IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-05-10

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tmickelsoni will be unavailible for our normal meeting time12:54
tmickelson* today12:55
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jelknerGood day, fkoikoi_ and sysadmin_!13:28
jelkneri'm assuming sysadmin_ is scooper ;-)13:28
fkoikoi_Hello Jeff, how are you?13:29
jelknerbtw. it is a good idea to register your nick13:29
jelknerso that it is assigned to you and no one else can use it13:29
jelknermulbah, so good to see you!13:35
mulbahme too jeff13:35
mulbahHow are you doing13:35
jelkneri really appreciate folks showing up at this time13:35
jelknersince it is the one time i can reliably be here13:35
jelkneranyone need anything from me today?13:36
mulbahI'm at the lab13:36
jelknergreat, mulbah 13:36
jelknerthat is the best place to be! ;-)13:36
jelknerthe lab has what you need to learn13:36
jelkneryou can set up and test servers, try new linux versions, etc.13:36
jelknerif you all make good use of the lab, i am committed to bringing more equipment for it when i come in summer 202413:37
mulbahwe are not having class at our school today that why I arrive soon 13:37
jelknermulbah, you take the West African exam soon, yes?13:37
jelknerand then you will be finished13:38
jelknerwhy is that funny?13:38
jelknerit thought that was true.13:38
jelkneram i wrong?13:38
jelknerare you a junior (11th grader)?13:38
mulbahyou are right13:38
jelknerok, i thought so13:39
jelkneryou're confusing me ;-)13:39
mulbahI'm a senior13:39
jelknerthat's what i thought13:39
jelknerso after june 713:39
jelkneryou are ready to move on13:39
jelknerwe are counting on fkoikoi_ as our "trail blazer"13:39
fkoikoi_sure Jeff13:40
jelknersince we want to support any of you who are interested in studying computer science at UoPeople13:40
scooperhello everybody13:41
mulbahHello scooper13:41
jelknerGood day, scooper 13:41
scooperGood morning Jeff13:41
scooperJeff can you help me with Java??13:42
scooperI'm having difficult these few day in my five assignment on java????13:43
scooperI m having difficulties these few days on fifth week assignment in java......13:46
jelknerYes, scooper 14:48
jelknerwe need to set up a time14:48
jelknertomorrow i will have two planning periods.14:49
jelknercan we meet right after the 1:30 to 2 pm time?14:49
jelknerAlso, scooper, can you please post code and question in a markdown file in a repo on our gitea server?14:50
jelknerthen i can look it over and write back to you more thoughtfully14:50
jelknerscooper, gotta go14:51
jelknerlet's talk tomorrow14:51
jelknerACTION logs off for the day14:52
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tmickelsonhello scooper, fkoikoi_, and mulbah 14:53
mulbahHello tmickelson14:53
mulbahhow are you doing14:53
tmickelsonim good how are you14:54
mulbahI'm good too14:54
mulbahso can we do the terminal sharing now14:54
mulbahssh Z9HU9PLH9jnd3kCzetkY4wzVg@lon1.tmate.io14:55
tmickelsonim connected14:56
tmickelsonbe carful about sharing the link publicly in the channel because anyone can join14:58
tmickelsonalso there are logs online14:58
fkoikoi_Hello tmickelson14:59
tmickelsonhello fkoikoi_ 15:00
fkoikoi_How are you today?15:00
tmickelsonim good, how are you15:01
mulbahokay I will15:01
fkoikoi_I'm fine15:02
tmickelsonACTION leaves15:27
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*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:00
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