IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-05-08

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jelknerGood day scooper, fkoikoi, and shmohamud!13:16
fkoikoiGood day Jeff13:16
scooperGood morning jelker13:16
fkoikoiHow are you today?13:16
jelkneri'm especially happy today, fkoikoi, since i see you here with us! ;-)13:17
fkoikoisure Jeff13:17
jelknerhow is your class going?13:17
jelknerfkoikoi, this is a great time to arrange with me if you need help with your class.13:17
jelknersince successfully passing your class is part of your new job.13:18
scooperJeff tmickelson will be here today??13:18
jelknerin 10 minutes13:18
scooperOk I have a question for him, that is why I m asking???13:19
jelknershmohamud, as i mentioned to  you on the phone, scooper had an "Ah Ha!" moment last week that is a breakthrough for us.13:19
jelkneri've been telling him that he "has a whole lab to play with"13:20
jelknerbut until recently, i don't think he fully understand what that meant.13:20
jelknerthe GNU/Linux operating system we run in "the cloud" is the same one we run on the workstations in the lab13:20
jelknerso we can do whatever we want with those machines13:21
jelkneri'll know we are really making progress when i hear that fkoikoi and scooper have been reinstalling different versions of Linux and setting up and testing servers in the lab13:21
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sysadmin_Hello shmohamud13:25
sysadmin_how are you doing today??13:25
sysadmin_Jeff are you still there???13:26
fkoikoi_Hell Shmohamud, how are you?13:26
sysadmin_Hello tmickeson13:27
sysadmin_I m glad you are here with us today13:27
tmickelsonhello scooper13:28
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sysadmin_Before we move forward there are few things I want you understand?13:28
sysadmin_One the link you give me to the website team in gitea, if I share it with another person giving them the same instructions you give me, when they try doing so they encounter a 404 error13:30
tmickelsonwhat was the link you gave13:31
sysadmin_That is one. Second if I create a repository and share the link of my repository with another person to "fork" it and clone it on their computer when pushing they will encounter an error saying fatal13:31
sysadmin_OK I m coming to paste it here13:31
sysadmin_The above link I just send13:33
tmickelsonthe link works for me13:34
sysadmin_A will work for you and me but not working for the other I tried helping13:34
tmickelsondid you copy the exact link you sent to the other person13:35
sysadmin_The same link I send you just now was the same thing I did for the other13:36
sysadmin_Ok can we try it will fkoikoi13:36
tmickelsoni dont know why the link would kot work13:37
tmickelson* not13:37
sysadmin_This is what I told them to do13:40
sysadmin_First I paste the link here13:40
sysadmin_I ask everyone to click on the link, it will lead them to their gitea account13:40
sysadmin_in gitea account I told them to click on for13:41
sysadmin_I you following???13:42
tmickelsonif they are not able to connect to the git server, they woll probably not be able clone the repo13:42
sysadmin_I guess everyone have an account on the gitea server with their user name13:43
sysadmin_are you a administrator on the gitea account??13:44
tmickelsoni am an administrator on the git server13:44
sysadmin_If yes can you check if fkoikoi have an account on the server since she here with me13:44
sysadmin_Them we can experiment with her13:45
tmickelsonfkoikoi does have an account in the git server13:46
tmickelsonwas the error occouring when they tried to push or pull13:47
sysadmin_fkoikoi said she doen't have an account with gitea13:47
tmickelsonwas it happening when they tried ti pull13:47
sysadmin_after adding to the staging13:48
tmickelsonfkoikoi has an account with username "fkoikoi" under email ""13:48
sysadmin_when they use the push command they encountered an error13:49
tmickelsonthey probably do not have permission to modify the repo13:49
tmickelsonif you want to allow a user to modify a repo, go to the repo's settings > collaborators, then add them13:51
sysadmin_I click on settings, I m seeing Profile, Account, Appearance, Security Application etc, but not collaborators13:53
tmickelsonwrong settings13:54
tmickelsoninthe repo there is a tab onthe top that says settings13:54
sysadmin_I got it13:55
sysadmin_Should I type the user name?? or full name13:55
sysadmin_I just added fkoikoi13:56
sysadmin_I m about to tell her to clone and push to that repository is that ok for now13:56
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tmickelsonits your repo, youre in control of it13:57
sysadmin_I think that is where the problem been13:57
sysadmin_It's our tmickelson13:58
sysadmin_There is an issue fkoikoi don't know her use name, am I an administrator here too13:59
sysadmin_or can you reset her password if I m not a administrator13:59
sysadmin_Yes I m scooper13:59
tmickelsonscooper/TestwithWebteam is owned by you13:59
scooperYOu done got my question14:00
scooperfkoikoi say she can't remember her password14:00
tmickelsondid you want to reset her oassword14:00
tmickelson* password14:00
scoopershe got her gitea password for fkoikoi14:00
scooper* fotget14:01
scooperplease wait why she try the new password that was created by her few minutes ago14:07
scooperMean while is there any gitea lesson for today14:08
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fkoikoi_I am finding it difficult to login 14:14
scooperuser name "fkoikoi" and the password " " you just give me didn't work for her14:15
scooperI just from her machine tried to login with those credential but it not seeing to be work.....14:16
scooperThanks a just work14:18
tmickelsondid the password work14:20
fkoikoi_yes it work14:22
scooperI m about to show her how to glone and push back so you can see14:22
fkoikoi_Author identity unknown14:24
fkoikoi_*** Please tell me who you are.14:24
fkoikoi_  git config --global ""14:24
fkoikoi_  git config --global "Your Name"14:24
fkoikoi_to set your account's default identity.14:25
fkoikoi_Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.14:25
fkoikoi_fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'fkoikoi@toshiba.(none)')14:25
scooperthis is the problem why push to the repository from fkoikoi14:25
tmickelsondo you know how to set up a ssh key pair14:27
scooperusing "ssh-keygen -b 4090"14:27
scooperI did this before where in I had two key one private and one public. Is that what you mean??14:28
scoopersorry 409614:28
scooperyes I did before14:29
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scooperthis is what I did14:41
scoopergit config --global "follow" by fkoikoi email and her password14:42
scooperit push successfully to the repository, according to the message in the terminal14:42
scooperbut the issue here is I m not seeing the "" that was created on her computer14:43
tmickelsondid you add it14:43
scooperyes "git add ."14:44
scooperand it even saw it to the staging area when I type "git status "14:44
tmickelsondid you push14:46
tmickelsonwhat did it say14:47
scooperI noticed something here14:49
scooperher branch is ahead of "origin/master by 1 commit14:49
tmickelsonwhat branch is she on14:50
scooperis it to check the branch name "git checkout -b"14:51
scoopertmickelson is this the correct command to check the branch name "git checkout -b"14:52
tmickelsoni think a branchname has to be provided14:53
scoopershe on the master branch14:54
scoopergit branch -a14:54
tmickelsonwhat does "git status" return14:55
scooperon master14:56
scooperit return "on master"14:56
tmickelsondoes it say anythin about untracked files or being ahead/behide14:58
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scoopermyself too is on branch14:58
scoopermy is saying untracked files or being ahead/behide14:59
scooperBut fkoikoi ow is saying "Nothing to commit, working tree clean15:00
tmickelsondid any issues happen with "git push"15:02
scooperit I git push it prompt me to enter a username and password15:04
tmickelsondid you set up the ssh key pair15:04
scooperIf we git push it prompt us to enter a username and passowrd15:04
tmickelsonrun "ssh-keygen"15:06
scooperon fkoikoi computer right????15:06
scooperI m done15:08
scooperI now have two keys a private and a public key15:09
tmickelsonnow cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub15:09
tmickelsonthen copy and paste it into > user settings > SSH/GPG Keys > new key15:10
fkoikoi_cat ~/fkoikoi/.ssh/id_rsa.pub15:13
fkoikoi_Is this correct???15:14
tmickelsonfkoikoi is not needed bc ~ is your home dir15:15
fkoikoi_cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub15:16
fkoikoi_is this correct15:16
scooperI m still using the terminal to login like this "ssh
scooperI find it15:19
scooperSo am I taking the second option that say "Manage GPG Keys"?15:20
scooperAnd click Add key that was generating?15:21
scooperI m pasting the pub key in Content box right? After that I click on Add key15:23
fkoikoi_this is what I paste in "cat ~/.ssh/" but got an error saying Cannot verify your GPG key: failed to parse gpg key openpgp: invalid argument: no armored data found15:26
tmickelsonis there an option for ssh keys15:27
tmickelsoni have to leave now, class is ending15:27
scooperlet me look15:27
scoopertwo option is here15:27
tmickelsonACTION leaves15:27
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scooperThanks tmickelson you did a wonderful work with us today15:32
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