IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-06-24

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jelknerGood afternoon dcammue, fkoikoi, janet, scooper, and tboimah!12:32
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:32
LittleWebsterDiscuss Summer schedule (10 min). (added by jelkner)12:32
LittleWebsterHow to setup Class/homework on github (added by fkoikoi)12:32
LittleWebsterDiscussion on the trial test in August (15min) (added by fkoikoi)12:32
tboimahI am Good and you12:32
dcammueGood morning Jeff12:33
janetHi Jeff12:33
jelknerdcammue, how is your CIW study going?12:33
fkoikoiGood morning12:33
mulbahGood morning Jeff12:35
jelknerGood afternoon, mulbah12:35
mulbahHow are you doing12:35
jelknergetting ready for a busy day, mulbah 12:35
jelknerkevin and i will be meeting with the guy who builds schools this afternoon12:36
jelkneri'm hoping to have news about our project to share with you all after that12:36
jelknerdcammue, remind me to talk to you and svaye about how to use the curriculum when she gets here12:37
dcammueokay Jeff12:38
svayeGood morning Jeff12:49
dcammueJeff, svaye is here now. Can you talk to us about the curriculum?12:50
dcammueabout how to use the curriculum?12:51
jelkneri can monitor your progress through the web application as your teacher12:52
jelknerthere are three things you need to complete before you are ready to take the quiz for a given lesson:12:52
jelkner1. Reading12:52
jelkner2. Flashcards12:53
jelkner3. Knowledge check12:53
jelkneri can see that svaye has been doing the flash cards12:53
jelknerbut you have not, dcammue 12:53
jelknerand neither of you have completed any knowledge checks12:53
dcammuewhat is that flashcards?12:54
jelknersvaye can show you12:54
jelknersince i can tell that she found them12:54
jelknerwe are going to meet at 11 am each weekday, yes?12:55
svayeHow can I do the knowledge checks Jeff?12:55
jelknersvaye, the knowledge checks are the interactive exercises in the lesson12:55
jelknersometimes they are drag-and-drop12:56
jelknersometimes they are matching12:56
svayeI did two already 12:56
dcammueI started doing that also12:56
jelkneryou have to click the "Submit" button12:56
jelkneryou should see immediate feedback when you do12:56
jelknercorrect answers will be green and incorrect ones red12:57
svayebut the internet was bad that day so it continue stopping 12:57
svayeI will do it again12:57
jelkneryes, please do12:57
svayeOkay Jeff12:57
LittleWebstertboimah : thehedgeh0g : scooper : jelkner : svaye : mulbah : janet : fkoikoi : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss Summer schedule (10 min). (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHow to setup Class/homework on github (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterDiscussion on the trial test in August (15min) (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerwell, fkoikoi, what are you waiting for?13:01
scooperGood morning Jeff13:01
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fkoikoithe first item on our agenda is to discuss summer class schedule which will be done by Jeff13:02
fkoikoiJeff, will shmohamud be with us today?13:03
jelknerok, all i really need to confirm is that i am meeting with the web group at 11 am Monday to Thursday13:03
jelkneri can't meet on Monday13:03
jelknernext week13:03
jelknersince it is my first day of class and i have to go in early13:03
jelknerbut starting Tuesday, i'll meet with svaye and dcammue at 11 am your time (7 am my time)13:04
jelkneris that correct svaye and dcammue?13:04
svayeCorrect Jeff13:04
scooperHow long  will it last for Jeff???13:04
jelkneri have to leave by 12 noon your time13:04
jelknerso i can get to school by 1 pm your time13:05
jelknerso i can be on for up to 1 hour13:05
jelknerbut i bet it usually won't take that much time13:05
jelkneri will be there to answer questions svaye and dcammue have with the online course they are doing13:05
scooperWhat about the Sysadmin team went will they be online???13:05
jelknerwhy are you asking me, scooper?13:06
jelknerthat's not my responsibility13:06
jelknerACTION done13:06
mulbahJeff Mr. Cole said that he will not be meeting with us this Friday13:06
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scooperI know my reason Jeff, there are few thing I will like to mention13:07
scoopercan I proceed fkoikoi??13:07
fkoikoisure scooper13:07
scooperCole is meeting with the sysadmin by 1:00 am I m correct thomas and mulbah???13:08
scooperI thinking how can we figure this out to avoid conflict on the IRC13:09
mulbahbut he said only Monday he will be meeting with us this coming week13:09
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud13:09
scooperSahnun meet with us Monday till Friday 1:00pm13:10
shmohamudgood day fkoikoi13:10
jelknersvaye and dcammue, take a look at this:
scooperDue to your schedule we something go in private on IRC13:10
scooperIt cool with us once Sahnun is available that time......13:11
jelknersvaye and dcammue, your goal is to turn the circles under R, C, and K fully green13:12
jelkneri'll show you Tuesday what it looks like then13:12
jelkneryou should make progress between now and Tuesday morning13:12
svayeOkay Jeff13:12
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tboimahcan we talk one at the time please because that conversation is getting confusing please13:13
jelknertboimah, we should learn how to use this better13:14
jelknerwe can get a lot more done if we have several conversations at the same time13:15
jelknerotherwise, tboimah, most of us just sit and wait13:15
jelknerwe will learn that in the IT business, things move *FAST*!13:15
tboimahhmmm okay if you say so13:15
jelknerthere is not time to sit and wait13:15
jelkneryou can make it easier to follow by putting the nicks of the users you are addressing, tboimah 13:16
jelknerthat way it shows up in a different color for them13:16
jelknerand is easier to read, tboimah 13:16
fkoikoiso the  web group will be meeting with Jeff from Monday to Thursday (11:00am -12noon)13:16
fkoikoiam I right Jeff?13:16
jelknerexactly, fkoikoi!13:17
jelknerbut not this Monday13:17
jelknerwe will start Tuesday, June 27 at 11 am Monrovia time13:17
jelkneri can't stay long, so let's keep the meeting moving13:18
fkoikoialright and the sysadmin and python team will be meeting by 1:0013:18
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fkoikoithe only difference is that the sysadmin team meets every Monday and Friday while the python team meets from Monday to Friday13:19
jelknerfkoikoi, what is the "trail test in August"?13:19
fkoikoiSpencer will talk about that Jeff13:20
jelknerok, let's move to the next item13:20
jelkneri can't stay13:20
jelknerand we are taking too long13:20
scooperPreviously it was stated by Jeff that these test will show if we I gearing to because13:20
scooperbecoming a starter programer13:21
scooperwill  each team taking test: for his or his area of studies13:21
jelknerbut scooper, folks will probably not be ready to do that by August13:22
scooperJeff do you understand that part???13:22
scoopergot 13:22
scooperthe question here is that should cancern it for now13:22
jelknerfkoikoi, may i make a suggestion?13:22
fkoikoisure Jeff13:23
jelknerlet's talk very briefly about what Saturday meetings are for, and how they should be run13:23
jelknerTwo things:13:23
jelkner1. Saturday meeting topics should be broad and general13:24
jelkner2. Meetings should move quick and be short13:24
jelknerin agile software development, morning meetings are often called "Stand up meetings"13:24
jelknerbecause to keep them short, everyone is told to stand while they happen13:24
jelknerthat way people will move faster, so they can sit down when it is over ;-)13:25
jelknerthis is not a time for labs, or teaching new things13:25
jelknerthis is a time for taking care of business13:25
jelknerthat means:13:25
jelkner1. sharing important general info (like schedules)13:25
jelkner2. providing brief updates from each group (so other folks know what is happening with them)13:26
jelkner3. making decisions13:26
jelknerthat's what the meetings should be about13:26
jelknerthe learning takes place in the study groups now13:26
jelknermake sense?13:27
jelknerjanet, dcammue, mulbah, svaye, Thomas_?13:28
jelknerdoes it make sense to you?13:28
scooperno or yes13:28
jelknerso, i need to take the bus and then the train to DC to meet with Kevin and the man we hope will build a school for us13:29
jelkneranything else you need from me before i go?13:30
scoopersound great13:30
fkoikoibut can you make the team understand something before you leave Jeff13:30
jelknersure, fkoikoi 13:30
jelknerwhat do you want to understand?13:30
fkoikoiWere you saying that we shouldn't write the test since we are not prepare?13:31
jelknerwhich test, fkoikoi?13:31
fkoikoiThe CIW test13:31
fkoikoithat we suppose to write in August13:31
jelknerThe CIW test is for the web group only13:31
jelknersvaye and dcammue 13:31
jelknerthey are the only two enrolled in the course13:32
scooperWhat abou the Python and Sysadmi????13:32
jelknerit covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript13:32
jelknerscooper, we have to decide together13:32
jelknerwe need to move forward, but we need to use our resources wisely13:33
jelknereach "seat" in the CIW course cost $15013:33
jelknerthat was $30013:33
jelknerfor the two students13:33
scooperWe have some money in save already that can be use for that purpose to was the test......13:34
jelknerif they learn a lot from the course, and especially if they pass the certification exam, it will be very worth it13:34
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jelkneri can monitor their progress on the site13:34
jelknerthere is a good exam for Python13:35
jelknerfor that one, the exam + retake + practice exam costs $84.9013:36
jelknerbut it is up to the Python group and Sahnun13:36
jelknerto decide if they want to do that13:36
jelknerfor the system admin folks13:37
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jelknermight be good13:38
jelknerbut we need to talk to kevin about that13:38
jelkneri'll be seeing him today13:38
jelknerso i'll bring it up13:39
jelknerlooks like $90 to take the exam13:40
jelknerit would be wonderful if we could get at least one person in each group certified13:40
jelknerbut all these exams are challenging, so we would need to work *very hard* to do it!13:40
jelkneranything else before i go?13:41
scooperanyway svaye will ask you13:41
svayeJeff have you already paid the $300 for me and dcammue?13:41
jelkneryes, svaye 13:41
jelknerthat's why you can login to the curriculum13:42
scooperwow wonderful13:42
scooperthanks Jeff13:42
jelknerif it didn't, you couldn't ;-)13:42
svayeThanks Jeff13:42
jelkneryour most welcome13:42
jelknernow work hard! ;-)13:42
jelknerok, anything else before i go?13:43
mulbahJeff if we are to take the test are you going to be the one to pay for us13:43
jelknerwhich test, mulbah?13:43
jelknermulbah, i am currently sending $800 per month13:43
mulbahthe link you was sending13:44
jelkneri can't afford much more than that13:44
jelknerwe have to decide together how to use our resources13:44
mulbahOkay 13:44
mulbahI though we was taking test too13:44
jelknerif you can pass, it will help us *a lot*13:44
jelknermulbah, i am only leading the web study group13:45
jelknerwe need shmohamud to decide if he can lead the Python group to PCEP13:45
jelknerand we need Kevin to decide if he wants LPIC13:45
jelkneri can't do that13:46
mulbahAlright thanks for the understanding13:46
jelkneronce the groups decide what they want13:46
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jelknerwe need to talk together about how to move on each one13:46
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jelknerremember, the *most* important of all is your college degree13:47
jelknerit will be courses for that, not certification exams13:47
jelknerbut both things support each other13:47
jelknerif you got the PCEP, for example13:48
jelknerthe first programming course at UoPeople would be *much* easier!13:48
jelknersince you would already know the basics of Python13:48
jelknerother questions?13:48
jelkneri gotta get going13:48
svayeOkay Jeff13:48
svayeHave a nice weekend Jeff13:49
dcammuewhat the gotta means Jeff?13:49
jelkneryou too, svaye.  see you and dcammue at 11 am your time Tuesday13:49
jelknerimpress me with your progress by then ;-)13:50
jelknerACTION signs off for the day13:50
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