IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-02-01

*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:17
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:17
tboimah_Good morning Jeff14:18
*** tboimah_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:20
scooperGood morning Jeff14:24
jelknerGood day, scooper!14:25
jelknerbell just rang14:25
jelknerstudents leaving...14:25
jelknertmickelson arriving...14:25
scooperI followed the link yesterday and went through the communication you had with the interns14:26
jelknerso who is going to be pairing with tmickelson on the terminal share / mumble testing?14:26
scooperHello and Welcome tmickelson14:26
tmickelsonhello scooper14:26
jelknerdoesn't he have class now?14:27
scooperwhat is the exact time for this???14:27
scooperEvery day before we proceed I need to know14:28
tboimahtheir is no class for me Jeff14:28
jelknerthe time is now for 30 minutes14:29
scooperMeaning 2:30 liberia  time right14:29
jelknerthat's the only time tmickelson will have available most days14:29
jelknerit's what we call our "home room" time14:29
jelknerand tmickelson is with me then14:30
jelknerand he and thehedgeh0g are both here14:30
jelknerfor 30 minutes14:30
scooperOK I m in too with tboimah14:30
scooperDo tmickelson have another extra time apart from this one14:31
tmickelsonnot really14:32
scooperHmmmm ok no problem14:33
scooperLet start 14:33
scooperJeff I need to talk with Aaron too??14:33
jelknerscooper, o14:33
jelknerwhat do you mean, and why ask me?14:33
jelknerAaron is here14:33
jelkneras i just said to tmickelson 14:34
scooperI m not seeing Aaron online that why14:34
jelknerwe either use our time efficiently, and get this to work, or we don't14:34
jelknertmickelson and tboimah 14:34
jelkneryou should be working already14:35
scooperLet work efficiently. I m in like I said earlier14:35
jelknerwe only have 25 minutes left14:35
tmickelsonwhat do you want to start with14:36
tboimahwhat so ever you think that will be the best14:36
scooperI m in but will be behind a lil bit because I m trying to download mumble14:37
tboimahokay no problem i already have mumble in my labtop14:37
tmickelsonis it configured14:37
scooperI m down with the downloading of mumble14:39
scooperwhat is next14:39
tmickelsonconfigure it14:39
tmickelsonmic and audio settings i think14:39
jelknertboimah, the bigger goal here is for you to learn linux system administration14:41
jelknertmickelson and thehedgeh0g are our sys admins here14:41
jelknerthehedgeh0g will be graduating this Summer14:41
jelknerbut tmickelson is in 9th grade14:41
jelknerso we have him for 3 more years! ;-)14:42
jelknerwe will need system administration skills on both sides of the ocean14:42
jelkneryou, tboimah, by expressing interest in this14:42
jelknerare selected as the first sys admin at MCSS14:42
jelknerbut we will count on you to spread your knowledge among the others14:43
jelknerscooper, you and tboimah can use machines in the lab to learn14:43
jelkneryou can install operating systems14:43
jelknerconfigure them14:43
jelknerand test new software14:43
jelknerthe Supe told me that is ok14:43
tboimahI'm done with the misc and audio14:46
tmickelsonare you on the server select screen14:47
scooperI m being asked14:47
tmickelsonconnect to "" as the server14:47
scooperfor Address, POrt, Username, lable?14:47
tmickelsonaddress: students.mcssliberia.org14:48
tmickelsonport: leave as is14:48
tmickelsonusername: your name14:48
tmickelsonlabel: whatever you want14:49
scooperI m done14:49
scooperWhat i m seeing is14:49
tboimahfrom their what next14:50
scooperBelow Favorite I m see my student.mcssliberia.org14:50
tmickelsonopen that14:50
scooperMy option don't have open. it have Add New, Edit and Cancel14:51
tmickelsonadd new14:51
tboimahEdit and cancel what?14:52
tmickelsonthe server connect screen14:53
scooperI click connect14:53
scooperTHis is what happend14:53
scooperthree option button appear asked me14:53
scooperto view Certificate, No or Yes14:54
tmickelsonclick "yes"14:54
scooperBut the above message say: Server presented a certificate which failed verification14:54
tmickelsonclick a button that says something like connect anyways14:55
scooperI m being welcome already14:55
scooperI m seeing your name in the left panel of my computer14:55
tmickelsontboimah do you need help connecting14:56
scoopert is connected alread14:57
tboimahis okay i'm following14:57
tboimahI'm connect and i am seeing scooper, tboimah and tmickelson14:58
tmickelsoni have to go now, bye14:58
*** tmickelson has left #novawebdev (Leaving)14:58
tboimahJeff we are done with the connection15:05
jelknertboimah, thanks15:20
jelkneri need to get back to my duties here, so i'm going to sign off15:20
jelknerbut before i leave, i want to mention again that we need you to learn about linux system administration15:20
tboimahyou welcome Jeff but the problem now is to share the screen15:20
jelkneryes, i understand15:20
jelkneryou can work with toby each day from 2:30 to 3 pm your time15:21
mulbahHello! jeff15:21
jelknerthat's when he is available15:21
jelknerhello, mulbah!15:21
tboimahokay Jeff you can count on me for that15:21
jelknersee you tomorrow at that time...15:21
tboimahokay Jeff15:22
mulbahHow are you doing jeff15:22
*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:22
jelkneri am *so* busy, mulbah 15:22
jelkneri'm teaching, taking classes at UoPeople, and involved in many community activities15:22
jelkneri love it most of the time, but sometimes i "bite off more than i can chew" as the saying goes15:23
jelknerok, gotta go.15:23
jelknerbe well, and see you tomorrow...15:23
jelknerACTION signs off15:23
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:23
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:30
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)16:53
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:12
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:12

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