IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-07-18

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jkoleahgood morning everyone10:32
scooperGood morning Jkoleah10:42
svayeGood morning scooper10:45
svayeGood morning jkoleah10:45
scoopergood morning svaye10:46
svayescooper I won't be able to come to the office this week because I have to take care of my little siblings 10:47
svayeI will work from home please consider10:48
scooperok but you just need to be online regularly that all.....10:48
svayeI will be online regularly10:48
scoopersecondly I tried pushing to the Rural Stove project but I m seeing permission deny.... I think it's something I need to handle10:49
scooperbecause I have already created a local branch on my computer called scooper......10:50
scooperBut I m trying how to figure it out and push to the repository you created... The team need the work from the email I received from Jeff this morning..10:51
scooperdid you check your mail svaye????10:51
scooperdid you clone the work???10:52
scooperACTION asking fkoikoi??10:54
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scooperACTION waiting for fkoikoi respond......10:55
janetThat's what fkoikoi is doing10:55
fkoikoispencer can you please paste the link here, I can't access my git account10:56
jelknerGood morning everyone.10:57
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scooperGood morning Jeffery Elkner, now was your night????10:58
jelknerFine my friend, is dcammue here?10:59
janetGood morning Jeff10:59
jelknerGood morning janet 10:59
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff10:59
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi 10:59
jelknersvaye, is dammue around?11:00
svayeGood morning Jeff11:00
jelkneri wanted to talk to the two of you about our plan for the CIW curriculum11:00
svayeI am working from home Jeff so I can't say11:00
jelknerok, got it11:00
fkoikoiHe's trying to connect Jeff11:00
jelkneri'll start11:01
jkoleahgood morning Jeff11:01
jelknerand he can look at the logs for whatever he misses11:01
jelknergood morning jkoleah, great to see you!11:01
jkoleahyeah, me too11:01
jelknerjkoleah, i need to talk to the web group, but i'll touch base with you after11:02
jelknersvaye, i can see you completed the quiz11:02
svayeYes Jeff11:02
jelknerscores are not bad, but you need to get 75% or higher to earn the certification11:02
jelknerso we need to talk about the strategy to move forward11:03
scooperWe been here since 10 base on your instruction(python team)11:03
svayeSo I we going to retake the quiz11:03
svayesorry I meant are11:03
jelknerwell, we can decide what we want to do11:03
jelknerwhat do you think?11:03
jelknerdo you remember what i showed you i did after i took the quiz?11:04
svayeyes 11:04
dcammueGood morning Jeff11:04
jelkneri like to make "mini experiments" for each question i get wrong on the quizzes11:05
Gaphi jeff gabriel here11:05
jelknerhello, Gap!11:06
GapHow're you jeff11:06
jelknerso, svaye and dcammue, what do you think will help you the most?11:06
dcammueto put the questions that we missed into website as you do11:07
jelknerhow i am, Gap, depends mostly on how much progress we are making!11:07
jelknergreat, dcammue 11:07
jelknerwhy don't you work on that, and prepare to present that to me on Saturday11:07
jelknerdoes that make sense?11:07
jelkneron saturday we can discuss taking the quizzes again11:08
jelkneri think it is a good idea to keep taking the quizzes until you score more than 85%11:08
dcammuethen with that, we will atleast  remember what those Html do11:08
jelknersince if you can do that in each lesson, you will be in a good position to earn the certification when the time comes11:08
jelknerbesides, dcammue, it is *really* about the skill, not the test11:09
jelknerbut the test does help us develop the theory and language for the skills we are developing11:09
svayeOkay Jeff11:10
jelknerwhat we need, svaye and dcammue, is to be able to create websites for customers that they will be willing to pay us for11:10
jelknerso that Jetro Web Development can become a viable business11:10
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jelknerok, svaye and dcammue, you two work on creating some "mini experiments" that use concepts from the quiz questions you got wrong11:11
jelknerand we will discuss again on saturday11:11
jelkneranything else before i talk to other groups?11:12
scooperACTION Jeff next is the python team right???11:12
jelkneryes, scooper 11:12
dcammueand not just to pay us, but to have the mind-set that they will be in contact for us also 11:12
dcammuein-case of any business11:12
jelkneryes dcammue, but those are basically the same thing11:13
Gap@jelkner when will i join the programminng group11:13
jelknersomeone needs a website and thinks "Jetro Web Development does a good job, and is great to work with!"11:13
jelknerso they their business to Jetro11:14
jelknerok, let me move to the Python group11:14
jelknerscooper, do you want to tell me what you've been working on11:14
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scooper+1 as a team11:14
scooperkindly pull from out python study class repository11:15
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jelknerscooper, you should always paste a link when you type something like that11:16
scooperand cd in to a folder called Summer-Time-W-Jeff11:16
jelkneror else i have to go looking for it11:16
scooperYou need to show me how to copy a particular link from a directory11:16
jelknerthe link will be from the web application11:17
jelknernot your local machine11:17
jelkneryou work on your local machine11:17
scooperI only know how to copy a link with a bunches of directories not a single one11:17
jelknerbut when you push to it is easily visible from the web interface11:18
jelknerso that's your homework then, to practice with that11:18
jelknerif you ask some of the other folks in your group, i bet they can figure it out11:18
scoopersure I will ask one of them11:19
jelknerin the mean time, can you tell me what projects you are working on?11:19
Gapjeff am waiting on you to get started11:19
jelknerare you using the GASP Python Course like i suggested?11:19
scooperfrom  1-511:19
jelkner5 is Robots Are Coming!11:19
jelknerthat is a very challenging project11:20
jelkneri just started it with my Summer class11:20
scoopernot that one Jeff11:20
jelkneri gave them a mini-quiz11:20
scooperI mean from Challenge 1 -511:20
jelkneroh, which sheet?11:20
jelknereach sheet has challenges11:20
scooperHmm sheet two11:21
scooperlet me confirm it11:21
jelknerGap, do you plan on joining the programming group?11:21
scooperTurning the Table 11:22
jelkneryes, that is sheet 211:22
jelkneryou develop a math quiz11:22
scooper+1 base on your instruction11:23
jelknerGap, i would ask you to use the same resource the rest of the group is using11:23
Gapfor the gasp sheet i am on project 511:23
jelknerWhat do you mean "project 5"?11:24
jelknerthe course materials are arranged in "worksheets"11:24
Gapi mean challange 5 sheet 211:24
jelknergot you11:24
jelknerlet me look at that challenge11:24
Gapshould i send my code11:25
jelknerno, Gap 11:25
jelknerthey need to teach you how to use git11:25
jelkneryou commit your changes to your git repository11:25
jelknerthen you can just paste a link to the code11:25
jelknerand eveyone can see it11:25
jelknerfor example11:25
jelknerthat is the sheet 3 project one of my students at NVCC did11:27
jelknerscooper, you can see how i am linking to a particular file11:27
Gapjeff i lost my gmail password so i lost my github account because i reset my phone but wasn11:27
scooperit take me strange to the file11:27
Gapwasn't having backup on ti11:27
jelknerGap, we have our own gitea server!11:27
jelkneryou don't need to use github11:28
jelknerwe have git.mcssliberia.org11:28
Gaphow can i login from the terminal11:28
jelkneryou need to ask our sys admin team11:28
jelknermulbah and tboimah11:28
jelknerthey need to be able to handle requests like that11:28
jelknerif they can't11:29
jelknerthey need to ask their mentor, Kevin, to help them learn how11:29
jelknerbut i think they can11:29
jelknerscooper can too, i believe11:29
jelknerthat would also be a good thing for fkoikoi to know how to do11:30
jelkneradd users to our git server11:30
jelknerjkoleah, what are you planning to do?11:30
jkoleahI'm planning to do system administration Jeff11:31
jkoleahthat's my goal11:31
jelknerthat means you'll be working with mulbah and thomas11:32
jelknerkevin is the mentor working with you11:32
jelknerhave you met with them yet?11:32
jkoleahyou mean with the team?11:33
jkoleahor with Kevin?11:33
Gapjeff still not getting it right11:34
jelknerStill not getting what right, Gap?11:37
jelknerscooper, i just pushed a solution to challenge 511:37
Gapto navigate the shell and log into my github account to send my project11:38
scooper+1 I m seeing it11:38
jelknerGap, we are not using Github!11:38
jelknerwe are using our own server11:39
Gapok let me go to it11:40
jelkneryou will need an account11:40
scooperDo you have an account there??11:40
jelkneryes, scooper, of course ;-)11:40
scoopernot  you Jeff, I m asking Gap11:40
jelknerok, sorry11:41
jkoleahyeah, you was asking me 11:41
jelkneri was asking you which of the three study groups you planned to join?11:41
jelknerbut you answered11:42
jelknersys admin11:42
jelknerthen i asked if you have met with mulbah and thomas yet?11:42
jelknerwhich you didn't answer11:42
Gapjeff do you create account for me on that server?11:43
jelknerNot me, Gap 11:43
jelknerWe need to grow our power11:43
scooperGet to mulbah or thomas my friend11:43
jelknerThings need to be done there in Monrovia, not here in Virgina11:43
jkoleahyeah Jeff, I've met with them but not about joining the two of them11:44
jelknerok, now you need to do that11:44
jelkneryou need to arrange a time to meet with them11:44
Gaptboimah say he doesn't have internet connection11:44
jelknertell them you want to join with their study11:44
jelknerand ask them what they are working on11:44
jelknerok, python group, with 15 minutes left for me11:45
jelkneranything else i can do?11:45
jelkneryou should look at my solution to challenge 5 in sheet 211:45
jelknerand study it11:45
jelknerwe should do this as a "conversation in code"11:45
jelknerwhen you are stuck, you send me a link11:46
jelkneri write some code and send it back to you11:46
scooperdid you found problem in those challenges if +1, please point to it and illustrate how we can solve then in a better way....11:46
jelknerthen you study it, and ask me questions on what i did if you don't understand11:46
jelkneryou didn't send me a link yet, scooper 11:46
jelknerso what are you talking about?11:46
jelkneryou should paste a link here in the chat11:47
jelknerif you have a question11:47
jelknerthat's the whole repo, scooper 11:48
jelknerwhich file are you talking about?11:48
scooperin a directory called Summer-Time-W-Jeff. Take that for now please...11:48
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jelknerscooper, let's learn how to do this11:48
scooperit will be done in a better way next time........11:48
jelknerclick on that directory in the browser11:48
scooperI just did11:49
jelknerwhen you do, the url in your browser will change to this:11:49
jelkneri see 4 files11:49
jelknerwhich file do you want me to look at?11:49
jelknerthere we go!11:50
scooperthank you too for forcing me to do such11:50
jelknerwe need to keep refining our process as we get more skilled11:51
jelknerfkoikoi, can i ask you a question?11:51
fkoikoisure Jeff11:51
jelknerwhen i look at the link scooper just sent, i see most of the code we need to complete the challenge, but i also see a lot of redundancy11:51
jelknerlines 5 to 7 do the same thing as lines 9 to 1111:52
jelknerwhy do you have that redundancy?11:52
jelknerwe want the solution to be as clear and understandable as we can make it11:52
Gapjeff am doning a assignment, i am enroll in the ALX cohort-18 software engineer program am doing my task that's why i am not following withe the conversation but i'll get back to read what so ever your discuss and ask tboimah to add me to the server11:52
jelknerGreat, Gap 11:53
jelknerPlease let us know how that goes11:54
Gapalso can i get your email so i can be added to the zulup chat11:54
jelkneri just looked at the website11:54
jelknerdid you have to pay for access to it?11:54
Gapno i was enroll free11:55
jelknerwhat are you learning?11:55
Gapfor now we're on git command line and introduction to bash 11:56
jelknerAs our community grows, with more skills and more experience, we will be able to share more resources11:56
fkoikoithe reason why there is redundancy is because11:56
jelknerexcellent, Gap 11:56
jelknerthat's a good sign11:56
jelknerthat's how i start11:56
jelknerlet us know how you like it11:56
jelkneri'm waiting fkoikoi 11:57
fkoikoia minute Jeff11:57
jelkneri only have a few minutes fkoikoi 11:57
jelkneri need to leave for class11:57
jelknerscooper, do you have a few minutes before i leave11:58
Gapjeff i would like to work with you to help me with my project11:58
scooperYour question to fkoikoi11:59
jelknerGap, i really can't do that kind of individual tutoring11:59
scooperis ask why there are too many redundant in the code right??11:59
jelkneri have *so* many things going on11:59
jelknerand no time11:59
jelknerwe need to work in groups11:59
jelknerso that we are helping each other11:59
jelkneryes, scooper 11:59
jelknerthe point i was trying to make12:00
scooperthe rundandancy are in the code because the12:00
jelkneris that git allows you to change your solution over time12:00
fkoikoiThe there is a difference in the two code Jeff, challenge 5 to 7 does multiplication while challenge 9 to 11 does addition12:00
jelknerso that the old version is kept in the git history12:00
Gapcan i get your email jeff so i can join the zulup and send you what all we're doing12:00
jelkneryou make a git commit message like "Finish Challenge 3"12:00
jelknerand then if you ever need to see what your code looked like at that time, you look back at that revision12:01
jelknerso you can then *change* the code12:01
jelkneryou don't need to keep the old code in the current file12:01
jelknerGap, i want to be clear12:01
jelkneri am trying to help Jetro Web Development develop into a functioning democratice worker cooperative12:02
jelknerto both provide rewarding and meaningful career opportunities for its members12:03
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jelkner*and* to help the development of Liberia as a country12:03
Gapi got you and it's my major aim to be with the team jeff12:03
jelkneryes please, this is about building the team12:03
jelknerfkoikoi, scooper do you understand what i mean about commit history?12:04
jelkneri can't show you now, since i need to go12:04
jelknerbut if it is not clear, i can do a demostration on saturday after our meeting12:04
scoopergetting your point but we need to read your previous instruction carefully before responding12:05
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scooperBecause there are lot of interruption in the conversation Jeff12:05
jelknerscooper, its best to try to learn to use irc that way12:06
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jelknerthere can be several conversation going on at once12:06
jelknerthat's why on my client (hexchat), when i type your nick, scooper, the message shows up in a different color12:07
jelknerthat makes it easier to follow threads that pertain to you even when there is a lot of other chatter12:07
scooperthe point you was making here is that12:07
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scooperwent every we make a changes to our previous code 12:08
scooperwe should not join the old and the revise code together right? is that point we were speaking from??12:09
scooperI recommend a little domenstration of that as mentioned previously Jeff.....12:10
scooperBut not now since you need to leave.....12:10
scooperBecause this will also help us if we are working on future projects as a team.... especially project like the Rural Cooking Stove........12:12
scooperACTION Drop the Gravel12:12
jelknerscooper, i just put together a little demo12:13
jelkneri just made another commit to my mathquiz.py12:14
scooperHow can I get access of it12:14
jelknerso if you look at that now, it has changed12:14
jelknerbut if you look at the history12:14
scooperthis page cann't be found
scoopergot it12:15
jelkneryou will see two commits12:15
jelknerif you click on the previous commit12:15
jelkneryou see the old version12:15
jelknerscooper, i was glad to hear that Gap was being asked to study git12:16
jelknerwe all need to learn it12:16
jelknergit is our *version control system*12:16
jelknerwe use it to track changes to our code over time12:16
jelknerlearning to use it effectively will be really important for us12:17
jelknerok, last thing scooper 12:17
jelknerplease don't try to do everything12:17
jelkneryou and i need to focus on our main task, which is being *project managers*12:17
jelknerthat means we need to have a "big picture" view of everything that is going on12:18
jelknerand need to help coordinate all the different activities of the group12:18
jelknerthat is your job, scooper 12:18
jelkneri depend on you for that12:18
jelknerit does *not* mean you know how to do everything12:18
scooperJeff I m only interested in learning Python, html, css and a little bit of javascript to the fullest the rest12:19
jelknerit *does* mean you know who does know, and you can help coordinate their activity to see that it gets done12:19
scooperthe rest the other team will handle that for us12:19
jelknerok, scooper, i really need your help with the legal aspects of our effort12:19
jelkneri have no idea how to form a worker cooperative in Liberia12:20
jelknerwe need to find that out, soon12:20
jelknerlike i said, i want my monthly support to come through Secosol12:20
jelknerso that Secosol directly is supporting Jetro Web Development12:20
jelknerand payment goes from Secosol to the coop12:21
jelknernot from jelkner to scooper 12:21
jelkneri really want that to happen soon12:21
jelknerfor two reasons:12:21
jelkner1. i can get a tax deduction for my contribution to Secosol12:21
jelkner2. we can look for other funding besides me12:22
jelknerincluding the Kamal Foundataion, btw. so that we can build a school12:22
jelkneran ICT focused school12:22
jelknerwith solar panels and reliable wifi12:22
Gapjeff that's great12:23
jelknerok, i gotta go12:23
jelknersee you on thursday at this same time12:23
Gapok, have a nice day12:24
sysadmin_Thanks Jeff12:24
jelkneryou too, everyone!12:24
jelknersee you thursday12:24
jelknerACTION logs off12:24
sysadmin_ACTION signing out soon...12:24
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svayeACTION signs off12:24
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