IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-11-05

LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:49
LittleWebsterConfirm that LittleWebster fires at 3 pm on Thursday. (added by jelkner)11:49
jelkner!add Confirm that LittleWebster fires at 8 am EST on Saturdays11:49
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Confirm that LittleWebster fires at 8 am EST on Saturdays" has been added to the agenda.11:49
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:49
LittleWebsterConfirm that LittleWebster fires at 3 pm on Thursday. (added by jelkner)11:49
LittleWebsterConfirm that LittleWebster fires at 8 am EST on Saturdays (added by jelkner)11:49
jelknerGood morning scooper, jallah, mulbah!11:50
jelknerLooks like no one got their websites working yet11:50
jelknerSo we should have a very short meeting today and give you all time to work on that11:50
jallahGood morning Jeff, how are you doing?11:54
jelknerI'm well, jallah, how about you?11:54
jallahI'm good Jeff.11:55
dcammueGood morning Jeff, how are you and the Family?11:56
jelknerwe are doing well, dcammue, and i hope you and yours are too!11:57
dcammueVrey fine Jeff.11:57
svayeGood morning Jeff11:58
jelknerGood morning all.12:00
jelknerit's 8 am12:00
jelknerLittleWebster didn't fire12:00
jelkneri need to get that fixed12:00
jelkneri'll work on that next thurday with adrian and the capstone interns: antonio, dafni, and luke12:01
jelknerok, scooper, are you here?12:01
jelknerno has a working website yet12:01
jelknerso i really think you all should just keep working on that12:01
jelknermulbah, you need to make that link work12:02
mulbahThat is my work 12:02
scooperYes I'm here Jeff12:02
jelknerright now, we get a 40412:02
jelknerso it doesn't work yet12:02
jelknerthis is the same assignment i give my web students in virginia12:02
scooperFrom everybody12:02
jelkneryou can see that their websites all work:12:02
jelkneri'll be sending the next payment as soon as your websites all work too12:03
jelknerso i think you would want time today to work on that, yes?12:03
jelknerwe're not ready to move on until you accomplish that task12:03
jelknerfkoikoi and jallah are close12:03
jelknerthey have repos with content12:04
jelknerfkoikoi and jallah, you could lead the way12:04
jelkneryou only need to:12:04
jelkner1. add a file named index.html that will be your homepage12:05
jelkner2. put content in it saying a bit about who you are12:05
jelkner3. click the "settings" link for the repo12:05
jelkner4. click the pages link on the left hand side12:06
scooperAre publishing it??12:06
scooperAre publishing it12:06
jelknerUsing Github pages12:06
tboimahis this what you are talking about12:06
jelkneryou just select the main branch in the pages screen12:06
jelknertboimah look at
jelknerAll of these work12:07
jelkneryou need to make yours work too12:07
jelknerso that when i click on your name on this page:12:07
jelknerI see your homepage12:07
jelknernot a 404 error12:07
jelknerscooper, it was your idea to go this route12:08
jelknerdo you know how to help them with this?12:08
fkoikoiScooper is on it12:09
jelknerok, let's make this a real short meeting then12:10
jelkneryou should message me when everything is working12:10
jelknernext week i want to talk about the next steps12:10
jelknerbut we can't do that until everyone is ready12:10
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: No route to host)12:11
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:31
jelknermulbah: please do the following:12:39
jelkner1. rename your repo from Website to website12:39
jelknerall lowercase12:39
jelkner2. add a file named index.html12:39
jelknerthat file will be your homepage12:40
jelknerit will be the one we will see when the following URL is entered into a browser:12:40
jelknerat present, we get a 404 error12:40
jelkneri want that fixed12:40
jelknerto fix it, you need to click on "Settings" (it has a gear icon next to it) link12:42
jelknerthen click on the "Pages" link on the left side of the screen12:43
jelknerThen under the "Branch" section12:43
jelknerSelect "main"12:43
jelknerthat will publish your website12:43
dcammueJeff, is this link I'm going to use in the github to set up my website?
jelknerdcammue, yes.  It is automatic13:30
jelknerWhen you activate pages13:31
dcammuebecause for the one we ues was
jelknerwith your git repo at
fkoikoiJeff, after you have selected main and also /(root), what so I do next because it still showing the same 404 error13:32
dcammuewill it still work?13:32
jelknerit will publish your website at
jelknerdcammue: please look at
jelknertake some time and click on all the links13:32
jelkneryou'll notice i have two for each student13:33
jelknerone goes to the git repo13:33
jelknerthe other to the github pages website published from it13:33
jelkneri made the links the same on
jelkneryour task is to make those links work13:34
jelknerby setting things up properly on your end13:34
dcammueyes they are working13:34
jelknerno, dcammue, they are not13:35
jelknerwhen i click on your name i get a 404 error13:35
jelknertry it13:35
dcammuebut ours is not13:35
jelknerthat's what i'm saying13:35
jelknerlet me summarize what i see now before we leave13:35
jelknerfkoikoi: you are getting *so close*!13:36
dcammueI mean the link of your students you send me13:36
jelknerplease rename Index.html to index.html13:36
jelknerall lowercase13:36
jelknerthen all you need to do is follow the steps i listed earlier13:36
jelknerSettings -> Pages -> Branch -> main13:37
jelknerand you'll have a live website13:37
jelknerjallah still needs an index.html file, but his repo is working13:38
jelknermulbah is the same as jallah13:38
jelknershallon too13:38
jelknertboimah has a repo, but nothing in it13:38
jelknerdcammue doesn't have a working repo with website yet13:39
jelkneri get 404 on the repo for dcammue 13:39
jelknersame with jallah 13:39
jelkneroops janet 13:39
jelknerand scooper too13:39
jelknerso spencer needs to get his working13:39
jelkneronly jelkner has both a repo and website link working ;-)13:40
jallahhow can I create the index.html file Jeff?13:40
jelknerso i send the payment when the product is delivered13:40
jelknerjallah, you need to ask spencer about that13:41
jelkneri was going to teach you unix cli and vim13:41
jelknerhe proposed vscode instead13:41
jelkneri'm fine with that, but he needs to teach you13:41
jelknersince i can't show you from here13:41
fkoikoimine is working jeff13:41
jelknerCongrats, fkoikoi!13:42
jelknerYou rock13:42
jelknerYes indeed, everyone, fkoikoi is the first one through the gate13:42
jelknershe should help her classmates and comrades to do what she did.13:42
jelknerexcellent, fkoikoi 13:42
jelknerfkoikoi, if you can get everyone else to the point where you are, i'll be ready to take you forward next saturday13:45
jelknerany questions before i go?13:47
jelknerokie dokie, hearing none, i'm going to sign off13:48
jelkneragain, fkoikoi, great work!13:48
jelkneri'm really happy you got everything working13:48
jelknernow just help everyone else13:48
jelknernext week we will talk about HTML and CSS13:49
jelkneri'll share a min.html i'll want you to use13:49
jelknerand i'll assign you to put some content on your homepage during the following week13:49
jelknerthat's our plan for next saturday13:49
jelknerbut we need *everyone* to have a working website with a homepage, or we can't do it13:50
jelknersee y'all next saturday!13:50
jelknerACTION signs off13:50
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:50
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:28
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:46
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:47
*** jallah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:48
*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:48
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:50
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:51
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:49

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