IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-11-19

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jelknerGood day, tboimah!12:37
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:38
tboimahhow are doing12:38
LittleWebsterTalk about website for Tanaka Chirara's project (added by jelkner)12:38
LittleWebsterDiscuss assignment from last week and expectations for completion. (added by jelkner)12:38
jallahGood morning Jeff12:39
jelknerGood morning jallah12:39
jallahHow are you doing Jeff?12:39
jelknerI'm well.  How about you?12:40
jallahI'm good Jeff12:42
mulbahGood morning jeff12:46
jelknerGood morning mulbah 12:46
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff12:46
jelknerGood morning Freena12:47
fkoikoiHow are you today?12:49
jelknerI'm well. How about you?12:50
dcammueGood morning Jeff, how are you and bthe family?12:51
fkoikoiI'm good12:51
janetGood morning jeff12:51
jelknerGood morning janet 12:52
jelknerGood morning Daniel12:57
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:58
LittleWebsterTalk about website for Tanaka Chirara's project (added by jelkner)12:58
LittleWebsterDiscuss assignment from last week and expectations for completion. (added by jelkner)12:58
jelknerOK, everyone, let's get started.12:58
jelknerI only added two agenda items this week, and I realize I should address them in reverse order, starting with the 2nd one.12:59
jelknerI need to be honest with you all.  I was not thrilled with the work you did last week.12:59
jelknerI want to understand better what happened.13:00
jelknerOnly Thomas made a serious attempt that the assignment.13:00
jelknerI posted an assignment for this week (Week 2):13:00
jelknerI think our main task now is to hear from you why no one but Thomas did assignment 1:13:01
jelknerI don't know how to plan a new assignment if I don't have your work on the previous assignment to guide me.13:02
jelknerSo I don't know what to do.13:02
jelknerPlease tell me.13:02
jelknerACTION waits to hear from you...13:03
jelknerIs Spencer there?13:05
jelknerCan I please chat with him?13:06
jelknerscooper: can you tell me what happened last week with the assignment?13:06
jelkneronly Thomas seemed to try to complete it.13:07
jelknerDid everyone else not understand the task?13:07
jelknerDid they not have time to work on it?13:07
jelknerWhat happened?13:07
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svayeJeff I am done with my assignment13:17
jelknerthanks, for speaking up, svaye 13:17
jelknerlet me look13:17
jelknerhere is how i see what you've done:13:17
jelkner1. I visit the students page for our class:13:17
scooperHello Jeff13:18
jelkner2. I click on the two links associated with your name, your repo and your website13:18
scooperWho me??13:18
jelknerYes, svaye, you are done ;-)13:19
jelknerWhen I checked last night, you weren't13:19
jelknerTake a look here:13:19
jelknerYou have a commit from 10 minutes ago13:19
jelknerbut before that, 14 days with no commits13:19
jelknerFor this to work effectively, I need to plan13:20
jallahJeff, can you please check mine?13:20
jelknerGood start on your homepage, jallah 13:20
jelknerbut your commit history shows the same problem.13:21
jelkneryou changed index.html 39 minutes ago13:21
jelknerand added gdw.html 13 minutes ago13:21
jelknerbut no commits where made during the week13:21
jelknerI'm trying to figure out what I can expect from you between classes.13:22
jelknerSo we can plan effectively together.13:22
jelknerI thought Spencer told me you were meeting together twice during the week.13:22
jelknerSo I created an assignment based on that amount of time.13:23
jelknerEach week I will evaluate your work on Friday.13:23
jelknerAnd develop a plan for the following week based on what I see.13:23
jelknerIf I see nothing, I don't know how to plan.13:23
jelknerIt means we are not moving forward.13:23
jelknerIt is ok to struggle with assignment, that's how you learn.13:24
jelknerBut if you do nothing, you aren't struggling, and you aren't learning.13:24
jelknerDoes that make sense?13:24
jallahSo is my work okay Jeff ?13:25
jelknerOK, let's talk about what I want you do to for next week.13:25
jelknerAnd then give you time to start working on it.13:26
jelknerjallah: you should make a *directory* named gdw13:26
jelknerand put the lessons inside the directory13:26
jelknerThe tutorial doesn't say to do that13:26
jelknerbut i'm changing it a bit13:26
tboimahplease look at my work again and tell me if it is okay13:27
jelkneryou should have *2* files named index.html13:27
jelknerone in your home directory.  That one will be your personal home page.13:27
jelkneranother one *inside* the gdw directory13:27
jelknerthat will look like
tboimahjeff please look at my work again13:28
jelknerSo svaye, you should make a gdw directory, copy your index.html file into it, and then change your homepage to be more like what jallah has13:28
jelknerbut jallah, your home page should be your personal page13:29
jelknerit should have your name on it, and links to the things you are createing13:29
jelknerit is a "portal" to your digital portfolio13:29
jelknerwhat that means is that over time it will have more and more links to things showing what you can do13:29
jelknerfor example, look at my personal homepage:
jelknerSo svaye, Instead of saying "My New Home Page in HTML!", your home page should say something like "Shallon Vaye's Website"13:31
jelknerI have to tell you from experience, the only way to get good at this is to spend lots of time with it.13:32
jelknerI was expecting you all to put in about 20 hours per week13:33
jallahshould be something like this Jeff,file:///home/jallah/Desktop/WEBSITE/jallah.html13:33
jelknerI can't see files on your computer, jallah 13:34
jelknera URL that starts with file:/// is on your local computer13:34
tboimahplease look at the link jeff and tell me if their is any mistake13:34
jelknerit isn't visible on the web13:34
jelknertboimah: where?13:34
jelkneri'm looking at the page13:35
jelknerit has several links13:35
jallahso what should I do Jeff?13:35
jelknerhold on13:35
jelknertboimah: same instructions to you as to svaye13:35
jelkner1. make a directory named gdw13:36
jelknerask spencer how to do that, it is one of the unix commands i taught you13:36
jelknerthe unix commands you need to know include: ls, mkdir, mv, rm, pwd, cd13:36
jelknerreview Getting Down with the Unix CLI if you forget them13:37
jelknerso you make a directory named gdw13:37
jelknercopy the index.html file you just showed me, tboimah, into that directory13:37
jelknerand change the home page into your personal home page13:37
svayeJeff please look at my work and tell me if it was what you were talking about13:38
fkoikoiJeff please look at my work13:38
jelknersvaye: i don't see a gdw directory yet13:38
jelknerafter you make a directory, and put something in it, you need to git add, git commit, git push13:39
jelknerthen i can see it13:39
jelknerscooper: i am counting on you for helping them with this process13:39
jelknermy original plan, if you recall, was to have them keep their websites on a shell server where i could have access to their files13:40
jelkneryou suggested we use github, which is a great idea, but only if you can support them in using it13:40
jelknerwhen I ask them to create a sub-directory, and to put something in it, they need to know what I'm asking and how to do that13:41
jelknerok, i want to tell you about the other agenda item13:44
jelkneryou are not ready to help with it yet, but you will get to watch the process and hopefully get an idea from that as to where I am hoping we will go13:44
jelknerSo here I go...13:44
jelknerA man by the name of Dr. Stephan Hubbard reached out to me to see if I could help a student in Zimbabwe named Tanaka Chirara with his project13:45
jelknerHe send me a PDF file that Tanaka made describing his project and what he wants to do13:46
jelknerI linked to it from your week 2 assignment:13:46
jelknerBasically, he created designs for creating cooking systems that can help African women live longer13:47
jelknerby reducing the harmful gases they breath in cooking inside their houses13:48
jelknerhe wants to share these designs with the world13:48
jelknerand get folks who build them to share their experiences13:48
jelkneri am going to email Tanaka this week13:48
jelkneri wanted to wait until after we met for class13:49
jelknerAnna Litwiller is one of my students this year13:49
jelknershe has agreed to work with us on our MCSS project13:49
jelknerso for now I will ask her to take the lead on buiding the website that Tanaka wants13:50
jelknerbut i want to get to the place where you all can do that13:50
jelknerACTION done13:51
jelknerAny comments or questions on that?13:51
jelknerok, seeing no comments or questions, let's return to the assignment13:54
jelknerThis week I am asking you to create a new page named about.html13:55
jelknerthat is a page about you13:55
jelknerwho you are13:55
jelknerwhat things you are interested in13:55
jelkneranything you like13:55
jelkneryou should then link to that page from your home page13:55
jelknerwhat file is your home page?13:55
jelknerwho can answer that question?13:56
jelknerexcellent, tboimah 13:56
jelknernow, you have to be a bit careful13:56
jelknersince as your website develops, you will have several index.html files13:56
dcammuethe subdiretory index13:57
jelknereach one the "home page" of its own directory13:57
jelknerso your home page is the index.html that is in your website directory13:57
jelkneri am asking you to create a gdw subdirectory13:57
jelknerso you will end up with 2 index.htm files13:58
jelknerif that isn't clear, I am hoping Spencer can help you with it13:58
jallahunderstood well Jeff13:59
jelknerthen, all the gdw lesson files, like block.html, inline.html, object.html, etc13:59
jelknerwill go *inside* the gdw directory13:59
jelknerso the gdw directory becomes its own, self contained website13:59
jelknerand in your homepage, you add a link like this:14:00
mulbahlook at mine jeff i did it14:00
jelkner<a href="gdw">Getting Down with HTML/CSS Lessons</a>14:00
jelknernot quite mulbah 14:00
jelkneryou have what i want in your gdw directory in your website directory14:01
jelkneralso mulbah, i have another request for you.14:02
jelknerplease rename things to make it easier for me (and you) to know what they are14:02
jelkner20220815_114042.jpg is a terrible name14:02
jelkneri have not idea what it is14:02
mulbahit's a picture14:03
jelknermcsswebsters_at_end_of_summer_celebration.jpg is a much better name!14:03
jelkneri can see what it is14:03
jelknergreat picture14:03
jelkneri love it14:03
jelknerbut it's name is terrible14:03
jelkneryou use the unix mv command to give files good names14:04
mulbahi will do that14:04
jelknerwe will talk a lot about good names14:04
jelknerit is an art, not a science14:04
jelknerso i can't give you an easy rule, but i think we can develop a sense together of when a name is good or not14:05
jelknerif the name gives you and idea what it is, and it isn't too long, it's a good name14:05
jelkneri see janet and mulbah, and jallah peaking his head up from the back ;-)14:06
jallahwhat do you mean Jeff?14:07
jelknernow when mulbah renames this image, the link i just pasted will break14:08
jelknerbut that's ok, he is going to add the image to one of his web pages, right mulbah?14:08
jelknerok, other questions for me before you all go back to working on your websites?14:10
jelknerscooper: we need to make sure you have a machine you can use14:11
jelkneri'm not in charge, but until the other machines arrive, i'd like to suggest to the Supe that you use one of the other lab machines14:11
jelkneryou can't do what we need to do without proper equipment14:11
jelknerany other questions for me?14:12
jelknerok, my dear MCSS Websters, *please* make sure that:14:13
jelkner1. You all have many commits during the week this week.14:13
jelkner2. You have websites that I can evaluate by next Friday that show your progress.14:13
jelknerI will then create the Week 3 plan based on what I see next Friday14:14
jelknerI'm hoping you all have your novawebdevelopment emails working now14:14
jelkneryou can email me during the week with questions14:14
jelknerLast chance for questions or comments before I go...14:16
fkoikoiyes Jeff, I have a question14:18
jelknerplease ask it, fkoikoi 14:18
fkoikoiAfter you have created the directory and add all of the the necessary files need to the gdw directory, How can you add it to the github account?14:19
jelknergreat question, fkoikoi 14:19
fkoikoibecause you can only upload files in github14:19
jelknerif the gdw sub-directory is inside your website directory, git will see it14:20
jelknergo then you just do the dance:14:20
jelknergit add, git commit, git push14:20
jelknerif you are using vscode, scooper can show you how14:20
jelknerfile save, will make a git commit message pop up14:20
jallahyes it's14:20
jelkneryou write a commit message14:21
jelknerand then sync14:21
jelknerwith is git push14:21
jallahwhat is a commit message Jeff?14:21
jelknerA commit message is a message that describes what the commit did14:22
jelknerlet me show you an example14:22
jelknerCan you see the 46 commits I made in this repo?14:22
jelknerMessages are things like "Add CPT Survival Guide"14:23
jelknerand "Add q20 with doctest"14:23
jallahI see it 14:24
jelknerOther questions?14:25
jallahyes , is it all the files we are going to put into the index.html directory ?14:26
jelknerOh no, jallah 14:26
jelknerindex.html is *not* a directory!14:27
jelknerit is a file14:27
jelknermaybe another example of this will help14:27
jelkneri have a website for all my classes:14:28
jelknerthe page you see here is named index.html14:28
jelknerif we click on one of my class links on the side of the page, say AP CS Principles, it takes us here:14:28
jelknerthis is another file named index.html, but it is in the apcsp subdirectory of the sections subdirectory14:29
jelkneri teach a lot of different classes, so i create a subdirectory for each one14:29
jelknerbut wait, ther's more! ;-)14:30
jelknerinside the apcsp subdirectory i have a goals subdirectory:14:30
jelknerit has its own index.html file14:30
jelknerwhich has links to the weekly tasks i give my students14:31
jelknerin AP CSP14:31
jelknerjust like I am now doing with you:14:31
jelknerI have in a git repo14:32
jelknerso you can see how it is setup:14:32
jelknerAnna Litwiller, whom I mentioned earlier, is going to work with me to perhaps improve the styling of this site.14:34
jelknerBut for now, I'll just keep using it the way it is.14:34
jelknerDoes that help?14:35
jelknerOther questions?14:35
jelknerokie dokie, if there are no other questions, i'll sign off for this week14:38
dcammueso the index.html we are creating is the one that will gives us our home page with a link in it? that 14:39
jelkner*Please* let me see commits to each of your repos throughout the week!14:39
jelknerdcammue: yes!14:39
jelknerhave a great week everyone14:39
jelkneri look forward to chatting with you again in a week14:39
dcammuebut please check my website14:39
fkoikoialright Jeff14:40
jelkneryou don't have a gdw directory yet, dcammue 14:40
fkoikoiYou should please check mine too14:41
jelkneronce you do, those other files will need to be moved into it14:41
jelkneri don't see a gdw directory in your repo either, fkoikoi 14:41
fkoikoialright 14:42
jelknerask spencer for help14:42
fkoikoiI will14:42
jelknerhint, you will need to use mkdir and mv14:43
jelkneror else you can do the same thing in vscode with menus14:43
jelknerbut i'm an old command line guy, so you'll need to ask spencer about that14:43
jelknerother questions?14:45
jelknerok my dear mcss websters, see you next week14:46
jallahI'm still not understanding the commit aspect Jeff?14:46
jelknerjallah: you need to ask spencer14:46
jelknerhe suggested vscode, which is a GUI application14:47
jelkneri can easily share commands with you through a chat system like this14:47
jelknerbut i can't show you menus and mouse clicks14:48
jelknerso as long as we stick to the vscode plan14:48
jelkneryou need to go to spencer for help with using that tool14:48
jelkneras long as that system works, we can stick to it14:49
jelknermy "Plan B" would be to create a shell server where you would ssh in and have to use vim and unix cli commands14:49
jelknerthat i could help you with14:50
jelknerbut it is more to learn14:50
jelknerand we want to focus on HTML and CSS for now14:50
jelknerso i like our current plan, but again, it relies on you getting help from spencer14:50
jallahcan you please check mine once again pleade14:50
jelknerI don't see any subdirectory, jallah 14:51
jelknerjallah it is important that you understand what a directory is14:52
jelknerthen you wouldn't have to ask me to check you would know if you have one14:53
jelknera directory in a GUI is often called a "folder"14:53
jelknerit is a container14:53
jelknerit contains files and other directories14:53
jelknersince a directory can contain a directory, we get a mathematical structure called a tree14:54
jelknerwhen i look at your repo, i'll see an icon that will look like a folder14:55
jelknerinstead of a piece of paper (which is a file)14:55
jelknerok folks, our time is up for this week14:55
jelknerplease email me with questions14:56
fkoikoialright 14:56
jelknerand make sure i have something exciting to look at in your git repos by next Friday!14:56
jelknerhave a great week!14:56
fkoikoihave a nice weekend too jeff14:57
jelknerthanks, fkoikoi, i will14:57
jelknerit is a big holiday week here14:57
jelknerand my son is visiting from Los Angeles14:57
jelknersee y'all next Saturday...14:57
jelknerACTION signs off14:57
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