IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-02-22

*** sysadmin has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)02:15
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*** sysadmin__ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)09:58
jelknerGood morning Annaquarius!13:17
jelknerWe have to get Shallon scheduled to chat with you soon.13:18
*** Annaquarius has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:19
*** sysadmin_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:50
mulbahHow are you doing jeff14:04
jelknerI'm in class, mulbah 14:06
jelknerAre you in the MCSS office?14:07
mulbahI an at my how house14:07
jelknerI am hoping you can get into the MCSS office regularly14:08
jelknerso you can work in the lab14:08
jelknerThat's where you will really be able to learn system administration14:08
jelkneri need to let everyone know that i can't make it to class this saturday14:09
jelknersysadmin__, is that you, scooper?14:09
jelknermulbah, do you have a way to call scooper?14:10
jelknerCould you ask him to meet me here now if he can?14:10
jelknerI have a very busy day today14:10
jelknerand i need to talk to him about our plan for this week14:11
mulbahOkay jeff I'm about to do it right away14:11
jelknerThank you!14:11
mulbahso we will not be meeting this coming saturday14:13
scooperHello Jeff14:15
scooperSorry for being late14:15
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:28
jelknerscooper, great, you're here14:37
jelkneri asked mulbah to call you14:37
jelkneryou know how schools are, scooper 14:37
jelknerwe have too much going on14:37
jelkneri can't keep up14:37
jelknerstudents coming to me with questions14:37
jelknerasking me for quiz makeups - tmickelson is doing that now14:38
jelkneranyway, are you here?14:38
jelknerscooper, 14:38
jelknerok, no replay14:38
jelkneri need to do something else14:38
jelknerscooper, i can't be in class this saturday14:43
jelkneri have this:14:43
jelkneri sent an email to svaye14:43
jelknerintroducing her to the new web team14:43
jelkneri am asking you to please follow up on that14:43
jelknerscooper, please use this saturday as a lab day14:44
jelknermake sure everyone works and makes progress14:44
jelknerscooper, tmickelson is suggesting he could cover for me14:46
jelknerthat would be great14:46
jelknerwe need to plan, but you're not heere14:46
jelknerscooper, can you meet us here tomorrow at the scheduled time (2:30 pm)?14:46
sysadmin__I m here14:46
sysadmin__I m reading while you are writing 14:46
jelknerlet's talk14:47
sysadmin__I need to talk with Aaron Jeff, please tell him to respond to my mail14:47
jelknerthey are here now14:47
sysadmin__Let conclude first14:48
sysadmin__Ok I will as you had mentioned making this coming saturday a lab day14:48
jelknersysadmin__, did you see the email i sent to svaye and dcamune?14:50
sysadmin__I think I reply you as well Jeff14:51
jelknerlet me check14:51
jelknersysadmin__, i don't see a reply14:52
jelkneri'm going to setup an email alias14:53
jelkneri'm thinking of calling it webgroup14:53
jelkneror mcsswebgroup14:53
jelknerthat's better14:53
jelknerso we will have mcsswebgroup@novawebdevelopment.org14:54
jelknerand it will go to: Shallon, Daniel, Anna, you, and me.14:54
jelknersound good, sysadmin__?14:54
jelknerwe have a short term project and a long term project for the group14:55
sysadmin__SOrry for the slow reply I m in a session with Aaron14:56
jelknerShort term: Work on Tanaka Chirara's website14:57
jelknerLong term: Work on MCSS website14:57
jelknerok, i'll talk to you tomorrow14:57
jelknerACTION signs off for the day14:57
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:57
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:06
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:07
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:07
*** sysadmin__ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:25
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:13
*** jkoleah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:30

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