IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-06-27

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scooperGood morning Shmohamud10:51
shmohamudGood day Scooper10:51
shmohamudDid I miss you yesterday?10:51
shmohamudI came on but didn't see anyone10:51
scooperWhy are you up too early today??10:51
shmohamudI'm preparing for today's lesson on Networked Programs10:52
scooperyes... I turn up but than you have already left10:52
shmohamudOk, sorry I missed you. I'll be available all morning if you have questions or want to discuss anything10:52
scooperI'm still figuring out regular expression in python10:53
scooperbut no problem we can still learn it as well....10:53
shmohamudregular expressions are very tough. Should we have another lesson on it today instead of networking?10:53
scooperNO let do the networking.... them we can keep reading re the concept will connect gradually....10:54
shmohamudsounds good, I like that idea.10:55
scooperFrom now on are we meeting this time each day???10:55
shmohamudno, I am just preparing the day's lesson so I'm on early10:56
shmohamudWe're still good for 2 hours from no10:56
shmohamudfrom now*10:56
shmohamudWhen I start my job, we might have to start at this time though10:56
jelknerGood morning.10:57
jelknerWow, shmohamud, you're up early ;-)10:57
scooperGood morning Jeff Elkner10:57
shmohamudGood morning!10:57
shmohamudHehe yeah, networking isn't my strong suit so I wanted to lesson prep10:57
shmohamudvery cool stuff I must say, I'm enjoying the slides10:58
jelknerwhich slides are you looking at?11:02
jelkneri'm out of the loop on this one11:02
jelknerscooper, do you know where svaye an tboimah are?11:02
jelkneri thought we had agreed to meet now11:03
jelkneri'm on a tight schedule11:03
jelknerand have a hard stop time in 1 hour11:03
jelkneralso, scooper while we wait for them11:03
scooperShe just arrive in the lab11:03
scoopertboimah or dcammue???11:04
jelkneri just woke up11:04
scooperlet me placed a call to daniel11:04
jelknerwe need to talk about my meeting with Commy Jahanbein11:04
jelknerwe have to decide if we want to move ahead with the school project11:05
scooperthanks for all necessary effort Jeff11:05
scooperI m listening11:05
shmohamudI'm looking at the Py4e slides11:05
jelkneroh, no need11:06
jelkneri know where they are11:06
shmohamudACTION goes for breakfast11:07
jelknerGood morning svaye!11:07
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)11:07
svayeGood morning Jeff11:07
jelknerGood morning, dcammue 11:08
scooperJeff dcammue is already online11:08
dcammueGood morning Jeff11:08
jelknerso we will only have a short time each morning11:08
dcammueHow are you?11:09
jelknerso let's get right to it!11:09
jelkneri can see your progress11:09
jelknerdcammue is 100% on cards and 50% on knowledge check11:09
jelknermissing a few sections of the reading, and has not completed the optional lab11:10
jelknerno labs will be optional for us11:10
jelknerwe want to do *all* of them11:10
jelknerif you are ready now, i can talk with you about how i want you to do the labs11:10
jelknersvaye, ready?11:11
jelkneri will want you to do all the labs, but with a *rebranded* website11:11
jelknerthat makes the labs more interesting, and more challenging11:11
jelknerwhat i mean by "rebranded" is that you choose a different business for the website11:12
jelknerbut keep the same design11:12
jelkneri think your business should be our new coop11:12
jelknerso first, let me show you an example of what i mean11:12
jelkneri have a website i use for my own work11:13
jelknerand a repo11:13
jelknerhere is the repo11:13
jelknerit is published with github pages here11:14
jelknerunder the "Projects" heading, the last item says "Rebranding: The Color Orange"11:15
jelknerwhen you click on that link11:15
jelkneryou'll see a rebranding of the labs from CIW11:15
jelknerscooper, are you here?11:15
jelknerand fkoikoi, we need you too11:16
scooperI M 11:16
fkoikoiI'm here Jeff11:16
jelknersvaye, dcammue, take 15 minutes to look over those links11:16
jelkneri need to type something up to share with the 4 of you11:16
jelknerfkoikoi, you are chairing our meeting this saturday, yes?11:28
dcammueOkay Jeff, I done11:28
jelknerdcammue, is fkoikoi there?11:29
fkoikoiI'm here Jeff11:29
jelknerare you chairing the meeting saturday?11:29
scooperJeff the link is reading 404 error11:29
dcammueJeff, is that what we will be using?11:29
svayeJeff I don't see anything on the link you sent it's reading 40411:30
fkoikoiSpencer will be the one chairing the meeting on Saturday11:30
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud11:31
jelknersvaye, the repo was private11:31
jelknerlook now11:31
shmohamudgood day fkoikoi11:31
jelknerscooper, if you are chairing this week11:31
jelknermay i request we focus on the discussion about whether we want to move ahead with the school project?11:32
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!11:32
svayeI can view the repo now Jeff11:32
jelkneri need to communicate what this means11:33
jelknerthe Kamal Foundation has built schools all over the world11:33
jelknerthe owner, Commy Jahnabein, closes down the restaurant in August each year, and goes somewhere to build a school11:34
jelknerThe Supe met with him twice already11:35
jelknerbut Commy was expecting follow up11:35
jelknerand didn't get any11:35
jelknerso he is beginning to think we are not serious11:35
jelkneri didn't follow up earlier because i didn't think we were ready11:35
jelknernow i think we are11:35
jelknerso it is time to decide whether we want to move ahead with this11:36
svayeFollow up from who Jeff?11:36
jelknerCommy Jahnabein11:36
dcammuewe are left with 24minutes to go11:36
jelknerthe Director of the Kamal Foundation11:36
jelkneryes, dcammue 11:36
jelknerbut we meet again tomorrow11:37
jelknerok, enough of that for now11:37
jelknerscooper, you may want to talk to the Supe11:37
jelknerdcammue, svaye, i think i have given you all you need for now11:37
jelkneri showed you the "Orange" rebranding11:37
jelkneryou need to take a serious look at it11:38
jelknerand tomorrow come with questions11:38
jelknerhow did i make it?11:38
jelknerwhat are the "rules" for making a "rebranding"?11:38
jelknerstuff like that11:38
svayeokay Jeff11:38
dcammueokay thanks then11:38
jelkneranything else before i go?11:39
svayeYes Jeff11:39
svayeI try doing the knowledge test, but I don't know to submit it11:40
jelknerwhich knowledge test?11:40
jelknerdid you ask dcammue?11:40
dcammueIs it from the research that we are going to take the website from for rebranding11:40
svayeThe knowledge test in our lesson11:41
jelknerhe seems further along with that11:41
dcammueI will show her11:41
jelkneryou two should work together11:41
jelknerthat's the idea11:41
svayeI am not seeing submit at the top anymore11:41
jelknerdcammue, when you get to the lab11:41
jelkneryou download a zip file11:41
jelknerthe "rebranding" means you apply the following rules:11:42
jelkner1. the HTML elements stay the same11:42
jelkner2. the CSS techinques stay the same11:42
jelknerthe "digital artifacts" change11:42
jelkneryou use your own images, media files, etc.11:43
jelknerand change the name of the business11:43
jelknerlike i did with Orange11:43
jelknerthe "Orange" was meant to be a silly example11:43
dcammueI download the zip file and unzip it and apply the video and auto elements11:43
jelkneri tell students Orange is my favorite color11:43
jelknerso i am making a website about my favorite color11:43
jelknerwe want a more serious rebranding11:44
jelkneri'm thinking the best "project based learning" example we could use11:44
jelkneris the website for our new coop11:44
jelknerthat's why i mixed in the other discussion11:44
jelkneryou all have to name your new business11:44
jelknerwe can talk about that on Saturday11:44
jelknerfor now, svaye and dcammue can just make up a name11:45
jelknerand change it later when the group decides on a nam11:45
svayeOkay Jeff11:45
jelknerdoes that make sense?11:45
jelkneranything else?11:45
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi do you have 5 minutes?11:46
scooperI have alot of time for you Jeff11:46
jelkneri won't have time to reach them11:46
jelknerbut when i created a new team on our gitea server11:47
jelknernamed webcoop11:47
jelkneri don't know how to add members to it11:47
jelkneri could try to figure that out11:47
jelknerbut my time is already overextended11:48
jelknerthat's why we need teams11:48
jelknerso we can get a lot done together11:48
jelknerso, i was hoping the admin team could look into that11:48
jelknereveryone should be a member of that team11:48
jelknerthen we can use it to document our plans11:48
jelknercan you please ask them about that, scooper?11:49
scooperOK I will11:50
dcammue Jeff, is it from the lab research that we are going to take the website from for rebranding11:50
jelkneryes, dcammue 11:50
jelknerdon't make any git commits until you have remove *all* of their content11:50
jelknersince we don't have copyright to that anyway11:51
jelknerif you want, just do the labs on your machine for practice11:51
jelknerbut don't add them to a repo11:51
jelkneronly *after* you have removed all their branding11:51
jelknerand substituted your own11:51
jelknercan you commit the changes to your repo11:52
jelknermake sense?11:52
jelkneryou two rock!11:52
jelknerok, let me make a cup of coffee and get ready for my next class11:52
jelknersee you here tomorrow at the same time11:53
jelknerACTION logs off for the day...11:53
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svayeHave a nice day Jeff11:53
dcammueHave a nice day, and a nice first day of class Jeff.11:53
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fkoikoilet me try pushing to the git account first11:56
dcammuesvaye will you be at the office by 1pm?11:57
dcammueI will be there by 1pm11:58
dcammuesvaye are you there?11:59
shmohamudfkoikoi and scooper please pull the latest repo12:02
shmohamudAre you available in one hour or should we start class now?12:02
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fkoikoi_can I ask a question?12:08
shmohamudyes please12:09
fkoikoi_I'm a bit confuse on parameter and argument 12:09
fkoikoi_can you please tell me tell me the difference 12:10
fkoikoi_using the work you posted on the git account12:10
shmohamudFirstly, have you pulled the latest branch?12:11
shmohamudcan you please perform a pull so we're looking at the same code?12:11
shmohamudlet me know when you've pulled12:12
shmohamudif you don't want to lose the changes you've made locally (on your system) please do a "git stash" to stash your changes12:13
shmohamudlet me know when you're ready12:16
shmohamudneed any help?12:21
fkoikoi_I try switching from master to main branch but this is what it says12:22
fkoikoi_ git branch -m master main12:22
fkoikoi_error: refname refs/heads/master not found12:22
fkoikoi_fatal: Branch rename failed12:22
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shmohamudtype "git branch" and let me know what it says12:23
fkoikoi_it didn't say anything12:24
shmohamudso I don't believe you're in a git repository12:24
shmohamudcan you try "git status" and let me know what it says12:24
fkoikoi_I try "git checkout" and this is what it says 12:24
fkoikoi_ git branch -m master main12:25
fkoikoi_error: refname refs/heads/master not found12:25
fkoikoi_fatal: Branch rename failed12:25
fkoikoi_git checkout12:25
fkoikoi_fatal: You are on a branch yet to be born12:25
shmohamudno need to apologize12:25
shmohamudYou're not on a branch currently, so there's no way to branch off from nothing12:25
shmohamudcan you type "git" and tell what it says?12:26
fkoikoi_"git status says:12:27
fkoikoi_git status12:27
fkoikoi_On branch main12:27
fkoikoi_No commits yet12:27
fkoikoi_Changes to be committed:12:27
fkoikoi_  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)12:27
fkoikoi_new file:   Desktop/LearningPy/Read.py12:27
fkoikoi_new file:   README.md12:27
fkoikoi_Untracked files:12:27
fkoikoi_  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)12:27
shmohamudwhy don't we save the trouble, and you just re-clone the latest repo?12:28
shmohamudare you familiar with that process?12:29
fkoikoi_let me try12:29
scooperGood morning Shmohamud12:36
shmohamudgood morning scooper12:36
scooperAre you ready for us today???12:37
shmohamudYes. Are you ready for ME today?12:38
scooperYes I m12:39
shmohamudOk! Are you next to fkoikoi?12:39
shmohamudWe're trying to reclone the Nova_Web_Dev_Practice directory - can you see if you can help?12:40
shmohamudfirst, can you git pull the latest changes and let me know if that works?12:40
scooperThe one you send last week???12:40
fkoikoi_after cloning the repo, what should I do next?12:40
shmohamudgo to under the in-class directory12:41
shmohamuddo you see where we declare the match_string function?12:41
shmohamuddo you see where it says "string" in the function definition?12:42
shmohamuddef match_string (string) 12:42
shmohamudthere is one "parameter" "string"12:43
shmohamudwhen we call the functions, we call it an argument. 12:43
shmohamudSo when I do: match_string("test")12:43
shmohamudthe "test" is called the argument12:43
shmohamudpeople often use parameter/argument interchangeably but the difference is whether it's in the function definition (parameter) or being called (argument)12:44
shmohamudscooper, did you pull the latest from Nova_Web_Dev_Practice? That looks like your personal repo12:46
scoopernot yet 12:46
shmohamuddo you want some help?12:47
scooperThere is no tracking information for the current branch.12:48
scooperPlease specify which branch you want to merge with.12:48
scooperSee git-pull(1) for details.12:48
shmohamudok, so first, are you in the directory on your local?12:48
shmohamudtype "git remote" and let me know what you see12:49
shmohamudthat's all you see?12:49
scooperLet me explain what I did earlier12:51
scooperI fork your repository first12:51
shmohamudok can you also just re-clone the directory so we can get started for the day?12:53
shmohamudThe issue is you would have to add a remote to track my repo but the naming is confusing (upstream should be origin)12:53
shmohamudSo, we could spend a few minutes debugging and getting you to track it on the existing branch12:53
shmohamudor, we could simply re-clone the repo, then add a remote to the fresh repo. How does that sound?12:54
scooperbut what i did first was I fork the repository and clone it on my computer12:54
scooperafter that I use git remote -v12:55
scooperit show me the origin12:55
scooperI went back to you original repository and use the urls by doing git remote add "name of url)12:56
scooperLike me re-clone and have this settle later.....12:56
shmohamudInteresting. Well, if you forked it successfully, you should be able to do "git fetch" and pull in the changes. Have you tried that?12:57
scooperplease paste the repository url12:59
scooperlet me follow today lesson and solve that other issue for later please12:59
shmohamudsounds good 13:01
shmohamudlet me know when the repo is pulled, then we'll get started on today's lesson13:02
shmohamud*repo is re-cloned13:02
scooperI M done13:03
shmohamudOk, good. fkoikoi are you ready for today's lesson?13:03
scoopershould I cd in to home_work or in_class?13:04
scooperI m there13:04
fkoikoi_I'm ready13:04
shmohamudToday, we will be learning about Networked Programs13:07
shmohamudThe internet can be thought of as a network of computers across the world 13:07
shmohamudIn order for information to travel across the Internet (a network of computers), we have invented network protocols13:08
shmohamudIn networking, a protocol is a set of rules for formatting and processing data. Network protocols are like a common language for computers. The computers within a network may use vastly different software and hardware; however, the use of protocols enables them to communicate with each other regardless.13:08
shmohamud If one computer uses the Internet Protocol (IP) and a second computer does as well, they will be able to communicate — just as the United Nations relies on its 6 official languages to communicate amongst representatives from all over the globe. But if one computer uses IP and the other does not know this protocol, they will be unable to communicate.13:10
shmohamudOn the Internet, there are different protocols for different types of processes. 13:12
shmohamudAny questions so far?13:12
shmohamudlet's hear it13:14
scooperI these protocol is the same the one being use in Physical Networking term like???13:14
scoopertcp, http etc??13:15
shmohamudwe'll get there in a minute :)13:15
shmohamudany other good questions?13:15
scooperno from my end for now13:16
shmohamudTCP is an important protocol which is built on top of IP (internet protocol) 13:17
shmohamudTCP assumes IP loses some data, so it store and retransmits data if it seems to be lost13:17
shmohamudTCP handles “flow control” using a transmit window13:18
shmohamudTCP provides a nice reliable “pipe” 13:18
shmohamudIn computer networking, an Internet socket or network socket is an endpoint of a bidirectional interprocess communication flow across an IP based computer network such as the Internet.13:18
shmohamudTCP Ports.13:19
shmohamudA port is an application specific or process-specific software communications endpoint 13:20
shmohamudIt allows multiple networked applications to coexist on the same server 13:20
shmohamudAny questions so far?13:20
scooperNo from my end???13:21
scooperNo from my end..13:21
shmohamudThere is a list of well-known TCP port numbers 13:21
shmohamud25, 23, 80, 443, 109, 11013:21
shmohamudNext Topic: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol13:21
shmohamudIs the set of rules to allow browsers to retrieve web documents from servers over the Internet13:21
shmohamudwhen we write the web address it's in the format of: protocol/host/document13:23
shmohamud (http is the protocol. is the host. test is the document13:24
shmohamudThat's all I have for today guys :)13:24
shmohamudAny questions?13:24
shmohamudlet's hear it13:25
shmohamudACTION goes to get coffee13:25
scooperlooking at TCP port which one is more preferable?? example13:25
scooperI was learning how to deploy a django project in development mode .... during my experiment I was told to use ufw and enable port 8013:26
scooperlater on after the demonstration I was told now to disable port and 80 after I have already download apache server13:28
scooperACTION question done for now13:29
shmohamudGreat question. It depends what your application needs are. For example, if it's a web app, you're going to want to use port 80 or 443 most of the time, because those use HTTP and HTTPS13:32
shmohamudIf you want a more secure app, use port 443, which only uses HTTPS rather than just HTTP13:32
shmohamudEach port has its own uses, you have to decide which to use when building a specific kind of app13:32
shmohamudany further questions before I head off for the day?13:34
shmohamudlet's hear it13:34
scooperIf 80 or 443 are use for Hyper Text Transfer Protocols Secures why do programmer disable 84 and 443 after installing a web server for production...13:36
shmohamudI haven't experienced ports being disabled in production, but I think it depends on the application you're building.13:40
shmohamudReally good question. Can I give a better answer tomorrow?13:40
scooperok Shmohanud...13:41
scooperThanks for today Shmohamud13:41
shmohamudYou're welcome. Any questions before I log off Fkoikoi?13:41
scooperdevelopment not production13:42
shmohamudOk, I'll look into. Still a really good question.13:42
scooperShmohamud is it's development not "Production...."13:42
scooperOK thanks13:43
shmohamudYup, gotcha13:44
shmohamudAlright well if there are no questions, for homework I want you both to read this page and come with one question:
shmohamudsee you tomorrow13:47
shmohamudACTION logs off for the day13:47
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:47
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scooperGood afternoon Shmohamud18:52
scooperAre you still around???18:53
shmohamudhey scooper19:02
shmohamudwhat's up comrade?19:02
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