IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-11-26

*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:22
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!12:46
jelkner!add Evaluate work from last week.12:46
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Evaluate work from last week." has been added to the agenda.12:46
jelkner!add Discuss time commitment between Saturday sessions.12:47
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss time commitment between Saturday sessions." has been added to the agenda.12:47
jelkner!add Download Head First book.12:47
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Download Head First book." has been added to the agenda.12:47
jelkner!add Questions?12:48
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Questions?" has been added to the agenda.12:48
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:48
LittleWebsterEvaluate work from last week. (added by jelkner)12:48
LittleWebsterDiscuss time commitment between Saturday sessions. (added by jelkner)12:48
LittleWebsterDownload Head First book. (added by jelkner)12:48
LittleWebsterQuestions? (added by jelkner)12:48
tboimah_how are you doing jeff13:00
mulbahGood morning jeff13:00
jelknerGood morning everyone!13:00
*** tboimah_ has quit (None)13:01
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:01
LittleWebsterEvaluate work from last week. (added by jelkner)13:01
LittleWebsterDiscuss time commitment between Saturday sessions. (added by jelkner)13:01
LittleWebsterDownload Head First book. (added by jelkner)13:01
LittleWebsterQuestions? (added by jelkner)13:01
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff13:01
jelknerThere it goes.13:01
jelknerLittleWebster fired a minute late.13:01
jelknerIs everyone there?13:01
jelknerCan we start?13:01
jelkneris Spencer there?13:02
*** fkoikoi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:02
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jelknerI don't see him here.13:02
jelknerHe is very important to our first agenda item today.13:03
fkoikoiYes, Spencer is here13:03
jelknerThanks, fkoikoi, can you ask him to join us in the chat please?13:03
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:05
*** tboimah_ has quit (None)13:06
fkoikoiJeff, spencer went out to get something.13:07
jelknerfkoikoi: do you know when he will be back?13:07
jelkneri'm going to ask him to join us at the start of these weekly meetings13:08
jelknerwe need him to be part of the discussion13:08
jelknersince we can't plan effectively without him13:08
jelkneris svaye there?13:09
jelknerand jallah?13:09
fkoikoiShe is not here yet.13:09
dcammue_no she has a program on hand13:09
fkoikoiJallah is present but there is a little problem13:10
jelknerdcammue_: i don't understand13:10
jelknerfkoikoi: what is the problem?13:10
jelknertboimah: you were the only one to complete the assignment from last week successfully.13:12
jelknerwell done!13:12
jkoleaGood morning Jeff13:12
jelkneri'm hoping you can help your classmates learn to make a link from there home pages.13:12
jelknerjanet, svaye, and daniel had about.html pages13:13
jelknerbut they weren't linked13:13
jelkneractually, janet misspelled hers to About.html13:13
jelknerwhich is why her link doesn't work.13:13
jelknerUnix is case sensitive.13:13
jelknerAbout.html is not the same as about.html13:13
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:14
jelknertboimah: can i ask you to try to download a PDF?13:14
jelknertboimah: open a terminal13:14
dcammue__what you means Jeff13:14
jelknerand type wget13:14
jelknerlet me know if you see  wget: missing URL13:15
jelknerif you do, i'll give you the URL13:15
jelknerdcammue__: yes?13:15
jelknerdcammue__: are you trying wget13:15
tboimah_i am waiting for the URL13:16
jelknerso type wget followed by that URL13:16
jelknerand you should get a book13:16
tboimah_it is downloading jeff13:17
jelknertboimah_: please make copies for all your classmates13:17
jelknerso that eveyone has a copy on their computers13:17
*** dcammue_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:18
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tboimah_okay sir13:18
*** fkoikoi has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:18
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jelknerok, that was agenda item 313:18
jelkneri wanted to wait for Spencer for agenda item 1, but if he is away, i'll go ahead without him13:19
jelknerand email him later13:19
jelknerso, let me evaluate what i saw when i looked at your work from last week, and discuss with you what you want me to do about pacing our study13:20
jelknerfirstly, no one had any commits between last Saturday and yesterday.13:20
jelknerwait, i think tboimah_ did13:21
jelknerbut no one else13:21
jelknerdoes that mean you can only work on this study on saturdays?13:21
jelknerand that i shouldn't plan for you to complete work between sessions?13:21
dcammue__i did13:21
jelknerah yes, it was you, dcammue__ 13:22
jelknernot tboimah_ that made a commit 4 days ago13:22
jelkneri'm looking now13:22
tboimah_i did jeff13:23
jelkneryes, tboimah_ you made commits 2 days ago and yesterday13:23
jelknerdcammue__: it is better not to use capital letters in file names13:24
tboimah_so the assignment was complete right13:24
jelknertboimah_: you completed the assignment13:24
jelkneryou were the only one who got your link working13:24
dcammue__I understand Jeff13:24
jelknerJanet *almost* had it working13:25
jelknerAnd now she does! ;-)13:25
jelknerShe just had to remame About.html to about.html ;-)13:26
jelknerGood work, janet 13:26
janetThanks Jeff13:26
jelknerOh way, Freena has her story too.13:26
jelknermy link to jallah's site is broken13:27
jelkneri heard jallah is there13:27
jelknerbut there is "a problem"13:27
jelknerno one answered my question about that13:27
jelkneri'd like to help jallah fix his site13:28
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:28
jelknermulbah: why no about.html from you?13:29
mulbahi will soon post it13:30
jelknerok, i need a volunteer work with to clean up their site13:31
jelknerand reorganize it a bit13:31
jelkneri need someone mostly done with the gdw lessons13:31
jelknerfkoikoi: don't use capital letters in the file names13:31
dcammue__I done downloading the  copy Jeff13:31
jelknerGallery1.html should be gallery1.html13:32
jelknerdcammue__: great13:32
tboimah_i can be a volunteer jeff13:32
jelknergreat tboimah_ 13:32
jelkneri'll work with you13:32
jelknerand then you can help the others to do the same thing13:32
jelknerhere is the plan:13:32
jelkner1. we want to create a subdirectory for the gdw lessons13:33
jelknerand move all the exercises into it13:33
jelkner2. then we want to link to that from your home page13:33
jelknerand to change the home page so it doesn't look like a gdw index page13:33
jelknertboimah_: ready?13:34
tboimah_just give me instruction13:34
jelknerok, i am assuming you have a terminal open13:35
jelknerand that your current working directory is the git repo for your website13:35
jelknerso if you type pwd13:35
jelkneryou'll see something like:13:35
jelkner  /home/tboimah/Projects/website13:36
jelkneris that true?13:36
jelknerif it is, type: git status13:36
jelknerand tell me what you see13:36
tboimah_should i open the terminal at my git repo13:37
dcammue__Jeff. there was an arm robbers broke in Jallah house on yesterday night, and they took all of Jallah important items including his computer and his phone as well even his people items too so he is short of computer now. That's what happened to Jallah 13:39
jelknerI'm so sorry to hear that.13:39
jelknerI understand what a problem this is.13:39
jelknerWe need to figure out how to survive and move forward even though this kind of thing will happen.13:40
jelknerYou have to help me to understand what to do.13:40
tboimah_jeff when text git status you will see all of you file in red13:40
jelknertboimah_: aha13:41
jelknerfiles in red haven't been commited.13:41
jelknerso let's start with a cycle of:13:41
jelkner1. git add .13:41
jelkner2. git commit -m "Put your commit message here"13:41
jelkner3. git push13:42
jelknertry that, tboimah_ 13:42
jelknerso it's git add, git commit, git push13:42
jelknerif i was there with you i would make you all repeat that allowed with me over and over ;-)13:43
jelknergit add, git commit, git push13:43
jelknergit add, git commit, git push13:43
jelknergit add, git commit, git push13:43
jelknergit add, git commit, git push13:43
jelknerlet me know what happens tboimah_ 13:44
jelknerwhile we wait, let me talk to jallah13:44
tboimah_git add what? because i am not seeing any URL13:45
jelknerfkoikoi: you and jallah are the graduates13:45
jelknerso you don't have classes during the day, right?13:45
jelkneri want to work with the two of you to help you continue your studies13:47
dcammue__i'm listening13:47
fkoikoialright, we are looking forward to that13:47
jelknerwould either of you be interested in doing what Spencer is doing, and attending University of the People?13:47
jelknerThey have a really good computer science program13:48
jelknerso we should plan for that13:48
jelknerfirst step is to make sure you have regular access to the study environment you need13:48
jelkneri think the best way to do that is have you come into the lab where we studied last summer13:49
jelknersince the computers are save there13:49
jelknerand you can have access to them13:49
jelknerjallah, you could setup your own account on one of the lab machines13:49
jelknerand then use it during the week13:49
jelknerfkoikoi: you can do the same13:49
jelkneri believe the Supe will support that idea13:50
fkoikoialright, we will do it13:50
tboimah_jeff i do not under what you mean by "put your commit message here"13:50
jelknertboimah_: a commit message is a short text string describing what the commit does13:50
jelknerYou have "Add files via upload"13:51
jelkneron all of your commits13:51
jelknerthat's not great13:51
jelknersince your messages don't help remind you what the commit did13:51
jelknerEach of those messages should be different13:52
jelknerthings like:13:52
jelkner"Add link on home page to about page"13:52
jelkner"Add about page"13:52
jelkner"Add photo to my about page"13:52
jelkner"Move gdw lesson files to gdw directory"13:53
jelknerThe messages are useful later when you want to remember what you were committing13:53
jelknerSo tboimah_ let me know when you are finished13:54
jelknerwith the git add, git commit, git push13:54
jelknerWhen you are ready, you should see:13:55
jelknergit status13:55
jelknerOn branch main13:55
jelknerYour branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.13:55
jelknernothing to commit, working tree clean13:55
jelknerwhen you type git status13:55
fkoikoiJeff, please check my work. I have already change the files with capital letters to small letters.13:56
jelkneryes you did, fkoikoi13:56
jelknerfkoikoi: while we are waiting for tboimah_ 13:57
jelkneri could talk you through this process too13:57
jelkneropen a terminal13:57
jelknerand change your current working directory to your git repo13:57
jelknercd Projects/website13:57
jelkneror something like that13:57
jelkneryou can't forget your unix13:58
jelknerwe will need it13:58
jelknereven though you are using vscode13:58
jelknerfkoikoi and jallah, you can access your nova web email, yes?13:59
jelknerJkoleah: you need to ask Spencer for help with that13:59
jelknerFreena, you can, yes?13:59
Jkoleahokay, I'll do that14:00
tboimah_jeff i try pushing but they said their is an error just give a some time let me send the hint to you14:01
jelknerJkoleah and Freena, what is the chance the three of us could meet each weekday for 10 minutes at 12 noon?14:02
jelkner12 noon your time is 7 am my time14:02
jelknerI get to work at 6:50 am14:02
jelknerand can be logged into my computer and ready to meet with you briefly at 7 am14:03
jelknerif we could check-in at 12 noon your time14:03
jelknerwe could move faster14:03
jelknerwould that work?14:03
jelkneri will only have 10 minutes14:03
jelknersince i need to get ready to teach that day14:03
jelknerbut that would give us a chance to check-in and plan14:03
jelknerwe could move *much* faster14:04
tboimah_jeff i am done14:04
jelkneris it working tboimah_?14:04
tboimah_how can i know if it s working14:05
jelknerif you type git status14:05
jelknerand see14:05
jelknerOn branch main14:05
jelknerYour branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.14:05
jelknernothing to commit, working tree clean14:05
tboimah_yes i am seeing on branch main at the begin14:06
jelknerok, tboimah_ now follow along14:06
jelknerat the unix command prompt, type:14:07
jelknermkdir gdw14:07
jelknerthen type:14:07
jelknercp index.html gdw/14:08
jelknergit type:14:08
jelknergit add .14:08
jelknergit commit -m "Create gdw subdir with index file"14:08
jelknergit push14:08
jelknerlet me know when you did that14:08
jelknerand i'll look at your repo and confirm14:08
tboimah_is git type: a command14:10
jelkneromg, i'm so sorry!14:10
jelknerthat was a mistake14:10
jelknergood catch tboimah_ 14:10
jelkneri mean to write "then type" ;-)14:10
tboimah_so what is the command i should use instant of git type:14:13
jelknerit was supposed to say Then type:14:13
jelknerso you:14:13
jelknergit add .14:13
jelknergit commit -m "Create gdw subdir with index file"14:13
jelknergit push14:13
mulbahjeff check my page14:15
jelkneri'm lookking14:15
jelkneri don't see a gdw subdirectory14:16
tboimah_i am done jeff14:16
jelknerit won't appear if you didn't put anything in it14:16
jelknerdid you?14:16
jelkner1. mkdir gdw14:16
jelkner2. cp index.html gdw/14:16
jelknerdo those two things first14:16
jelkner1. git add .14:16
jelkner2. git commit -m "Create gdw subdir with index file"14:17
jelkner3. git push14:17
tboimah_i did that14:18
jelkneri don't see that you did14:18
jelknerJkoleah: are you fkoikoi too?14:18
jelknerlet her try14:19
JkoleahFreena is here14:20
jelknerso, Freena, do you have a terminal open to your git repo (website)?14:20
mulbahjeff you see it14:21
jelknermulbah: let me look14:21
jelknerno, mulbah, i don't see it14:23
jelknertake a look at this:14:23
jelkneryou'll see blue "folder" icons for gdw, ciw, cssexperiemnts, headfirst, resources, resume14:24
jelknerthose are directories14:24
*** janet has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:24
*** fkoikoi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:24
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:24
jelknerwe lost connection14:25
tboimah_can you write anything at commit jeff14:25
jelkneryou can, tboimah_ 14:25
jelknerbut you should make your messages meaningful14:25
jelknerthey should describe what the commit does14:25
jelknerbut you could just:14:25
jelknergit commit -m "Write anything"14:25
jelknerand it would work14:25
fkoikoiNo Jeff, I only have a terminal open in vscode14:25
jelknerfkoikoi: you can do that14:26
jelknerbut i want you to know how to things from the bash shell without vscode too14:26
jelknerso close vscode14:26
jelknerand do this without it14:26
jelknerin time, you'll learn to go back and forth14:27
jelknerit was spencer's idea to use vscode14:27
jelknerwhich is fine, but i was hoping he would be more involved in our class14:27
fkoikoiI have already close vscode14:27
jelknergood, fkoikoi 14:27
jelknernow open a terminal14:27
fkoikoiI'm done14:28
jelknertype pwd14:28
jelknerand let me know what you get14:28
jelknerfkoikoi: it shouldn't take that long14:29
jelknerjust copy and paste14:29
jelknerwhat's happening?14:31
jelknerwe've only got 30 minutes left14:31
jelkneryou are all in the lab, correct?14:32
jelknerJallah, let's get you set up on one of the lab machines14:33
jelknerpick the nicest one14:33
fkoikoi_it say: /home/fkoikoi14:33
jelknertype ls14:33
jelknerand let me know what you see14:34
jelknerwhat i mainly need to know is where your website directory is14:34
jelkneris it in /home/fkoikoi ?14:34
fkoikoi_I see all of the files and directories in the home page14:34
jelkneryou see gallery1.html, etc?14:35
jelkneri don't think so14:35
mulbahjeff you see work14:35
fkoikoi_it is in the home directory14:35
jelkneryes, fkoikoi_, i know that14:35
jelknerbut when i type ls14:36
jelkneron my computer at home, i see:14:36
jelknerDesktop    Downloads  eLibrary  Nextcloud   Pictures  Public     ToDos14:36
jelknerDocuments  dwhelper   Music     Nextcloud2  Projects  Resources  Videos14:36
jelknerok, folks14:36
jelknereven though Spencer wanted to do vscode14:37
jelknerhe isn't here14:37
jelknerso here is what i want to do14:37
jelknerfkoikoi and jallah14:37
jelkneri'm going to start with the two of you14:37
tboimah_jeff can you git pull before git push14:37
*** fkoikoi has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:38
jelknertboimah_: yes14:38
*** fkoikoi_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:38
jelknerbut you should only be doing git pull if you are moving to a different machine14:38
tboimah_tboimah@realandtrue:~/Desktop/T-Boimah$ git push14:38
tboimah_ ! [rejected]        main -> main (fetch first)14:38
tboimah_error: failed to push some refs to ''14:38
tboimah_hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do14:38
tboimah_hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing14:38
tboimah_hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes14:38
tboimah_hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.14:38
tboimah_hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.14:38
tboimah_this is the error that you can see when you when to push14:39
jelkneryes, tboimah_ 14:39
jelknertry git pull14:39
jelknerok everyone, time to plan our next steps14:39
jelknerwe are making progress, but we need to make faster progress14:40
jelknerpart of the problem is that i can't see what you are doing14:40
jelkneri need to way to do that14:40
jelknerto be able to work where you are working14:40
jelkneri have a solution to that14:40
jelknerbut you need to learn unix cli and vim14:40
jelkneri don't need all of you do to that14:40
tboimah_tboimah@realandtrue:~/Desktop/T-Boimah$ git pull14:40
tboimah_remote: Enumerating objects: 99, done.14:40
tboimah_remote: Counting objects: 100% (49/49), done.14:40
tboimah_remote: Compressing objects: 100% (29/29), done.14:40
tboimah_remote: Total 99 (delta 26), reused 38 (delta 20), pack-reused 5014:40
tboimah_Unpacking objects: 100% (99/99), 30.05 KiB | 106.00 KiB/s, done.14:40
tboimah_   0f40d07..2569190  main       -> origin/main14:40
tboimah_hint: You have divergent branches and need to specify how to reconcile them.14:40
tboimah_hint: You can do so by running one of the following commands sometime before14:41
tboimah_hint: your next pull:14:41
tboimah_hint: 14:41
tboimah_hint:   git config pull.rebase false  # merge (the default strategy)14:41
tboimah_hint:   git config pull.rebase true   # rebase14:41
tboimah_hint:   git config pull.ff only       # fast-forward only14:41
tboimah_hint: 14:41
tboimah_hint: You can replace "git config" with "git config --global" to set a default14:41
tboimah_hint: preference for all repositories. You can also pass --rebase, --no-rebase,14:41
tboimah_hint: or --ff-only on the command line to override the configured default per14:41
tboimah_hint: invocation.14:41
tboimah_fatal: Need to specify how to reconcile divergent branches.14:41
jelknerubuntourist: so nice of you to join us!14:41
tboimah_this what you can when you do git pull14:41
jelknerhey everyone, our dear friend Kevin Cole is here14:41
jelknerwhat a pleasant surprise14:41
jelknertboimah_: do the first one14:41
jelknergit config pull.rebase false14:42
jelknerthen git pull again14:42
jelknerthen you can add, commit, and push14:42
tboimah_how are you doing Mr cole14:42
tboimah_which first one you are talking about jedd14:42
jelkneri typed it14:42
jelknergit config pull.rebase false14:43
fkoikoiso Jeff, what's the plan you were talking about?14:43
jelknerfkoikoi: i want to set you and jallah up with an account on a shell server i have in Germany14:43
jelknerGermany is good, since the connection to Liberia is more reliable14:44
jelkneri can get there from here too14:44
jelknerit is students.mcssliberia.org14:44
jelknerwe will ssh into it together14:44
jelknerand i can work with you through the unix cli14:44
jelknerwe can even share our screen with something called screen14:45
jelknercan the two of you stay after class?14:45
jelknerso we can set that up?14:45
jelknerfkoikoi: ask scooper how much time we have14:46
jelkneri've got all day14:46
jelknerbut i know you'll get kicked out of the office soon, yes?14:46
scooper13 minutes Jeff14:46
jelknerscooper: it is not good that you are only coming here now14:47
jelknerwe are moving too slow14:47
jelknerand i can't plan without hyou14:47
jelknerok, if we only have 13 minutes14:47
jelknerhere is what i want to do14:47
jelkner1. set up an account for Jallah on one of the lab machines14:47
scooperI went to the bank to deposit the server money in my account14:47
jelknerscooper: i'm going to email the Supe, you, Jallah, and fkoikoi after class14:48
scooperOk Sir14:48
jelkneri am going to propose that fkoikoi and jallah come to the lab each day at 12 noon14:48
jelkneri can meet with them for 10 minutes14:48
jelknerand then they can study14:48
jelknerlet's get them ready for UoPeople14:48
scooperOk Jeff14:49
jelknerNOVA Web will sponsor them if they are reliable and do their part14:49
jelknerAlso, scooper, i really need them to learn vim and unix cli14:49
scooperI have something to say Jeff14:50
jelknersince the only easy way for me to work with them directly is with my original plan14:50
jelknerscooper: say it14:50
*** mulbahk has quit (Read error: No route to host)14:50
scooperI got the money for the server 14:50
jelknerthat's great14:50
scooperI hoping to do the signing up again this evening 14:50
jelknerlet's talk about that thursday14:50
scooperBut the is a little problem14:50
jelknersince it doesn't directly effect class14:51
jelknerand we only have 10 minutes14:51
jelknersend me an email scooper 14:51
scooperOK we discuss it later 14:51
jelknerright now, we need to focus on fkoikoi and jallal14:51
jelknerright now, we need to focus on fkoikoi and jallah14:51
jelknerscooper: jallah needs an account on a lab machine14:51
jelknerscooper: jallah needs access to his nova web email14:52
scooperOk Jallah can have any of the computer in the lab for practice14:52
*** mulbahk has quit (None)14:52
scooperI settle every body email issue JEff14:52
jelknerscooper: yes, he will be coming each day14:52
scooperis there a problem again?14:52
jelknerjallah says he can't14:53
jelknerso i don't know why he said that?14:53
scooperJust hearing it14:53
jelknerfkoikoi: i will email scooper, the Supe, you, and jallah after class today14:53
jelknerfkoikoi: i will set you up with a unix shell account on students.mcssliberia.org14:54
jelkneryou can ssh into that account14:54
jelknerso can i14:54
jelknerwe can see each other's work14:54
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jelknerwe will clone your website there14:54
jelknerand i can then help you directly14:54
jelknersince i'll be able to see what you see14:54
scooperStill talking with me Jeff??14:55
jelkneryou and jkoleah 14:55
jkoleahJeff, I don't have access to my novaweb email because I lost my computer.14:55
jelknerand fkoikio14:55
jelknerscooper: pick the best machine in the lab14:55
jelkneradd a jkoleah account on it14:56
jelknergive that account sudo14:56
jelknerthen jkoleah will come in each weekday and work there14:56
jelkneri will meet with them for 10 minutes each day at 12 noon.14:56
scooperJallah show have an account on one of the lab machine14:56
scooperI guess he continue from there14:57
jelknerthen where is fkoikoi now?14:57
scooperfkoikoi is here jeff14:57
fkoikoiI am here Jeff14:57
jelknerwhy can't they both be on at the same time?14:58
jelknerthat's my question14:58
scooperthey are exchanging computer that why14:58
jelknerif fkoikoi has her laptop and jkoleah has an account on a lab machine?14:58
jelkneryes, i understand, i'm asking why?14:58
jelknerwe need them both to have computers14:59
tboimah_let me give jallah my computer to use it so they both can be on at the sametime14:59
jelknertboimah_: i'm confused14:59
jelkneraren't you in the lab?14:59
jelknerwhy can't jkoleah use his lab machine?14:59
scooperBecause we I using surface wiring that why14:59
tboimah_i am in the lab14:59
scooperThe lab computer are not connected to the generator that why jeff15:00
jelkneroh, there is no power now?15:00
jelknergot it15:00
jelknerok, our weekday plan is good15:00
jelkneri'll let you all go15:00
jelknerfkoikoi and jkoleah15:01
jelkneri'll be sending the email to the Supe15:01
jelknerand including you two and Spencer15:01
scooperCan we talking better this evening about the server process15:01
jelkneri'll say we need to meet each day at 12 noon15:01
fkoikoialright jeff 15:01
jelknerhave a great week, everyone15:02
jelknerlet's all thank ubuntourist for stopping by!15:02
fkoikoiare we staying here after class Jeff?15:02
jelknerand hope he will come more regularly15:02
jelknerfkoikoi: i can15:02
scooperCan we talk this evening Jeff??15:02
jelknerbut scooper said we can't?15:03
jelknerscooper: when is "this evening"?15:03
jelkneri'm available any time today15:03
scooperyour time15:03
scooperso can we talk now15:03
jelknernow is good15:03
jelkneri thought you said you had to leave15:03
scooperI have did the deposit in my account today to purchase the server15:04
scooperI want to sign up from it when I get home 15:04
jelknerscooper: you know you need to work with toby and aaron15:04
scooperbecause I mistakenly left my ATM card behind15:04
jelkneron that15:04
jelknerthey come thursday evenings15:05
jelknerso basically, you don't need to talk to me about that15:05
jelkneryou need to:15:05
jelkner1. purchase the server when you can15:05
scooperOk should I hold my peace for thursday??15:05
jelkner2. give access to aaron and toby15:05
jelknerthey will then migrate the website15:05
jelknerand email to that server15:06
jelknerthat's the plan15:06
jelknerwhat do you need from me?15:06
scooperI have never purchase a server before is it really difficult in doing so???15:06
scooperA little hint15:06
jelknerwhy not wait until thursday15:06
jelknertoby can talk you through the process15:06
jelknerit's easy15:06
scooperOn how the purchase is done let you did doing the signup process first15:07
jelknerthe only hard part is knowing how much of a machine to get15:07
jelknerthey told you, i thought15:07
jelknerthey know better than me15:07
jelkneri don't know15:07
scooperYes I know my range already15:07
jelkneradrian is mentoring toby15:07
jelknerwe really want to work with him15:07
jelknersince he is a 9th grader15:07
jelknerand will be with us for 3 more years15:07
jelkneraaron will graduate this year15:08
jelknerand then we have the problem of transition15:08
scooperI will send you the site for mcss it redesign15:08
jelknerso the plan is to have aaron and adrian help toby15:08
scooperI will send you the site for mcss I redesign15:08
jelknerscooper: don't send things to me15:08
scooperFOr you approval 15:09
jelknerremember, i am not the sys admin15:09
jelkneroh, only the Supe can approve15:09
scooperYou are my mentor jeff,15:09
scooperonly seeking advice before proceeding 15:09
jelknerI'll be glad to look, my dear friend, and give you my opinion15:09
jelknerbut i can't approve redesigns15:09
jelkneronly the Supe can15:09
scooperYes he is inline with what I did15:10
jelknerwhat i am thinking is we want to move off of LibreOrganize and onto a static website for now15:10
scooperWhere you need to come in is with Django15:10
jelknersince then you can have control over it15:10
jelknerthat's what i'm talking about, scooper 15:11
jelkneri don't think we need Django15:11
jelknerand it would be easier for now to not have it15:11
scooperBecause I m not  good at Django15:11
jelknermy proposal is to move to a static website, scooper 15:12
jelknerand ditch the Django for now15:12
jelknerwe need to fit our tech to our skills15:12
jelknerwe are learning static web design15:12
jelknerlet's stick with that until we are ready, which won't be for a year at least15:12
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scooperBut MCSS will need Django for database purposes Jeff15:13
scooperhope you see reason15:13
jelknerwhat data, scooper?15:13
scooperAs the supe intended to include all 24 schools15:14
jelknerthat's just static data15:14
jelknerthe database is the git repo15:14
scooperI know Jeff15:14
jelknerwe'll put the whole thing under revision control15:14
jelknerand manage it through git15:14
scooperWow sound great 15:14
jelknerwe need Django for the SIS15:14
jelknerthat antonio and luke are working on15:15
jelknerthat's the only place we need it now15:15
jelknerfor the attendance program15:15
jelknerbut that's a separate project15:15
jelknerand you don't need to worry about managing it15:15
jelknerantonio, luke, aaron, and toby will15:16
jelknerwith help from adrian15:16
jelknerbehind the scenes15:16
scooperThe reason I wanted you to assist with the Django  part is that the supe want the Public Relation Department to do a update for each school and MCSS activities every week. With this in mind we might need a django admin dashboard15:17
jelkneri don't think so, scooper 15:17
scooperWe will talk later Jeff my computer is running up of current15:17
jelknerthat's where my visit to liberia last summer was so important15:17
jelkneri understand the challenges you face15:18
jelknerwe need to keep the technology appropriate to the problem15:18
jelknerhere is what i think we should do:15:18
scooperOK we talk later 15:18
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jelkner1. each school should send their content updates to you (and fkoikoi and jallah)15:18
jelkner2. you update the pages15:19
jelknersimple as that15:19
jelknereasier workflow15:19
jelknerthe tech is under your control15:19
jelknerlow bandwidth requirements15:19
jelknerand it aligns with our learning objectives15:19
jelknerif i am going to pay for fkoikoi and jallah to attend UoPeople15:19
jelkneri want them to earn it! ;-)15:20
jelknerthey can do that by helping with the mcss website15:20
jelkneri'll put that in my email to the Supe too15:20
jelknerfkoikoi: do you have a copy of the head first html and css book?15:21
jelknermake sure you and jallah each have that15:21
jelknerwe will start with that this week15:22
fkoikoiYes I have it15:22
fkoikoialright 15:22
jelknersee you monday at noon, fkoikoi 15:23
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend15:23
fkoikoialright Jeff15:23
fkoikoihave a nice and great weekend too15:23
dcammue__goodbye Jeff15:24
jelknerjkoleah: see you monday at noon15:24
jelkneri'll have an account for you and fkoikoi on our shell server in Germany15:24
jelknerand we can get you to log in then15:25
jkoleahokay Jeff, have a great weekend 15:25
jelkneryou too, jkoleah 15:25
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jkoleahgood bye15:25
jelknerbye all15:25
jelknersee you next saturday15:25
jelknerACTION logs off to go write the email to the Supe...15:26
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