IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-03-22

jelknerHello scooper 13:27
jelknerHow is your mother?13:27
scooperHello Jeff13:27
scooperShe home on a bed rest for now13:27
jelknerIs she feeling a bit better?13:28
scooperThanks for the constant concern Jeff I really appreciate you and the team concern13:28
scooperYes she is getting better gradually13:28
jelknerThat's great to hear!13:28
scooperSO yesterday13:29
scooperI did what you ask for concerning the git branches13:29
jelknerActually it was thehedgeh0g who suggested that13:30
scooperI will help Shallon and Daniel when they come in13:30
jelknerscooper, can i give you a call?13:30
scooperSure it super perfect I did know at it all.. 13:30
scooperI left my phone with my mother13:31
scooperright I done have my phone with me13:31
jelkneri just tried to call13:31
jelkneri'll just have to type then13:31
scooperI will give you a call when I get home13:32
scooperis that ok for now13:32
jelkneri want to set up a meeting with you and the Superintendent13:32
jelknerwhat time do you get home?13:32
scooper5:00 liberia time13:32
jelknerthat's 1 pm my time13:32
scooperWill that be ok for you???13:33
jelknercan i call you on signal between 5 and 6 pm your time?13:33
jelknerlet me give you a "heads up" like we say in Virgina, on what I want to talk about13:33
scooperOK Jeff13:34
jelknerbasically, we are making steady progress13:34
jelknerand at this point, i would like to get you an assistant13:37
jelknerso that when you are out, or need to take care of family business, we have someone else who can run the meetings13:38
jelknerlet's talk about who that might be this evening13:38
jelknerwe need on of the graduates13:38
jelknerok, i have a student here for help13:38
jelkneri have to go13:38
jelkneri'll call you between 5 and 613:38
jelknerACTION signs off13:38
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:38
scooperOk Jeff13:39
jelknerI'm back, scooper 13:43
scooperI m still here13:43
jelknerThat was quicker than i thought13:43
jelknerso anyway, do you understand what i'm suggesting?13:44
scooperI understand Jeff but I done think we are ready for this now....13:44
scooperIf you suggest to the superintendent he might say the same think13:44
jelknerthat is a concern for me13:45
jelknerwe are moving too slowly again13:45
jelkneri keep working backwards from Summer 202413:45
scooperWhat are see here for now that we need to responsible as interns13:45
jelkneri brought up the industry certifications, not because they are the "be all, end all", as we say13:46
jelknerbut because they give us a measure of our progress13:46
scooperIf emergency pop up we most take responsibities to get online individually Jeff13:46
jelknerif we don't have people passing those certifications by next year13:46
jelkneri'm not coming to Liberia13:46
jelknerit won't be worth the time to keep doing this unless we can make steady, and increasingly rapid, progress13:47
scooperJeff I understand your point... but passing shouldn't be a measure on our work... But project should be 13:47
jelknerno, both should13:47
scooperAny way I understand and will to cooperate Jeff13:48
jelknerwe need two things, theory and practice13:48
jelkneryou need both13:48
jelknerwe aren't doing so well on the projects, yet13:48
jelkneri still can't ask the team to deliver things13:48
jelknerwe are moving slowly13:48
jelknerit takes hours, *lots of hours*, to get skilled13:49
jelknerthousands of hours13:49
jelknerthe team is reliable13:49
jelknerand we keep moving13:49
jelknerbut i can tell they aren't putting in the number of hours they would need to put in13:49
jelknerto be successful13:50
jelknerthat's why i think we are ready to hire one person13:50
jelknerwho would work with MCSS sponsored by NOVA Web Development13:52
scooperWhat I think here is to work with one of MCSS Security13:52
jelknerand they would work full time13:52
jelkner40 hours per week13:52
jelkneror whatever full time is there13:52
jelknerto learn13:52
jelknerand to coordinate with the rest of the team13:52
jelknerto teach13:52
jelknerin other words13:52
jelkneri want to get this in place by the start of Summer13:53
jelknerlet's talk more after 513:54
scooperOK I have a suggestion put will tell you by 5:0013:55
jelknerlet's talk then13:55
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*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)18:23

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