IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-06-29

dcammueGood morning Jeff10:48
jelknerGood morning dcammue 10:48
dcammueHow was your night?10:49
scooperGood morning Jeff10:49
jelknerwell, dcammue, my morning was really good, since I see all green circle in your lesson 1! ;-)10:50
jelknersvaye hasn't finished yet.10:50
jelknerperhaps today you could work with her to catch up?10:51
jelknerthen we should review, and talk about when you want to take the lesson 1 quiz10:51
jelknerhow is the rebranding coming?10:51
jelknerwe will want to talk about that too10:51
dcammuebecause I still have a dot on that10:52
jelknerthe rebranding is the "hands on" part of your learning10:52
jelknertruthfully, it'10:52
jelknerit's the most important part10:52
jelknerbut both theory and practice go together10:53
jelknerthe theory allow us to think about what we are doing10:53
jelknerthe practice gives us the skills to do it.10:53
jelkneri'm hoping your rebranding will be with the new coop as your theme10:53
jelknerso we need a name for the new coop10:54
jelknerthen we need to find someone to make a logo10:54
jelknerthat's a graphic skill10:54
jelkneri don't teach that10:54
jelknerbut i have students who know how to do it10:54
dcammueThen we can get connected to them 10:55
jelkneryes we can10:55
dcammuemaybe they will be willing10:55
jelknerin the future, we will want to add members to our team in Liberia that have that artistic skill10:55
jelknerbut for now, we can get that done here10:55
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!10:56
jelknerdcammue, i need to ask you a favor10:56
jelkneri talked to scooper and fkoikoi yesterday about adding an agenda item10:56
jelkneri look now, and see nothing10:57
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!10:57
jelkneri would love it if we could get in the habit of adding items during the week10:57
scooperKindly check your email10:57
jelknerACTION goes to check his email ;-)10:57
scooperI send you mail concerning the agenda that you could read before adding it......10:58
jelkneri love it when you are one step ahead of me, scooper! it really helps our process.10:59
jelkneri just read the email10:59
jelkneri understand that the Supe is *really* busy11:00
jelknerbut if we want this new school, we will need to comply with the process11:00
jelkneri need to be told by you all if you want to do it or not11:00
jelknerif you don't, i'll drop it11:00
jelknerbut if you do, we have a lot to do to make it happen11:00
jelkneri'm willing to work with you on it11:00
jelknerbut if you are not interested, i won't push it11:01
jelknerso that's the first thing i need to know11:01
svayeGood morning Jeff11:01
jelknerdo you want to pursue this?11:01
scooperI m willing too Jeff but it's MCSS Project or our Coop project????11:01
jelkneryou can put that on the agenda11:01
jelknergreat question, scooper 11:01
scooperI will put it on the Agenda 11:01
jelknerand i mean it, *great question*!11:01
jelknermy immediate answer is: both11:02
jelknerlet me explain a little11:02
jelknerwe have many questions to answer11:02
jelknerbut two main questions stand out first11:02
jelkner1. who will own the school building when it is finished?11:03
jelkner2. is there a way to contractually guarantee access to the building (at all hours) to the coop?11:04
jelkneri am not a lawyer11:04
jelknerand even less do i understand the laws in Liberia11:04
jelknerbut i am a political activist11:04
jelknerso i think all the time about these issues11:05
jelknerwho has power?11:05
jelknerhow is power exercised?11:05
jelknerhow to people build the social world around them?11:05
jelknerunder what rules?11:05
jelkneranyway, my immediate thought is that MCSS would own the building11:06
jelknerbut that our coop would have a long term contract that gives us access to use it11:06
jelknera kind of public/private partnership that the Supe has mentioned in some of his speeches to the community11:06
jelkneri'm a socialist, so when i say "private" i mean cooperative11:07
jelkneri believe wage labor under employee / employer relationship where the employer steals the value produced by the work is a crime11:08
scooperThanks Jeff I can visually the picture clear now...... as it relate to the building of the school11:08
jelknerbut if we have a coop, democratically owned and operated by the workers11:08
jelknerit is not a crime11:08
jelknerbut we need to figure out how to make this work11:08
jelknerright now, the Supe lets us use MCSS buildings11:09
jelknerbut what happens in the future when he is no longer the Supe?11:09
jelknerwhat if the next Supe doesn't know us or want to support us?11:09
scooperThat is my point of thought every day 11:09
jelknercan we have a contract, legally binding, with the school system that protects our access in the future?11:09
jelknerthose are the questions we need to explore11:10
jelknerthis new school could be a practical way to do that11:10
jelknerbut again, only if you all want to do it11:10
jelknerdoes that begin to help frame the conversation, scooper?11:11
jelknerso please put this on the agenda for saturday11:12
scooperNow I will add it to the agenda11:12
jelknerby the way, july 4 is a holiday here, so i don't have to teach at the college11:12
scooperI know11:12
jelkneri could spend more time that day with my MCSS friends if they are available11:12
scooperI wish already through the mail I send you.....11:13
scooperI wish you already through the mail I send you.....11:14
jelknernot sure i understand, scooper.11:15
jelkneryou wish what?11:15
scooperI wish you Happy independence day already in my email 11:15
jelkneroh yes, thank you11:15
dcammueSame to you Jeff.11:16
jelkneryou will be at school that day, yes?11:17
jelknerit is a holiday there too?11:17
svayewe will be at the head office Jeff11:18
dcammueSchool closed11:18
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff11:18
jelknergood day, fkoikoi 11:18
jelknerscooper, i just sent the remitly transfer for july11:19
jelknerit takes about 4 days11:19
jelknerbut you should receive an email soon11:19
scooperOK I will let you know...11:19
scooperlater when I receive it.....11:20
jelknerok, dcammue and svaye 11:20
jelknerlet's talk11:20
jelknersvaye, dcammue finished all the exercises in lesson 111:20
jelknerso he said he will help you catch up today11:20
jelknerthen we want to begin work on the rebranding11:20
jelknerwe need a name for the coop11:20
jelknereven if you decided to change it later11:21
jelknerwe can'11:21
jelknercan't build a website without a working name11:21
jelknerso i am asking you all to please choose one11:21
jelknerthinking about that will be good, too11:21
jelknersince it will get you to begin to imagine the future11:21
svayeDo you have a suggestion Jeff?11:21
dcammuewe will give the name tomorrow11:22
scooperCan I give a name Jeff11:22
jelknerthis really should come from you11:22
jelknerto make it yours11:22
scooperI have a name in mind11:22
jelknerso you all talk about it11:22
jelkneri shouldn't be involved in that part11:22
jelkneryou just tell me what it is11:22
scooperJettro Web Development11:22
jelknerdon't tell me scooper 11:23
jelknertell our friends there11:23
jelkneryou all should agree11:23
scooperI told them 11:23
jelknerok, then on saturday you could make a proposal and they could vote11:23
jelknerput that on the agenda too11:23
scooperOk Chief....11:24
jelknerthanks Chief11:24
jelknerdcammue, do you have any questions from lesson 1?11:24
dcammueNot really for now Jeff11:25
jelknerok, if you don't, i'm going to prepare a little practice quiz for monday11:25
dcammueI seem to be understanding from the lesson11:26
jelkneri'll ask you the questions then11:26
svayeIs the practice quiz for the two of us Jeff?11:26
jelknerand if you're ready, i can turn on the online quiz, you can take it, and then we can move on to lesson 211:26
jelknersvaye, of course!11:26
jelkneri didn't mean to leave you out, svaye 11:27
jelkneri only asked dcammue because he is finished the lesson11:27
jelknerthe plan is for you to do that today11:27
svayeit's okay Jeff11:27
jelknerok, if you don't have any further questions, i'll go an prepare the practice quiz11:28
jelknerso i have it ready by monday11:28
jelknersee you all saturday at 1 pm your time11:28
dcammueThanks Sir11:28
jelknerthank you, sir11:28
dcammuenot meeting tomorrow?11:28
jelknerit is a pleasure working with you!11:28
jelkneri won't meet on fridays11:29
jelknerremember, when we made the summer schedule11:29
jelkneri said monday to thursday11:29
dcammueoh yes11:29
jelknersee you saturday11:29
svayeHave a nice day Jeff11:29
dcammuehave a nice day then!11:29
jelkneryou too!11:29
jelknerACTION logs off for the day11:30
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:30
dcammueACTION logs off for the day11:30
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:30
*** svaye has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)11:43
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*** svaye_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:07
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*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)12:59
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fkoikoiGood Morning shmohamud13:18
shmohamudGood day fkoikoi13:19
fkoikoiHow are you today?13:20
fkoikoiand how is your dad doing?13:20
shmohamudI'm OK, dad is still very sick13:20
shmohamudhow're you?13:20
fkoikoiI'm good but a bit confuse13:20
shmohamudok, confused about what?13:21
fkoikoiHmm, just a certain question that I didn't understand first but I think I understand it now and I am done with the program13:22
fkoikoiit's my assignment at Uopeople13:22
shmohamuddo you want to share the assignment, and we can discuss?13:23
fkoikoiI just want to have clarification on the questions so that I can see if what I did was right13:25
shmohamudsounds good, let's see them13:25
fkoikoiThe circumference of a circle is calculated by 2πr, where π = 3.14159 (rounded to five decimal places). Write a function called print_circum  that takes an argument for the circle’s radius and prints the circle's radius. 13:27
fkoikoiCall your print_circum function three times with different values for radius. 13:27
shmohamudwhat did you  come up with?13:28
fkoikoiokay 13:28
fkoikoilet me tell you13:28
shmohamudgood day scooper13:29
scooperGood morning J13:29
shmohamudany questions for me scooper?13:33
shmohamudlet's hear it13:36
scooperAccording to the reading I did HTTP headers let the client and the server pass additional information with an HTTP request or response13:37
scooperWhich Http version is suitable for present day since a lot of transition had taken place???13:38
shmohamuddo you use Google Chrome?13:39
scooperboth firefox and chrome13:40
shmohamuddo you know how to access the Google Developer Tools?13:40
shmohamudOpen Google Developer Tools and go to the Network Tab13:40
shmohamudThen, filter by "Fetch/XHR" 13:41
shmohamudlet me know when you've done that13:41
sysadmin_sorry for the disconnection 13:43
shmohamudall good :)13:44
sysadmin_I m on Network tab13:44
shmohamuddo you see the "Fetch/XHR" filter?13:44
shmohamudclick on it13:45
sysadmin_I just did13:45
shmohamudthen, go to
shmohamudand let me know if you see requests listed on the left side13:46
sysadmin_\ Sahnun please give me 5minutes I m being call by the supe....13:47
shmohamudfkoikoi, do you want to share what you came up with for U of People?13:48
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*** svaye__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:59
sysadmin_I m back Sahnun14:00
shmohamuddo you have the fetch/XHR filter open on the network tab?14:01
sysadmin_We stop on Fetch/XHR14:01
shmohamudOk, good. Now go to and let me know what you see on the left side of the tab14:02
shmohamudKeep devtools open on that network tab while you visit the site14:02
*** svaye_ has quit (None)14:03
shmohamuddo you see the requests on the left hand side of the network tab?14:05
shmohamudthe first one should start with "search?"14:06
*** shmohamud has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:10
shmohamu_sorry, it disconnected14:10
shmohamu_do you see the requests on the left hand side of the network tab?14:10
fkoikoi_spencer went to the sup office14:12
shmohamu_do you want to share your U of People assignment to discuss?14:13
shmohamu_I'm going to log off for the day unless there are any last questions14:20
shmohamu_scooper: if you see this when you get back:14:26
shmohamu_Click on one of the requests from the left hand side and then click on "Headers" on the right hand side of the network panel14:27
shmohamu_It shows request and response headers that are used by Google, which are actively being used today. Lots of information passes in headers, so just get a general sense of some of the headers by looking around14:28
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jelknerhow are you doing, shmohamud?16:41
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jelknerHello Anujin 17:05
jelknerThis is where we meet all the time with the group in Liberia17:06
jelknerWe practice what I like to call "radical transparency"17:07
jelknerwhat that means in practice is that we have a bot running, LittleWebster 17:07
jelknerthat records all converstations here and turns them into web pages17:07
jelknertake a look at that url17:07
*** Anujin has quit (Remote host closed the connection)17:19
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LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove17:35
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!17:35
*** jelkner has quit (None)17:36
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