IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-01-28

*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)08:07
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*** mulbahk has quit (Remote host closed the connection)09:47
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:23
LittleWebsterWork with tmickelson to test screen sharing and mumble. (added by jelkner)12:23
LittleWebsterDiscuss question mulbah sent jelkner about assigned projects and expectations. (added by jelkner)12:23
jelknerGood day scooper and jkoleah 12:25
jkoleahgood morning Jeff12:25
scoopermorning Jallah12:25
jelknerAre you both at the MCSS office?12:26
scoopergood morning Jeff12:26
jkoleahHow are you doing Spencer12:26
jelkneroh, I guess not ;-)12:26
jelknersince you are greeting each other here12:26
scooperI m here with the other but Jallah is not around12:26
jelknergot you12:26
jelknerscooper is mulbah there?12:27
jkoleahyeah, because I have some work to do at home12:27
jelknerGood day fkoikoi and mulbah 12:27
fkoikoiMorning Jeff12:27
jelknermulbah: were you able to ssh into the student server?12:27
mulbahhow are you doing jeff12:27
jelknerGood day svaye and tboimah 12:28
jelknerand dcammue 12:28
jelkneroh, and janet 12:28
jelknermulbah: why?12:28
dcammuegood morning Jeff12:28
svayeGood day Jeff12:28
jelknerlet's work on that first12:28
tboimahI'm fire and you?12:28
dcammuehow was your week?12:28
jelknerbusy, dcammue 12:29
jelknerwho among you is the most interested in learning system administration?12:29
jelknerand first, who knows what that means?12:29
tboimahI am interesting in it12:30
jelknerso mulbah and tboimah 12:30
dcammue+1 I to, but I don't have idea on that yet12:30
svayeSystem administrators are people with in the field that manage all the data 12:31
jelknertake a few mintues, dcammue to look up "System Administration" on wikipedia12:31
fkoikoiand they also manages both software and hardware12:32
jelknersvaye: there is a difference between database administrators, who are really the folks "with all the data"12:32
jelknerand *System* administrators, who, as the name suggests, administer systems.12:32
jelknera system administrator would be the people who learn to manage the computer operating system, and to keep it running12:33
jelkneron this side of the pound (as the British say), we have three people this year12:34
jelknerthehedgeh0g, tmickelson, and jamethiel.12:34
jelknerjametheil isn't connected at this point with our project here, but she manages the servers in my classroom12:35
jelknerwe need to get a few of you focused on that12:35
svayesystem administrators manages one or more systems,software, hardware,servers or workstation 12:35
jelkneryes, svaye 12:35
jelknerin our case at the moment, we need one or two of you who are interested in that12:36
jelknerbascally, we are looking for people who like playing with the machines12:36
jelknerinstalling operating systems12:36
svayethey ensure the system is running efficiently and effectively12:36
jkoleahokay, Jeff12:36
dcammuesystem administrators are those people who take care of troubleshoot, support, and maintain computer servers and networks.12:36
jelkneryes, svaye, and i our case, we will be experimenting with new things all the time12:37
jelknerexactly, dcammue 12:37
dcammue+1 I want to be12:37
jelknerthese days even a medium size organization may have a separate person who focuses on the network12:38
svayeI am interested 12:38
jelknerthey are called a Network Administrator12:38
jelkneri'm going to leave it up to you all to tell me who is doing what12:38
jelknerbut i will describe what needs to be done12:38
jkoleahI'm interested in that Jeff12:38
jelknermy hunch is no one is really attending to the lab since i left12:39
jelknerupdating the software at the very least12:39
jelkneri sent a few more phones with the Supe12:39
jelknerwe could use someone there who could figure out how to flash them with new operating systems12:40
jelknerwe have been making good progress, but i am always thinking about what the next steps are12:40
jelknerso yesterday, for example, i asked Toby if he would be interested in exploring two things:12:41
jelkner1. How to remotely share a terminal session so we could work together between Monrovia and Arlington12:42
jelkner2. How to set up voice communication so we could talk instead of type when our bandwidth is cooperating12:42
jelknerToby said, "yes, I'm interested in that"12:42
jelknerand I asked him to take charge of it12:42
jelknerHe should be joining us in a few minutes to let us know what he found out, and hopefully to test out some of the tech12:43
jelknerwe need folks at your location to be able to do the same thing12:43
jelknerand to coordinate directly with tmickelson and thehedgeh0g to install, configure, test, and then teach us to use things when they are working12:44
jelknerbtw. My friend Sahnun is not feeling well, so he was not able to join us today as previously planned12:45
jelknerwe will reschedule that at a later time12:45
jelknerSo here is the first task:12:46
mulbahTell he sorry for me12:46
jelknerI will, mulbah, thanks12:46
dcammuesay sorry to him for me Jeff.12:46
jelknerGet to know the machines in the lab12:46
jelknerhow much ram do they have?12:46
jelknerwhich one has the fastest processor12:46
jelknerwhich one has the biggest hard drive?12:47
jelknerwhich one has the best sound system?12:47
jelknerscooper has a spreadsheet with a list of specs12:47
jelknertake a look at it and ask questions about things you don't understand12:48
jelknerWhen Superintendent Zawolo was here we got to talk about our plans.12:49
jelknerHe made it clear to me that he sees the lab you are working in as mainly for the use of your learning.12:49
jelknerWe have his OK to use the machines in the way I am describing12:50
jelknerYou can learn to manage them.12:50
jelknerI want you to learn to manage them.12:50
jelknerQuestions about this?12:50
jelknerAnd while we are waiting for questions, fkoikoi and jkoleah are you in your first class at UoPeople?12:51
jelknerClasses started Thursday12:51
jelknerI have to work all day after we finish here on my assignments for the first week.12:51
jkoleahyes Jeff12:51
jkoleahthe courses are so awesome and great Jeff12:52
jelknerglad to hear that, jkoleah 12:52
fkoikoiyes Jeff, we started on Thursday 12:52
jelknerwe can talk more about it at another time12:52
jkoleahI've already started working on my assignment12:52
jelknergood, jkoleah12:53
jelknerstay on top of it12:53
jelkneryou can't hand in assignments late12:53
jkoleahyes Jeff12:53
jelknerso you need to keep up with them12:53
fkoikoithat's right12:53
jelknerit's nice to be in school with you two, jkoleah and fkoikoi 12:54
jelknersince we're in the same school, we have the same schedule12:54
jelknerGood morning tmickelson 12:54
jelknerDid you get my text?12:54
tmickelsongood morning jelkner12:54
jelknereveryone, my intention was to go into our school this morning12:55
jelknerwhere tmickelson is now12:55
jelknerbut my wife needed her car12:55
jelknerand i don't have one12:55
jelknerso the bus would have made me late12:55
jelknerand i texted tmickelson to let him know i would be joining from home instead12:55
jelknerok tmickelson 12:56
jelknerwhat's our plan?12:56
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:59
LittleWebsterWork with tmickelson to test screen sharing and mumble. (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterDiscuss question mulbah sent jelkner about assigned projects and expectations. (added by jelkner)12:59
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:00
jelknerthanks, mulbah 13:00
mulbahYou welcome13:00
jelknertmickelson, LittleWebster did not fire13:00
jelknermulbah had to print out the agenda manually13:01
jelknerbut you have the first item13:01
tmickelsonwhat should i start with13:01
jelknerwell, we had discussed two goals13:02
jelknerremote terminal sharing13:02
jelknerand mutter13:02
jelkneryou can start with whichever you like13:02
jelknerbtw. before you came on this morning13:03
jelknerit talked to everyone about the need for them to choose some aspiring system administrators13:03
jelknerwho can work with you on projects like these13:03
jelknerwe will need them to be testing things on their end13:03
jelknerand they have a whole lab the can use for experiments13:04
jelknerACTION done13:04
tmickelsonwho has mutter/mumble installed13:04
jkoleahI'm interested in networking 13:04
mulbahI have it installed13:05
jelknerI have it installed13:05
tmickelsonconnect to as the server13:05
jelknertmickelson: i installed the package13:05
jelknerbut how do i use it?13:06
tmickelsonjust open the application i think13:06
jelknerlooks like your right13:06
jkoleahare these two the same?13:08
jelknerthere's a whole bunch of configuration to do13:08
jelknerit tests your sound, configures voice recognition, etc.13:09
svayeshould we install it too13:09
jelknerso we may need to practice with it during the week13:09
jelknersvaye: +113:09
jkoleahhow can I use it 13:10
tmickelsondid you finish the configuration13:11
jkoleahI just open the mumble13:12
jkoleahcan you please tell me how to configure that?13:13
jelknerjkoleah: it explains step-by-step13:14
jelknerbut there are several steps13:14
jkoleahthey're asking for a servername13:14
jelkneri'm connected, and tmickelson is connected13:14
jelkneri only heard a computer generated voice13:15
jelknermaybe that's how it works13:15
jelkneranyway, let's agree to spend at most 30 minutes on this13:15
tmickelsonjelkner did you hear me13:15
jelkneri only heard you once tmickelson 13:16
jelknerit was a synthesized voice13:16
jkoleahwhich servername should I use13:16
*** jkoleah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:17
jkoleahshould I use North America13:18
jelknerNo, jkoleah 13:18
jelknerWe installed the server on students.mcssliberia.org13:19
jelknerthat's the one you should use13:19
jelknerit is in Germany13:19
jelknerMonrovia has a much more reliable connection to Germany than to the US13:19
jkoleahso I should login to the student server?13:19
jelknerso we figured if we set up the server there13:19
jelknerwe could each connect to it more reliably13:20
jelkneranyway, i can tell already that this will require hours of work to learn and tune13:20
jelknerso i don't think we should try that now13:20
jelknerwe got started13:20
jelknerand you can all get a feel for what is involved13:21
jelknerthat's why i started this meeting asking who was interested in learning system administration13:21
tmickelsontmate is ready13:21
tmickelsonRead only link: ssh ro-4H7UZeGGYnxvt5MVRHwFZtUJF@lon1.tmate.io13:21
jelkneryou can decide after the meeting, but i would suggest you choose one person to work with tmickelson13:21
jelknerduring the week to learn to use mutter13:22
jelknerok, next task13:22
jelknertmickelson has also been working on sharing terminals13:22
jelknertmickelson: how should we do this?13:22
tmickelsonjust ssh into the link13:23
jelkneri believe all of us are in one of 4 locations13:23
jelknerACC, MCSS office, jelkner's home, jkoleah's home13:23
jelknerso one person from each location should try to join the connection13:23
jelknertmickelson: does that make sense?13:23
jelkneri'm connected13:24
jelknerbut all i see is a blank screen13:24
mulbahdid you writ hello just now jeff13:25
mulbahin the terminal13:25
jelknerwith [0] 0:bash* at the bottom13:25
jelknerno, tmickelson did mayby13:25
jelknerbut i don't see it13:25
tmickelsontry this one13:26
tmickelsonssh ro-7awkHn2rstchTXwU9BZbUyCUn@lon1.tmate.io13:26
jelkneri see it13:26
jkoleahI wasn13:26
jelknerecho hello world13:27
mulbahi saw it13:27
jelknerwho else can see it?13:27
jelknergreat, that's what we want13:27
jelkneri need to be able to ask you all to do demonstrations13:28
jelknerand i need to be able to watch you type13:28
mulbahbut jeff how can i write something for you to see it too13:28
jelknermulbah: if you are the person the group selects as sys admin13:28
jelkneryou'll meet with tmickelson each day for 30 minutes at 2:30 pm your time13:29
jelknerto learn and practice this13:29
jelknerand then one the two of you have it working well13:29
jelkneryou'll come back on another Saturday morning and show the rest of us13:29
mulbahokay jeff13:30
jelkneryou'll also create documentation with step-by-step instructions13:30
jelknerwhich we can test13:30
jelknermaybe another of you who is most advanced in learning HTML could create a web page with the instructions13:30
jelknerthat's what we are trying to do here13:30
jkoleahI can do that13:31
jelknerbuild a learning community in which we collaborate to learn and deploy new tech13:31
jelknerjkoleah: you all should decide and let tmickelson and i know 13:31
tmickelsoneveryone should have a read write ssh link13:32
mulbahis this what you are talking about SHA256:Hthk2T/M/Ivqfk1YYUn5ijC2Att3+UPzD7Rn72P5VWs13:33
jkoleahmine is not going through13:33
jelknerok, tmickelson and i just did a shared screen edit session13:35
jelknervery cool, but that's enough for today13:35
jelknertmickelson: thank you very much!13:35
jelknerthis was great13:35
*** jelkner has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:35
jelknerDon't know what happened13:36
jelknermy connection dropped13:36
jelknerso, let's move on13:36
tboimahmy connect dropped13:36
jelknerme too tboimah 13:36
dcammuethank it works for me Tmickelson13:37
jelknerlet's move on13:37
tmickelsoni think someone typed exit or pressed ^D13:37
jelkneri have UoPeople homework to do!13:37
jelkneri lost my connection to irc, i mean tmickelson 13:37
jelkneranyway, let's move on13:38
dcammueokay oo student Jeff.13:38
jelknerso, you all will select someone to coordinate with tmickelson during the week13:38
jelknerand we will continue to develop both the shared terminals and mutter until we can talk and share terminals during class13:38
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:39
LittleWebsterWork with tmickelson to test screen sharing and mumble. (added by jelkner)13:39
LittleWebsterDiscuss question mulbah sent jelkner about assigned projects and expectations. (added by jelkner)13:39
jelknerlet's talk about the 2nd agenda item13:39
tmickelsoni have to go now13:39
jelkneryes, tmickelson thanks!13:39
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:40
jelknermulbah: can you restate the question you emailed me during the week please?13:40
jkoleahJeff, can you please check you nowaweb mail13:41
mulbahjeff why are you not giving us project yet that was the question13:42
jelknergreat, mulbah, thanks13:43
mulbahyou welcome sir13:43
jelkneri'm thinking about how best to answer this question13:43
jelknermy response has two parts13:44
jelkner1. learning ict skills can be divided into theory and practice13:44
jelkner2. we will use Head First HTML and CSS for both, and then add real projects as they come up13:45
jelknermulbah: i am expecting you to take increasingly more initiative as time goes on13:45
jelknerso, the group of you have a book, and you should be meeting together to read and discuss the ideas (theory) presented in each chapter13:46
jelknerand to do all the exercises and project (the practice) in each13:46
jelknerthe book i sent you is an excellent resource for both theory and practice13:47
jelknerthen, when we meet on Saturdays, i want to you to show what you did during the previous week13:47
jelknerand then for use to discuss together any questions you have have13:48
jelkneris that clear?13:48
jelknermulbah: is that clear? did i answer your question?13:48
jelknerjkoleah: you emailed me a question too13:49
jelknercan you please ask it here?13:49
jkoleahokay, it just that I'm confuse about the budget13:51
jelkneri bet we are *all* confused about the budget, jkoleah ;-)13:51
jelkneri know i am :=(13:52
jelkneri'm joking everyone13:52
jelkneri have some idea how to help frame this discussion, but i don't know how you all want to manage the budget13:52
jelknerto restate what i said last time:13:53
jelknerI am committed to sending $650.00 each month13:53
jelknerYou can confirm with scooper that I have been doing that13:53
jelknerI get paid twice a month, on the 1st and the 15th13:53
jkoleahyes of course13:53
jelkneri send the $650.00 after i get paid on the 1st13:54
jelknerwhen we started this process, we thought we would use it for a stipend for each of you13:54
jelknerbut as we have moved forward, we can see how our needs make this not the perfect solution13:54
jelknerif i am going to come back to Monrovia during Summer 202413:55
jelknerit will be to start a cooperative business with you13:55
jelknerso we need to learn how to run a business cooperatively13:55
jelknerwe need to all learn to think about how to make our shared goals real13:56
jelknerand we no from experience that we have some concrete needs13:56
jelkner1. we need to continue our education13:56
jelkner2. we need to have the infrastructure we need to learn13:56
jelknerfor 2, we needed a generator and fuel13:57
jelknerand Internet, but MCSS is providing that now reliably it seems13:57
jelknerfor 1, we have three of you, fkoikoi, scooper, and jkoleah, who have costs associated with UoPeople13:58
jelknerwe need to cover those13:58
jelknerso, i propose that you all learn to think about the monthy budget as your budget to manage together13:58
jelknerand discuss and decide how you use it13:58
jelknerwith the understanding that UoPeople and fuel for the generator need to be covered first13:59
jelknersince they are what you call fixed costs13:59
jelknerand we have to pay them13:59
jelknerafter that, you decide together to allocate the remaining amount as you all think is best14:00
jelknerdo you want to give each person who travels an amount to cover their travel costs?14:00
jelknerdo you want to provide meals at the MCSS office for all of you who are there working?14:00
jelkneri'm not going to get involved in that14:01
jelknersince i'm not there14:01
jelknerwhen i'm there in Summer 2024, i'll vote along with the rest of you (i want coconuts! ;-)14:01
jelknerbut for now, its all up to you14:01
jelknerone last thing14:01
jelknernext Summer we will have more people graduated from high school14:02
jelknermy work next Summer is to start Social Justice Computing as a non-profit organization14:02
jelknerso that other folks here in the US can donate funds to help our project14:02
jelknerif that happens, we can increase our budget14:02
jelknerand not be limited to the $650 that i can afford14:03
jelknerjkoleah: did i answer your question?14:03
jelknerACTION done14:03
dcammueThanks Jeff, I best understand this now.14:03
svayeWell understood Jeff14:04
jelknerso, we discussed the two agenda items14:05
jelkneranyone have anything else?14:05
jelknerok, i have my UoPeople assignments to work on14:06
jkoleahwhat about the mail that you sent to the three of us from the beginning of the year Jeff, has it been cancel ?14:06
jelknerplease decide today who will be working with tmickelson this week on our new tech intitiatives14:06
jelknerjkoleah: i don't understand14:07
jelknerwhat do you mean?14:07
tboimahJeff did you check the repo14:07
jelknerno, tboimah i haven't14:07
jelknerdo you have anything you want to share with us today?14:07
jelknerthat would be a great use of our time14:08
jelknerbut you have to drive, tboimah 14:08
jelknerlet me help you14:08
jelkneryou could start out by typing something like, "Hey, everyone, check out what I did last week..."14:09
dcammueplease check mine too Jeff.14:09
jelknerand then you paste a link here14:09
tboimahyeah so you can see what is their.14:09
jelknertboimah: please be more specific14:09
jelknerpaste the URL of the page you want us to see here14:10
jelknerI can model what I mean if you all think that would help.14:10
jkoleahokay Jeff, well understood !14:11
jelknerdo you want me to model what i'm asking for?14:12
*** jkollie has quit (None)14:12
jelknerok, tboimah_ 14:12
jelknerhere goes14:12
jelknerHey everyone, I've been working on a new textbook using C++14:13
jelknerI am hosting it here:14:13
jelknerand the git repo for it is here:14:13
jelknerit is a really exciting project and i'm having a lot of fun with it14:14
jelkneri found the book on a Brazilian University website14:14
jelknerit was orginally created by one of my students back in 2001!14:14
jelknerHe lost it.14:14
jelknerAnd I lost it.14:14
jelknerbut some university in Brazil saved it for us!14:15
jelknerNow I am reviving it to use with my students next year.14:15
jelknerACTION done14:15
jelknerdoes that give you an idea, tboimah_?14:15
jelknerwe could call it "Show and Tell"14:15
jelknerso anyone want to give that a try?14:16
jelknershare a url14:16
jelknertell us what you were doing and learning14:16
jelknerand we can talk about it14:16
tboimah_you told us to put our repo in other by creating a subdir is that right?14:17
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:17
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jelknertboimah_: yes14:19
jelknerwhy don't you go14:19
jelknerthat would be a huge help14:19
tboimah_but that's what we did Jeff14:19
jelknerpaste a link here14:19
jelkneri understand, tboimah_ 14:19
jelknerbut take us to it14:20
jelknershow us14:20
jelknerby pasting the URL here14:20
jelknerlet's talk about what i see14:21
jelkneri see you have a subdirectory14:21
jelknerand you know have 2 index.html pages14:21
jelknersince we are hosting on github14:21
jelknerand you can use github pages14:21
jelknerwe can also view the site from a different url14:21
jelknerthat's your homepage14:22
jelknerthis one should work, but it doesn't14:23
tboimah_yes that is also working on the students shell14:23
jelknerdo you know why?14:23
jelknerdoes anyone know why the 2nd url i pasted is giving tboimah_ a 404 error?14:24
tboimah_their is on index page that is why14:25
jelknerdcammue_: explain please14:25
dcammue_I mean I don't know why it gives 40414:26
jelknerdoes anyone?14:26
jkoleahokay everyone, I have to go now 14:27
jelknerjkoleah: before you go14:27
dcammue_let me be14:27
tboimah_because the headfirstproject did not link to the index page14:27
jelknertboimah_: sort of14:27
jkoleahI need to complete my assignment at UoPeople14:27
jelknerthe url is a link to a *directory*14:27
jelkneryes, jkoleah 14:28
jelknerme too14:28
jelknersee you next week14:28
jelknergo study!14:28
jkoleahyou want to say something to me Jeff?14:28
jelknereveryone, when you link to a directory, a web server will look for a page with a special name14:28
jelkneryou named the page index.page14:29
jelknernot index.html14:29
dcammue_because he place the index in the folder with the projects it should have been outside of the folder14:29
jelknerso the url i typed gave a 404 (page not found) error14:29
jelknerif you named a page index.html inside the headfirstproject directory, the url i typed would work14:29
jelknerit would load the index.html page from the headfirstproj directory14:30
*** jkoleah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:30
jelkneri'll leave that to you all to test out for homework this week14:30
jelknerbe ready to share working versions next Saturday14:30
jelkneri need to go14:30
jelkneri have a lot of UoPeople homework to do14:30
jelknerjust like Jallah and fkoikoi_ 14:30
jelknerso let us get to it!14:31
dcammue_yes you was right Jeff14:31
jelknersee you next week14:31
jelkneryes, dcammue_ i know i am right ;)14:31
jelkneri've been doing this for a long time14:31
dcammue_okay bye14:31
jelknerhave a great week, everyone14:31
tboimah_okay bye Jeff14:31
fkoikoi_you too14:31
jelknerdon't forget to choose someone to meet with tmickelson on Tuesday14:31
jelknerwe don't have school on Monday14:32
jelknerso he won't be there until Tuesday14:32
jelknersomeone should meet with him each day this week14:32
jelknerTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday14:32
jelknerto work on our new tech14:32
jelknerbye everyone...14:32
jelknerACTION logs off14:32
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:32
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*** mulbahk has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:56

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