IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2022-09-26

*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:32
jelknerGood afternoon, tboimah 15:12
jelkneri see we are both a little early, that's good15:12
jelkneri'm ready whenever you are15:13
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:15
*** tboimah_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:18
tboimahhello jeff15:33
jelknerhello, tboimah15:33
jelknerglad you could make it15:33
jelkneri saw you here when i first logged on15:33
jelknerbut then you disappeared15:34
jelknerready to get started?15:34
jelknerACTION waits for tboimah to confirm he is ready to get started15:36
jelknerwhat's happening, tboimah?15:40
jelkneryou're not typing anything15:40
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:41
jelknerhello dcammue 15:42
dcammuehhhi Jeff15:43
jelknerwhat happened to tboimah?15:43
jelknerare you there with him?15:43
jelknertboimah: i don't understand why no one is typing anything?15:47
tboimahsorry the internet is given me hard time15:47
jelknerwhere are you?15:47
jelknerwhen even irc doesn't work, we have real problems15:47
jelknersince we can't communicate at all15:47
tboimahi am at the mcss offic but the wifi is given problem so i am using my phone now.15:48
jelknergood idea15:48
tboimahso we can start now15:48
jelkneri'm going to add that as our first agenda item:15:48
jelkner!add Discuss ways to improve reliability of our Internet connection15:49
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss ways to improve reliability of our Internet connection" has been added to the agenda.15:49
jelkneri have a lot of things to do this afternoon, tboimah, but i wanted to check-in with you,.15:49
jelknerare you prepared to help lead the group in solving the next challenge?15:50
jelknerwhich is to make the single robot follow the player whenever it moves15:50
jelknerbtw. when you say you are using your phone, how are you using your phone?15:51
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:51
jelknerdo you have an irc client on it?15:51
tboimahyear we will do that together15:51
jelkneri look forward to having you share on Saturday15:51
jelknerso you'll need a pastebin account for that15:51
jelknerdo you have one?15:52
tboimahbut for the internet connect i will which reach that to my team so we can discuss15:52
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:52
*** dcammue_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:55
tboimahsorry for that it was the internet15:57
jelknertboimah: i only had a half hour to meet15:57
jelknernp, i understand15:57
jelknertime's up, so we will have to continue on saturday15:57
jelknerlet's talk then about how to make our connections more reliable15:57
jelknersee you saturday!15:58
jelknerACTION signs off15:58
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:58
*** tboimah has quit (None)15:58
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)23:04

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