IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-06-06

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jelknerGood morning shmohamud!12:39
jelknerI've finished the first draft of the blog post about our Summer Sprint12:40
jelknerPlease take a look at it and let me know what you think.12:40
jelknerI'll continue to tweak it until our meeting 6:30 pm this Thursday.12:41
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jelknerWelcome back, shmohamud 12:49
jelknerDid you see my message?12:49
shmohamudYour congratulations message?12:50
jelknerI know you saw that.12:50
jelknerI'm talking about my message to you here in the chat a few minutes ago.12:50
jelknerI woke up at 3:30 am this morning to finish the first draft of the blog post.12:51
jelknerSo that you and the rest of the team could look it over before Thursday.12:51
shmohamudOh, I see it now!12:52
shmohamudI'll take a look this morning12:52
shmohamudWhere should I share my comments?12:55
shmohamudGreat post. Only a few recommendations. Let me know the best place to share my thoughts13:05
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fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff13:10
scooperGood morning Jeff and shmohamud13:12
shmohamudGood day scooper13:12
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud13:13
shmohamudSo I have some news guys. I received an offer as a fullstack web developer yesterday, and will begin a 9-5 job between 2 and 6 weeks13:14
scooperWow congratulation Shmohamud13:15
shmohamudThat said, I want to continue meeting, so I hope we can discuss the best time to meet once I start. Just want to give you a heads up.13:15
shmohamudThank you!13:15
fkoikoialright 13:16
fkoikoicongratulation shmohamud13:16
scooperNow you should tell us what time is most convenience for you13:16
shmohamudFor me, meeting before work would be best, so probably 730/8AM. 1-1.5 hours before our current time13:17
scooperYou mean 7:30am My Liberian time???13:18
shmohamudno no, my EST time13:18
scooperthat mean 1:00 my time right???13:18
shmohamudlet me check13:18
fkoikoiI think its 12:00 Liberian time13:19
scooperyou are correct13:19
shmohamudI mean 1130AM/12PM Liberian time13:20
shmohamudwould that work?13:20
fkoikoialright 13:20
fkoikoiit's okay by us shmohamud13:20
shmohamudok, I will let you know when we have to make the switch. We have a few weeks until then so no rush to switch our current meet time.13:20
shmohamudOk, so before we start, are there any questions about loops, variables, conditionals, dicts, lists?13:24
jelknerfkoikoi, good day to you!13:24
fkoikoiokay Jeff, you said that we are going to plan the agenda for Saturday meeting13:25
jelknerLet's do it.13:26
jelknerfkoikoi, can you take a look at my blog post about Summer plans for NOVA Web Development:13:27
jelknerThat can help us frame our plans for Saturday.13:28
shmohamudJeff where's best to share my comments? I have a few comments13:34
scooperI think I have a question for now shmohamud13:38
shmohamudlet's hear it13:38
scooperI done think I have a question for now shmohamud13:38
jelknershmohamud, how about right here?13:38
jelknerthat way fkoikoi and scooper can participate in the discussion13:39
shmohamudOk scooper13:39
shmohamudSo Jeff, when you say "look back / look forward" I would consider using "review and vision"13:39
jelknerIt already doesn, shmohamud, refresh the page ;-)13:40
jelknerKeep going...13:40
shmohamudBusiness Tracker needed to for our small cooperative to automate as much bookkeeping, accounting, and business management tasks as possible.13:40
shmohamud"need to" looks like a typo13:41
shmohamudmaybe "needed for"13:41
jelknerYup, fixed.13:42
jelknerAnything else?13:42
jelknerfkoikoi, let me know when you finish reading it13:43
jelkneri have class arriving at 10 am13:43
jelkner1 pm your time13:43
jelkneroops 2 pm13:43
jelknerno 3 pm?13:44
shmohamudotherwise, great post! A mix of inspiring, informative and hopeful.13:45
jelknerThanks, my friend. That's the mix that keeps me going ;-)13:46
shmohamudI have to take my father to a doctor's appointment in 15 minutes so I'm not sure we can have a session today guys. I will assign homework before I go, though.13:46
shmohamudYou're welcome :) Keeping me going too13:46
fkoikoiJeff I'm done13:48
scooperOk Shmohamud13:48
scooperMy regards to your daddy 13:49
shmohamudOk, guys for homework, I want you to write a while loop that prints every even number between 0 and 10013:49
jelknerfkoikoi, so the broad goal of Saturday's meeting should be to figure out how to organize our Summer study to make the most progress.13:49
jelknerfkoikoi, we need to answer these questions together:13:50
jelkner1. who is available and when are they available?13:50
jelkner2. what do we want to accomplish?13:51
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jelkner3. how can we best organize the who during the when to achieve the what?13:51
jelknerwhy don't you think about those questions, fkoikoi, and tomorrow at this same time you can tell me your thoughts?13:52
jelknersound good?13:52
fkoikoiyes Jeff13:52
scooperare there any contribution from me or I should just sat and watch you guys???13:53
jelknerscooper, you should be having this same discussion with fkoikoi, and helping to guide her to set up the agenda13:53
scooperconsider it done13:54
jelknerthank you, my friend!13:54
scooperOOh thank I received the allowance 13:55
jelknerShould have come last Friday, yes?13:57
jelknerscooper, i'm going to try to make it arrive as close to the 1st of the month as possible13:57
jelknerso you can plan accordingly13:57
jelknersometimes i may need to wait until i get paid, so it may be a few days later than the 1st13:58
jelkneri'm trying to budget better so that doesn't happen13:58
scooperLastly uop will publish the finally grade for this terms on the 15 of June.....13:58
scooperJeff I understand you are doing your best.....13:59
jelknerhow did this term go?13:59
jelkneroops, bell rang13:59
scooperIt was challenging but I made it13:59
jelknerstudents arriving13:59
jelknerlet's talk more about that tomorrow13:59
jelknerACTION logs off for the day...14:00
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