IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-02-18

LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:50
LittleWebsterReport from programming group - 10 min (Janet) (added by jelkner)12:50
LittleWebsterReport from web dev group - 10 min. (Shallon) (added by jelkner)12:50
LittleWebsterReport from sys admin group - 10 min. (Thomas) (added by jelkner)12:50
LittleWebsterReflection and planning - 30 min. (Everyone) (added by jelkner)12:50
LittleWebsterLab work - 60 min. (Everyone) (added by jelkner)12:50
jelknerGood day, friends!12:51
svayeGood morning Jeff12:51
jelknerscooper, i'd like to say a few words before item 1 on the agenda12:53
jelknerif that's ok with you12:53
scooperI m listening12:53
jelknerabout the incident this week12:53
jelknerand our discussion of it12:53
scooperok Jeff12:53
jelkneri'll wait for everyone to get here12:53
scooperI think we can proceed for now12:54
jelknerquestion, scooper, have you heard from Jallah and Freena lately?12:54
jelknerI haven't seen them for awhile.12:54
jelknershould we start?12:54
scooperTold me this gone thursday that he was sick12:55
jelknerplease wish him a speedy recovery from me12:55
scooperI told him next time it will be appropriate if he could call to inform me at an early stage12:55
jelknercommunication is *so* important!12:56
scooperFreena is here12:56
scooperShe join the session this gone wednesday12:56
jelknergreat! i don't see her in our chat12:56
jelknerokay, should i start?12:57
scooperYesterday the lab was busy so we didn't turn up for  regular activities12:57
jelknerhi fkoikoi 12:57
fkoikoihi Jeff12:57
jelknerscooper, should i start?12:57
scooperWe have a zoom meeting with the Japaness soccer federation  12:57
jelknerhow did that go?12:58
scooperI think I should hold on for now12:58
scooperIt's was wonderful using technology12:58
jelknerwell, its 8 am12:59
LittleWebsterdcammue : svaye : fkoikoi : thehedgeh0g : jelkner : mulbah : scooper : tboimah13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterReport from programming group - 10 min (Janet) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterReport from web dev group - 10 min. (Shallon) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterReport from sys admin group - 10 min. (Thomas) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterReflection and planning - 30 min. (Everyone) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterLab work - 60 min. (Everyone) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerit worked13:00
jelknertmickleson will be very happy13:00
jelknerok, let's start13:00
jelknerfirstly, i want to offer everyone my apology13:00
jelknerwe all know what happened this past week to tboimah13:01
jelknerwhen i was in Monrovia last Summer, the Superintendent told me this would happen13:01
jelknerhe was not in favor of issuing equipment to take home13:02
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jelkneri convinced him i wanted to do it13:02
jelknerbut we have now had 3 incidents that make me feel i made a mistake13:02
jelkneri am putting you and your families in danger13:02
jelknerthat was very irresponsible of me13:03
jelknerthe problem for me, and this is what i argued with the Superintendent, is that we will not be able to start a business13:03
jelknerif you all can't have regular access to the equipment you need, whenever you need it13:04
jelknerwe have about a year and half to figure that out13:04
jelknercould we open an office together?13:04
jelknerwhere we could safely work?13:04
jelkneryou will have to tell me that13:04
jelknerbut for now, the best plan is for you all to get in the habit of working in the MCSS office13:05
jelknerit is safe, and we have good access to it thanks to our friend the Supe13:05
jelknerwe should take advantage of that13:05
jelknerACTION done13:05
mulbahokay jeff13:05
janetGood morning Jeff13:06
jelknergood morning janet 13:06
mulbahjeff i found a way in mumbel we can talk13:06
jelknernice, mulbah 13:06
scooperI you done for now13:06
scooperare you done for now Jeff13:06
jelkneryes, scooper, that's what13:07
jelknerACTION done13:07
jelknermeans ;-)13:07
mulbahjust open your mumble13:07
scooperConcerning Thomas situation13:07
jelknermulbah, let's try that later13:07
jelknerafter the reports13:07
jelknerwell, can we start?13:09
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jelknerthere you are tmickelson 13:09
jelkneri just called you13:09
jelkneri guess that worked ;-)13:10
tmickelsonthanks for the reminder13:10
jelknerjanet: you are 1st on the agenda13:10
jelknercan you please move ahead with your report?13:10
janetokay Jeff13:10
jelknerfolks, this needs to move faster13:12
jelkneri have UoPeople homework, like always13:12
jelkneri can't just sit here in silence13:13
dcammue_Good morning Jeff, how you spent your week?13:13
scooperI think13:13
scooperJanet is going through her report13:13
scooperto present13:13
jelknerscooper, let's work to make this fast13:13
jelknerevery Saturday we will start with the 3 reports13:14
jelknerif janet isn't ready13:14
scooperplease hold on a lil bit let Janet drive13:14
jelknersomeone else should go13:14
jelkneri see it13:15
jelknermy immediate reaction is - this is nice for 1 day's work13:15
jelkneri am happy you can use git13:15
jelknerand you have a program that is a step forward from last week13:16
jelknerbut i will say that for a whole week13:16
jelknerit is too slow13:16
jelknerthere should be commits made several times during the week13:16
jelknerthat's what i tell my students in virginia13:16
jelknerand i'll say the same to you13:16
jelknerremember, you can ask me questions from 2:30 to 3 pm13:17
jelknerduring the week13:17
jelknerACTION done13:17
janetokay, I understand Jeff13:17
jelkneryou will only progress if you put in the time13:18
jelknerit takes *a lot* of time13:18
jelknerso you have to:13:18
jelkner1. like it13:18
jelkner2. do it13:18
jelknerACTION done13:18
jelknerwhose next?13:18
scooperBefore you leave13:18
scooperI will like to have a screen share with you today13:19
scooperon a project Jeff13:19
jelknerscooper: let's do screen share after13:19
scooperThat why  I mean13:19
jelknerbest to have 10 minute reports here13:20
dcammue_Can we move on?13:20
jelknersince this tech is reliable13:20
jelkneryes, please13:20
svaye_Is it our time to present13:21
svaye_okay Jeff13:21
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svaye_The web development team svaye and dcammue read Head First HTML/CSS and completed chapter two(2)13:23
svaye_This the link of the work we did using the codes from the book
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svaye_Our goal for next week is to read chapter three(3) of the book and write a project 13:27
jelknerthanks, svaye_ 13:27
svaye_And plan to continue reading and learning new codes13:27
dcammueAnd here's my link
jelknerok, let me tell you both something, the same thing i said to janet 13:28
jelkneri just checked
jelkneras a teacher / mentor, i *love* git13:28
jelknersince i can see what you are doing and when13:29
jelknerit would make me really happy to see more commits throughout the week13:29
jelknerso i know you are putting in the time you need13:29
jelknersvaye_ and dcammue 13:29
svaye_Yes Jeff13:30
jelknerone of our goals from this process is to establish a "Sister School" relationship between MCSS and APS13:30
jelkneri would like us to take the lead on that13:30
mulbahsure jeff13:30
dcammueok Jeff we will do that. Promise!13:30
jelknerwe have already started with, tboimah and mulbah working with tmickelson and thehedgeh0g 13:30
jelknerthe next group i'd like to pair up is the web group13:31
jelkneri have 3 students in my class this year that i asked to work with you two13:31
jelkneri will get them set up on irc next week13:31
svaye_That sounds great13:31
jelknerbut we may need to use email too13:31
jelknersvaye_ and dcammue, can you use your nova web email?13:32
dcammuethanks Jeff 13:32
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jelknerdcammue is that a yes?13:32
dcammuethat's great to hear13:32
svaye_Yes my novaweb email is active13:32
jelknerdcammue, can you access your nova web email?13:32
dcammueno Jeff13:33
jelknersvaye_, what about you?13:33
svaye_mine is working13:33
dcammueis  till tell me login fail13:33
jelknerscooper, can you help dcammue with email?13:33
jelknersvaye_, for now, i'll email you13:34
jelknerand introduce you to the students in virginia13:34
jelknerwe can bring dcammue in when he can access his email13:34
dcammueHe tries but it still not working13:34
scooperis there a problem will d novaweb mail thought we had this fix first13:34
svaye_alright Jeff13:34
jelknertmickelson and thehedgeh0g are our sys admins13:35
jelknerthey should be able to fix any problems with nova web email13:35
jelknerbut as far as i know, its working13:35
jelknerso, dcammue, if you can't access your email (i assume that means your password doesn't work)13:35
jelkneri thought scooper could change that13:35
jelknerbut if he can't13:36
jelknerthehedgeh0g certainly can13:36
scooperAdrain give me access13:36
dcammueok Jeff13:36
jelknerso show up at 2:30 pm and ask here for help13:36
jelknerok, let's move on13:36
scooperAnd I can still record that I fixed those who have mail issues13:36
jelkneri will email svaye_ this week and introduce her to Danyit, Ashley, and Annie13:37
svaye_Okay Jeff13:38
jelknerokay, next...13:39
jelknertboimah: 13:39
jelkneryour report please13:40
mulbahjeff I will be presenting today because thomas have problem with his computer13:40
jelknergo ahead mulbah 13:41
mulbahokay jeff thanks for given me this time to present what we understand13:41
mulbahbefore i began i want to ask you a question 13:42
jelknergo ahead, mulbah, ask13:42
mulbahcan we open a terminal to do screen sharing 13:43
mulbahto demonstrate what we have learn13:43
jelknerthe plan is for you to briefly summarize what you learned here in the chat13:43
jelknerthis is the weekly 10 minute report13:44
jelknerremember, this channel is logged13:44
mulbahokay jee13:44
mulbahokay jeff13:44
jelknerso we can look bak later and see the report13:44
jelkner*after* that13:44
jelknerwe can do lab13:44
mulbahfirstly let me beging with the navigation13:44
jelknerand that's when you can show us13:44
mulbahToday we will be presenting on chapter 2 and 3 of our book brifely13:44
mulbahwhat we understand about navigation is that it is all about13:45
mulbahunderstanding the file system by moving around from one13:45
mulbahdirectory to another13:45
mulbahBy using the13:45
mulbahpwd command which print name of current working directory13:46
mulbahthe cd command which change directory13:46
mulbahand the ls which list directory13:46
jelknergreat, mulbah 13:46
mulbahnext will be on exploring the system by using the13:46
mulbahfile command which determine file type13:46
mulbahless view file contents13:46
mulbahand the ls which I talk about just now that 13:47
mulbahlist directory13:47
mulbahAnd what we understand is that you can use a path (/) to13:47
mulbahnavigate or explore either a file or directory13:47
mulbaheg: ls Document/my_work will list all the file and directory in my_work directory because of the path that was use13:47
jelknernice presentation mulbah 13:48
jelkneri have a homework assignment for you13:48
jelknernext saturday, i want you to tell us how the file system is a *tree data structure*13:48
jelknerit is *so* important to understand the file system13:48
jelknerso many of my students in virginia struggle with that13:49
jelknerand if they don't understand it, they can't become power users of the computer13:49
jelknermulbah, and i ask you a question?13:49
jelknercan i ask you a question?13:49
jelknerhow is your collaboration going with tmickelson and thehedgeh0g?13:50
jelkneri understand you are working closely with them, is that true?13:50
jelknerwhile we wait for mulbah to reply13:52
mulbahit is I and tmickelson have been meeting and it is going great mostly this gone Friday13:52
jelknerand you two are going to demo immediately after this, yes?13:53
mulbahwe practice on the tail command and we was sharing terminal 13:53
jelkneryes, that's what i want to see, sharing the terminal13:54
jelknersince it will be an important tool for us in the future13:54
jelknerok, let's bring this part of the meeting to a close13:54
jelknerwe should keep striving to bring down the time13:54
jelkneri want it to take only 30 minutes13:55
jelknerwe are at 56 today13:55
jelknerit will take practice13:55
jelkneranyone one have anything to say before we move on?13:55
jelknerAmazing, scooper 13:57
jelknerdid i just save a file on the machine in the lab?13:57
jelknerThat is too cool!13:57
scooperyou ask for it now13:57
jelknerGreat work!13:57
scooperso I have to put in the effort13:57
jelknerthat will be very, very helpful13:58
scooperNow let view my code13:58
jelkneras the python programs and web pages you write get more complicated13:58
scooperThe are few thing I need to ask you13:58
jelknerwe can use that to show how to do things13:58
scooperPlease cd to my Desktop13:58
jelkneri did13:59
jelknerwait, i have a question13:59
scooperand also cd to tmate folder13:59
jelknercan everyone see me do this at the same time?13:59
scooperYou mean 13:59
scooperwhen you was creating the file on my computer??13:59
jelknerLOL, you wrote that file on Windows, scooper 14:00
mulbahjeff can we try what is was talk about on mumble voice chat14:00
jelknerif you give me 5 minutes14:00
jelknerlet's try14:00
mulbahopen your mumble software14:01
mulbahyou done14:02
jelkneri just did14:02
mulbahgo to server and cleck on add new connection14:02
jelkneri connected to students.mcssliberia.org14:03
jelknerbut i'm the only one there14:03
mulbahfrom the student server14:03
jelknermulbah, scooper has something to say14:03
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mulbahbut scooper has quit14:04
jelknerhe's back14:05
jelknerok, scooper and mulbah 14:06
jelknerwe need to give time for folks to work14:06
jelknerotherwise, next week we won't have made much progress14:06
jelkneri am thrilled to be able to log into mcss lab computers14:06
jelknernow we want to get shared voice working14:06
jelknerusing mumble14:06
jelknerbut we can't test things here14:07
jelknermulbah, tboimah, tmickelson, and thehedgeh0g should get it working smoothly14:07
jelknerand then introduce it to the rest of us14:07
jelknerjust like scooper just did with screen sharing14:07
jelknernow that i can log in to machines in the lab14:07
jelkneri could install software, run updates, etc.14:08
jelknerwhat about mumble?14:08
jelknermulbah and tmickelson 14:08
jelknerare we ready for that?14:08
jelkneror should we wait until next week?14:08
mulbahI'm really14:09
jelknerdo you mean ready?14:09
jelkner(you're really what? ;-)14:10
mulbahyeah 14:10
jelknermulbah: let's see14:10
mulbahI make a mistake14:10
jelkneri'll give you 5 minutes14:10
jelknershow us14:10
mulbahso can we try it now 14:10
jelknerwhat do we need to do?14:11
mulbahhave disconnect from the student server14:11
jelkneri just did14:11
mulbahokay go to add new connection14:12
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tmickelsonjelkner, may i leave14:12
jelknertmickelson: sure14:13
jelknermulbah: let's do this next week14:13
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jelknerlet me explain what i mean by being ready14:13
jelkneryou have a set of easy steps14:13
jelknerto tell us to do14:13
jelkneryou paste a url here14:13
jelknerthat we can click on14:13
jelkneryou have a markdown file with simple instructions14:14
jelknerand you paste a link here14:14
jelkneruntil we have that14:14
jelknerwe aren't ready14:14
jelknerso let's try to have that next week14:14
jelknerand we'll try again14:14
jelknerso, i'm going to sign off for now14:15
jelknerso you all can get to work14:15
jelknerand me too14:15
jelkneri have a lot of UoPeople homework14:15
jelknerand i need to plan lessons for my classes14:16
jelknerand i need to test email to svaye_ 14:16
jelknerso that i can introduce her to the web group14:16
jelknerdcammue, please try to get email working14:16
jelknerso you can join the conversation14:16
jelkneranything else before i go?14:16
scooperWill you turn later???14:17
scooperif you leave now14:17
jelknerwill i turn?14:17
jelkneri don't understand14:18
jelknerscooper: i'll be working on homework for many hours14:18
jelkneri wasn't planning on returning14:18
jelknerwhat do you need?14:18
jelknerwe can let everyone else get to work14:18
jelknerand you and i can chat for a few more minutes if you need something14:18
jelknerbut then i have to get to work14:18
scooperI needed 10 or 15 minutes of your time14:18
jelkneryou don't want me to fail, right? ;-)14:19
scooperis that possible??14:19
scooperlike wise me right14:19
jelknerok everyone, see you next week14:19
jelknerme and scooper will stay for 15 more minutes14:19
jelknerbut you should get to work14:19
scooperI have assignment too Jeff14:19
jelknerso you have something to show next week14:19
janettake care 14:19
jelknerbye janet 14:19
jelknerscooper, let's talk14:20
jelknerwhat do you need, my friend?14:20
scooperlet demonstrate that gain14:20
scooperI want to show  you few things14:21
jelknerso i'm still logged in, scooper 14:21
jelknerwe need to talk to thehedgeh0g about that, because security is a concern14:21
scooperCHeck you inbox14:21
scooperit's secure14:22
jelknermy inbox?14:22
scooperI read on it14:22
scooperespecially when using ssh to access14:22
scooperyour personal hexchat14:22
jelkneri did14:22
jelkneri'm connected14:23
jelkneri never disconnected14:23
scoopersame step again14:23
scoopercd to desktop next cd to tmate14:23
scooperI m not seeing you on my screen14:24
scooperhold on please14:24
scoopercan you see me typing Jeff14:24
jelknerno, scooper 14:25
jelkneri can't14:25
jelkneri am logged in14:25
jelknerand i can do what i want14:25
jelknerbut i can't see you typing14:25
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