IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-05-05

*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)01:15
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jelknerGood day, scooper 13:24
scooperHello Jeff13:25
scooperHow are  you doing13:25
scooperHello tmickelson13:26
tmickelsonhello scooper 13:26
scooperHow are you doing today???13:26
tmickelsonim good, how are you13:26
scooperIs there any gitea lesson to learn today???13:27
scooperI m fine did you saw the upload I did after following your instruction???13:27
jelknerscooper, any word on fkoikoi?13:27
scooperJeff, I expected freena to be here today but up till now she haven turn up yet13:28
jelknerCan you call her?13:29
scooperI even placed a call to her this morning as a reminder13:29
jelkneryou've done all you can do13:29
scooperWe need to ask Freena what is her problem Jeff13:29
jelkneras a general principle, we will need to be able to depend on each other to be reliable13:29
jelkneri wanted to, scooper, but she isn't here, so i can't?13:29
jelkneranyway, we need to figure out who we can get as your assistant13:30
scooperAnytime she come we need to ask her13:30
jelknerand the *first* requirement for the job is:13:30
jelknerShow up when and where you are required13:30
jelknerwithout that first requirement, communication becomes ineffective, and progress slows to a crawl13:31
jelknerso, let's think what to do13:31
jelknerShanun and you can lead a group discussion tomorrow as to what to do13:32
scooperOk Jeff13:32
jelknerbut we should try as hard as we can to find someone willing and ready to work as your assistant13:32
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:33
LittleWebsterDecide on compensation for our two staffers and discuss their responsibilities (added by jelkner)13:33
jelkner!delete Decide on compensation for our two staffers and discuss their responsibilitie13:33
jelkner!delete Decide on compensation for our two staffers and discuss their responsibilities13:33
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:33
LittleWebsterDecide on compensation for our two staffers and discuss their responsibilities (added by jelkner)13:33
jelkner!remove Decide on compensation for our two staffers and discuss their responsibilities13:34
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Decide on compensation for our two staffers and discuss their responsibilities" has been removed from the agenda.13:34
scooperCan I call you on signal??13:34
jelknerwait, you have tmickelson for only 25 minutes13:35
jelknerif you want a git lesson, that needs to happen now13:35
jelkner!add Vote on scooper's proposal for compensation13:35
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Vote on scooper's proposal for compensation" has been added to the agenda.13:35
scooperI thought tmickelson left13:35
tmickelsonim still here13:35
jelkner!add Discuss how to find an assistant13:36
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss how to find an assistant" has been added to the agenda.13:36
tmickelsondid you make edits to your fork13:36
scooperdo you have any lesson for me today 13:36
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:36
LittleWebsterVote on scooper's proposal for compensation (added by jelkner)13:36
LittleWebsterDiscuss how to find an assistant (added by jelkner)13:36
tmickelsonyes i have a lesson13:36
scooperI cloned as instructed by you and push that all13:36
tmickelsonnext merge scooper/website back into sysadmin-team/website13:37
tmickelsonthere is a button on the top bar in sysadmin/website that says Pull Requests13:38
tmickelson* second to top, not top13:39
tmickelsonin there click New Pull Request13:40
tmickelsonand set the pull from to scooper/website13:41
scooperI click Pull Request, next I m seeing new Pull Request13:41
scooperunder it I m seeing: Assignee, TYpe Sort13:41
tmickelsonthere is a big green button on the top right that says "New Pull Request"13:42
tmickelsondid you find it?13:44
tmickelsonsysadmin_, did you find it?13:45
sysadmin_not yet13:46
sysadmin_I m still in scooper13:46
tmickelsonthere is a big green button on the top right that says "New Pull Request"13:46
sysadmin_I did New Pull Already13:46
sysadmin_Let me give you a clue to where I m13:46
sysadmin_At the upper part of my gitea I have the following: Issues, Pull Requests, Milestones and Explore13:48
tmickelsonif you have something that says "merge into" and "pull from" set the pull from to scooper/website13:48
sysadmin_I click on PUll Requests already13:48
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:49
tmickelsondo you see a large button that says "New Pull Request"13:50
tmickelsonin the top right corner13:50
tmickelsonclick it13:50
scooperI m seeing two option after clicking "New PUll Request" merge into: sysadmin-team:main and pull from sysadmin-team amn13:51
tmickelsonset the "pull from:" to scooper/website13:51
scooperWhen I click on the pull from sysadmin-team the drop down option have something like this "Filter branch or Tag13:52
tmickelsonclick on scooper:main13:53
tmickelsonanother "New Pull Request" button should appear along with more stuff below it13:54
scooperAfter clicking on scooper main: I have two option here with my name: first is DNLesson and First commit13:54
scooperI m there already13:54
scooperWhat name tmickelson???13:55
scooperWhat next tmickelson??13:55
tmickelsonthose arnt options, those are commits13:55
scoopergot you13:56
tmickelsonclick on the new pull request button13:56
scooperI did already13:56
tmickelsonthen set the title of the pull request and add any other things in the message box below13:57
scooperI m seeing New Pull Request after clicking13:57
tmickelsonclick on "Create Pull Request"13:57
scooperWhere I m seeing "main" is the title right??13:58
scooperBelow the "main" I have sentence saying "Start the title with WIP: to prevent the pull request from being merged accidentally13:59
tmickelsonthe part right below select merge into and pull from is the title13:59
tmickelsonbelow that is another green button that says create pull request14:00
jelknerok, scooper 14:01
jelknertmickelson had to leave when the bell rang14:02
scooperI m seeing the new button tmickelson14:02
jelkneri just tried to call you on Signal, but you didn't pick up14:02
scooperI with tmickelson right now14:02
scooperthat why14:02
jelkneryou told me to?14:02
scooperTmickelson I you still there14:02
tmickelsontechnacly yes, but in in my next class14:03
scooperOK thanks for today14:03
jelknerscooper, do you still need to talk to me?14:04
jelknerif not, i'll go14:04
jelknerbut i have a planning period now, so i have a few minutes14:05
jelknerno students14:05
scooperi m calling u but no respond14:05
scooperur phone is ringing14:05
jelkneri'm calling you14:05
jelkneryour phone is ringing14:05
jelknernow answer14:05
jelknernever mind14:06
jelkneri don't want fight with tech14:06
jelknerwhat do you need?14:06
jelknerlet's talk here14:06
scooperNothing just a question14:06
jelknerand then i have to go14:06
jelknerneed to plan lessons14:06
scooperok another time14:07
scooperthanks Jeff14:07
jelknersure, you saw my updated agenda, yes?14:07
scooperI was wonderful with tmickerson today14:07
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:07
LittleWebsterVote on scooper's proposal for compensation (added by jelkner)14:07
LittleWebsterDiscuss how to find an assistant (added by jelkner)14:07
jelkneryou are really making great progress14:07
scooperYes I saw it14:07
jelknernow we need to find your assistant, so that we have two of you making great progress14:08
jelknerand then more ;-)14:08
scooperThe site is back on14:08
scoopermcss website is up14:08
jelknerthat's great news14:08
scooperthe sup settle the bill14:08
jelknerthat is great14:08
jelknerthat's what we need, *team work*!14:09
scooperJeff the virtual machine and the lab machine are the same14:09
scoopernever knew all these while you keep asking to practice in the lab constantly 14:09
jelknernot sure what you mean14:09
jelknerahh, yes!14:10
jelknerthat's what i'm saying!14:10
jelkneryou have a dozen machines to "play with" and learn from14:10
jelkneryou can set up servers, practice installing, etc.14:10
jelknerthat is what i've been trying to say14:10
jelknerglad to see we are reaching another threshold!14:10
scooperI was using one of your technique to scp with the -r command from one machine to another and it will ease14:11
jelknerscooper, that is wondeful14:11
jelknerit's fun14:11
jelkneryou'll love it14:11
jelknernow we need an assistant for you!14:12
jelknerso the two of you can practice together14:12
scooperI copy a django directory from my computer to one of the lab computer and it was really fun14:12
jelkneryes it is14:12
jelkneri'm so glad, scooper 14:12
jelkneryou made my day14:12
jelknerok, i gotta go14:12
scooperOk Jeff14:12
jelkneri might be able to lurk in the meeting tomorrow, but i'm not sure14:12
jelknerthe next week i won't be there at all14:13
jelkneri called Sahnun14:13
scooperBut we will be here14:13
jelknerhe said he will lead the meetings with you both weeks14:13
jelkneri hope so14:13
jelkneri want to send the $80014:13
scooperOh thanks14:13
jelknerbut i won't do that until you select an assitant14:14
jelknerso you all need to decide on that tomorrow14:14
scooperThanks once again Jeff a lot has been learn since I met you14:14
jelknerwe need someone who will show up *every day* next week14:14
jelkneranyway, i look forward to talking to you again on monday if i can't be there tomorrow14:15
jelknerthanks, my friend, and enjoy the lab!14:15
jelknerACTION logs off14:15
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:15
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:15
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:25
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:37

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