IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-11-12

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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:55
LittleWebsterUpdate mcsswebsters on SIS plans and their possible role in project (added by jelkner)11:55
LittleWebsterAssign all mcsswebsters to access their NOVA Web email (added by jelkner)11:55
LittleWebsterPresent assignment for the coming week (added by jelkner)11:55
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:55
LittleWebsterUpdate mcsswebsters on SIS plans and their possible role in project (added by jelkner)11:55
LittleWebsterAssign all mcsswebsters to access their NOVA Web email (added by jelkner)11:55
LittleWebsterPresent assignment for the coming week (added by jelkner)11:55
jelknerGood morning!12:01
mulbahGood morning jeff12:01
tboimahhow are you doing jeff12:02
jelknerI just realized that you all may not know the time changed here.12:02
jelknerWe had been starting at 8 am my time, but it is 7 am now.12:02
jelknerWould you all like this to be our meeting time?12:03
jallahgood morning Jeff.12:03
tboimahI don12:03
svayeGood morning Jeff12:03
tboimahI don't think that it will fine12:04
janetGood morning jeff12:04
mulbahThan let meet by 8:00AM your time12:04
dcammuegood morning Jeff, how are you and the family? 12:04
jelknerWhich is better for you, mulbah?12:04
jelkneri don't mind meeting at 7 am my time.12:04
jelkneri get up at 5:15 am.12:04
jelknerso i'm ok with this12:04
jelknerwhat works better for you?12:05
dcammue8:am your time12:05
jelknerso we know what dcammue thinks, do y'all agree?12:05
jallahwhat do you mean Jeff?12:05
jelknerso you want me to come back in an hour12:06
jelkneri just want make sure we are clear12:06
jelknersince we need to all be here at the same time12:06
svaye it's perfect12:06
jelknerokie dokie12:06
jelknersee you in about 50 minutes then...12:07
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jelknerAlright, good afternoon, Monrovia!12:59
jelknerLet's get started12:59
dcammuehow are ypu12:59
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:59
LittleWebsterUpdate mcsswebsters on SIS plans and their possible role in project (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterAssign all mcsswebsters to access their NOVA Web email (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterPresent assignment for the coming week (added by jelkner)12:59
jelknerSweet, LittleWebster fired right on time.12:59
jelknerSo, agenda item 1 is to update you on the SIS project and mention how you might play a role in it.13:00
jelknerDo you know what an SIS is, before i talk more about it?13:00
jelknerso i better start there ;-)13:01
mulbahStrategic Intermodal System (SIS) 13:01
jelknerAn SIS in this context is a "Student Information System"13:01
jelknernope, mulbah 13:01
jelknernot in our case13:01
jelknerpart of your homework this week will be to read over that.13:02
jelkneranyway, it is an automated computer system for recording and monitoring information about students in a school system13:03
jelknerwhere i work in arlington virginia, for example, we use a product called synergy, that teachers record daily attendance and enter grades13:04
jelknerreport cards are generated by the system13:04
jelknerparents can use a web browser to see how their children are doing each week13:04
jelknerremember, you are part of a project that to be sustainable will need to be able to deliver real value to MCSS and to Liberia, and to find sustainable funding sources13:05
jelknermy big hope is we can receive funding from the United Nations at some point13:06
jelknersince we are contributing towards the UN sustainability goals13:06
jelknerOne of my Capstone students, Dafni Hernandez, is working with me on a website what we might turn into a non-profit organization called Social Justice Computing13:07
jelknertwo other interns working with Dafni, Antonio Abela and Luke Risacher are working on the SIS for MCSS13:08
jelknerthey are starting with a system that will allow MCSS teachers to report attendance through their phones13:08
jelknerI asked the Supe if this was a good task to start with for the project, and he confirmed that it was13:09
jelknerwe will soon need to begin testing it13:09
jelknerand i am hoping i can count on you to help with that13:09
jelknerthat's all i wanted to say on that topic for now13:09
jelkneri want you to be aware of it so as it develops you'll know what is happening.13:10
jelknerACTION done13:10
jelknergreat, next topic13:10
jelkneri got an email from jallah using his email address13:11
jelkneri believe svaye can use hers13:11
jelknerwho can't use their novaweb email?13:12
jelknerdcammue, can you?13:12
dcammuemy nova email is failing to load13:12
svayeyes I sent you a message but I didn't get a reply13:12
jelknersvaye, i got you message, so you're set13:13
jelknerdcammue, you have an assignment this week - work with scooper to learn to access your email13:13
jelknerhe can help you, not me13:13
jelknersince you need to be there in person when he resets your password and shows you how to use it13:14
jelknermulbah, what about you?13:14
jelknerand tboimah, what about you?13:14
jelknerand janet?13:14
dcammueI can only send you message through my presonal13:14
tboimahi am good13:15
jelknerwell, dcammue, you need to fix that13:15
janetkeep saying login failed13:15
jelkneri want *everyone* to be able to use their novaweb email by next saturday13:15
jelknerjanet, so you need to meet with spencer too13:15
jelknernext thursday i will set up an "alias" that will send emails to all of us13:16
jelknerby mailing to that address, each of you will receive the email, and i can add others too, like dafni, antonio, and luke13:17
jelknerthat way when we need to communicate about things like the SIS project, we have an easy and effective way to do it.13:17
jelknerwhere is fkoikoi, by the way?13:17
jelkneris she not here today?13:17
jallahshe's trying to reconnect to the internet 13:18
jelknerok, but everyone is there, yes?13:19
jelknerso part of your homework this week is to make sure *all* of you can access your email.13:19
dcammueher computer is giving problem to connect to the internet13:19
jelknerwell, she can share with someone else for now13:20
jelknerso she can see what we are discussing.13:20
jelknerthat's all i have for that topic13:20
jelknerthe last topic is your homework for the week13:20
jelkneri have a website that i will use to post weekly assignments13:21
dcammueJeff, you check on the repo?13:21
jelknerlook there now13:21
jelkneryou will see a link named "Weekly Goals"13:22
jelknerwhen you click on it, you will see a link "Week 1"13:22
jelknereach week i will post a new assignment above the previous ones13:23
jelknerso next saturday you will see "Week 2" above "Week 1"13:23
jelknertake a look at the assignment for this week and let me know if you have questions for me.13:24
jallahyes jeff, you said that you was going to discuss on the min.html page in detail 13:25
jelknergreat, jallah, let me do that13:26
jelknerfirst, i want to make sure you can see the source code to it13:26
jelkneryou can do that in one of two ways:13:26
jelkner1. you can load the page in your browser, right click with the mouse, and select "View Page Source"13:27
jelkner2. you can visit the git repo where i host the page:
jelknerand view the source there13:28
jelknerso i need to make sure you can all do that13:29
jelknerit doesn't make sense for me to talk about it, if you can't see it, jallah 13:29
jallahI'm seeing it Jeff13:30
dcammueme too13:30
jelknerso even though i am calling this min.html (for minimal page)13:31
jallahFreena and I using my computer Jeff13:31
jelknergreat, jallah 13:31
jelknerit really should be called "starter page", i guess13:31
jelkneryou should copy this file every time you want to start a new page.13:31
jelknerit has some JavaScript on it you won't understand for awhile13:32
jelkneri can tell you now why it's there, and talk in detail about how it works later13:32
jelknerThe javascript is located in the <script></script> element13:33
jelknerwhich comes right after the <style></style> element in the <head></head> element of the document13:33
jelknerthe style element is for CSS.13:34
jelkneri'll talk more about that next13:34
jelknerbut what the JavaScript does is determine where the page is located13:34
jelknerthat's what the var loc = window.location.href; statement does13:35
jelknerand then create validation links for HTML and CSS in the footer of the document13:35
jelknerthat way, when you click on "HTML Valid!"13:35
jelknerit sends the document to the online validator, which comes back green if the document is valid, or red (with errors) if it is not.13:36
jelkneryou can try clicking on that link to see what it does13:36
jelknerThe "CSS Valid!" link does the same thing for CSS.13:37
jallahIt does13:37
jelknerI want you to make sure you web pages are all valid for both HTML and CSS13:37
jelkneris Spencer there with you?13:37
jelkneri don't see him online13:38
jelknerbut i want to talk with him before we leave today13:38
FreenaSpencer Computer is giving problem13:38
dcammuehe has problem with his computer13:38
jelkneroh, that reminds me.13:38
jelknerhe tends to get annoyed with me when i ask him too much, but maybe you all can gently ask the Supe about the 2nd shipment of comuters13:39
jelknerthat 2nd shipment has all the computers you will need to make sure you each have a good working one13:40
jelkneryou can't learn this trade without the proper tools13:41
jelknerand for us, the only tools we need are a working laptop and an internet connection13:41
jelknerso maybe spencer can use one of your computers today13:41
jelkneri want to ask him if he has any questions about the assignment i am giving you13:42
jelknerand if he has any questions about the min.html page13:42
jelknerbecause he will be helping you during the week13:42
jelknerso i talked about the JavaScript13:42
scooperHello Jeff, Spencer speaking13:42
jelknergreat, my friend.13:43
scooperSOrry for not being active 13:43
jelknerdo you have any questions about the assignment i want them to do this week?13:43
scoopermy computer have a technical problem that why13:43
jelkneryes, you told me13:43
jelknerthat's why i asked them to ask the Supe about the 2nd shipment13:44
scooperWhat the assignment is about JEff13:44
jelknerit has another laptop you cojld use13:44
jelknerscooper, i showed you the spreadsheet while i was there13:44
scooperYes I can recall 13:44
jelknerthere are between 20 and 30 other laptops what should be arriving at some point13:45
scooperyou show me before your departure Jeff13:45
jelkneri dropped them off at the Supe's wife's house in May13:45
jelknerbefore I came to Liberia13:45
scooperGot you13:45
jelkneri know it takes a looooong time for things to get there13:45
jelknerbut they should get there at some point13:46
scoopercan we talk about the assignment Jeff13:46
jelkneri'm not going to send anything else until that 2nd shipment arrives13:46
jelknerplease, scooper, let's talk about the assignment13:46
jelknerwhat questions do you have?13:47
scooperWhat the assignment is all about JEff13:47
jelknerdid you see it?13:47
jelkneri'll paste the url13:47
scooperLET ME CHECK13:47
jelkneri am going to make an assignment page each week13:48
jelknerso we all can look at it whenever we want13:48
jelknerscooper, i also asked each of them to get their novaweb email working13:49
jelknerso they need to talk to you about that too13:49
scooperI can recall setting Jallah, Freena and Daniel email 13:51
jelknerjallah and svaye have working emails13:51
jelknerthomas too13:51
jelknerjallah, do you have more questions about the min.html page?13:52
jelkneri can talk about the CSS13:52
jelkneror the HTML13:52
scooperI did Jallah, Freena and Mulbah email together that since day Adrian give me authorization 13:52
jelknergreat, so mulbah is set too13:52
jallahNo Jeff13:53
scooperAny way we will settle their email problem before leaving the lap today, so that nobody can have an excuse....13:53
jelknerok, are there any other questions before you get started?13:54
scooperCatch you later Jeff... anything I will send you an email when it is done today.......13:54
jelkneri want to see validation links on all your homepages13:54
jelkneri'll have more specific instructions about making an aboutme.html page next week13:55
jelknerhave fun!13:55
jelknerok, i'm going to sign off13:56
jelknersee you all next saturday13:56
jallahokay Jeff, have a nice weekend .13:56
jelkneryou too!13:56
jelknerACTION signs off ...13:56
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