IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-02-27

*** scooper has quit (None)13:48
jelknerscooper, so good to see you sir!14:24
scooperHello Jeff14:24
scooperHOw are you doing14:24
jelknerDid you see my email this morning?14:24
jelknerThanks for yours, btw.14:24
scooperCOncerning Stephen??14:24
scooperYes... I responded to Stephen as well14:25
jelknerIt's going to be hard for Stephen to coordinate times with us14:25
jelknerhe is in California14:25
scooperBut he did mentioned of saturday14:25
scooperbeing available whole day14:26
scooperwelcome tmickelson14:26
tmickelsonhello scooper14:28
scooperHOw are you doing????14:28
jelknerhe is 8 hours behind you14:28
scooperhmmm asked him through my mail this morning to be exact if you can meet this coming saturday or any other saturday he think will be ok for him since he stay in school from 8-5 monday to friday14:30
jelkner8 am your time, scooper, is midnight his time14:32
scooperI asked him through my mail this morning to be exact if we can meet on Hexchat this coming Saturday or any other Saturday he think will be ok for him since he stay in school from 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday14:32
jelknerwe need to keep this simple14:32
jelknerlook at my email14:32
jelknersince Tanaka is in Zimbabwe14:33
jelknerhe is 2 hours behind you14:34
jelknerwait, i'm getting mixed up14:34
jelknertime zones make my head explode :-(14:34
jelkneri'll stick with UTC14:35
jelknerwhen we meet a 1 pm UTC14:35
scooperI m going through your mail Jeff14:35
jelknerit is 5 am for Dr. Hubbard14:35
jelknernot sure he wants to get up that early14:35
jelknerand it is 3 pm for Tanaka14:35
jelknerwhich should be ok14:36
jelknerit is really Tanaka who is our customer14:36
jelknerso we need him at the meeting14:36
jelknerdr. hubbard can check the logs and see what we discussed14:36
scooperI read this mail before Jeff14:36
scooperThis project will need django from the from what I m seeing Jeff14:37
jelknerin the long term, scooper, yes.14:38
jelknerit will need to be a web application14:38
jelknerbut for now, it will be a static site14:38
jelknerwe need to map the solution to both the problem and our available resources14:38
jelknerthe first task of the web team is to take Tanaka's pdf and convert it to nice looking website14:39
jelknerthat's all14:39
scooperThe Project is asking for people to POst what this know about the IAP14:39
jelknerYes, scooper, i understand that14:39
scooperYou need in  your communication14:39
jelkneri don't think you understand me14:39
jelknerwe are volunteers14:39
jelknerwe do what we can14:39
scooperGot you14:40
jelknernone of the 5 people in the web team can create a web application with a backend14:40
jelknerremember, we are volunteers14:40
jelknerand learning goals are very important for us14:40
scooperI want to give this project a try JEff14:40
jelknerscooper, that sounds great14:41
jelknerbut please hold off14:41
jelknerlet me explain14:41
jelkneri want:14:41
scooperMaking it like a block post14:41
jelkner1. this be done by Anna, Shallon, Danayit, Daniel, and Ashley14:42
jelkner2. it to cost us nothing but time, at least for now14:42
jelkneras soon as you talk about a web application, it will cost money to host it14:43
jelknerwho will pay the bill for that?14:43
jelknera static website we can put on github pages for now14:43
jelknerand it won't cost us anything14:43
jelkneri would strongly encourage *you*, scooper, to set up development environments in the lab for you experiments with this project14:44
jelknerthen you can have a git repo with the code14:44
jelknerthat others can run on their local servers14:44
jelknerthen we don't need to worry about hosting fees14:44
jelknerdo you understand, scooper?14:46
scooperI m following your instructions Jeff14:46
jelknerno, that's not what i'm asking for14:46
scooperYes I understand14:46
jelkneryou and i are the project managers, but i'm old, and have more experience14:47
jelkneri love your enthusiasm14:47
jelknerwe need that!14:47
jelknerbut you often don't think about the problems that will come up14:47
jelknersince you don't have experience with that yet14:47
jelknerwe want to get to where you are heading14:48
jelknerbut there are many steps along the way14:48
jelknerwe start small14:48
jelknerwith deliverables we can manage14:48
jelknerfor example, my friend14:48
jelkneri haven't seen an email from svaye recently14:48
jelknerwe need that14:49
jelknerand it is your task to remind her to do it ;-)14:49
scooperI did Jeff14:49
scooperI think I need to be present while she is mailing you14:49
jelkneri'm thinking that svaya on your end, and anna litwiller on my end14:50
jelknershould be in the lead14:50
jelknerlet's let them coordinate this14:50
jelknernot us14:50
jelknerwe need to train leaders14:50
jelknernot do all that ourselves14:50
jelknerwe can't create a cooperative without lots of leaders14:51
scooperI give both of them the instruction that was given to me by you Jeff14:51
jelknerok, then we wait14:51
jelknerdon't move too fast14:51
jelknerit is more important that they be trusted to lead this14:51
jelkneryou and me need to help14:51
jelknernot take control of it14:51
jelknermake sense?14:51
scooperYes Jeff14:52
jelkneri'm hoping that savaye can very excitedly report on this at her summary on saturday14:52
jelknertelling us how she helped lead the team to start getting to know each other14:52
jelknerand to begin setting up the project14:52
jelknerthat's what we need14:53
jelknerok, please enourage svaye to see if she can get Tanaka to join us sometime during our meeting this saturday14:53
jelknerbetween 1 an 3 pm UTC14:53
jelknerwe will schedule everything else around that14:54
scooperI will Jeff14:54
jelknerso i won't post an agenda until we know if he can do it14:54
jelknernow, regarding your Django dreams, my friend ;-)14:54
jelkneryou and tmickelson should coordinate the learning around that14:55
jelknerin the lab, you could set up a WSGI server14:55
jelknerand tmickelson could do the same here14:55
jelknerso that you both learn to deploy Django14:55
jelkneryou already know it requires two servers14:55
jelkneran HTTPS server, and a WSGI server14:56
jelknergunicorn is the standard WSGI server i think14:56
jelknerbut tmickelson can consult with thehedgeh0g 14:56
jelknerand come up with a plan14:56
scooperI will be so glad if this happen Jeff14:56
jelknerthe combination gnuicorn + nginx is what i've seen most often14:57
jelknerbut thehedgeh0g like caddy14:57
jelknerand caddy is a huge help in that is autorenews ssl certificates14:57
jelknerwhich is a huge pain14:57
jelknerso that is a conversation you 3 need to have14:59
jelknerbell rang14:59
jelknergotta run14:59
jelknerlet's talk tomorrow14:59
jelknerACTION signs off14:59
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:59
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:10
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:07
*** sysadmin_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:13

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