IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-10-29

jallahGood morning family..09:47
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!11:21
jelkner!add Discuss new plan for allocation of available resources11:21
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss new plan for allocation of available resources" has been added to the agenda.11:21
jelkner!add Introduce new web/shell server and talk about how we will use it.11:22
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Introduce new web/shell server and talk about how we will use it." has been added to the agenda.11:22
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:22
LittleWebsterDiscuss new plan for allocation of available resources (added by jelkner)11:22
LittleWebsterIntroduce new web/shell server and talk about how we will use it. (added by jelkner)11:22
dcammueGood morning Jeff, how are you and the family?11:24
mulbahGood morning Jeff11:34
jallah_Good morning to Jeff and all..11:35
fkoikoiGood morning jeff11:35
svayeGood morning Jeff11:43
tboimah_Good morning Jeff11:43
janetHow you doing this morning jeff?11:45
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jelknerACTION is busy setting up the server and will join class at 12 noon sharp11:55
jelknerHmmm... LittleWebster should have fired.12:00
jelknerGood morning everyone12:01
mulbahGood morning jeff12:01
jallah_good morning Jeff12:01
jelknerI'll have to check with Adrian about why our bot didn't go off at 8 am like it should have12:01
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:02
LittleWebsterDiscuss new plan for allocation of available resources (added by jelkner)12:02
LittleWebsterIntroduce new web/shell server and talk about how we will use it. (added by jelkner)12:02
jelknercan everyone see that?12:02
jelknerThanks, svaye 12:02
tboimah_for me +112:02
jelknerIs scooper around?12:02
jelkneri don't see him in the chat12:03
jelknerjallah_, could you ask him to join us, please?12:03
tboimah_he when out for something Jeff12:03
jelknerok, then we'll start without him, and ask him to read the log12:04
svayeWhen he come we will tell me12:04
jelkneri've gathered that there is some concern about how the $650 i send each month is being spent12:05
jallah_what Shallon12:05
jelknerthat's what i want to talk about first12:05
jelknerit is connected to the topic last week regarding what you all want / expect to get out of this process12:05
jelknerat two and a half months into our study, i assessed that the purely remote process was not working very well12:06
jelknerwe weren't making much progress12:06
jelknerif i was there in person, i know we would have made much more progress, but i can't be there, so we need another plan12:07
jelknerour dear friend scooper is the solution to that problem12:07
jelknerand you all need to understand how important he is to this process and treat him accordingly12:07
jelknerhe knows HTML and CSS12:07
jelknerand i can plan with him to teach you12:08
jelknerand he is now studying at UoPeople, where he will soon be learning everything you need to know to be web application developers12:08
mulbahI'm on lesson 4 now jeff12:08
jelknermulbah, lesson 4 of which tutorial, mulbah?12:09
jelknerare you using Getting Down with HTML?12:09
jelknerlet me continue12:10
jelknerremember everyone, the goal is for you all to generate the revenue from your skills where:12:10
jelkner1. you get paid from your own work12:10
jallah_i'm almost getting through with lesson 3 Jeff12:10
jelkner2. you are the owners of your work, and entitled as owners to the earnings it generates12:11
jelknerfor now, i'm am a donor12:11
jelkneri suggest the 7 of you decide together how to divide up the $650 per month in a way that makes everyone feel it is fair12:11
jelknerif scooper is giving up his time to teach you, he should be given some of those funds12:12
jelknerand *you* all should take the initiative on this12:12
svayeWe are already doing that 12:12
jelknergreat, svaye 12:13
jelknerthen i'll shut up now ;-)12:13
svayewhy 12:13
jelkneri am only saying this because i got the impression there were folks unhappy with the process12:13
jelkneras i often say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"12:13
jelknerso, svaye, if you tell me you are on top of it12:14
jelkneri don't need to talk about it12:14
tboimah_the problem have been fix non jeff12:14
jelknerthanks, tboimah_ 12:14
jelknerso let's move on then12:14
jelknermy assignment for this week was to get us a server12:14
jelkneri did12:14
jelkneryou can visit the url now12:15
jelkneri just put a landing page there12:15
jelknereach of you will soon have your own public website there12:15
jelkneri need to work with scooper on that12:15
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:16
LittleWebsterDiscuss new plan for allocation of available resources (added by jelkner)12:16
LittleWebsterIntroduce new web/shell server and talk about how we will use it. (added by jelkner)12:16
jelknerwhich is why i was waiting for him to arrive, and here he is ;-)12:16
jelknerand there goes LittleWebster, 15 minutes late12:16
jelkneroh, never mind, that was scooper 12:16
jelknerscooper, we need to find out why LittleWebster didnt' fire at the right time.12:16
scooperhahaha I asked for the agenda that why12:17
jelknerscooper, please remind me to ask adrian on thursday12:17
jelknerright, i realized that12:17
jelkneri think we finished with agenda item 112:17
jelknerthe interns tell me they are working out the process, and things are moving forward12:18
scoopergot you12:18
jelknerdoes anyone have anything else to add on that item?12:18
scooperIf I may ask should I sure them how to use github??12:18
scooperto be able to share their project12:19
svayeJeff is Gedit a good text editor 12:19
mulbahwe are using vim12:20
jelknerok, let me quickly answer svaye, and then let's all have a discussion of scooper's question12:20
jelknersvaye, i do want you to understand that *any* text editor can be used to edit text.12:21
jelkneri am hoping you will learn vim, which is more powerful than Gedit.12:21
jelknerbut Gedit is a fine text editor12:21
jelknerThere are lots of others12:21
jelknerThere is so much to learn12:21
svayeAlright thanks Jeff12:22
jelknerIt will help us if we are using the same tools so we can work together more easily12:22
mulbahcan we use vs code12:22
jelknermulbah, VScode is a much more powerful editor than Gedit, and it integrates with github12:23
mulbahcan we us it12:23
jelkneri use the free software version, vscodium, with my web students12:23
scooperI told you yesterday not to use vs code for now12:23
scooperuse vim since you just starting.... and let us all abide by what Jeff is recommending12:25
jelknerscooper, if you are comfortable teaching them how to use vscode to setup their websites, we should do that12:25
jelknerwhat we seek is clarity and focus, so we can move forward12:25
jelknerscooper, i use vscode and github now with my beginning web students, since it is easier to learn then vim12:26
jelkneri use vim with my programming students12:26
jelknerif we are going to use github, we should use vscode12:26
jelknerand we don't need the server i just set up.12:27
jelknerif you, scooper, can teach them that, we have a plan12:27
scooperLet us use what you have in stuff Jeff for us all12:27
jelknerwhy, scooper 12:27
jelknerscooper, you're plan would be better12:28
scooperBecause you are the captian and know what is best for us12:28
jelknerThat won't work12:28
jelkneri'm just here to help12:28
jelknerYou are the captain, Mr. Cooper12:29
jelknerif this bird is going to fly, you need to steer it!12:29
jelknerlike any ICT professional, i am just trying to solve the problem based on the information as i understand it12:29
jelkneri was thinking that without me being there, and without video working well12:30
jelknerit would be too hard to teach the github + vscode workflow12:30
jelknerbut if *you* can do it in person, that changes things12:30
jelknerand makes it the best choice12:30
jelknerit's also cheaper, since we don't need a server12:30
jelknerit's also better for the interns, since their github accounts are *their* accounts12:31
jelknerthey don't depend on us12:31
jelknerso they can keep them for their future without needing us12:31
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jelknerso i really like that approach12:32
jelknerif we agree on it, we can agree on our task for the next week12:32
jelknerand then my only other task here will be to talk about how to use the lessons12:33
jelknerso, jallah_ agrees, what about everyone else?12:34
tboimah_i am in also.12:34
jelknerLoL, and scooper_ i should have written "your plan" , not "you're plan" ;-)12:35
jelknerok, let's talk tasks then12:36
jelknerThis week:12:36
jelkner1. scooper_ will guide everyone through installing vscode and creating a github repo that will host their website12:37
jelknerNOTE: they should use a personal email address when they create their github account12:37
jelknersince it is their own personal account12:38
mulbahi already have vs code12:38
jelkner2. once everyone has their website with an index.html "Hello, this is Mulbah!" (or whoever you are ;-) page12:38
jallah_I've already download the vs code Jeff12:38
jelknerthey will post a link in this irc channel12:39
jelkner3. jeff will create a webpage with links to each student's homepage and repo12:39
mulbahsure that sound good12:39
jelknerlet me show you what it looks like when we are finished12:39
jelknerthese are my web students for this year12:40
jelknertake a minute to look12:40
jelkneri should have said, take a few minutes...12:41
jelknerplease notice that i have two links for each student12:43
jelkner1. their github repo12:43
jelkner2. their github pages published website12:43
jelkner2 is automatically created from 112:43
jelknerscooper_, do you know how to enable pages?12:43
jelknermy students are all over the map in terms of skills12:44
jelknersome started the class with previous experience12:44
jelknersome were totally new12:44
jelknerso you can see that in their websites12:44
jelknerbut all of them now have github accounts and websites12:44
jelknerso, for example, if you look at this guy Jeff (who is he? ;-)12:45
jelkneryou see:
jelkneryou can post your links into this chat anytime12:46
jelkneri can then look in the logs to find them12:46
jelkneri'll set up the page that links to them all12:46
jelknerand when we meet on saturdays, we can look at each other's websites and discuss what we are learning12:46
jelknersound good?12:46
tboimah_that's good to hear.12:48
jelknerok, here's my deal to keep you motivated, and then we can end for the day so we can all get busy working12:49
jelkneri had told scooper_ that i would delay the $650 for november payment a week because of the week you all didn't show12:49
jelknerbut if you can *all* get me the links i need, in this format in the chat:12:50
jelknerHi, this is jelkner and here is the link to my github repo:12:50
jelknerthen i will send the payment next saturday on schedule12:51
jelknerone last thing12:51
jelknerthis is your professional digital portfolio you are starting12:51
jelkneri recommend you name it with your name if you can12:51
jelknerso Daniel should try to get danielcammue if he can12:52
jelknerand then create a repo named just website12:52
jelknerso, he would be sending me a link like:12:52
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jelkneronce that is published with the pages feature, i would know that his website would appear at:12:53
jelknerscooper_, do you have all that?12:53
scooper_I m following Jeff12:54
jelknerany questions before we go?12:54
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fkoikoibut Jeff, I send you an email and you haven't respond yet. I don't know if you saw it12:55
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jelknergood question, fkoikoi, let me look12:55
jelkneri sent you an email on Wednesday12:56
jelknerbtw, everyone, *please* use my email12:57
jelknereven if you can't access yours12:57
jallahJeff, are you saying that we should all create account and also a repo?12:57
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jelknerjallah, *definitely*12:57
jelknerwith a professional user name and website as the name of the repo12:58
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jelknerscooper said he could help you with that12:58
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jelknerthen you need to paste the link into this chat12:58
jelknerand *everyone* needs to do that before next saturday12:58
jelknerso the sooner you get started, the better12:58
jelknerfkoikoi, did you get my email last wednesday?12:59
dcammueI also sent you a link on thursday and also asked questions because a I was not understanding snomething.  12:59
dcammuedid you saw it?12:59
fkoikoii didn't received any email from you Jeff13:00
jelknersearch in your spam, fkoikoi 13:00
jelknersearch for my novawebdevelopment email address13:01
jelkneri can forward it again now13:01
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jelknerdcammue, that looks like a question for scooper13:02
jelknersince i need to see what you are doing13:02
jallahI already have a github account Jeff13:02
jelknerand i can't from here13:02
jelknerask him first, and if he is stuck, he can ask me13:02
jelknerin order for me to answer question affectively, everyone, you need to send me *code*13:03
jelknerso once you have a website on github, you can just send a link13:03
jelknerand tell me, for example, my image isn't loading in [put link here] page.13:04
jelknerother questions?13:04
fkoikoiI just saw it Jeff13:05
jelknergreat, fkoikoi!13:05
jallahJeff, I already have an account on github so how can I send you a link on it?13:05
jelknerjallah, you can be our example student! ;-)13:06
jelknerpaste your link here now13:06
jallahwhere Jeff?13:07
jelknerright here13:07
jelknerdid you see my example a few minutes ago?13:07
jelknerlook back at 8:50 am13:08
dcammuewhich question Jeff?13:08
jelknerone last thought while we wait for jallah13:08
jelknerdcammue, i don't understand13:09
jelkneri would like to identify the top two web developers from this group in about a month13:09
jelknerand then do a project where i pair you with two of my students here in virginia to work on a project together13:10
dcammueI said I sent tuo a link on thursday which is pastbin link.13:10
jelknerthe supe and i talked about making collaboration between students in mcss and aps a goal of our project13:10
jelknerso why don't we start with a small project soon?13:10
jelknerok, dcammue 13:11
jelknerlet me look13:11
fkoikoiJeff, is this what you are talking about13:11
jelknerthanks, fkoikoi 13:12
jelknerthis is great13:12
jelkneryou need to cut off the freenakokio.git13:12
jelknerthe URL is:13:12
jelknerit isn't case sensitive, so we would normally use:13:13
jelknernow, fkoikoi create a repo named website13:13
jelkneryou can delete the repo named Fkokio13:14
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jelknerI mean Fkoikoi13:15
jelkneror, you can rename that one as website13:15
jelknerinstead of deleting it13:15
jallahJeff,which name should I give to my first repository ?13:15
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jelknerthis is good13:16
jelknerwe have a few more minutes13:16
jelknerlet's see if you can get your repos setup before we leave13:16
jelkneror at least some of you13:16
jelknerfkoikoi and jallah, you seem to be the furthest along13:16
jelknerso you two go first13:16
jelknerfkoikoi, let me know if you need help13:17
jelkneri can try to guide you through the process13:17
jelkneri suggest you rename your repo as webiste13:17
jelknernever mind, you rock!13:18
jelkneri see you just created website13:18
jelknerso here is what you need to do next, fkoikoi (and you may need scooper's help):13:19
jelkner1. clone your repo onto your computer13:19
svayeshould we use our novaweb email to open a github account13:19
jelknersvaye, no13:19
jelknerbecause this is your personal website13:19
jelknerdcammue, no, that's what we are talking about13:20
jelkner*YOU* create your own github account13:20
jelknerwith a personal email13:20
jelknerit is *YOUR* account13:20
jelknerit belongs to you and you can keep it from now on13:20
jelknerand use it in anything you do13:20
jelknerdcammue, does that make sense?13:21
jelknerfkoikoi, is scooper around?13:21
jelkneryou're so close to having a website13:21
jelkneryou need to clone it13:21
jelknerthen 2. load it in vscode13:21
jelkner3. add an index.html page13:22
jelkner4. push your change13:22
jelkneryou also need to enable github pages for your repo13:22
jelknerit is under settings for the repo13:22
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jelkneryou made the same mistake fkoikoi did, tboimah_ 13:25
tboimah_is that some thing like that jeff13:25
jelknerhere is the link to your github account:
jelkneryou now need to make a repo named website13:25
jelkneryou can have lots of repos13:26
jelknerjanet: same mistake13:26
jelkneryou named your repo the same as your account13:26
jelknerthey aren't the same13:26
jelknerfkoikoi figured that out13:26
jelknerask her13:27
jelknertake a look here13:27
jelknerhow many repos do i have?13:27
jelknerwho can be the first to answer that question?13:28
jelknernope, much more than that!13:29
jelknerhint, it appears at the top of the page13:30
jelknerits a number next to "Repositories"13:30
jelkner"repo" is a short name for "repository"13:30
jelknerjallah_: whatever you pasted isn't what we want13:31
jelkneryes, janet!13:31
jelknercorrect ;-)13:31
jelknerand if you click on that link13:31
jelkneryou can see them13:31
jelknerand i don't just have a github account, i have gitlab as well:13:32
jelknerand codeberg:13:33
jelknerexcellent tboimah_13:33
jelknernow you have a tboimah repo, but we want it to be website13:34
jelknerright now
jelkneris an empty repo13:34
jelknerwe want
jelknerlooks like eveyone is making the same mistake13:35
tboimah_from me i can see 2 repo13:35
jelknerjallah: you want your *user* to be JallahKoleah13:35
jelknerbut your *repo* to be website13:35
tboimah_jeff take a look at this13:36
svayeJeff is this okay13:38
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jelknerhang on, svaye, i'm working on the website13:39
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mulbahkjeff the internet is giving problem13:42
jelknermulbahk: are you a senior13:43
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dcammueJEFF, is mine okay?13:44
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jelknerdcammue, eveyone, stop a minute13:47
jelkneri'm working on this page:13:48
jelknerit will be "alright" when the links work13:48
jelkneri need to know what grade you are all in13:48
jelkneri remember most13:48
jelkneri think jallah and fkoikoi are the only graduate13:48
jelknerand janet is a junior13:48
jelknereveryone else is a senior, right?13:49
janetAm  in 11grade now jeff13:50
jelkneryup, that's junior, janet 13:50
jelknerwhere i come from ;-)13:50
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janetIs it okay jeff?13:56
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jelknerwhat happened to janet2004?13:56
jelknerwhatever you want, janet 13:56
jelknerbut don't change it after13:56
jelknersince in need to make the links13:56
jelknerok, everyone, stop for a minute13:58
jelkneri have created the portal page:13:58
dcammuesorry for that13:59
jelkneryour task for the week is to put up a homepage in your website repo13:59
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jelknerand make sure the links i have work13:59
jelkneryou'll need to help each other, and get scooper to help you14:00
jelknernext week we'll talk about the next steps in learning to make web pages, and how to use GDW HTML effectively14:00
fkoikoialright jeff14:00
jelknertime's up for today14:00
jelknerthis was great!14:00
jelknerwe got a lot done.14:00
jelknersee you next week14:01
fkoikoihave a great weekend Jeff14:01
jelkneryou too, fkoikoi 14:01
jelknerACTION signs off for the day14:01
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:10
LittleWebsterDiscuss new plan for allocation of available resources (added by jelkner)21:10
LittleWebsterIntroduce new web/shell server and talk about how we will use it. (added by jelkner)21:10
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