IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2022-12-02

*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)11:24
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scooperHello Jeff, before you leave please respond to my mail I send you concerning the server purchasing 11:40
scooperSecondly nor of us was able to log on to the server base on your instructions11:45
jelknerGood morning!11:54
jkoleahgood morning jeff11:54
jelknerscooper, did you see my email from yesterday?11:54
jelkneri haven't checked email yet this morning11:55
scooperFew recommendation from my end11:55
scooperyes JEff11:55
jelknerwe are going to need to shut down our server next month11:55
scooperWe need to extend this time Jeff 10 minutes is too short11:55
jelkneri'm sorry, my friend, i can't11:55
jelkneri have *so* many responsiblities11:55
jelkneri have to teach here, or i don't get paid ;-)11:56
scooperGot you11:56
jelknerwe just need to learn to be efficient11:56
jelknerand to use asynchronous communication (email) effectively too.11:56
jelknerwere you able to ssh into our server?11:56
scooperlike I said no11:57
scooperA didn't work 11:57
jelknerjkoleah, what about you?11:57
jkoleahthe same here11:57
scoopercould you use mine to ssh like you did for fkoikoi11:57
jelkneryes. let me try now11:58
jelknerok, i just logged in as you, scooper 11:59
jelknerssh scooper@mstudents.mcssliberia.org11:59
jelknerwith the password i set11:59
jelknerand i was able to log in12:00
scooperJeff please check your private message12:00
jelknerI can ask Aaron and Toby to look at the logs.12:01
jkoleahthen why we12:01
jelknerok, i will ask Aaron to look into it today.12:02
jelknerin the mean time, please practice all this in the lab12:02
jelknerhave jkoleah and fkoikoi ssh from one machine to another in the lab12:03
jelknerlike we did last Summer12:03
jelknerGood morning dcammue_ 12:03
jelknerscooper, what about the server for email?12:03
scooperNot yet Jeff12:03
jelknerNot yet what, scooper?12:04
dcammue_Good morning Jeff, how are you and the family12:04
scooperYou ask me a question concerning Jkoleh and freena12:04
jelknerThat wasn't a question, that was a request12:04
jelknerplease let them practice with ssh in the lab12:04
jelknersince there it will definitely work there12:05
scooperYOU ask me a bout email server right12:05
jelknerso they can get the experience of using it12:05
jelkneryes, that was my 2nd question12:05
scooperDid you saw my mail12:05
jelknerscooper, we need to do two things soon:12:05
*** dcammue_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:05
jelkner1. get an email server set up and give Aaron and Toby access to it12:05
jelkner2. get an MCSS account on namecheap12:06
jelknerso that the domain can be transferred to your control12:06
scooperI did the process yesterday please read my response to your mail this morning you will know exactly where I stop12:06
jelknerwill do, scooper 12:07
jelknertomorrow we have more time12:07
jelknerso we can follow up then12:07
scooperI even spoke with Adrian when I was doing the process yesterday for his view and he promise to reach you before giving his input12:07
jelknerok, i'll talk to him12:07
jelknergot you12:08
jelkneri need to go now to get ready before my students arrive12:08
jelknersee you tomorrow12:08
scoopercan you check that short mail before leaving12:08
scooperI need to complete the task Jeff12:08
jelknerahh, we want option 312:09
jelknerand here is why12:09
scooperSee you now12:09
scooperThat wee I got stock12:09
jelkneryour domain is currently on namecheap12:10
jelknerwe need to keep it on namecheap because namecheap is the only provider we know that allows you to share management of the domain with other users12:10
jelkneryou want to get a mcss account on namecheap12:10
jelknerthen we can transfer ownership of the domain to you12:11
jelknerbut you can still enable us to help you configure it12:11
jelknerok, i have to go12:11
scooperplease provide all necessary detail so I can't get stock again Jeff12:11
jelknerlet's talk tomorrow12:11
scooperOk Jeff12:11
jelknerACTION logs off to get ready for class...12:12
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*** jkoleah has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:21
jelknerscooper, free2, jkoleah your here!14:40
jelknerAaron (aka thehedgeh0g) is here now too.14:40
jelknerhe only has 20 minutes14:41
free2only 20 minutes?14:41
free2sorry I put this channel in my config file again but forgot to remove the 'autojoin' option.14:42
free2my mistake14:42
jelknerfree2, yes, we are in school14:44
free2I see14:44
jelknerthehedgeh0g needs to go to class in 20 minutes14:44
jkoleahI'm  here jeff14:46
scooperWelcome back14:46
free2since I joined unintentionally, maybe instructor will let me stay after all14:46
scooperPLease check my mail for the completion of the server14:46
scooperBefore your 20 minutes end let me make good use of it Jeff14:47
scooperJeff is it Aaron being call free214:49
free2what do you mean?14:59
jelknerscooper, no, Aaron is thehedgeh0g 15:04
jelknerthey had to go to class15:04
jelknerand i need to go too15:04
jelknerscooper, let's try this again on monday15:05
jelkneri have both aaron and toby here from 9:30 to 10 am each school day15:05
jelkneri'll ask them to join this irc channel during that time15:05
jelknerand they can work with you to help figure out the ssh problem15:05
jkoleahokay jeff15:06
jelknerin the mean time, please use the lab computer to practice15:06
jelkneri want to know that you can ssh from one machine to the other in the lab15:06
jelknerlike we did last summer15:06
jkoleahIs it me jeff ?15:06
jelknerjkoleah, you and fkoikoi too15:07
jelknerwho is free2?15:07
jelknerok, i gotta go15:09
free2I just found the channel, I am not really a member of the course15:09
jelknercool, free2 15:11
jelknerwhere are you located?15:11
jelknerlooks like the UK, right?15:11
jelkneri'm "on the other side of the pond"15:12
jelknerin Virginia, USA15:12
jelknerjkoleah, and scooper are in Monrovia, Liberia15:12
free2I am in eastern europe15:13
free2UK is one hour ahead or before of me, don't remember exactly15:14
jelknernice to meet you free2 15:22
jelkneri've got to get back to my teaching responsibilities, so i'm signing off for now...15:22
jelknerACTION signs off15:22
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:59

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