IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-06-16

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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!11:10
jelknerHmm... no one here and nothing on the agenda.11:23
mulbahGood morning Jeff11:58
svayeGood morning Jeff12:02
mulbahHello svaye how are you doing12:03
svayeI am good, how are you mulbah12:03
mulbahGood as well12:04
svayeWhat's going on here12:06
jelknerGood afternoon, svaye 12:09
jelknerI thought we were meeting at 12 noon your time12:09
jelknersvaye, i only have 50 more minutes12:09
svayeYes it's 12:09 now12:09
jelknermy bad, as we say12:10
jelkneri thought it was 5 hours different12:10
jelkneri guess now it's only 412:10
svayeI am sorry I am a little bit late12:10
jelkneri really meant 11 am, but i didn't know it12:10
jelknerlet me check something on my phone12:11
jelkneri have a clock app that has Monrovia time12:11
svayeOkay Jeff next time I can be online by 11 am12:11
jelknerYup, it has the right time, jelkner had the wrong time! :-(12:12
jelknerAnyway, i will normally be available from 11 am to 12 noon your time12:12
jelknersince then i have to go teach at the community college12:12
jelknersvaye, did you receive the email from ciw?12:12
svayeOkay I will be onli12:12
jelknerit should have come last night to your novawebdev email address12:13
svayeyes I received the email yesterday evening 12:13
jelknerso my first question is whether you can access the online curriculum12:14
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jelkneri can see you are enrolled12:15
svayeI can come to the lab everyday so technically yes I can access the online curriculum12:15
jelknerbut when i look at your account it says, "last login: never"12:15
jelknergreat, svaye 12:15
jelknertry to login now12:15
jelknerin the 45 minutes we have now, let's talk about how to start using the course12:16
svayeShould I login or sign in12:16
svayeShould I use my novaweb email to sign in?12:17
jelkneroh, i have a password for you12:18
jelknerdid it include that in the email?12:18
jelkneryou can change the password12:18
jelknerbut i set one when i enrolled you12:18
svayecan you please send me the password12:20
mulbahhello Jeff12:22
jelknersvaye: i just clicked a button to "send password link"12:22
jelkneryou should get another email from CIW with a link to set your password12:22
svayeI got it thanks Jeff12:24
jelknerlet me know once you have logged in12:25
mulbahJeff will Mr. Cole meet us today12:25
jelknermulbah: i have no idea12:26
jelknerif you emailed him, and he said he would, he is a pretty reliable guy12:27
svayeI have logged in Jeff12:27
jelknerbut he is getting older, and like me, his mind is deteriorating :-(12:27
jelknerso sometimes he forgets12:27
jelknermulbah: he likes email the best12:28
jelknerso please keep trying to communicate with him that way12:28
mulbahokay 12:28
jelkneri will see him on June 24th12:28
jelknerbut it would be best if you can get started with him before then12:28
jelknersvaye: great!12:28
svayeHow do I get started?12:30
jelkneri'm looking at that now12:30
jelknerthe first thing we want you to do is to take the pre-assessment12:30
jelknerit is a 55 question test12:30
jelkneryou won't understand most of it12:31
jelknerbut that's ok12:31
svayeWho is my instructor12:31
jelknerme ;-)12:31
jelknerthis is the same learning material i use with my web students at the career center12:32
jelkneri asked them to set up a small section for me to teach you and Daniel12:32
jelknersvaye: Daniel will be back Monday, yes?12:32
jelknerI need to get him enrolled too.12:32
svaye_Daniel will be back Monday12:33
jelkneri will enroll him then12:34
jelknerand he can take the pre-assessment too12:34
jelknercan you see the pre-assessment?12:34
svaye_Yes should I click on it12:34
jelknermake sure you have at least an hour before you start12:35
jelknerit is 55 questions with a time limit of 2 hours12:35
jelknerit won't take you 2 hours12:35
jelknersince you don't know most of the material12:35
jelknerwhen you read a question and don't understand much of it, just make your best guess12:35
svaye_So I shoul start by 1 pm my time12:35
jelkneryou can start whenever you like12:36
jelkneri will be able to see your score12:36
jelknerthen we can start with Lesson 1 on Monday12:36
jelkneri am going to enroll Daniel now12:36
svaye_Okay Jeff12:37
jelknergreat, svaye_ 12:37
jelkneri got your email about tomorrow12:37
jelknerhave a great time at your aunt's wedding!12:37
svaye_I will start the pre assessment now12:37
jelknersee you Monday12:37
svaye_Thanks Jeff12:37
svaye_Have a nice day Jeff12:37
jelkneri'm going to log off and head to Maine for vacation12:37
jelkneryou too!12:37
jelknerACTION logs off for today12:38
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mulbahhey svaye12:39
mulbahwhere are you 12:40
svaye_I am in the lab12:40
mulbahHello tboimah12:47
tboimahI am Good mulbah and you?12:48
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mulbahHow are you doing Mr. Cole12:59
ubuntouristHi, all.13:00
ubuntouristI'm mostly awake. 13:00
ubuntouristHow are you all?13:00
svaye_I am fine how are you13:01
ubuntouristMostly awake. ;-)13:01
mulbahi'm good sir13:01
mulbaham one of the system administrator13:02
ubuntouristSo, let's get down to the practical questions first, so that I know what the layoit is.13:02
mulbahso what is the plain for today Sir13:02
ubuntourist1. Are you all physically in the same place right now?13:02
tboimahGood morning ubuntourist13:03
ubuntouristACTION is waiting for an answer before the next question....13:04
mulbahI'm no13:04
ubuntouristOK. 13:05
tboimahby monday we will try to be at the same area13:05
tboimahbut for today no13:05
ubuntourist2. Have you all used "apt install" on your computers to install software?13:06
scooperGood morning  Cole aka ubuntourist13:06
scooperGood morning my Programmer shmohamud13:07
shmohamudGood morning Scooper :)13:07
ubuntouristI mentioned in e-mail to tboimah that we can do some stuff with IRC but I want to improve on that a little bit.13:08
ubuntouristIn the past, we've tried doing audio and video, but the bandwidth has been crappy.13:08
ubuntouristHowever, there are "low-bandwidth" solutions that don't require as much connectivity.13:09
scoopershmohamud can we go private since the main chat is busy13:09
shmohamudyes we can13:09
scooperJust in case you are in mood to tutor me and freena...13:09
ubuntouristI would like to try setting up some of those solutions and testing them out.13:09
ubuntouristFirst, audio.13:10
ubuntouristLinux has a lot of programs that work in pairs. These are called client/server programs.13:11
ubuntouristThe web is like that: You have a big computer (a server computer) with web server program like Apache or Nginx13:12
ubuntouristand you have individual personal computers with client software called web browsers like Firefox, Chromium, etc.13:13
ubuntouristFor low-bandwidth audio, we're going to try client software called "mumble" on your personal computers, and "murmur" on the server in Germany.13:13
ubuntouristBefore we do that, does anyone know how to add me as a user on the server in Germany?13:14
tboimahI once yeah about that mumble and we once us it before but we was facing problem with audio13:15
mulbahI have murmur on my computer13:15
ubuntouristmulbah, murmur should be on the server. Mumble should be on the personal computers -- unless you were running your computer as a server for other people to connect to.13:16
ubuntouristtboimah, Well. That's disappointing. I was hoping mumble / murmur using the computer in Germany would work.13:17
ubuntouristOkay. Let's scrap that idea.13:17
tboimahyeah i have use mumble before13:18
tboimahon my personal computer13:18
ubuntouristHave you installed "tmux" on the server in germany?13:18
ubuntourist(What is the name of that server, so that I don't have to keep typing "the server in germany"?)13:19
mulbahthe server name is students.mcssliberia.org13:20
ubuntouristmulbah, thanks.13:20
mulbahYou welcome 13:21
ubuntouristSo, guess: How do you think you would install tmux? (It's pretty simple.)13:21
tboimahsudo apt install tmux13:21
mulbahby typing sudo apt install in the terminal13:22
ubuntouristtboimah, mulbah , yup. So, someone install it on students.mcessliberia.org13:22
ubuntouristACTION waits while that gets installed.13:22
tboimahshould we ssh in before installing it13:23
ubuntouristtboimah, that's the only way I would know...13:24
tboimahokay just wanted to confirm it13:24
ubuntouristWhile someone is doing that. Can anyone tell me if there is a user on that is shared between several people?13:26
ubuntouristIf not, we're going to create one.13:26
tboimahI don't think so13:26
mulbahno everyone have their own account13:27
ubuntouristI am guessing that you each have your own user account, but I want a user named "students" or something like that, where all of you (and I) will have the password.13:27
ubuntouristBecause we're all going to log into the same account and I'll show the magic of why tmux is cool.13:28
tboimahyeah that would be cool13:28
tboimahbut i think we will need to contact the Jeff and the others because they are the admin for the server13:29
ubuntouristOh. I was thinking that maybe someone here had admin permissions on that system. Bother.13:30
tboimahhe was trying to that but i don't why?13:30
tboimahhe was trying to that but i don't know why13:31
ubuntouristOK... We'll have to wait on that too. Who -- besides Jeff -- has admin privileges?13:31
tboimahi also have privilleges but i stay having problem with my password13:32
ubuntouristtboimah, Can you explain what goes wrong? Are you able to "ssh" successfully?13:34
ubuntourist(And does someone share an e-mail address for tmarklson so that I can send a message?)13:36
tboimah$ ssh that was the server13:38
tboimahand i can i ssh in to that13:39
mulbahtboimah i don't think that is the server13:39
tboimahit is the server mulbah13:39
tboimahthat was what Jeff send me to ssh into13:40
mulbahso the server is tudents.gctaa.net13:40
tboimahsure according to Jeff13:40
ubuntouristmulbah is correct, I think: is Jeff's server that he uses with all of his students. But I'm looking for somrone who can log in to which is the server in Germany.13:41
mulbahbecause the server we log into the other time was students.mcssliberia.org13:42
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tboimahscooper can you ssh into the students.mcssliberia.org13:43
mulbahI'm trying to login but it is tell me ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out13:43
ubuntouristgctaa has been alive for many years, and I don't think Jeff will want you messing with that one. mcssliberia is your system.13:43
ubuntouristmulbah, good: We can diagnose problems from that error message.13:44
mulbahwhat do you mean by that13:44
mulbahbut we can use tmate today 13:45
ubuntouristI mean that the error you gave me indicates that the problem is not with a password or user name. So. We will look somewhere else for the trouble.13:45
mulbahto do terminal sharing13:45
ubuntouristmulbah, tmux. Okay, how? 13:46
mulbahu mean how can we use tmate to do terminal sharing13:47
tboimahwhat mulbah is saying it is also a good idea we can us tmate for today13:47
ubuntouristmulbah, Yep. We need a server, on the internet, where someone in today's meeting has admin privileges.13:48
tboimahwhen you type tmate  in the terminal you will a ssh message and then copy and past in here and we will also ssh into it13:48
ubuntouristmulbah, somewhere that one of you participating today can use "sudo" and somewhere that I have a login.13:49
ubuntouristYou all keep saying "tmate". So maybe I'm not up to date. I haven't used anything called "tmate".13:50
ubuntouristLet me look.13:50
ubuntouristAh. It looks like you are ahead of me.13:50
mulbahtry this in your terminal  ssh 3hrGjarvKNe99q69fCQwrqYgC@lon1.tmate.io13:51
ubuntouristmulbah, thanks! We have a solution then.13:53
mulbahyou welcome13:53
mulbahwe can  practices command there13:54
ubuntouristAll participants, ssh there.13:54
tboimahi am already there13:55
ubuntouristGreat, Is it jus you two and me?13:55
mulbahthat is my terminal i'm sharing with your 13:55
ubuntouristSo. Let's poke around with "dot files"13:55
mulbahso which command we are going to learn good today?13:57
ubuntouristFirst, "sudo apt install most" if it is not already on your system13:57
ubuntourist("most" is a type of program called a "pager" that lets you examine files without editing them, and has some other interesting features.13:58
mulbahwhat is most?13:58
ubuntouristYou have probably already used "cat" to display the contents of a file.13:59
ubuntouristBut some files do not contain text and trying to display them results in garbage. For example, try:13:59
ubuntouristcat /usr/bin/most14:00
mulbahand we can also use less to view the contest of a too right14:00
ubuntouristmulbah, yes "less" is a pager too. But "most" is a better one.14:01
ubuntouristSee? Garbage.14:01
ubuntouristTry it now with "less"14:01
ubuntourist(clear first)14:02
mulbahit's a binary file14:03
ubuntouristLess is smart enough to warn you. You can answer either way. If you say "y" you get garbage. If you say "n" it aborts.14:03
ubuntouristLet's say "n"14:03
ubuntouristNow try it with most14:03
mulbahit is just binary number on the screen14:05
ubuntouristMost understands that it is a binary file. It displays a "hexadecimal dump" format on the left, and tries to display readable stuff on the right.14:05
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ubuntouristIt also has help at the bottom of the screen. Type "H"14:06
ubuntouristIt is much, much more powerful than "less".14:06
sysadminACTION fkoikoi14:07
ubuntouristI recommend installing it on every computer you meet. It is one of the first "extras" that I install after setting up a new computer.14:07
ubuntouristLet's get out of that for now. Press "space" then "q" to quit.14:08
tboimahsound great14:08
ubuntouristGet in the habit of using it instead of "cat" or "less" or "vim" (I recommend only using vim when you want to CHANGE the contents of a file.)14:09
ubuntouristOK. Back to "dot files"14:09
mulbahokay sir14:09
ubuntouristFIles and directories that begin with "." are "hidden" because users shouldn't screw around with them often.14:10
ubuntouristSome are "dangerous" to mess with. But, as you become better at systems administration, you will find that you can work with them carefully.14:10
ubuntouristls -A14:11
ubuntouristshows the "dot files and dot directories".14:11
ubuntouristYou may have already looked at or edited some of these. (I don't know what you've explored so far.)14:12
ubuntouristLet's look at a very basic one: 14:12
ubuntouristmost .profile14:12
ubuntouristHello? 14:15
mulbahyeah hello14:16
mulbahwe are following14:16
ubuntouristOK. It got quiet, and I wasn't sure.14:16
mulbahdo you have mumble install on your computer 14:17
ubuntouristSo, ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc together control a LOT of how your personal interaction with your account works.14:17
ubuntouristI have mumble.14:17
mulbahI'm thinking of a way that we can do audio chat14:18
ubuntouristmulbah, go for it! 14:18
mulbahokay let we try it14:18
ubuntouristmulbah, what would you like me to do?14:19
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mulbahjust give me a min14:20
ubuntouristACTION is checking mail for a minute while mulbah sets up...14:22
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mulbahokay 14:27
ubuntouristACTION is ready to follow instructions.14:28
mulbahopen up mumble and go to add new connection14:28
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mulbahwhere you will address put liunx14:29
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ubuntouristJust "linux"? It needs an IP address...14:30
mulbahyeah just liunx14:31
mulbahnot linux14:31
mulbahand where you will see port put 6473814:32
ubuntouristOk. l-i-u-n-x. and the port is already set to that default.14:33
ubuntourist(I'm going with "ubuntourist" as the username, unless otherwise instructed.)14:34
mulbahwaiting to see you there14:34
ubuntouristIt doesn't offer "Connect" - Connect is greyed out. I think because liunx is not a valid IP address.14:35
mulbahreally 14:37
mulbahthan let me try another way14:37
ubuntourist(It's looking for something.something.something -- either a numeric address like or or or
ubuntouristI have a server set up. Never tried it with anyone else but you can try mine....14:38
ubuntouristThe address is ""14:38
ubuntourist(Default port, and whatever username you want.)14:38
mulbahwhat is the port14:39
ubuntourist64738 - the default14:40
mulbahI am seeing view certificate14:41
mulbahand "No" and "Yes"14:42
ubuntouristOh. Right. I forgot, I don't think your answer matters, but say "Yes"14:42
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ubuntouristI will need to leave shortly. 10 or 15 minutes left.14:55
mulbahI'm reinstalling it15:02
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mulbahbut Mr. Cole are you on signal15:02
ubuntouristNope. I don't even have a cell phone.15:03
mulbahI reconnect to the server in mumble15:05
mulbahbut i'm not seeing you there15:05
ubuntouristOK. Let me rejoin15:05
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mulbahokay thank for making my day nice15:15
ubuntouristWell, again thanks very much for tmate!15:16
mulbahso we will meet Monday right15:16
mulbahby the same time15:17
ubuntouristYeah. Same time. That's 9:00 to 11:00 for me, and 1:00 to 3:00 for you right?15:17
ubuntouristOh, I should ask: I don't have your name. Only "mulbah"15:18
mulbahyeah that is it15:18
mulbahMulbah T Kolleh15:18
mulbahis my name15:18
ubuntouristThanks! 15:19
mulbahdo you have the book we are reading15:19
ubuntouristProbably not.15:19
ubuntouristWhat is it?15:19
mulbahconnect to the server let me sent you it15:20
mulbahthe book15:20
ubuntouristWhich server? I do not have an account on gtcaa or mcssliberia.15:21
mulbahI mean on mumble15:21
mulbahThink it will be better i send it to you on your email15:23
mulbahACTION singing out15:26
mulbahsee you on monday15:26
mulbahThanks for the day again15:27
mulbahDid you see my email Mr. Cole15:33
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