IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-02-06

tmickelsonhello mulbah14:27
mulbahHi tmickelson How are you doing14:28
tmickelsonim good, how are you14:28
mulbahI'm doing good too14:29
mulbahHow are you doing jeff14:29
jelknerworking on our mail server, mulbah 14:30
mulbahI was reading my note just now14:30
jelknerhi mulbah 14:32
jelkneri need tmickelson's help with the mail server14:32
jelkneri want to send out an email about the groups we setup14:32
jelknerbut only tmickelson has admin on the novaweb mail server14:33
mulbahokay jeff14:34
jelknermulbah, i told thehedgeh0g about the book i gave you and tboimah14:35
jelknergood book, says thehedgeh0g 14:35
mulbahyeah it's a good book14:36
tboimahsorry I'm late14:38
jelkneryou're not late, tboimah 14:38
tboimahlike serious14:38
jelknerwe understand you have to come over from Tubman High School and your class ends at 2:30 pm14:38
jelknerthis will be the normal time you can arrive, yes?14:38
tboimahsure, thanks for that14:39
jelknermulbah, how are you here?14:39
jelkneryou don't have class before this?14:39
jelknerthat was for mulbah, tboimah 14:39
jelknerare you both in the lab?14:39
jelknerwhere are you, mulbah?14:40
mulbahI'm at home14:40
tboimahform me I at my school and i connect to my phone14:40
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:40
mulbahbecause our school sent us home today14:40
jelknerah, ok14:40
jelknerso normally, only tboimah will be here at this time?14:40
jelkneri'm trying to plan14:41
jelknerwhatever happened to jkollie14:41
jelkneri thought Jallah would be part of the sysadmin group14:41
jelknersince he can come to the lab any time14:41
jelknerscooper isn't here eitehr14:42
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:42
jelknertboimah, mulbah, do you have a way to contact Jallah?14:42
jelkneroops, we lost Thomas14:42
jelknermulbah, do you have a way to contact Jallah?14:42
mulbahJallah and I live in the same community14:43
jelknercan you please ask Jallah to be here tomorrow at 2:30 pm your time?14:43
jelkneri need to work with tmickelson_ now on the mail server14:43
jelknerso we'll be here again tomorrow14:43
mulbahOkay I well14:44
mulbahso jeff are we going to Practice the terminal sharing today14:44
tboimahso Jeff what is the task for today14:47
tboimahsorry this question is for tmickelson14:48
tmickelson_tboimah, did you have an account on students.mcssliberia.org14:48
tmickelson_mulbah, do you have an account too14:49
mulbahI don't have an account there yet14:49
tboimahso should I share my ssh link with you now14:50
tmickelson_can you wait a bit for mulbah to make an account14:51
mulbahtboimah do you mean link like this ssh ro-VRTu3tuLBkkxhdSsDY45yFAHR@lon1.tmate.io14:51
mulbahThat was on tmate14:51
tmickelson_mulbah, can you connect to the ssh link i sent you14:52
tmickelson_to set up your account14:53
tboimahwhich ssh link you are talking about tmickeleson14:53
tmickelson_i sent a read/write link to mulbah14:53
mulbahI saw it 14:54
mulbahbut they are asking me for password14:54
tmickelson_that is where you type your new password14:54
mulbahshould I run the command that is on the screen in my terminal14:55
tmickelson_hit enter two more times then type "n" then enter14:58
tmickelson_try logging in now14:59
mulbahshould I log in like this ssh students.mcssliberia.org15:00
tmickelson_ssh mulbah@students.mcssliberia.org15:02
tboimahbut for me i only ssh students.mcssliberia.org15:03
tmickelson_that is because the user on your computer is "tboimah"15:04
tboimahokay i understand now15:05
tmickelson_if you ssh without a specified username it defaults to your current user15:05
mulbahIt is not going through15:06
tmickelson_what does it say when you try to connect15:07
mulbahIt is not connecting15:07
mulbahwhat do you by that15:08
tboimahI'm going to use the bath room i will be back15:15
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:15
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:15
*** tmickelson_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:16
*** mulbahk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)15:19
tboimahsorry I'm back15:30
tboimahmulbah did it work15:33
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:40
*** tmickelson_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:49
mulbahthey are saying my password is not correct15:52
tmickelsonmulbah, did you say that your password didnt work16:49
tboimahtmickelson what next?16:52
tmickelsondid your password work16:52
tboimahare you asking mulbah or me16:52
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)16:54
tboimahbut can we move forward seen mulbah is stay setting his password16:55
tmickelsonyes, but i only have about 10 minutes16:55
tboimahokay no problem16:55
tboimahlet move forward16:56
*** mulbahk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)16:56
tboimahso what next?16:57
tmickelsonwhat resource are you following16:58
tmickelson* to learn sys administration16:58
mulbahsorry I when to do something tmickelson 16:58
mulbahYes my password is nothing 16:59
mulbahThey are telling me incorrect password16:59
tboimahJeff give use a book but he told us that he is going to be sharing it with you17:00
tboimahbut tmickelson are done with the screen sharing now17:00
tmickelsonwe will use the screen sharing as a tool to watch each other type commands, i think17:01
tboimahbut Jeff share the book with you17:02
tmickelsonyes jeff shared the book with me17:02
tmickelsonwhat chapter are you on17:03
tboimahI'm on chapter four(4)17:03
tboimahwhich talk about MANIPULATING FILES AND17:04
tboimahby using the cp, mv,rm and ln command17:06
tboimahand also the wildcard17:06
tboimahtmickelson are you their17:06
tmickelsonyes, but i have to go now17:07
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:07
tboimahokay Jeff see you tomorrow17:07
tboimahmulbah you too17:08
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:08
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:25
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)18:34

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