IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-05-18

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*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)09:21
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scoperGood morning shmohamud12:58
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud12:59
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scoperGood morning Jeff13:18
jelknerGood day, scoper 13:18
jelknerLOL, you're missing an "o"13:19
scoperhhahaha the information is pass out already13:19
scooperThanks 13:19
scooperNever saw that at all13:19
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff13:20
jelkneri'm reading over the irc log from yesteday13:20
jelknerthis is really cool how we are doing this!13:20
jelknerit is easy and fast13:20
jelkneri can check in easily and see what you discussed after i left13:21
jelkneryou talked about range() and for loops13:21
scooperyou are really following Jeff13:21
jelknerit's easy, scooper, that's what i'm saying13:22
jelknerLittleWebster, we love you! ;-)13:22
jelkneris Sahnun returning at 2 pm again today?13:23
jelknercan i help with anything between now and then?13:23
scooperHe said he will put in time as long as put in time too13:23
scooperSo yesterday I quiz on function and given an assignment on function as well13:25
scooperThe assignment say "Write a function that takes in 13:25
scoopertwo parameters, numA and numB,13:25
scooperand return the result of them added together "13:25
fkoikoiHe thought me loops and also he me assignment 13:25
scooperThe assignment is done already...13:26
scooperGood morning tmickelson13:28
fkoikoiGood morning tmickelson13:28
tmickelsonhello scooper and fkoikoi13:28
fkoikoiHow are you?13:28
tmickelsonhow are you13:28
jelknerscooper, are you working with tmickelson today?13:28
scooperyes Jeff13:28
jelkneralso, do you have a Namecheap account yet?13:29
scooperall do you have something JEFF13:29
scooperFOR US13:29
tmickelsonfkoikoi, im good13:29
jelknerthat should be the top priority for you and tmickelson today13:29
jelknerwe need to get that domain transferred to you13:30
jelknerso that belongs to MCSS13:30
scooperOk Jeff13:30
tmickelsonscooper, my namecheap account is tobyMickelson13:33
scooperOK and my is "SpencerGalaxy"13:33
scooperHow can we get this done???13:34
tmickelsonclick on the button that says manage next to the domain name13:36
tmickelsonthen click on the tab that says share and manage13:36
tmickelsonthen enter "tobyMickelson" into the box for new manager and click add13:38
scooperI m in my NameCheap account: above I m seeing Domain, Hosting, Wordpress, Email etc13:39
scooperIf I hover on Domain: I m seeing Domain Name Search, Domain Transfer, NEW TDLS etc13:41
tmickelsonthere should be a sidebar on the left that lists Dashboard, Expireing/Expired, Domain list, hosting list, Private email, SSL Certs., Apps, and Profile13:42
tmickelsonclick on Domain List13:42
scooperYes I m seeing that sidebar13:43
scooperthat include, Expiring/Expired, Domain List, Hosting List etc13:44
tmickelsonclick on "Domain List"13:44
scooperYes I did it reading13:45
tmickelsonclick on the button that says manage13:45
tmickelsonit should be on the right side of the name13:45
scooperI m having bad net here13:46
scooperit read but come back to the same area13:46
scooperI click on "Domain List" it read but come back to the same place...13:47
scooperIn font Domain List Am seeing "Refresh"13:48
tmickelsondo you see a button that says "manage"13:48
scooperI m seeing a button that say : Domain when click another option say all products13:49
tmickelsonbelow that button do you see a button that says manage13:50
scooperAs the button where they have 'Go to Live Chat page" I m seeing several option13:51
tmickelsondo you see any domain names on this page13:51
scooperThis is where I m :
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:52
tmickelsonsysadmin, that is the correct page13:54
scooperIt reading again13:55
scooperplease whole on13:55
scooperSO what happening here is this, when the page load it come right back to "Domain List" Refresh13:56
tmickelsondo you see a bar that says:13:57
tmickelsonDomains                       Status            Auto-Renew              Experation13:58
tmickelsonnot on the top13:58
scooperplease send me your email let me send you a picture of where I m13:58
tmickelsonthe bar should be about 10-15 cm from the top of the screen13:59
scooperTOP: is Domain, Hosting, WorddPress, Email, Apps, Security, Transfer to Us Help Center etct14:00
tmickelsonbelow that14:00
*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:04
scooperplease check your mail14:07
scoopertmickelson are you still there???14:11
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tmickelsonscooper, im back now14:22
scooperDid you received the mail???14:23
scooperWhat have you observed???14:23
jelknerscooper, did Sahnun not show today?14:30
jelknerI can call him.14:30
scooperHe will come14:30
scooperWe need to exercise patience that all14:30
jelkneri understand, but he won't mind a call14:30
scooperI will appreciate if you do that14:31
scooperfor us14:31
shmohamudGood day guys14:44
scooperGood morning shmohamud14:45
shmohamudHow was the homework?14:45
shmohamudplease share the answer here14:45
shmohamudI'm going to pour some coffee, I'll be right back14:46
scooperdef addingNumber (numA, numB):14:47
jelknerscooper, let's all work off the PDF version of the book14:47
jelknerso that we can refer to page numbers when we want to talk about it14:47
jelkneryou have the PDF, yes?14:47
scooper    total = numA + numB14:48
scooper    return total14:48
*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:48
jelknerfkoikoi, can you answer my question?14:48
jelknerdo you have the pdf of the book on your local computer?14:48
fkoikoiwhich book Jeff14:49
shmohamudscooper - that looks great. Well done.14:49
jelkneri was searching for the URL, fkoikoi 14:54
jelknerscooper, i just pushed a new directory into our study repo:
fkoikoiyes I have it on my computer 14:55
jelknergreat fkoikoi 14:55
scooperThanks Jeff14:55
scooperI will check later when I m done with Shmohamud14:55
jelknerok, i gotta go14:56
jelkneryou're in good hands, scooper 14:57
jelknersee you tomorrow14:57
jelknerACTION signs off14:57
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shmohamudOk, so I've seen the textbook and chapter two is variables, expressions and statements.14:57
shmohamudchapter 3 is conditionals. So, we've skipped around a bit.14:58
shmohamudDo you guys want to continue the same we have the last two days, or follow the textbook more carefully?14:58
shmohamudHow about we do a combination? Chapter 2 starts with values and types - two crucial concepts15:01
shmohamudCan each of you write one value and its type here for me to see?15:02
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:03
fkoikoiSpencer Computer went off15:04
shmohamudOk, no worries. Want to wait for him?15:05
shmohamudAll good yet?15:13
fkoikoinot yet15:15
fkoikoiI don't think he will be back15:15
fkoikoibecause no electricity15:15
shmohamudShall the two of us have a session?15:16
shmohamudare you guys in the same room?15:16
fkoikoiyes but my computer will soon go off too15:17
shmohamudOk, have you finished the homework?15:17
shmohamud"write me a loop that has an if statement in it"15:18
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scooperHello shmohamud15:23
scooperhow are you doing15:23
shmohamudHello scooper, I'm good how're you?15:23
scooperbetter now15:24
shmohamudis fkoikoi going to be back?15:25
scooperSorry there is a electricity problem so I have to leave where I where15:26
scooperShe too is faced with the same electricity problem15:26
shmohamudso, did you do the homework I assigned yesterday?15:26
scooperI have to leave the office to fine electricity connection15:26
shmohamudI understand, I'm glad you're putting in the effort to learn. I'm here for you as long as you're putting in the work :)15:27
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scooperYes I did the work15:28
shmohamudOk, you pasted it earlier right?15:28
shmohamudCan you paste it again here15:28
scooperdef addingNumber (numA, numB):15:28
scooper    total = numA + numB15:28
scooper    return total15:28
shmohamudYou ran this and it works right?15:28
shmohamudGood. Can you give the same answer without using total?15:29
shmohamudJust return the added numbers without creating a variable?15:29
scooperlet give it a try15:29
shmohamudHi Fkoikoi, have you completed the homework I assigned yesterday?15:30
fkoikoiYes I did the assignment15:31
shmohamudA loop with an if statement in it? I know it's a tough one for where you're at, so it's completely fine if it's no perfect15:31
shmohamudOk, can you paste the result here?15:31
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fkoikoijust give me a minute15:33
shmohamudno problem15:33
scoopersorry for the off and on15:34
scooperbad network from my end15:34
shmohamudNo ned to apologize, I understand the infrastructure in Monrovia is not great. No worries at all.15:34
scooperdid you received the second respond15:35
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shmohamudi haven't seen your second answer15:35
scooperdef addingNumber (numA, numB):15:36
scooper    return numA + numB15:36
scooper 15:36
shmohamudbeautiful. Well done.15:36
shmohamudquestion: do you guys know the difference between values and types?15:36
scooperYes I know15:37
shmohamudok, explain to us the difference please15:37
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scoopervalues is the information that is store in a variable15:38
shmohamudok, and type?15:38
sysadmin_why type is the difference kind of value that is being store in a variable15:41
shmohamudyes fkoikoi?15:41
fkoikoiI haven't paste the assignment yet because it was give error15:41
shmohamudscooper, good answer. Values have different types. Can you name 3 different types in Python for me?15:42
sysadmin_shmohamud have you received my explanation15:42
shmohamudfkoikoi that's OK, why don't you paste what you have and we can work through it together?15:42
sysadmin_do you mean data type right??15:42
shmohamudyes data type15:42
shmohamudcan you name 3 different types in Python?15:43
sysadmin_List, Integrate, string, 15:43
sysadmin_Set, etc15:43
shmohamudGood work. Sounds like you're familiar with types. Do you know the keyword to test what type a value is?15:44
sysadmin_sorry for the name I switch but it's not working 15:44
fkoikoivalue = 10015:45
fkoikoifor num in range(1, value):15:45
fkoikoi    print(num)15:45
fkoikoi    15:45
fkoikoi    if num == "value":15:45
fkoikoi        print(good)15:45
shmohamudthat's OK. Ok, give me an example of checking the type of soething15:45
shmohamudfkoikoi, what's the error message you're getting? That's a very close answer.15:46
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shmohamudAwesome spencer, ok. Spencer let's practice your loops and conditionals more with a challenge question.15:46
sysadmin_>>> value = "Spencer Cooper"15:46
sysadmin_>>> type(value)15:46
sysadmin_<class 'str'>15:46
sysadmin_>>> 15:46
fkoikoiit won't print "good"15:46
fkoikoiI try making it work 15:46
shmohamudSpencer, if a number is divisble by 3, I want to print "Fizz". if a number is divisible by 5 I want to print "Buzz" if a number is divisible by 3 and 5 I want to brint "FizzBuzz"15:47
shmohamudCan you do that for me?15:47
shmohamudThis is a common interview question in the United States15:48
sysadmin_let me give it a try 15:48
shmohamudI like that attitude, go for it.15:48
shmohamudFkoikoi, are you getting an error message yet?15:48
shmohamudspencer, I want you to loop between 0 and 100 for this question15:49
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sysadmin_Before do the one you give me??15:50
sysadmin_which question??15:50
shmohamudPrint every number from 1 to 100 (both included) on a new line. Numbers which are multiple of 3, print “Fizz” instead of a number. For the numbers which are multiples of 5, print “Buzz” instead of a number. For the number which is multiple of both 3 and 5, print “FizzBuzz” instead of numbers.15:51
fkoikoishmohamud is there something that i didn't do it the assignment?15:51
shmohamudNo the assignment answer looks good, however I thought you said you were getting an error right?15:51
fkoikoiI said error because it was not showing the print statement "good"15:54
shmohamudAh, I see. 15:56
shmohamudSo, the issue is your conditional never gets hit! Do you know why num == "value" never gets hit?15:56
shmohamudwhat are you looping through, strings or integers?15:59
shmohamudalso, is good supposed to be a string, like "good"?15:59
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shmohamudand finally, is value supposed to be a string or referencing the variable that's defined?16:00
fkoikoido you mean it should be done like this 16:02
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fkoikoivalue = 10016:02
fkoikoifor num in range(1, value):16:02
fkoikoi    print(num)16:02
fkoikoi    16:02
fkoikoi    if num == value:16:02
fkoikoi        print("good")16:02
shmohamudyes, much better! Now, when we loop, does it include the value in range(1, value) or does it stop one short?16:03
fkoikoiit include the value in range(1, value) but don't sure that if statement 16:05
shmohamudare you sure it includes 100 in that range?16:06
shmohamudI just tried, and it excludes the number, in other words it only goes to 99!16:07
fkoikoiit stop to 9916:07
shmohamudso how can you adjust it so it goes to 10016:07
shmohamudand that way, it hits our condition?16:07
shmohamudSpencer, how's FizzBuzz going?16:08
fkoikoivalue = 10116:08
fkoikoifor num in range(1, value):16:08
fkoikoi    print(num)16:08
fkoikoi    16:08
fkoikoi    if num == value:16:08
fkoikoi        print("good")16:08
shmohamudOk, does it print "good" now?16:08
shmohamudhow can you change the conditional so it prints "good"?16:09
shmohamudhint: there are 100 ways to do it :)16:10
shmohamudat least16:10
fkoikoithat's where I'm having problems16:12
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shmohamudfkoikoi, why don16:14
shmohamudwhy don't you try changing the condtional to when num == 100?16:14
shmohamudthen let me know if it prints16:14
shmohamudyes Spencer?16:15
fkoikoiYes it print16:15
shmohamudDo you understand why it's printing now?16:15
shmohamudAnd Spencer, I gave you a mega challenge question. Maybe I should've waited a few more weeks! How are you doing on it now?16:16
shmohamudLet's work though it together 16:16
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fkoikoiSpencer won't be off again 16:19
fkoikoiSpencer computer has finally gone off16:19
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shmohamudOk, is he next to you? Can you ask him how FizzBuzz went?16:19
shmohamudAre you going to be good?16:20
shmohamudor is it going to shut down for you too?16:20
fkoikoiYes in a few minutes from now16:20
shmohamudOk, do you understand why the "good" prints now that we've changed the conditional?16:21
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fkoikoilet me try16:22
shmohamudGood idea, let's move quickly before your computer shuts down!16:23
fkoikoiit is because I assign the variable to an integer16:24
shmohamudyes, you switched the condition from being the variable value to an integer.16:25
shmohamudboth are integers, though. 101 is an integer as well as 10016:25
shmohamudThe answer I'm looking for is more simple16:25
shmohamudIt's because 100 is in the range(1,101)! That way, the conditional would be true for any number that fits in that range~16:26
shmohamudDees that make sense?16:26
shmohamudgreat. do you have any final questions before I log off for the day?16:26
fkoikoino but I want to know if there is any assignment for me today16:28
shmohamudYou're assignment for today is to write a for loop that prints only numbers that are divisible by 10. So it should print 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.16:29
shmohamudThis is a challenging assignment, but you can do it using the % operator. Look that operator up and it will guide you to the right answer. Ok?16:29
fkoikoialright 16:30
fkoikoithanks 16:30
shmohamudyou're welcome. Great job today :)16:30
shmohamudsee you tomorrow16:30
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