IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-05-13

LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!11:32
jelknerGood day scooper and mulbah!12:35
scooperGood morning Jeff12:36
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!12:36
scoopernow was your night???12:36
jelkner!add Review first week with scooper's assistant12:36
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Review first week with scooper's assistant" has been added to the agenda.12:36
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:36
LittleWebsterReview first week with scooper's assistant (added by jelkner)12:36
jelkner!add update on Summer plans12:37
LittleWebsterSuccess: "update on Summer plans" has been added to the agenda.12:37
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:37
LittleWebsterReview first week with scooper's assistant (added by jelkner)12:37
LittleWebsterupdate on Summer plans (added by jelkner)12:37
jelknerscooper, i wasn't sure i was going to be able to make it here, but my guests are asleep, and i am awake ;-)12:37
jelknerso here i am12:37
jelknerone suggestion12:37
scooperok go ahead12:38
jelknerit is a good idea to have an agenda for our saturday meetings12:38
jelknerit would help me a lot if you could think about agenda items along with me12:38
scooperyes I can12:38
jelknerthank you, my friend12:39
scooperone this gone week what we compliment freena and myself12:39
scooperwill be mention here today12:39
scooperand also a update on the website "Rural Cooking Stove"12:39
jelknergreat suggestions12:40
jelknercan you add them to the agenda please?12:40
jelkneri can tell you how if you don't already know12:40
LittleWebsterError: Cannot add an empty item to the agenda!12:40
scooperyou need to brush me up12:40
jelknerLittleWebster is a python program12:41
jelknerwe can add commands to it whenever we want to12:41
jelknertmickelson knows how to do that12:41
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove12:41
jelknercommands start with !12:41
jelkner!help will display a list of available commads12:42
LittleWebsterInvalid arguments.12:42
jelkner"!help" will display a list of available commands12:42
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove12:42
jelknerwe wanted to keep it simple, so we only have: "!agenda", which displays the agenda12:43
jelkner"!add <ITEM>" - that adds a new item12:43
jelknerand "!remove" that removes an item12:43
jelknerso if you want to add an item about the Rural Cooking Stove, you could use: "!add Discuss Rural Cooking Stove website"12:44
jelknertry it12:44
jelknergood morning shmohamud!12:44
jelknerturns out i could make it today after all12:44
jelknermy guests are asleep ;-)12:44
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:45
jelknertry it here, scooper 12:46
jelknerscooper, you've got 15 minutes to add items, or it will be too late12:47
scooper!add Welcome to our Weekly Report from Each Member12:47
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Welcome to our Weekly Report from Each Member" has been added to the agenda.12:47
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:47
LittleWebsterReview first week with scooper's assistant (added by jelkner)12:47
LittleWebsterupdate on Summer plans (added by jelkner)12:47
LittleWebsterWelcome to our Weekly Report from Each Member (added by scooper)12:47
shmohamudgood morning everyone!12:52
mulbahGood morning shmohamud12:52
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:55
dcammueGood morning to all12:58
jelknerGood day, dcammue!12:58
dcammueHow are you?12:59
LittleWebstershmohamud : tboimah : thehedgeh0g : scooper : jelkner : svaye : mulbah : janet : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterReview first week with scooper's assistant (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterupdate on Summer plans (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterWelcome to our Weekly Report from Each Member (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
shmohamudGood day dcommue!13:00
svayeGood morning Jeff13:00
jelknerAwesome, LittleWebster fires right on time13:00
jelknerlet's roll!13:00
svayeGood morning shmohamud13:00
scoopergood morning everybody13:00
jelknerGood day, everyone13:00
shmohamudGood day Svaye13:00
jelkneri have guests, so i may have to leave at any time when they wake up13:01
jelknerso i was hoping i could go first in the agenda13:01
scoopergot you13:01
svayeOkay Jeff13:01
jelknercan we keep meeting on Saturdays over the Summer, scooper?13:01
scooperyes Jeff13:02
janetGood morning Jeff13:02
jelkneri'm hoping to be able to go to shmohamud's house each saturday morning13:02
jelknerso we can meet13:02
jelkneri will be teaching a Python class on the college campus on Monday and Wednesday13:02
jelknerfrom 9 am to 1 pm my time13:02
jelknerso i won't be available synchronously during those times13:03
jelknerthat's 2 to 6 pm your time13:03
jelkneron Tuesday's and Thursdays, i just teach remotely13:03
jelknerso i think i *will* be available during those times13:03
jelknerin fact, if a group of you want to learn Python along with my NVCC students, we could do that13:04
jelkneri'll be working with 4 PRIME interns in the afternoons / evenings13:04
dcammueok Jeff13:05
jelknertoo late for you, i think13:05
jelknerso let's think creatively about a good Summer schedule13:05
jelknerACTION done13:05
scooperThanks jeff13:05
scooperI m in13:05
scooperI was your email concerning the IAP Stove website 13:06
jelkneryes, very important13:06
jelknerplease continue13:06
scooperThe interns haven forget about that project13:06
scooperis just that we had an issue13:06
jelknerscooper, they need to focus on the West African exam13:07
scooperpushing but thanks to tmickelson who taught us this week13:07
jelknerso we really need to resume that after june 6, right?13:07
scooperhow to push to a collaborating project13:07
jelknerah yes13:07
jelknerthat is a great thing for us to learn13:07
jelknerit involves branching and merging13:07
jelknertmickelson and thehedgeh0g know that better than me13:08
scooperMeanwhile I will post a gitea link on the little project that has been make sure far toward the website13:08
jelknerLOL, eatCodeSleep, I love it13:09
scooperThis is an example where I can include svaye, dcammues and other to control13:09
jelknerthat's all we really need to do, right?13:09
shmohamud+1 lol13:09
scooperto this project will out having issuing pushing to their own of branch13:09
jelknerscooper, keep taking advantage of thehedgeh0g and tmickelson during the 1:30 to 2 pm time slots13:10
jelknerwe only have a few more weeks before they are gone for the Summer13:10
scooperWe been doing so my assist and I13:10
jelknerand we won't have regular contact with them13:10
jelkneryes, that is wonderful13:10
jelknerlet's keep it up13:10
scooperThanks to tmickelson who always show up during that time13:11
scooperBut you leave13:11
jelkneri'm a teacher, scooper 13:11
jelkneryou know how it is13:11
scooperI will let to have a word with Aaron it very import Jeff13:11
jelknerwhat is that?13:11
scooperBy July MCSS Website will need a renewal on the domain name13:12
scooperI done know how to do that but will need an assist from him before he leave13:12
jelknerWe need to make sure that we don't have any infrastructure still depending on thehedgeh0g for operation13:13
scooperLastly before I close13:13
jelknersince they graduate in a few short weeks13:13
jelknertmickelson will be with us for 3 more years13:13
jelknerbut gone during the Summer13:13
scooperI received the 800USD this gone Wednesday thanks Jeff13:14
jelknerscooper, please remind me on Monday to discuss the domain hosting13:14
scooperOk Jeff13:14
jelkneryes, i saw that13:14
jelknerwe've been using Namecheap for hosting13:14
scooperNext Saturday I will you update on how the money was disturb.....13:14
scoopersorryy distrubted13:15
jelknerso we need to make sure that:13:15
jelkner1. The namecheap account is owned by MCSS13:15
jelkner2. That scooper has an account and can manage the domain13:16
jelknerjelkner, can help him with that13:16
jelkneri think that is all for that item, what's next?13:16
scooperAny one have an issue???13:17
shmohamudI want to start doing office hours until I regain fulltime employment13:17
shmohamudwe don't have to discuss now of course, just putting it out there13:18
jelknershmohamud, let's discuss now13:18
jelknersince there are no other items13:18
jelknerwhat do you mean by "doing office hours"?13:18
shmohamudI'd like to do 1 hour blocks between 1pm and 2pm EST Monday, Wednesday and Friday where I can teach any Git related and coding related questions13:19
jelknerdo you mean 1 pm our time, shmohamud 13:20
shmohamuddepending on everyone, I can change the block of time13:20
jelknerthat's late for them13:20
jelknershmohamud, and scooper, please correct me if i'm wrong13:20
shmohamudOk, I can start as early as 9AM13:20
jelknerbut from my experience there last summmer13:20
jelkneri observed that the regular hours at MCSS were 8 am to 4 pm13:21
jelknermonday to friday13:21
jelknerthat is 3 to 11 am our time13:21
shmohamudIdeal time then would be 10am - 11am EST time13:22
jelknerduring those time, the generator is running, and they have electricity13:22
shmohamudGot it13:23
jelknerscooper, what do you think?13:23
sysadmin_Concerning shmohamud suggestion?? 13:23
jelknerand my comment about best times13:23
sysadmin_I m in but need to ask the other. excluding Janet13:23
jelknerok everyone, my guests are up and i need to help them with their "first face" ;-)13:24
jelknerso i need to go13:24
jelknernext saturday i'll be with shmohamud at his place13:24
jelknersee you all then13:24
shmohamudhave a wonderful day Jelkner13:24
jelknerand see you, scooper, monday at 1:30 pm13:25
jelknerACTION logs off13:25
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:25
sysadmin_ok Jeff13:25
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:25
svayeHave a nice weekend Jeff13:25
sysadmin_When will this commence???13:25
shmohamudI can start Monday, but only if there's interest from your side13:26
shmohamudIs there interest?13:26
sysadmin_Is it from everybody???13:26
shmohamudEven if one person is interested, I will gladly hold the office hour 13:26
sysadmin_I m saying yes for my assist and I, but the other are resuming test on May 16, 202313:27
sysadmin_And will finish June 6, 202313:27
shmohamudOk, sounds great @sysadmin_13:27
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:27
shmohamudI understand now13:27
shmohamudok, I'll start Monday scooper (you had me confused with the name change!)13:28
dcammuecan I ask?13:28
shmohamudhaha it's ok :)13:28
scoopermy computer when off13:28
shmohamudof course dcommue!13:29
shmohamudwhat's up?13:29
dcammueSo You are going to start while we are  writing our test?13:30
shmohamudI'm going to start this coming Monday13:30
scooper10am to 11am my time right???13:30
dcammueand in between that time, if we have the chance we can visit right13:30
shmohamudI was going to do 10-11am my time13:31
shmohamudYes, in between that time you all can visit and ask me anything really13:31
scooperI m confused here13:31
scooperyour time or my time??13:32
shmohamud2pm to 3pm your time. 10am to 11am my time.13:32
scoopergot you now13:32
dcammueThanks 13:32
shmohamudDoes that work scooper?13:32
shmohamudawesome. you're welcome dcommue13:33
scooperWhat are the Agenda shmohamud???13:33
scooperIs it Python or Javascript???13:33
shmohamudGood question. Do you mean for the Office Hours?13:34
scooperI mean what will you be teaching us???13:34
scooperduring that time???13:34
shmohamudI can do either one, but since I'm professional Javascript developer I prefer starting with Javascript13:35
shmohamudBut it depends on what you want! Do you have a preference?13:35
scooperNo I need to learn Javascript since it the language of the web13:36
shmohamudPerfect, and you're exactly correct!13:36
scooperLast question are we meeting here or you have another alternative???13:37
shmohamudWHenever you click a button and trigger a change on a website, Javascript is being executed in the background. It's the language of user trigger events on the web.13:37
shmohamudThe language of the web is a family of languages, first HTML, CSS and finally Javascript. A website can exist without Javascript, it just wouldn't have user intereaction (no buttons that do things).13:38
shmohamudI think we can meet here unless you have a better option13:39
scooperNo here is fine, the reason I ask I been missed section with you since we talk the last time.....13:39
scooperBut here is just fine. I will login by that time.............13:40
shmohamudSounds good! 13:40
scooperThanks once again shmohamud13:41
shmohamudYou're welcome!13:41
scooperIs there any other thing to talk about????13:41
shmohamudI don't have any13:41
scooperI m about to share what was  learn with my colleagues... So I would be active chatting with you13:48
shmohamudYou mean about the agenda?13:48
scooperI mean what was learned last week from tmickelson13:53
shmohamudAh, alrighty. I'm going to log off unless there's anything else to dicuss?13:54
svayenothing to discuss13:56
shmohamudAlrighty then, thanks Svaye13:56
shmohamudI'll see you guys next Weekend or Monday for office hours :) Have a great weekend13:56
dcammueGood day13:57
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:57
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*** janet has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:10
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*** svaye has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:10
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:58
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*** svaye_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:58
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)17:09
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