IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-03-09

jelknerscooper, hello14:57
scooperHello Jeff14:57
jelkneri was hoping to chat with you14:57
jelknerbut i can't now14:57
scooperI m here Sir14:57
jelknersince the bell rings in 3 minutes14:57
scoopercan you send me a mail later???14:57
jelknerwill you be on this afternoon?14:57
scooperOr during the meeting today14:57
jelkneri wanted to plan for saturday14:57
jelknerbetter irc than email14:58
scooper+1 I will14:58
jelknertalk then14:58
jelknergotta go14:58
jelknerbell rang14:58
scooperOk Jeff14:58
jelknerACTION logs off until later...14:58
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:58
*** scooper has quit (None)15:00
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*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:57
jelknerHello, scooper!20:18
scooperHello Jeff20:18
scooperHOw are you doing this afternoon??20:19
jelknerYou, me, and thehedgeh0g are all here.20:19
jelknerLet's do a wee bit of planning, shall we?20:19
scooperOh Hello Aaron20:19
scooperYes Jeff I will highly appreciate20:19
thehedgeh0ghello scooper, good to see you as always.20:19
jelknerok, we want to think about goals for each of the three groups20:20
scooperBut please we should go an hour Jeff I on my assignment for thursday submission 20:20
jelknerand who will be the main person managing each process20:20
jelknerin my mind, i have the Python group headed by scooper 20:20
jelknerthe sys admin group with thehedgeh0g and tmickelson doing the guiding20:20
scooperThanks for the responsibility Jeff20:20
jelknerand the web group guided by yours truly20:21
jelknersound about right?20:21
scooperI done understand yours truly20:22
jelkner"Yours truly" means me20:22
scooperOh ok20:22
scoopergot you20:22
jelknerand the web group guided by jelkner20:22
jelkneri began working with Anna this morning20:23
jelknerwe created a git repo for the web project20:23
jelknerwhich will be shared among us20:23
jelkneri will want svaye and dcamune to look to her for guidance20:23
jelkneri'll work with her20:23
jelknershe will work with them20:24
jelknerso we are building the team20:24
jelkneryou should lead the programmers study group20:24
jelknerand you can use jelkner (Yours truly ;-) as a resource20:24
scooperI will always do20:24
jelknerbut i want you to come to me with the questions *after* you have tried to solve them for yourselves first20:25
jelkneri am hoping tmickelson can make our meeting saturday20:25
scooperdid you see the mark down git link I send your via email???20:25
jelkneri did20:25
scooperI was it20:26
jelkneri replied20:26
jelknernice work!20:26
jelkneri noticed you are learning markdown and python20:26
scooperthought I mess up oooo20:26
jelknerwe need that20:26
scooperThanks for the motivation Jeff20:26
jelknerscooper, can you do me another favor?20:27
scooperAnd thanks for the allowance as well I received it yesterday...20:27
scooperWhat is it Jeff20:27
jelknercan you please setup our agenda?20:27
scooperfor Saturday meeting???20:28
jelkneri always do it20:28
jelknerwe should gradually change that20:29
scooperI can but I don't know how to make little webster fire it in HexChat went you press agenda20:29
jelknerstarting with you20:29
jelkneri'll teach you20:29
jelknerright now20:29
scooperI m ready to learn Jeff20:29
jelknerthe command to see what is on the agenda already, use "!agenda"20:30
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!20:31
jelknertry it20:31
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!20:31
jelknernow to add an item, you use "!add Type your item here"20:32
jelkneri've been trying to standardize the format20:32
jelknerso we get used to it20:32
jelknerWith: description (presenter) (time)20:33
jelknerwe've been starting the meeting with 10 minute presentations from each group20:33
jelknercan you please add those?20:33
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove20:34
scooper!add Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00)20:35
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00)" has been added to the agenda.20:35
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:35
LittleWebsterWelcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00) (added by scooper)20:35
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:36
LittleWebsterWelcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00) (added by scooper)20:36
jelknerscooper, you really want to do that for an hour?20:36
jelknerwe can remove an item with remove20:36
scooperDid I got a correct???20:36
jelkner!remove Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00)20:37
LittleWebsterError: "Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00)" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!20:37
jelknerscooper, try removing it20:37
jelknerit won't let me20:37
scooper!remove Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report20:38
LittleWebsterError: "Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!20:38
scooperan error occurred while removing it20:38
scooperdid i missed the command20:38
thehedgeh0gscooper, you didn't write out all the text for the event. The command should be "!remove Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00)"20:39
scooper!remove Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00)20:40
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Welcome to Monrovia Base ICT Weekly report(10) (1:00)" has been removed from the agenda.20:40
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!20:40
jelknerscooper, look in the private message20:40
jelkneri sent you the text for the first item20:40
jelknerbut you have to write it here20:41
jelknerscooper, do you see it?20:41
scooper!add web group summary(svaye) (10 minutes)20:41
LittleWebsterSuccess: "web group summary(svaye) (10 minutes)" has been added to the agenda.20:41
jelknernow add the other two groups in the same format20:42
scooper!add system admin  group summary(tboimah) (10 minutes)20:43
LittleWebsterSuccess: "system admin  group summary(tboimah) (10 minutes)" has been added to the agenda.20:43
jelknergreat, one more20:43
scooper!add python  group summary (scooper) (15 minutes)20:43
LittleWebsterSuccess: "python  group summary (scooper) (15 minutes)" has been added to the agenda.20:43
jelknerwhy 15 minutes instead of 10?20:44
jelkneri didn't notice that20:44
scooperI have a lot to say Jeff20:44
jelknerok, but remember, if they don't have time to do things20:44
jelknerwe won't make progress20:44
scooperThat Why am the last 20:44
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:45
LittleWebsterweb group summary(svaye) (10 minutes) (added by scooper)20:45
LittleWebstersystem admin  group summary(tboimah) (10 minutes) (added by scooper)20:45
LittleWebsterpython  group summary (scooper) (15 minutes) (added by scooper)20:45
scooperThanks also for the processs20:45
scooperI wouldn't have been sucessful without your timely intervention20:46
jelknerok, i'll add one more item20:46
jelknerand then i have to go20:46
jelkner!agenda Reflection and discussion of pace and longer term goals (jelkner) (10 minutes)20:47
LittleWebsterInvalid arguments.20:47
jelkner!add Reflection and discussion of pace and longer term goals (jelkner) (10 minutes)20:47
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Reflection and discussion of pace and longer term goals (jelkner) (10 minutes)" has been added to the agenda.20:47
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:47
LittleWebsterweb group summary(svaye) (10 minutes) (added by scooper)20:47
LittleWebstersystem admin  group summary(tboimah) (10 minutes) (added by scooper)20:47
LittleWebsterpython  group summary (scooper) (15 minutes) (added by scooper)20:47
LittleWebsterReflection and discussion of pace and longer term goals (jelkner) (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)20:47
jelknerokie dokie20:47
jelknerwe're good20:47
jelknerwe have a lot going on here now20:47
jelknerbusy room20:47
jelkneri need to attend to activities here20:48
jelknerbut we will continue on saturday20:48
jelknerthanks, scooper!20:48
scooperOK thanks Jeff20:48
jelknerSay hi to all the women in your life for me!20:48
scooperhahaha only one for now20:48
scooperthat is Bernice20:48
jelknerNo, I mean, mother, wife, daughters20:49
jelknerthat's 420:49
jelknertalk soon, i'm signing off now...20:49
scooperhahahaha I will Jeff20:49
jelknerACTION signs off20:49
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)20:49
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)20:50

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