IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-06-12

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mulbahGood morning tboimah10:04
tboimahhow are you mulbah10:05
mulbahgood and you10:06
tboimahI'm fine10:08
mulbahGood to hear bro10:11
mulbahso any response for the email you sent10:18
tboimahi just arrive at the office let me check it 10:23
mulbahokay bro10:24
mulbahany answer yet10:34
tboimahyeah he respond to the Email10:38
mulbahso what did he say10:40
tboimahbut he in the Email he was only talking about we meeting on saturday but i reply to him and said it will be better if he please look for days during the week apart from saturday.10:40
mulbahokay if he response to the other email you should tell me10:52
tboimahokay dokie10:54
mulbahso what is the plain for today bro10:58
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tboimahfor now i just reading the book and waiting for Jeff for the python class11:03
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dcammueGood morning guys12:16
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tboimahHow are you doing dcammue12:18
dcammueGreat and you12:19
dcammueI think I will check back later, because I thought Jeff was on line12:20
dcammueACTION signed off for few minutes12:21
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mulbahHello fkoikoi12:32
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dcammueACTION is back for the day12:57
dcammueGood morning Jeff12:59
mulbahGood morning jeff12:59
tboimahGood morning Jeff13:00
dcammueHow was your night?13:00
fkoikoi_Good morning Jeff13:00
svayeGood morning Jeff13:01
shmohamudgood day everyone13:01
dcammueGood morning shmohamud13:02
tboimahGood morning shmohamud13:02
dcammuehow was your night?13:02
fkoikoi_Good morning shmohamud13:02
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mulbahHow are you doing shmohamud13:02
shmohamudI'm doing OK, thanks for asking. Easy night, just got home from a trip13:03
shmohamudIs everyone here to code today?13:03
shmohamudI'll be right back - going to grab a coffee13:04
dcammueOh okay13:04
shmohamudis everyone here to code?13:07
dcammueYou brought my own? shmohamud13:07
fkoikoi_yes but some are doing Python, Web development (HTML & CSS) and system administration13:07
shmohamudok 13:08
shmohamudlets begin with the homework. can you share fkokoi and scooper?13:08
jelknerGood afternoon, svaye13:09
jelknerapologies for the delay in sending the email13:09
jelkneri just did13:09
svayeGood afternoon Jeff13:09
jelknerthank you for taking the initiative!13:09
svayeI saw it thanks13:10
jelknerdcammue, svaye can we chat a minute about our plans?13:10
jelkneri am very interested in having separate conversations with each team13:11
jelknersince you two are the web team, i would love to start with you13:11
scooperGood morning Jeff and Shmohamud.....13:12
jelknerfirst question, do either of you plan to attend UoPeople?13:12
svayeOkay Jeffd13:12
jelknerGood morning shmohamud 13:12
shmohamudgood morning 13:12
scooperJeff can I have a phone conversation with you after this session???? i13:12
scooperIncluding the sup in it as well???13:13
jelkneri have class scooper 13:13
jelknerwhat time?13:13
dcammuesvaye you going first?13:13
scooperGive me your time13:13
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scooperthis is most convenience13:13
jelknerscooper, how about now?13:13
jelknermy next class starts in 45 minutes13:13
jelknerso now would be good13:14
scooperOK let me reach the sup and call you.....13:14
jelknersvaye, dcammue can you answer my question please?13:14
jelknerbecause then i have more questions13:15
jelknerdepending on your answers, we can make a learning plan13:15
dcammuewhat question Jeff?13:15
dcammueask the question13:15
jelknerdo you plan to attend UoPeople?13:16
svayeI would love to attend UoPeople and obtain the require knowledge I need to become a good web developer13:16
dcammueyes Jeff, is my plan13:16
jelknerok, so we need to look at the schedule13:16
svayeOkay 13:18
jelknerLooks like Term 1 begins August 31st13:19
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dcammueAre we not meeting with the two guys you talked about this gone saturday13:19
jelknerscooper, and fkoikoi_ can help you apply13:19
jelknerdcammue, my apologies, i didn't cc you on the email i just sent13:20
jelknerwe need to set up a meeting here13:20
jelkneron irc13:20
jelknerwith them13:20
jelknerthere are three things we need to decide:13:21
jelkner1. UoPeople13:21
jelkner2. CIW Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Specialist13:21
jelkner3. How to move forward with our Rural Clean Stove project13:21
svayeAre we to choose only one or can we go with all three13:22
jelknerYou could choose all three, svaye 13:23
jelknerin fact, 3 is a requirement! ;-)13:23
jelknerbecause we have a partner who needs us13:23
svayeof course13:23
jelknerthat is where you will get the hands-on experience also13:23
jelknerthe most important part, really13:23
jelknerthough you need *both* theory and practice13:24
dcammueBecause if you just do the theory without practical then you will not learn better13:25
svayeWhen exactly are we going to write the CIW test Jeff?13:28
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shmohamudsorry, I went to the restroom. Yes fkoikoi?13:34
fkoikoi_can I paste my work?13:35
shmohamudplease do13:35
fkoikoi_Method_on_dict = {'red': '1', 'blue': '2', 'green': '3'} 13:35
fkoikoi_for keys in Method_on_dict:13:35
fkoikoi_    print(Method_on_dict.items())13:35
shmohamudscooper please do the same13:35
shmohamudfkoikoi, does this print all the keys and values each iteration?13:36
svayescooper is not here right now13:36
jelknerok, i'll leave up to you two to communicate with fkoikoi_ and scooper about how enroll in UoPeople13:37
jelknerJust got off the phone with the Supe13:37
jelknerit was great to hear his voice13:38
dcammueOkay Jeff13:38
shmohamudfkoikoi, can you iterate through each of the key/value pairs, and print them one at a time?13:39
jelknerfkoikoi_, please help svaye and dcammue with the enrollment process13:39
svayeWe will do just that13:39
jelknerscooper can help you13:39
jelknerok, next item13:39
fkoikoi_sure jeff13:39
dcammueHave the CIW comes up with the date for the test?13:39
jelknerwould you like to try to get web certification?13:39
jelknerhang on a second13:39
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svayeYes Jeff13:40
jelknerthis is a link to what i'm talking about13:40
jelknerwe can start that as soon as possible13:41
jelknerif you both want to do it, i'll email them today to ask how we can set it up13:41
jelknersvaye, dcammue can you please look over this link, and let me know tomorrow if you want to go ahead with it13:41
jelknersound good?13:42
jelknergive me a +1 if you agree ;-)13:42
dcammueOkay Jeff13:42
dcammuewe will do so13:42
svayeOkay Jeff13:43
dcammueJeff can you hear from Annie13:45
svayeIf I am not wrong Annie is preparing for a test13:45
jelkneri will see annie tomorrow13:46
jelknerfor the last time this year13:47
jelknersvaye is already in touch with her13:47
jelknerwe just need you two to get control of the repo13:47
jelkneryou can really just clone it13:47
jelknerwe don't actually need her to be involved13:47
jelknerthat's the beautiful thing about git servers13:47
jelkneryou can just *fork* a project13:48
jelknerand start developing it13:48
jelknerwhat we really need is a meeting with Dr. Hubbard and Tanaka13:48
jelkneri'll call him later13:48
svayeI already have the link to the work she started we can just continue from there13:48
jelknerbut i sent an email telling him tomorrow or wednesday at 2:30 pm your time would work for me13:49
jelknerexcellent, svaye!13:49
jelknerok, let me go now13:49
jelkneri need to reach out to the CIW folks13:49
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jelkneri'll have an update tomorrow13:49
jelknerwhat happens, svaye 13:50
jelkneri notice your connection drops a lot13:50
jelkneri wonder if the sysadmin team can help you fix that13:50
shmohamudfkoikoi, could you rewrite the homework so that it prints one key/value pair on each iteration?13:50
shmohamudyes scooper?13:50
scooperShould I paste it here13:50
svayeI don't know what's the problem 13:50
shmohamudplease do scooper13:50
scoopershmohamud_dict = {"Nationality":"Liberian", "City":"Monrovia", "Place of Birth":"Monrovia"}13:50
scooperfor key in shmohamud_dict:13:50
scooper    print(key, shmohamud_dict.get(key))13:50
shmohamudexactly what I was looking for, scooper, great job.13:52
shmohamudfkoikoi, there's another way to print key/value pairs by iterating over dict.items() instead of the dict itself13:52
shmohamudcheck this out for clarification:
shmohamudshmohamud_dict = {"Nationality":"Liberian", "City":"Monrovia", "Place of Birth":"Monrovia"}13:53
shmohamudfor key, value in shmohamud_dict.items():13:53
shmohamud   print(key, value)13:53
shmohamudthis works too, for example ^^13:54
shmohamudok, quick review of functions. Can you both write a function that takes in an argument (integer) and prints out the number plus 5?13:54
shmohamudcall it add_five13:55
svayeJeff are we done for today?13:56
scooperIs the input coming from the user???13:57
shmohamudnope. we will call it manually13:57
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dcammueACTION signed off for him to reach at the office13:59
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scooperdef takingNumber(take_number):14:01
scooper    return take_number14:01
fkoikoi_def add_five(number):14:01
fkoikoi_    print(number + 5)14:01
fkoikoi_add_five (2)14:01
shmohamudscooper, do you see what's missing?14:01
shmohamudfkoikoi that's what I was looking for, great ob.14:01
fkoikoi_Thanks shmohamud14:02
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shmohamudI alsos asked it to be called add_five, takingNumber is in camelCase when it should've been taking_number as well per Python style guides14:03
scooperooh did see it14:03
shmohamudlet's try one more. Write a function called hello_world that takes in a string argument of name and prints out hellow works {name}14:04
scooperdef hello_world (name):14:11
scooper    return name 14:11
scooper    14:11
scoopername = "Shohamud"14:11
scooperprint("Hello  works", name)14:11
shmohamudcan you have it print from the hello_world function instead of a print statement? I want to be able to call hello_world and it prints out the "hello world {name}"14:13
shmohamudinstead of returning the name, I want the printing to happen inside the hello_world function.14:13
svayeHave a good day everyone14:14
fkoikoi_def Hello_world(name):14:14
fkoikoi_    print("hellow works freena")14:14
shmohamudHave a good day Svaye14:14
shmohamudvery close Freena! Only thing missing is I want it to work for any name that I call it with.14:14
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shmohamudDo you know how to do String Interpolation in python - where we print out lines that include variables?14:15
shmohamudtry this: print("Hello World % s" % name) 14:18
shmohamudand let me know if Freena still shows up14:18
fkoikoi_yes, Freena still shows up14:20
scooperWant you want my program to really do when you call it14:21
shmohamudthat's how you do string interpolation14:21
shmohamudI just want it to print "Hello World {name}"14:21
shmohamudbased on the name we pass in14:21
scooperdef hello_world (name):14:24
scooper    return name14:24
shmohamudscooper I was hopig you did the printing inside the hello_world function like Freena does above14:25
shmohamudok guys, I'll see you tomorrow14:25
shmohamudI have to take my nephew to the doctor, he just showed up with a 102 degree temperature14:26
fkoikoi_save trip14:27
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scooperdef hello_world (name):14:31
scooper    print("Hellow work",name)14:31
scooper    14:31
scooperyou are you still there shmohamud???14:32
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mulbahhello Jeff15:58
mulbahso when will start the python class15:59
mulbahso when will we start the python class15:59
mulbahHello shmohamud16:24
mulbahcan we do small practice on python16:26
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