IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-07-01

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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:31
LittleWebsterUpdate from each groups(5 minutes from selected person) (added by scooper)12:31
LittleWebsterFinding a name for our IT Corp.. (added by scooper)12:31
LittleWebsterBuilding of the School (added by scooper)12:31
LittleWebsterTwo Group Declined from CIW Test(Python and Sysadmin) (added by scooper)12:31
jelkner!add Plans to respond to Tanaka's User Stories12:36
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Plans to respond to Tanaka's User Stories" has been added to the agenda.12:36
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:36
LittleWebsterUpdate from each groups(5 minutes from selected person) (added by scooper)12:36
LittleWebsterFinding a name for our IT Corp.. (added by scooper)12:36
LittleWebsterBuilding of the School (added by scooper)12:36
LittleWebsterTwo Group Declined from CIW Test(Python and Sysadmin) (added by scooper)12:36
LittleWebsterPlans to respond to Tanaka's User Stories (added by jelkner)12:36
dcammueGood morning Jeff12:40
jelknerGood morning, dcammue!12:48
jelknerWhere is everyone?12:48
dcammueThey will soon join12:48
jelknerok, good12:49
svayeGood morning Jeff, scooper, and dcammue12:54
dcammueGood morning svaye12:55
dcammuehow was your night?12:55
svayeGood,how are you dcammue?12:56
jelknersvaye: did you see tanaka's email?12:56
jelkneri added that to the agenda12:56
svayeYes Jeff I saw it12:57
scooper!add AOB12:58
LittleWebsterSuccess: "AOB" has been added to the agenda.12:58
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:58
LittleWebsterUpdate from each groups(5 minutes from selected person) (added by scooper)12:58
LittleWebsterFinding a name for our IT Corp.. (added by scooper)12:58
LittleWebsterBuilding of the School (added by scooper)12:58
LittleWebsterTwo Group Declined from CIW Test(Python and Sysadmin) (added by scooper)12:58
LittleWebsterPlans to respond to Tanaka's User Stories (added by jelkner)12:58
LittleWebsterAOB (added by scooper)12:58
LittleWebsterscooper : thehedgeh0g : svaye : jelkner : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterUpdate from each groups(5 minutes from selected person) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterFinding a name for our IT Corp.. (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterBuilding of the School (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterTwo Group Declined from CIW Test(Python and Sysadmin) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterPlans to respond to Tanaka's User Stories (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterAOB (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerWhoever is chairing should start the meeting13:00
jelknerWe don't have time to waste13:00
scooperGood morning Jeff and Good morning to those of us that are present13:01
dcammueGood morning13:01
scooperToday discuss is in align with our agenda13:02
scooperfirst on this agenda is update  from each groups, with this being take about it give us a clear picture to where we all are heading13:03
scooperAs was mentioned this gone saturday meeting by Jeff we  should only be discuss activities that was conducted during the course of the week in the lab13:04
scooperFirst group to give update with be the Python team.....13:05
scooperThis gone we the Python  team had series of engagement with Sahnun where in he introduce us to Regular Expression in Python and 13:06
scooperSOcket which had to do with HTTP13:07
scooperDuring our introduction stage we  talk about how important Regular express is in python because it help us to search for matching pattern....13:08
jelknerscooper: we're at 10 minutes on a 5 minute item13:09
jelknertime to move on!13:10
scooperWhile I search for the link to our git exercises I m holding on I m waiting for the next group to talk about what was done during this gone week13:10
scooperACTION done for the first item on the agenda 13:10
jelknerother groups?13:10
dcammuesvaye you will go or I?13:11
dcammueyou go, yes13:11
svayeYou can go dcammue13:12
dcammueGood morning to all13:13
jelkner5 minutes, dcammue 13:13
jelknermake it quick13:13
dcammueFor this gone week, we worked hard through our HTML 5 lesson13:14
jelknerlesson 1 is almost finished13:14
jelknerwe will move on to lesson 2 next week13:15
jelknerthat's all folks ;-)13:15
dcammueand we were thought about the new html element call the video element13:15
tboimahGood morning Jeff13:15
jelknerdcammue: don't get into the weeds13:15
jelknerthe goal here is to inform the team at the highest level13:15
jelknernot to try to teach content13:15
dcammuewe are almost done with the 1st lesson 13:16
jelknerscooper: one more important thing to add13:16
scoopersorrry dcammue13:16
jelknerwe have a real world project13:16
scooperare you done???13:16
jelknerthe Rural Clean Cooking stove13:16
jelknerwe received email from Tanaka with user stories13:17
jelknerthis week we need to set up a server for the project and respond to him13:17
jelknerACTION done13:17
dcammueAnd will be completing it by monday13:17
scooperok 13:17
scooperplease give me assess on the server I will 13:18
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dcammueACTION done13:18
scooperI want to use django13:18
scoopername of our  Coop13:18
scooperFinding a name for our Web base team...13:19
jelknerwhat about sys admin group?13:19
scooperWe will talk about them in AOB13:19
jelknerokie dokie13:19
dcammuescooper I think you give a name the other day 13:20
scooperI WRITING13:21
jelknerbtw everyone, please keep practicing your typing13:21
scooperJetro Web Development is the name of our web base team13:21
jelknerfast typing is really important in this business13:21
jelknercan you tell us what it means, scooper?13:21
scooperAfter a series of  interaction it was unanimously agreed that our Coop be called Jetro Web Development. This name Jetro Web Development seen to be appropriate for us because Jeff was the one that help give us this skill and from the way thing is proceed it seen to be fine for now be we are moving a bit of speed.... 13:21
jelknerspeed like Jet13:22
scooperIt mean Fast13:22
scooperraising Web group13:22
scooperThrough the help of Jeff13:23
jelknerso scooper, now we need to start investigating what it means to register a cooperative business in Liberia13:23
jelknerwho can help us with that?13:23
scooperOk that will be discuss next saturday13:24
jelkneri won't be here next Saturday13:24
jelknerbut you all should proceed with that13:24
jelkneri'll read the log13:24
scooperNext building of the school13:24
scooperBuilding of the school13:25
scooperI m in full support of the school project13:25
mulbahGood morning Jeff13:25
jelknerscooper: what does the rest of the group think?13:25
jelknerit will require a lot of effort from everyone13:25
scooperbecause it will help us secure a spot for our daily activities in the future13:25
jelknerso we need to be sure they are on board before we proceed13:25
dcammuefor the school building I support it 100%13:26
scooperDid you guys follow the conversion with me and Jeff  this gone Thursday???13:26
mulbahI'm in too13:26
jelknerdcammue: did you read what it requires?13:26
jelknermulbah: did you?13:26
jelkneri put it in our git repo13:26
dcammuewho to be on board Jeff?13:27
scooperThe building of the school help secure it place for our daily activities13:28
jelknerscooper: this is such an important discussion for us13:28
jelknerwe will need to discuss it each week13:28
scooperbecause MCSS building might not be right for us in the future if Mr. Zawolo is no longer supe....13:28
jelknerso it is complicated13:28
jelknerand we need to meet with Superintendent Zawolo soon13:29
jelknerto get his view of this13:29
jelknerdid everyone read the link i sent?13:29
jelknerthe Kamal Foundation insists on two things from the community:13:29
scooperSecondly it will help us expand our group instead of size in the long run.........13:29
jelkner1. a one day per month financial contribution for 6 months from each family that is part of the project13:30
dcammueI did13:30
jelkner2. one day per week labor during contruction of the school13:30
jelknerso we will need to organize the community13:31
jelkneri am hoping we can build the school in Summer 202513:31
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff13:31
jelknerso we have a lot to do between now and then13:31
jelknernext step is for me to make a $150 donation to Kamal Foundation13:32
jelknerin the name of Jetro Web Development13:32
jelknerand then setting up a meeting with Commy13:33
jelknerbefore i do that13:33
jelknerwe need to meet with Superintendent Zawolo13:33
jelknerACTION done13:33
scooperTwo groups declined from the CIW test......13:34
jelknerscooper: that sounds like something svaye, dcammue and me need to talk about at 7 am my time Monday13:34
jelknerand not something we need to deal with here13:34
scooperAfter concluding this gone Saturday the Python and the Sysadmin team 13:34
scooperAsk me to disturb the fund that we was serving for the CIW comes Aug.....13:35
scooperthat mean they are not prepare to embark on this journey for now.......13:36
jelkneri don't understand, scooper 13:36
*** svaye has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:36
scooperWhat Jeff??13:36
jelknerwhat journey are you talking about?13:36
scooperI told you previously that we were saving money to contribute toward the CIW Test13:37
JanetACTION fkoikoi13:37
jelkneryou don't need to13:37
jelknerscooper, it's already been paid13:37
fkoikoican I come in Jeff and scooper13:37
scooperThat while we they are requesting for what  was being  save two months ago.....13:38
fkoikoiScooper is talking about the certificate test that we discuss on Saturday 13:38
fkoikoiSince the Wed team is already doing the CIW test13:39
jelknerfkoikoi: the CIW test has been paid for already for svaye_ and dcammue 13:39
scooperI know we plan they before you even paid for The Web Team, it was intended to buttress your effort....13:39
jelknerit is already done13:39
jelknerwhat we didn't decide yet is what to do about the other two teams13:39
jelknerhas the admin team talked to kevin?13:40
jelknerhas the python team talked to Sahnun?13:40
jelknerthey should13:40
jelkneri met with kevin13:40
jelknerand said to him that tboimah and mulbah would be talking with him about this13:40
jelknercan those two groups commit to following up with this before our meeting in 2 weeks?13:42
tboimahyeah we should have done that this gone Friday but he did not turn up13:42
jelkneri would like to see it on the agenda then13:42
jelknersince i'll be there13:42
jelknerwhen he doesn't show, please send him an email13:42
jelknerhe's getting old, and he forgets things ;-)13:42
jelknerif you cc me13:43
tboimahwe did but he told us that he was going to be busy13:43
jelkneri can follow up13:43
jelknerhe likes email the best13:43
jelkneroh, never mind13:43
jelknergot it13:43
jelknerlet's move on13:43
jelkneri have so much to do today13:44
jelknerscooper: sahnun may not be availble this coming week13:44
scooperI know13:45
scooperthanks away for the reminder13:45
jelknerwhat's next?13:45
scooperLet talk about the Project then AOB can follow last....13:46
jelknerwhat is AOB?13:47
scooperAny other Business13:47
fkoikoiSome that maybe be discuss which is not on the agenda13:48
jelknernice, fkoikoi 13:48
jelknergot it13:48
scooperPlease talk about the email you and svage received as it relate to the Rural Stove Project13:49
jelknerwill do13:49
jelknerthe web team needs a real world project13:49
jelknertheory needs to be combined with practice if we want to truly develop skills13:50
jelknerour customer is Tanaka13:50
jelknerwho has a wonderful project designed to protect women in developing countries from suffering breathing toxic fumes while cooking13:50
jelknerTanaka won an interntational science prize for his project13:51
jelknerwhile a high school student in Zimbabwe13:51
jelknerhe is now in college in Germany13:51
jelkneri don't want to get into the weeds here13:51
jelknerbut i'll be working closely with the web team (svaye and dcammue) and with PRIME interns during July to get a website set up for Tanaka's project13:52
dcammuecan you forward the mail to us Jeff13:52
jelkneranything else you'd like to know scooper?13:52
jelknersvaye_: you can13:52
jelknerdcammue: i have a task for you13:53
svaye_sure Jeff13:53
jelknertake Tanaka's word document13:53
jelknerand convert his User Stories into Markdown13:53
jelknerand put it in our git repo13:53
scooperconcerning the project???13:53
jelknerdcammue, svaye_, can you do that please?13:54
jelknerthis is also a task for the sys admin team13:54
jelknersince they have to help learn how to take svaye_'s repo13:55
svaye_dcammue check your email I just send the mail to you13:55
jelknerand change the owner from svaye to webcoop13:55
jelknermulbah: we can ask Adrian for help with this, or one of my PRIME interns13:56
jelknerthe PRIME interns start with me for 1 month on July 10th13:56
jelknerthis kind of thing could be a good task for one of them13:56
jelkneror a few of them13:56
jelkneri have 613:57
jelknerok, talk more about this in 2 weeks13:57
jelknerthat will be too late13:57
jelkneri'll send emails13:58
jelknerduring this week13:58
jelknerscooper: i can meet next Friday13:58
jelknernot the weekly meeting, but a work session to get some things done13:58
jelknerwill that work for you?13:58
jelkneri could meet at 9 am13:58
jelkneror even at 7 am my time13:58
scooperI m available any time Jeff13:59
jelkneri normally take off on Friday13:59
jelknerbut since i won't be here on Saturday next week13:59
jelkneri can be available on Friday13:59
jelknerlastely, scooper 13:59
scooperOK 13:59
scooperAt what time my time???13:59
jelknerwhat time is it there now?14:00
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jelkner4 hours14:00
jelknerso 7 am my time would be 11 am your time14:00
jelknerscooper, do we want to try to make an appointment with the Superintendent for that time?14:00
jelknerto start the day?14:00
jelkneri can email him and ask to get on his calendar14:01
jelknerif you can follow up14:01
jelknerwith him after i send it14:01
scooperThe best time to catch the supe is on a saturday14:01
jelknergot you14:01
jelknerok, how about 8 am my time (12 noon your time) on Saturday, July 15)?14:01
jelknerbtw. we should end the meeting14:02
scooperAnytime is find for me Jeff......14:02
jelknerand then those that need to can hang around to plan stuff14:02
mulbahJeff are you going to give the task to the PRIME intern or the sysadmin14:02
scooperI will let the Mr. Zawolo know14:02
jelknerand everyone else can get to learning!14:02
scooperone more thing14:02
jelknermulbah: both14:02
scooperis still one the Agenda14:02
dcammueI am not seeing any user stories in the mail jeff14:03
jelknerok, my apologies for the distraction14:03
jelknerlet's move this forward!14:03
scooperAOB is next....14:03
jelknerSpencer ;-)14:03
scooper+1 Jeff14:04
jelknerACTION is not sure what scooper means when he types "Jeff" ;-)14:04
scooperI said AOB is next14:04
jelknergot you14:04
jelknerwell, let's not dally everyone14:05
jelknerwe have places to go and things to do!14:05
scooperSysadmin team can be give us update on activities this gone week, because I come in with my parting statement 14:05
scooper*you please14:06
scooper*before 14:06
jelknermulbah: you need to be quick on your feet, ready to respond, otherwise we will not score our goal!14:07
jelknerjust like in football, it folks need to be quick!14:07
jelkneri'll say it again to everyone - keep practicing your keyboarding skills14:09
jelknerthe faster you can type, the better for us14:09
mulbahthis week we meet with Mr. Cole and he practice us and we have been reading our book14:10
dcammueI am not seeing any user stories in the mail jeff14:10
jelknersvaye_: he sent an attachment14:10
mulbahand playing around with our file system14:10
jelknerwith a word document14:11
dcammuesorry mulbah14:11
svaye_it's at the top dcammue14:11
scooperdid you share the mail with me too Jeff???14:11
jelknerscooper: ask svaye_ 14:11
svaye_scooper you are not cc in the mail, but I can forward it to you14:12
scooperACTION mulbah are you done????14:12
scooperShould I come in with a parting statement??14:13
jelknerscooper: it is 10:14 am14:14
scooperwait or come in14:14
svaye_scooper check your email I send the mail14:14
jelknerwe should strive to make these meeting over in less than an hour14:14
jelknerit's taking too long14:14
scooperIt has been observed that some member of of our team  continues to misuse the internet during week days by downloading hug content that consume lot of data.... If you check on our monthly report internet fees is not be deducted from any member. I took it as my own of initiative to buttress your effort. But some member are really abusing this opportunity. Last month I use 39.00USD from my allowance  to make sure that everyone stay connected during 14:14
scoopermeeting session and study time... But to no avail that amount did not take us any where... Due to that I was unable to provide internet service today. I ask all member to take the initiative by connecting individually..... This is not something we might one, but let  be manageable with what we have....14:14
jelknerdrats, that's a big problem14:15
jelknerwe need regular connectivity14:15
jelkneror we can't do what we need to do14:16
scooperACTION done14:16
jelknerscooper: this is a very important thing to discuss14:17
jelknerit's all about the community we need to build if we are going to succeed14:17
jelknerwe *absolutely must* be able to trust each other and depend on each other14:18
jelknertogether we rise, apart we fall14:18
jelknerso i encourage the sys admin team to discuss this problem with Kevin, and if he doesn't have ideas how to monitor it14:18
fkoikoisure Jeff14:19
jelknerwe can ask Stefan14:19
jelknerwe can then talk to folks who are using too much bandwidth14:19
jelknerand tell them why that could kill our effort14:19
scooperThe bandwidth is not coming from our Channel14:19
jelkneroh, that's a different problem14:20
jelknerwho then?14:20
scoopersome members are using youtube to download14:20
jelknerwhen you say "members", do you mean one of us?14:20
jelkneror some of us?14:20
jelknerkeep in mind that the CIW curriculum uses a lot of bandwidth14:21
scooperI mean the team I m coordinating here14:21
jelknersome of that can not be avoided14:21
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scooperNo Jeff14:21
jelknerwe are facing a big challenge, scooper 14:21
scooperThat is not the problem 14:21
scooperCIW has nothing to do with the bandwidth 14:21
jelknerit does use some, scooper 14:22
jelknerit has videos14:22
jelknernot huge ones14:22
jelknerbut some14:22
scooperbut member are using other platform that is not part of our learning to download hug video14:22
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:22
jelknerok, i'll stop now14:22
jelkneryou all need to figure it out on your end14:22
jelknerbut keep in mind what i said14:23
jelknertogether we rise, apart we fall14:23
fkoikoiit's well noted Jeff14:23
scooperis enough for a whole month Jeff14:23
jelknerdepends what you do, scooper 14:24
jelknerthis is where we need to work smart14:24
jelknerif you download the latest Ubuntu iso image for example14:24
scooperbut we use 75GB this gone months which cost 3914:24
jelknerthat is 6 GB!14:24
jelknerso bandwidth can get eaten up quickly for totally legitimate uses14:25
jelknerwe need to use that as a learning opportunity14:25
jelknersince our bandwidth is limited14:25
jelknerwe need to work smart14:25
jelkneri love silly sayings14:25
jelknerthe one i like there is: "When life gives you lemons, make lemmonde!"14:26
scooperACTION done14:26
jelknerwe have bandwidth limits14:26
scooperhahaha myself love that saying14:26
jelknerso let's become admin experts14:26
jelknerlimited bandwidth is our lemon14:26
jelkneradmin experts is our lemmonade14:26
jelknerACTION done14:27
jelknerok, scooper please end the meeting14:28
jelknerthen i would like to stay with you and fkoikoi to do a bit of planning14:28
scooperOK thanks everyone for turning up as usually14:28
dcammueOkay have a nice day Jeff,14:29
jelknerthank you, scooper 14:29
scooperyou all can go to you respective activities...... catch you soon....14:29
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:29
dcammueACTION sing off for the day14:29
scooperexcluding fkoikoi and myself....14:29
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi please stay14:30
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:30
scooperWe are here14:30
fkoikoiThanks Scooper for chairing the meeting14:30
fkoikoiHave a nice day Jeff14:30
jelknerno, fkoikoi 14:30
jelknerwe need you to stay!14:30
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:31
jelknerscooper: is she there with you?14:31
*** svaye_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:31
scoopershe trying to reconnect again14:31
scooperher internet strip...14:31
jelknergreat, you're back fkoikoi 14:32
*** fkoikoi_ has quit (None)14:33
scooperWhat is drats 14:33
jelknerit's an expletive14:33
jelknerit means like "Darn!"14:33
jelknerok she's back14:34
jelkneri said it because i saw fkoikoi's connection drop again14:35
jelkneranyway, let's make this quick14:35
jelkneri really need your help moving our process forward14:35
jelknerwe are making great progress14:35
jelknerbut we need to continually improve14:35
jelknerthe three of us can be considered the "leadership team"14:35
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jelknerthe goal in a coop is to develop the leadership skills of everyone14:36
jelknerbut we have a special role, since we are the "full time" people at present14:36
jelknermake sense?14:36
jelknerlet's try to keep our weekly business meeting to less than an hour14:37
jelknerwe took 90 minutes today14:37
jelknerthat's too long14:37
jelknerthan the three of us can stay after and write up a "To Do" list for the week14:37
jelknerso we are clear on our tasks (goals)14:38
jelknerThis week we need to:14:38
jelkner1. Make an appointment with the Superintendent to meet on July 15th at 12 noon (jelkner and scooper)14:39
jelkner2. Move svaye's Clean Rural Cooking Stove repo from her personal user to the webcoop team14:39
jelknerwho can take responsibility for this?14:40
scooperI m fkoikoi will do that14:40
scooperbut one thing Jeff14:40
jelknerfkoikoi: you go that?14:40
fkoikoiyes Jeff14:40
jelkner3. Ask Dr. Hubbard to purchase a virtual machine for the Rural Clean Cooking Stove website (jelkner)14:41
jelkneranything else i missed?14:41
scooperOne I can purchase virtual machine you task me to do so14:42
scooperI did it before will Aaron on Hexznet14:42
jelknerthat is for mcss hosting14:43
jelknerscooper, i have a serious problem14:43
scooperYou said you want to purchase a virtual machine right14:43
jelknerNOVA Web Development purchased so many servers for so many projects14:43
jelknerwe did that while Stefan, Adrian, Luis, and Natalia were running the business14:44
jelknernow i get a bill every month for those servers14:44
jelknerand i am stuck paying that bill each month14:44
jelknerthis is a failed business model14:44
jelkneri don't collect fees14:45
jelkneri just keep paying14:45
jelknersoon i'll be broke14:45
jelknerand NOVA Web Development will be out of business :-(14:45
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jelkneri don't want to do that any more14:45
jelkneras a very small business, without anyone who even knows how to bill customers properly14:46
jelknerthe only model we can use it to have the customers host their own servers14:46
jelknerwe can then bill for our development work14:46
jelknerit will take time for you to understand all this14:46
jelknerbut we need to try to avoid having you make the same mistakes i made14:47
jelkneri need to try to share my lessons14:47
jelknerso we won't make those same mistakes again14:47
jelknersomeday, we will have a proper business person14:47
jelknerwho will know how to maintain financial records14:48
jelknersend invoices14:48
jelknerand communicate with customers14:48
jelknerwe don't have that now14:48
jelknerso we need a plan that does not rely on having something that we don't have14:48
jelknerscooper: does this make sense?14:48
scooperyes it's14:49
jelknerso i don't want us to be responsible for the hosting charges for the Rural Clean Cooking Stove website14:49
scooperyou hit a brilliant point Jeff....14:50
jelknerit will work better if someone closer to the project (Dr. Hubbard I think will be willing to do this)14:50
jelknerget's the bill for hosting14:50
jelknerwe will be donating our skills in making the website14:50
scooperThat mean I only work is to just build and develoy and be done with it14:50
jelknerbut we do not want to incur financial costs in doing so14:50
jelknerwe are a business that builds14:51
jelknerwe don't host them14:51
jelknerthis is especially important because i work with a lot of interns14:51
jelknerin virginia14:52
jelkneri had three this past year14:52
jelknerwho are almost finished a website for a local non-profit organization14:52
jelknerthe three students got paid for their work14:52
jelknerthat's great14:52
jelknerin the past, i would now be stuck paying recurring hosting fees after they leave the project14:53
jelknerthat's terrible!14:53
jelknerbut we didn't do it that way this time14:53
jelknerthe organization14:53
jelkneris paying for their own hosting14:53
jelknerso the interns bill for their design work14:54
jelknerand when the job is done, and they have moved on14:54
jelknerNOVA Web Development will not incur any ongoing obligations14:54
jelknerwhen Jetro Web Development is ready for paying customers14:55
jelknerwe will want to use the same model14:56
jelkneris this clear, scooper and fkoikoi?14:56
jelknerso i'll reach out to Dr. Hubbard about the server14:56
jelknerour sys admin team will learn to set up the server14:57
jelknerbut the bill will go to Dr. Hubbard, not me14:57
jelknerok, that's all for today14:58
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scooperThanks Jeff14:58
jelknerthank you, scooper 14:58
scooperbefore you leave14:58
jelknerplease make it quick14:58
scoopercan you give me assess to the mcssstudents server14:58
scoopermy password is not working each time I try to login 14:59
jelkneryou need to talk with another sys admin for that14:59
jelknerthere are too many things i am responsible for14:59
jelkneri can't keep up14:59
jelkneri don't have time for that today14:59
scooperI will take to cole about it14:59
scooperis that right ??14:59
jelkneri need to email the supe, call dr. hubbard, etc14:59
jelknerthat sounds like a great plan15:00
jelknerok, time for me to go15:00
jelknersee you monday15:00
scooperplease send me cole email address15:00
scooperi will highly appreciate15:00
scooperOk Jeff15:00
fkoikoiThanks for today Jeff15:00
jelknerask thomas or mulbah15:00
jelknerthey have it15:00
jelknerACTION signs off for the day15:00
scooperACTION logging out from today meeting15:00
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!15:36
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