IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-10-15

LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:10:27
LittleWebsterDiscuss communication expectations (email and irc) and how to use these to learn together. (added by jelkner)10:27
LittleWebsterDemonstrate Robot chasing Player in (added by jelkner)10:27
LittleWebsterShare the questions the attendance app team has (added by jelkner)10:27
scooperGood morning Jeff11:21
jelknerGood morning scooper 11:42
jelknerGood morning mulbah 11:42
mulbahGood morning too jeff11:43
jelknerGood morning janet 11:44
mulbahhow are you doing?11:44
jelkneri'm doing well on this fine saturday morning.  how are you?11:44
jelknergood morning tboimah 11:44
jelknertboimah, i replied to your email11:44
tboimahI am fine and you?11:44
jelknerwe'll talk about that when class starts at 12 noon11:45
tboimahthat email was not send by my one it was send by the group.11:45
jelknereven better11:46
jelknerbut then when i replied, it only went to tboimah and scooper (with a cc to the supe)11:46
tboimahokay see the respond and with some questions.11:46
jelknerso we need to talk about that, how to use email effectively11:46
jelkneryes, tboimah, that's how i want us to proceed11:46
mulbahjeff my email is giving me problem11:52
jelkneryou need to talk to scooper about that mulbah 11:52
mulbahany time i put my password in, it can tell me long in failed11:56
jelknerahh, that should be an easy fix, i need to change your password11:58
LittleWebstermulbah : jelkner : scooper : tboimah : thehedgeh0g : janet12:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!12:00
LittleWebsterIt's 12:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.12:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:12:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss communication expectations (email and irc) and how to use these to learn together. (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterDemonstrate Robot chasing Player in (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterShare the questions the attendance app team has (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!12:00
jelknerGood afternoon all12:00
jelkneri see that most of us are not here12:00
jelknerscooper, any idea why?12:00
scooperyou mean online Jeff12:01
scooperONly Jallah is absence today12:01
jelknerthere's svaye 12:01
jelknerand fkoikoi 12:01
jelknerkeep in mind that our bot, LittleWebster, records who is in attendance at the start of our session12:02
jelknereveryone should try be be logged in then, so that they show up as present12:02
scooperEvery body is present excluding Jallah, who said he lost his uncle this morning12:02
jelknerplease send him my symapthies12:03
scooperOk Jeff12:03
jelknerfor the rest of you, please try to log in before class starts next saturday12:03
jelknerso you show up as present12:03
jelknerok, let me begin12:03
dcammue_Good morning Jefff, how are you and the family?12:04
jelknerwe have three agenda items12:04
jelknerthe first is a theme i've been trying to get in place for several weeks now12:04
jelknerhow we use three tools:12:04
jelkner1. irc12:04
jelkner2. email12:04
jelkner3. pastebin12:04
jelknerto learn12:04
jelknerwe're not there yet12:04
jelknerso i want to focus on that first12:05
jelknerquestion: how many times a week does jelkner want to receive an email with a link to a pastebin with code and questions?12:05
jelknerACTION waits for folks to reply12:06
dcammue_+1 two to tree times.12:06
tboimahtwo times a week12:06
jelkneryes, dcammue_ that sounds about right12:06
tboimahbefore sutarday 12:07
jelknerand the earlier the better12:07
jelknera monday email would be lovely12:07
jelknersince it gives me time to respond12:07
jelknerby tuesday, say12:07
jelknerand then you can respond to my response on wednesday12:07
jelknerand we can move forward!12:07
jelknerso, tboimah sent me an email12:08
jelkneri didn't see it until this morning12:08
jelknerbut i already responded12:08
jelknernow after our short class today, you will look at my response, see what you can do with it, and then email me again12:08
jelkneri want to see code12:08
jelknerif you are going to learn to be programmers12:09
jelknerwe need to talk in code12:09
jelkneryou sent me code (and questions)12:09
jelknerand i send you back code (with comments and questions)12:09
jelknerso i did that12:09
jelkneri'll try to write bits of code that will address your questions12:09
jelknerlike i did for tboimah this morning12:10
mulbahokay sir12:10
jelkneryou need to study them and decide if you understand what is going on12:10
tboimahi send you a message on pestebin did you saw it?12:10
jelknerwhen, tboimah 12:10
jelknerno, i didn't see it12:10
tboimahon friday after our meeting class12:11
jelknerin irc12:11
jelkneror email?12:11
jelknerlet me look now12:11
jelkneroh yes, tboimah, i did see that12:12
svaye_+i svaye12:13
jelknerit looks like you don't yet understand the idea of how this program works12:13
tboimahbecause that was what we discuss the other day that we will be sending you our program every tursday and friday?12:13
jelknerthe robots don't respond to keyboard presses12:13
jelknerthey respond to the player moving12:13
jelknerstudy what i sent you today12:13
jelknerand you will hopefully get the idea12:14
tboimahthat was part of the question i email you12:14
jelkneryes, tboimah 12:14
jelknerand i replied12:14
jelkneryour task today will be to study what i sent you12:14
jelknerok, i have one more question for scooper and everyone, and then i'll let you get to work12:15
dcammue_okay we will12:15
jelknerscooper, the team that is developing the attendance tracker will need mcss to be involved as an active customer12:15
tboimahokay please don't forget that will be sending you our program every trusday and  friday.12:16
jelknerhow do we do that?12:16
jelknertboimah, send me links in emails12:16
jelkneryou can send them *any time*12:16
jelknerscooper, the developers have questions they need answered12:17
scooperSo what are those necessary information you need or obligation you are about to give me12:17
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jelkneri posted them in irc thrusday12:17
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jelknerbut here they are again:12:18
scooperI will check it out and get back to you, Jeff is it urgent that I make a follow up at all cost today????12:18
jelkner1. What browsers will teachers be using (basically, what mobile phone OS?)12:18
jelkner2. Do teachers share classrooms?12:19
jelkner3. Do teachers have id numbers we can use to identify them in the database?12:19
jelkner4. Do students have id numbers we can use to identify them in the database?12:19
jelkner5. How many classes to teachers teach each day?12:20
scooper1 ans: These are the browsers widely use in Liberia firefox, chrome, internet explorer etc12:20
jelknerIE is not on phones12:20
jelknerso teachers will be using the phone browser12:20
scooper2 ans: Teachers using phone and computer Jeff12:20
jelknerscooper, this is important12:21
scooper2 ans Andriod for is widely use in liberia 12:21
scooperAndriod phone is widely use in liberia Jeff12:21
jelknermy experience there last summer leads me to conclude that this will only work for teachers if it is:12:21
jelkner1. easy to use12:21
jelkner2. pretty reliable12:21
jelknerdesktop computers are not a good idea12:22
jelknersince the power will be out too often12:22
scooper2 ans do teacher share class: Yes Teachers share class:  proximately one teacher is entitle to teacher 4-5 classes12:22
jelkneri remember sitting in the dark when the power went out12:22
jelknerwatching staff at mcss busy on their phones12:22
jelknerthat's when i realized we needed a system geared toward mobile12:23
jelknerthis is something you should discuss with the supe12:23
scooperJeff Nine percent our staff uses phone but at time people feel tempted to use computer12:23
scooper*Ninety percent12:24
jelknerscooper, if the supe wants to track attendance data using an automated system, *all* teachers will need access to a mobile device12:24
scooperANS: DO Students have ID Number: Yes Students have been introduce to ID number this year12:24
jelkneror they won't be able to take attendance12:25
jelknergreat, ID numbers will help us a lot12:25
jelknersince we need some way to identify students in the system12:25
scooperJeff, what are our target for now12:25
jelknercan you please send us a description of the ID number?12:26
jelknerHow many digits?  What is it's format?12:26
scooperis it only the Senior HIgh School all ranging from all division???12:26
jelkneri'm not sure what you're asking?12:26
jelknerdo you mean who is the target for taking attendance?12:26
jelknerplease explain12:27
scooperMulbah ID is 042 : School is D Twe High School 2 Janet ID # 335 School G.W. Gibson12:27
jelknerwith a 3 digit id number, you can only have 1000 unique students12:28
jelknerwith ID numbers ranging from 000 to 99912:28
scooperI mean is this holistic or we are only target attendance for Senior High Division12:28
jelknerthat won't work12:28
jelknerscooper, let me try to help you understand our situation12:29
jelkner1. the supe would like to have reliable data for the entire MCSS system12:29
scooperDo you understand my question Jeff?12:29
jelknerthe United Nations wants that12:29
jelknerso, how do you do that?12:29
jelknerAnswer: you start with a 2 million dollar grant, you bring in a team of people to work with every school, develop the system, train the staff, etc.12:30
jelknerdo we have any of that?12:30
jelknerwe have a small group of volunteers12:30
scooperFirstly I will take this gradually by focusing on the Senior HIgh Schools first12:30
jelknerwith no budget12:30
jelkneruntil i can make those limits clear, we won't get very far12:31
jelknerthe question is, should we even try this with volunteers and no budget?12:31
jelkneri think we can, if we have:12:31
jelkner1. active participation from some MCSS staff willing to be pilot testers12:32
jelkner2. a group of volunteer developers who are reliable and will put sustained long term effort into the project12:32
jelkneri believe we have 212:32
jelknerfor one thing, we have me12:32
jelknerand my students12:33
jelknerplus we have community volunteers like roy mosby and matt gallagher12:33
jelknerthey will only continue to volunteer if they get something out of it12:33
jelknerwhat do they get out of it?12:33
jelkner1. practice learning to apply the tech they love toward an interesting project12:34
jelkner2. the chance to feel they are making a difference and helping to do something good12:34
scooperCan I come in a little bit???12:35
scooperWith a few questions I would like to ask?? As it relate to This project the sup is the appropriate person who have the finally saying. I think I saw a mail from you and the sup respond by giving you the permittion to go ahead with this project12:37
jelkneryou have easier access to him than i do, but yes12:38
jelkneri emailed him and asked if we should proceed.12:38
jelknerhe wrote back yes12:38
jelknerotherwise, i wouldn't be doing it12:38
scooperBut my question here, will MCSS paid those that I volunteering? is that what you mean???12:38
jelkneri have no knowledge of any budget for anything12:39
jelknerscooper, on my side of this, we are doing it assuming no budget12:39
scooperIf yes, we now have a serious challenges according to you: the ID Number that was issued to each students only have three digit, what can be done in this situation Jeff12:40
jelknerwe need to change that12:40
scooperThe entire coding that was introduce???12:40
jelknerwe need an id number that will allow for each student who ever attends MCSS to have a unique number12:40
jelknerthat's the kind of thing we need to talk with the supe about12:41
jelknerhow does it work now?12:41
jelknerare student records kept with only names?12:41
jelknerwhat happens if there are two Spencer Coopers?12:41
jelknerhow do we tell them apart?12:41
jelknerwhen you applied to UoPeople, scooper 12:42
jelkneryou needed to ask for your diploma12:42
jelknerso MCSS keeps you on file12:42
jelknerand records that you, Spencer Cooper, have a diploma12:43
jelknerhow are you identified?12:43
jelknerwe need to know that to build our system12:43
jelknerif we want to automate a syste12:43
jelknerwe first need to know how the current paper system works12:43
jelknerthat's where we need you, my friend12:44
jelknerit will be a great learning opportunity for you12:44
jelknersince you'll be seeing ICT design from the inside12:44
scooperFirstly I was identify by the time I entered Tubman HIgh School, secondly Which 10 grade section I was in next follow by 11 next 1212:44
jelknerusing a real world example with which you are closely connected12:44
jelknerwhere are the records kept?12:45
jelkneronly at Tubman high?12:45
scooperI know we done have a good record system12:45
jelkneror at the MCSS centeral office12:45
scooperI m using TUbman as my case study12:45
scoopereach school keep their own record Jeff12:45
jelknerso you're homework is to begin to learn more about that record system12:45
jelkneror to find the person who understands it12:46
jelknerso they can answer our questions12:46
jelknerwe can't design an attendance system unless we can get answers to these questions12:46
scooperI can help because I passed through the wall of Tubman HIgh, more beside I once work there Jeff12:46
jelkneri'll send an email to you and the supe spelling that out12:47
jelkneryes, my friend, that's my hope!12:47
jelknerok, i think we're done for now12:48
jelkneri need to email you and the supe12:48
scooperJeff to get this started, we can start like this: All MCSS School Senior HIgh School start from 10th grade to 1212:48
jelknerthe students need to look at the email i sent12:48
jelkneryes, scooper, thinking about it like that can be helpful12:49
jelknerfor us, we need to design what is called a "unique identifier" into our system12:49
jelknerit will be a number (or string of characters)12:49
jelknereach student in the system will have one of these12:49
jelknerand it will be used in the database to identify that student12:50
jelknerteachers will need a uniq id too12:50
jelknerACTION done12:50
jelknerscooper: i just sent 2 emails13:11
scooperOk will check it13:11
jelkneri'm meeting with adrian and stefan in 45 minutes, scooper, so let me grab my first face between now and then ;-)13:12
scooperok we are all here awaiting your return Jeff13:13
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jelknerok everyone, see you next saturday13:58
jelknerin the mean time, *please* make progress and email me questions during the week13:58
mulbahjeff u side that u was going to change my password13:59
jelkneryes i did, mulbah 13:59
mulbahso what is the password14:00
jelknerabuchholz: so good to see you sir!14:01
abuchholzHello, we meeting on BBB?14:01
jelknersome of the folks here have been having trouble using their NOVA Web email14:01
jelknerabuchholz: we can, but they can't14:02
jelknerso let'14:02
jelknerdeal with stuff here first14:02
jelknerscooper send an email with a screen shot showing that he couldn't access nova web email14:02
jelkneri replied, cc'ing you14:03
jelknercould you please look at that and let me know what you think?14:03
abuchholzsadly, there is not attachment14:03
jelknerscooper, can you please send it to abuchholz 14:03
dcammue_I mydelf Jeff I can't access mine too.14:03
jelknereveryone, we have abuchholz here for a short while14:03
jelknerlet's see if we can get this email issue resolved14:04
mulbahscooper when outside14:04
jelkneroh well, we won't fix it for now14:04
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jelknermulbah ask him to send abuchholz the same screen shot he sent me14:04
jelknerwe'll deal with this later14:04
jelkneri need to go14:04
jelknersee you all next saturday14:05
jelknerACTION signs off for the day14:05
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dcammue_tell the family hello for me.14:05
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janetTake care jeff!14:05
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*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:17

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