IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-08-01

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jelknerGood morning scooper!10:43
scooperGood moring Jeff10:44
jelknerI hope your independence day holiday was enjoyable.10:44
jelknerA lot has been happening here.10:44
scoopernot really but thank God10:44
jelknerThe PRIME interns have been great10:44
scoopergood to hear10:44
jelknerand they have contributed significantly10:44
jelknerBut this is their last week10:45
jelknerSo we need to assess where we are at the end of this week and plan to move forward10:45
scooperis there a way we continue to communicate with them after this term???10:45
jelknerI have to go into my classroom in a short while to begin setting upt10:45
jelknerIt depends, scooper 10:46
jelknerbut we should not plan on it10:46
scooperThat mean We should wait around right10:46
jelknerthey were unpaid interns, and their obligation to the internship is met10:46
jelknerso we can't expect them to put any more time into this10:46
jelknerthat said, i did ask three of them if they would like to do paid client work10:47
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff10:47
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi 10:47
fkoikoiHow are you Jeff?10:47
jelknerIt is a real struggle to run an effective business10:47
jelknerscooper, i feel like this is my last attempt10:47
jelkneri've been trying since 201210:48
jelknerand have not yet succeeded10:48
jelknerif we can't succeed this time, it will be time for me to retire10:48
scooperhmmm I m hoping this last attempt will bring you lot of joy.....10:48
scooperIncluding us as well.....10:48
jelkneractually, scooper, even the failures have brought me a lot of joy ;-)10:49
jelknerit has been great10:49
jelknerso i have no regrets10:49
jelknerits just that i'm getting older10:49
jelknerand if it turns out i just don't have the needed skills to run a business, it will be time for me to move on10:49
jelknerbut i've learned a lot of lessons from all my failures10:50
jelknerso perhaps this time it will work out10:50
jelkneranyway, i wanted to ask you what is your plan to get everyone learning again?10:50
jelknerkevin tells me good things about mulbah's progress10:51
scooperthough we were on break, but we didn't stop learning Jeff10:51
jelkneri met with him at The Saloon, where I gave Kamal the $150 for the Jetro Web Development brick10:51
jelknerI'll take a picture of it as soon as it is painted10:51
scooperi m also impress by mulbah progress10:51
jelknerso i'll be waiting to hear from the web group10:52
jelknerand the programming group10:52
scooperthere is a little issue10:52
scooperyou need to give the programming group a little time to complete their final exam10:53
jelkneryou mean with UoPeople?10:54
scooperat uop it, at that we can fully engage into our regular activities agaian10:54
jelknerif they pass their class10:54
scooperyes..... final is right around the corner..... beginner 10:54
jelknerthat is all the progress we need from them10:54
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!10:54
jelkner!add Discuss plans for all members regarding study at UoPeople10:55
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss plans for all members regarding study at UoPeople" has been added to the agenda.10:55
scooperI spoke with Adrian few days ago10:55
jelkneri'm waiting for your next sentence, scooper...10:59
jelknerit's taking a loooong time ;-)10:59
jelkneri have to go unless you have something to add10:59
scoopernothing for now...11:00
scooperis the anything you need on the agenda??11:00
jelkneri just added an item11:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:01
LittleWebsterDiscuss plans for all members regarding study at UoPeople (added by jelkner)11:01
scooperone more thing before you leave11:01
jelkneri will hope to hear from svaye and dcamune11:01
scooperI registered for the September but unfortunately I m not seeing Programming2 on my registration list....11:02
scooperI email my advisor but no response since five days now.....11:02
jelknerthe advisors are usually fairly responsive11:02
jelkneri would ask again11:03
jelknerand use the online chat too11:03
scooperUnfortunately this new advisor is not responding as compare to the first one. 11:03
jelknerLike any organization, scooper, i'm sure they have good people and not so good people11:04
jelknerBut you should ask for support when you need it11:04
jelknerbe reasonably aggressive with your communication11:04
jelknerYou need guidance11:05
jelknershmohamud, good morning11:06
jelknershmohamud, when i met with the PRIMEs yesterday11:07
jelknerthey decided they wanted to do lunch on Friday11:07
jelknerso our dinner plans are cancelled11:08
jelkneroh scooper 11:08
scooperI m sending you the evidence Jeff11:08
jelknertwo of the PRIMEs have been working on the Rural Clean Cooking Stove in Django11:08
jelknerthey are finished the Python backend11:08
jelknerand now need to work on the front end11:09
jelknerthey will be turning that over to us at the end of the week11:09
jelknerit could be a good opportunity for you to learn some Django11:09
jelknerby studying what they did11:09
scooperI will highly appreciate11:10
jelknerthat's the best way for us all to learn11:10
jelknerby sharing our work with each other11:10
jelknerok, i have to go11:10
jelkneri won't be here again until saturday11:10
scooperkindly check your mail11:10
scooperyou mean here???11:10
jelknersince i have to give the final exam to my Summer class11:10
jelkneri'll be back again on Saturday11:11
scooperbefore you leave can you link me with the django developer11:11
scooperthat is working on the project....11:11
jelkneri'll send a link to the repo11:11
scooperI mean their email, so we can better talk11:11
scooperok thank11:11
jelkneryou can see the two branches11:13
jelknerthe main branch is managed by adrian11:13
jelknerthe develop branch is where the new work is being done11:13
jelknerby friday they will merge develop into main11:14
jelknerso they can then leave the project to someone else to take over11:14
scooperthe link take me to gitlab.com11:14
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scooperand it asking me for my user credentials11:14
scoopershould I use my gitea or github credential ther11:14
jelknerno, you can't11:15
jelknergitlab is a separate service11:15
jelkneryou'll need to make a new acount there11:15
scooperWhat can I do to clone the project11:15
scooperok and follow the instruction right???11:15
jelknerit should be public, yes?11:15
jelknerdefinitely follow the instructions! ;-)11:16
jelknerokay, i have to go11:16
jelknerlet's talk more on Saturday11:16
jelknerfkoikoi, how are you coming with your UoPeople studies?11:17
fkoikoifine Jeff11:17
jelknercan you tell me more?11:18
jelknerwhat classes have you taken?11:18
jelknerwhich classes will you be taking next?11:18
jelkneractually, scooper was in the habit of sending me transcripts after each term11:19
jelknerthat would be most appreciated11:19
jelknerit is easy to get them11:19
jelknerok, that's on our agenda for saturday11:19
jelknerwe can talk more about it then11:19
jelknerwish me well with my last week of Summer class and PRIME internship11:20
scooperOk Jeff I wish you well as always11:20
jelkneryou too, my friend11:20
jelkneroh, btw, the Supe called me from India11:20
jelkneron Telegram11:21
scooperthanks for always helping... and kindly view my mail I just send when you have the time11:21
jelkneryes, of course11:21
jelknerACTION signs off11:21
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scooperok jeff11:21
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