboimah: don't put quotes12:13
jelknerthe beginning of the line should be: /me is learning to use /me12:13
jelknertry it12:14
jelknereveryone, type: /me is learning to use /me12:14
svaye_ACTION is learning to use /me12:15
dcammueGood morning, how was your week time? Jeff, I worked on the program and the two circles can appear on the graphics window but there is a proboem I'm face with, which is the function to move the player by pressing the keys from 1_9 to move the player. but if I add challenge 4 and 5 the circle can disappear from the graphics window. why?12:15
jelknerdcammue: we'll get to that in agenda item 312:15
jelknerfor now, just type: /me is learning to use /me12:15
jelknerACTION waits for one of you to type: /me is learning to use /me12:16
janetACTION is learning to use /me12:17
dcammueACTION is learning to use /me12:17
jelknerthere you go, janet and dcammue!12:17
jelknerand now the rest...12:17
jelkneryou too, svaye_ 12:17
jelknerand scooper 12:17
jelknerand fkoikoi and mulbah 12:18
tboimahACTION is learning to use /me12:18
svaye_ACTION is learning to use /me12:18
jelknerthree to go...12:18
scooperACTION is learniing to use /me12:18
jelknertwo more...12:18
mulbahACTION is learing to use /me12:18
jelknerand last but not least ;-)12:18
tboimahACTION is learning to use /me12:19
jelknerfkoikoi: that would be you.12:19
jelknertboimah went twice12:19
jelknerACTION isn't sure what's holding up fkoikoi 12:20
jelknerbut we need to move on12:21
fkoikoiACTION is learning to use /me12:21
jelknerthere we go!12:21
jelknerWe need to learn to use our communication tool effectively12:21
jelknerOur goal is become quick and agile12:21
fkoikoiAlright 12:21
jelknerSo we spent 20 minutes today on weekly reports12:22
jelknerBut I want to try to get that down to 5 minutes12:22
jelknerI know it will take some time12:22
jelknerbut we need to make steady progress.12:22
jelknerNext week I won't be here12:22
jelknerI'll be a worker cooperative conference in Philadelphia12:23
jelknerI'll be there with several folks I hope you will get to know in the year ahead12:24
jelknerI'm on the board of a non-profit organization that wants to develop worker cooperatives12:24
jelknerNOVA Web Development does their website12:24
jelknerIf you look at the team page:
jelknerYou'll see our organizer, Johana Garray, and our Vice President, Heylin Rodriquez12:25
jelknerThey are going to the conference with me12:26
jelknerSo is Lorena Contreras, who is one of the 3 women who own Mujeres Manos a la Obra Cleaning Coop12:26
jelknerNOVA Web Development does there website too12:28
jelknerAll three of them are going to Philadelphia to the conference12:28
jelknerI'm really excited about it, and will report back the week after12:28
jelknerKevin Cole will sub for me, so you'll get to meet him12:29
jelknerKeep in mind we are part of a global movement for workplace democracy12:29
jelknerThe international organization is called the ICA:
jelknerOk, enough on that.  Let's talk 5 minutes about LittleWebster 12:30
jelknerLittleWebster is a bot12:30
jelknerspecifically, an irc bot12:30
jelknerthat means it is a program we can use through irc to give commands to12:31
jelknermainly adding and removing things from our weekly agenda12:31
jelknerI'll have more to say about that in the future.12:31
fkoikoialright, thanks for the information Jeff 12:32
jelknerJust know that each Saturday at 12 noon UTC, LittleWebster will print our agenda and report who is present at the meeting12:32
jelknerI want you to learn to use the web logs of our irc channel as a resource12:32
jelknereverything we type here automatically goes here:
jelknerSo you can look back and see everything we discussed12:33
jelknerAny questions for me before I resume presenting Robots?12:33
jelknerOK, if there are no questions, do you want to me start presenting? (type +1 if you do)12:35
dcammueACTION +112:35
jelknerthat's how we do a quick poll in irc12:36
jelknerok, scooper, now i'll explain a bit about the video conferencing tool we used last week12:36
jelknerwhich we will use now too12:36
jelknerit is called Jitsi12:36
scooperwe did use jitsi before right12:37
scooperbut the feedback we got was bad12:37
jelknerwhenever you see a new technology, i recommend you go right to wikipedia to check it out:
mulbahok sir12:38
jelknerWe tried Big Blue Button first:
jelknerbut you couldn't connect12:38
jelkneri think it was bandwidth issues12:38
jelknerboth Jitsi and Big Blue Button are free software12:38
jelkner(or I wouldn't use them! ;-)12:39
jelknerJitsi seems to use less resources12:39
jelknerit has another advantage too12:39
jelkneryou can start a meeting with no account, and no login12:39
jelknerthat's nice12:39
jelknerso, i'll do that now12:39
scooperI'm on the wiipedia and reading a brief history of jitsi12:39
scooperWhat next after reading this article?12:40
jelknerscooper: read the articles later12:40
jelknerwe don't want to use meeting time for that12:40
jelknersince it can be done when i'm not here12:40
jelknerACTION points his browser at:
jelknerACTION thinks aobut a name for todays meeting12:41
jelknerACTION decides on NovaWebstersRock12:42
jelknerso he enters that12:42
jelknerand clicks start meeting12:42
jelknernow scooper, and *only* scooper should join
scooperit is still reading Jeff, when  done I will give you a hint12:43
jelkneryou won't need to12:43
jelkneri'll see you in the meeting12:43
jelknertboimah joined then quit12:44
jelkneri don't care which of you join12:44
jelknerbut only one of you should12:45
jelknerand the others should gather around their computer once they connect12:45
mulbahwe are not geting you12:46
jelknerWe may not have enough bandwidth to make video work12:46
jelknerWe can try again with audio only12:47
jelknerwe don't need video12:47
jelknerwe need audio and screen share12:47
mulbahokay sir12:47
jelkneri turned off my video12:47
jelknertry to connect again12:47
jelknerdo not try the projector12:48
jelknerit doesn't have enough screen resolution for my presenation12:48
jelknerwe need a laptop screen12:48
jelkneryou should position it so all of you can see it12:49
scooperwe use this project last saturday jeff12:49
scooperit is was good12:49
jelknerok, you know better than me12:49
jelknerbut we are using a lot of time setting up12:49
scooperWe use this project last saturday it was great12:49
jelknerwe only have 2 hours12:49
jelknernever mind then, scooper 12:49
jelkneryou're in charge12:49
jelknerdo what you want, but do it quickly please ;-)12:50
scooperwe will try thomas computer mine is taking too lost to reach the site12:50
jelknercan you hear me?12:52
jelknerscooper: i am here12:57
jelknerbut this doesn't seem to be working12:57
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:57
jelknerhello everyone12:58
jelknerwhat i don't want to do is to spend 2 hours each week trying to connect12:58
jelknerit is both frustrating and a waste of time12:58
jelknerthe reason i chose irc as our main communcation channel is that it works!12:58
jelknerwe don't have connection problems12:58
jelknerand we can spend our limited time communicating and learning instead of messing with broken tech12:59
jelknerscooper: are you seeing this?13:00
jelknerlet's give up with video13:00
jelknerand audio13:00
jelknerthey don't work well enough13:00
jelknerthis does13:00
jelkneri have another plan13:00
jelknerare you all ready?13:00
svaye_Are you going to text 13:01
jelkneryes, svaye_ 13:01
jelknerwe need reliable communication13:01
scooperI m ready now jeff13:01
jelkneri know how we can make this work13:01
scooperJitsi is set 13:01
jelknerscooper: what do you mean?13:01
scooperJitsi is connecting now13:02
jelkneri'll try to rejoin13:02
jelknerbut only one more time13:02
scooperI want you go to jitsi so we can connect13:02
jelknerscooper: let's stop13:03
jelknerwith jitsi13:03
jelknerit isn't reliable enough13:03
scoopertry me on jitsi jeff13:04
jelknerit did, scooper it didn't work13:04
jelknerwe have less than an hour left13:04
scooperit will work is just that i notice too many people were connect at once13:04
jelknerscooper: *only 1 of you should connect*!13:05
jelknerThe idea was one person there would connect with me.13:05
jelkner*only 1*!13:05
jelknerif you have more than one, there will be feedback13:05
jelknerand it won't work13:05
scooperI told them to quite already13:06
scooperI m on the only person connected right now13:06
jelknerok, last time, i mean it13:06
jelkneri'll try to connect13:06
jelkneri'm in the meeting now13:07
jelknerbut i'm alone13:07
fkoikoino Jeff, we are here13:08
jelknerfkoikoi: what do you mean "we are here"13:09
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:12
*** svaye_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:12
scooperI m seeing your screen but the feedback is very back13:13
jelknereveryone, i don't want to do this anymore13:13
jelknerlet's stop13:13
jelknerwe need reliable communication13:13
jelknerirc is it13:13
jelknerwe need to learn to use this13:13
scooperI m seeing your screen but the feedback is very bad13:13
jelknerforget about screen share13:13
jelknerit isn't working13:13
jelknerwe don't have enough bandwidth13:13
scooperWhat next jeff13:13
jelknerget everyone back here13:13
jelkneri see fkoikoi janet mulbah tboimah 13:14
jelknerso shallon and daniel aren't here13:14
scooperThey are here13:14
jelknernot in this channel13:15
scooperI just notice it as well13:15
jelknerok, i am going to start13:15
scooperit's due to the internet I sure of that13:15
scooperFrom here or Jitsi13:15
jelknerwe are not going to use jitsi13:15
jelknerscooper: irc only13:15
jelknerit works13:15
jelknerdcammue is back13:16
jelkneronly missing Shallon now13:16
jelknerok let me teach you how the workflow will go13:16
scooperSHe trying to reconnect13:16
jelknerthere you go svaye 13:16
jelknergreat we are all here13:16
jelknerok, we will need two programs13:17
jelknerhexchat for chatting13:17
jelknerand your web browswer to see the code13:17
jelknerpoint your browsers here:
scooperEveryone right13:18
jelkneryou can then click on robots.py13:19
jelknerwhich will load this page:
jelknercan everyone see my source code?13:21
jelkner(use +1 if you can)13:21
fkoikoiit's still loading 13:21
tboimahit's  still loading jeff13:22
jelknerthat is bad news13:22
jelkneryour connection must be really bad13:22
jelknerif web pages won't load13:22
janetstill loading jeff13:23
tboimahnow i am connected jeff13:23
mulbah+1 the connection is very bad13:24
janetnow am connected13:24
svayeI am on the page13:24
jelkneranother question, type +1 if you saw the email i sent on Thursday to your nova web email address13:25
jelknerfkoikoi: work with scooper to fix that13:26
jelknerso here we are, technologists working to solve a technical challenge13:27
jelknerthat's what we do13:27
jelknerour situation is that we need:13:27
jelkner1. synchronous communication13:27
jelkner2. asynchronous communication13:27
jelknerit is also the case that bandwidth there is a big challenge13:28
jelknerit is unreliable and very limited13:28
jelknerso, we taking that reality into account13:28
fkoikoiI am now on the mcssnovawebsters /robots.py13:28
jelknerour solution must give us the two kinds of communication we need, and use very little bandwidth13:28
jelknerfor synchronous communcation, irc is the answer13:29
jelknerwe can see how well it works13:29
jelknerit's a 1980s technology13:29
jelknerso it is rock solid reliable and uses *very* little bandwidth13:29
jelknerfor asynchronous communication, let's use our nova web email13:29
jelknerand we can also use irc too13:29
jelknersince everything is logged13:30
jelknerso for public communication, use irc13:30
jelknerfor private messages use email13:30
jelknerdoes that make sense to you (+1 if yes)13:30
jelknernice, you're all getting quick at this, great!13:31
jelkneralthough we're still waiting to hear from dcammue and mulbah 13:31
jelkneri need a way to share source code with you while we are learning together13:32
jelkneri have one other tool we can try for that13:32
jelknerit's called paste bin13:32
jelknerlet me try that now13:32
tboimahwe are waiting.13:33
jelknertake a look at that in your browser13:33
jelknerhopefully, it will load faster13:33
tboimahokay sir13:34
jelknertboimah: it worked?13:34
jelknerwhat about your teammates?13:35
jelknercan they see it too?13:35
tboimahsome of them are done.13:35
jelknerdcammue, mulbah?13:36
dcammue+1 Jeff it works.13:36
jelknerok, great13:36
jelknerso i am now going to write challenge 513:36
jelkneri'll commit it to my git repo13:36
jelknerand then paste it here13:36
jelknerwe will probably only have time for that13:36
jelkneri'm going to need to make a change, too13:37
jelkneri'm on a laptop that doesn't have a number keypad13:37
jelknerso the plan of using the numbers to move around won't work13:37
jelknerinstead, i'm going to start by just using the vim keys: h, j, k, and l13:37
jelknerwe will need diagonal motion too, but i'll think about that next13:38
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:38
jelknerso my task is going to be to get the player to move left on h, up on j, down on k, and to the right on l13:38
jelknergive me 5 minutes to write that...13:39
tboimahokay sir.13:39
jelkneryou can talk among yourselves while you wait13:39
jelknerok, i'm done13:50
jelkneris where you can look later13:50
jelknerfor my commit13:50
jelknerbut i'll put it in pastebin again now so it will load13:50
jelknerwe only have 8 minutes left13:52
jelknerso let's make sure you can all get this new version, and try it out on your machines13:52
jelknerit will put a Circle (player_shape) on the screen13:52
jelknerand let you use h to move left, j to move down, k to move up, and l to move right13:54
jelkneryou should study this program this week post a question in irc if you don't understand it13:54
jelknerfkoikoi: +1 ;-)13:55
jelknereveryone else please confirm13:56
jelknerthree more13:56
jelknermulbah, janet, dcammue?13:57
jelknerjanet, dcammue?13:58
jelknerok, while we wait for janet and dcammue, let me sum up13:59
jelknerwe made a lot of progress with irc today, that's good!13:59
dcammue+1 Jeff13:59
jelknerwe had bandwidth troubles trying to use jitsi, that's bad, but we need to work around it13:59
jelknernext week Kevin Cole will be here14:00
jelknerhe may want to work with scooper during the week to see if he can get Jitsi working better14:00
jelkneror he may not14:00
jelknerI'll leave that up to him14:00
jelknerwhen we meet again in two weeks, i will expect all of you to understand the code i just pasted14:01
jelknerand to be able to explain how it works to move the player around the screen14:01
jelknerif you don't understand it, talk to each other, and message me on irc14:01
jelknersee you in 2 weeks14:01
jelknerand be good to Kevin Cole!14:01
jelknersee you soon MCSS NOVA Websters!14:02
jelknerACTION signs off for the day/14:02
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