IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-08-05

LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:12
LittleWebsterDiscuss plans for all members regarding study at UoPeople (added by jelkner)11:12
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:23
LittleWebsterDiscuss plans for all members regarding study at UoPeople (added by jelkner)11:23
jelknerGood morning scooper 11:23
scooperGood morning Jeff11:23
jelknerI was hoping to see more than one agenda item for today11:24
jelkneri really need your help in leading this process, scooper 11:24
jelknerwithout that, we won't succeed11:24
scooperNormally before I put items on the agenda I have to consult you first....11:25
jelknerno you don't11:25
jelknerlet's talk abut that11:25
scooperOK I m listening ....11:26
jelknerwhile it's true that you and i as partners in this enterprise need to communicate effectively11:26
jelkneri think we will only succeed if leadership becomes more democratic and more distributed11:26
jelkneri am working *real hard* this summer in building capacity on this side of the pound11:27
jelknerpond ;-)11:27
jelkneras the British call it11:28
jelknerbut Jetro Web Development needs to develop effectively on its own11:28
jelkneri want to support your effort any way i can11:28
jelknerbut if you don't have an independent effort that is on its way to becoming self-sustaining11:29
jelknerwe won't be able to succeed11:29
jelkneri get concerned when i don't see motion forward in monrovia11:30
jelknerit makes me nervous11:30
jelknerwe have so far to go11:31
jelkneri can be plenty patient11:31
jelknerbut when motion stops, i begin to think we will not reach our goal11:31
jelknerACTION done11:32
scooperI understand Jeff11:32
scooperAnd I feel sense what it take for someone like you to invest in this 11:32
scooperespecially beginner developer like Jetro Web....11:33
scooperIt mean we should all put in enough effort as a team to make this dream a reality or else we will not go any where11:34
scooperFrom my observation, if I m right you I talking about the Rural Cooking Stove11:34
jelknerno, i'm not really talking about anything specific11:35
scooperwhich Jetro Web team didn't contribute significantly11:35
jelknerthat's ok11:35
scooperACTION done11:35
jelkneri'm not concerned about that11:35
jelknerscooper, the truth is that the skills are not there yet for us to be able to expect that a project like that can be completed by Jetro11:36
jelknerso that's not what i'm talking about11:36
jelknerlet's revisit what we need11:36
jelknerwe need:11:36
scooperJeff, can you please be specific so we can not our fault. With that we will be able to pick up from there11:36
jelkner1. html, css, and javascript skills combined with some design (an artistic skill that i don't have) for effective front-end development11:37
jelkner2. programming and database skills for effective back-end development11:37
jelkner3. system administration skills for deployment of applications and the maintainance of the machines on which they run11:38
jelknerthat's what we need11:38
jelknerall i am asking is that we continue to show progress in these areas11:38
jelkneri know how independence day week is, since i was there last year11:39
jelknerthings shut down11:39
jelknerthat's fine11:39
jelknerbut now we are back11:39
jelknerand there are no plans, no agenda items, and no evidence that Jetro is thinking together about how to get back to work11:39
jelknerthat's my concern11:40
jelknerare the three groups taking ownership of their learning process?11:40
jelknerare they thinking - what do i need to learn? how can i learn the skills i need?11:41
scooperIt's all my fault Jeff. But the team been visiting the lab throughout the week.11:41
jelknerthat's great11:41
jelknerit may be that i am just over reacting because i don't know what is happening11:41
jelknerthat happens a lot11:41
scooperthe reason I didn't instruct or remind fkoikoi to place an agenda is because of the agenda you placed before leaving....11:42
jelkneryou mean UoPeople?11:42
scooperand secondly you told me that you are busy this week and will meet us on saturday which is today11:42
scooperyou said that your last week at the summer class will end this week11:43
jelkneryes, scooper, that is all true11:43
jelknerthat's what i am saying11:43
scooperand you are busy with review for your students and will not turn up 11:43
jelknerwhen i get busy, nothing would make me happier than to return and find out that you have been moving forward while i am away11:43
jelknerwe need to be able to do that11:44
jelknerour goal is to create an organization that can sustain itself over the long term11:44
scoopersorry again but we been working together in the lab11:44
jelknerwhich means it's success does not depend on a few people, but on many people11:44
jelknerthat way, individuals (including eventually you and me) can come and go, but the co-op will still continue11:45
jelknerif we want to make a real impact on the lives of our members and on the economic development of Liberia11:45
jelknerthat's what we need11:46
jelknermaybe some specifics will help11:46
jelknersvaye has been very responsible11:46
jelknerwhen i logged into the CIW curriculum, i can see that she completed the lesson 1 quiz11:47
jelknerand i can see which questions she got wrong and which she got right11:47
jelknershe said she wants to review the questions she got wrong and to try to make mini web pages to develop her hands on skills with the lesson 1 content11:48
jelknerthat's good11:48
jelknerbut that was several weeks ago11:48
jelknerand i feel now we are moving too slow11:48
jelknerdcamune did not even finish the lesson 1 quiz11:49
jelkneri only see 1 question that he answered11:49
jelknerso i don't know how to help him11:49
jelkneri will be teaching 2 sections of the web design class this year11:49
jelkneri have been working on a calendar for them11:49
jelkneri was hoping svaye and dcamune could keep up with that class11:50
jelknersimilarly with the python group11:51
jelkneri gave a final exam last week11:51
jelknerit would be wonderful if the programming students working with you could follow along11:53
jelkneri wonder how they would do on this exam?11:53
jelknerdoes this help, scooper?11:54
scooperAlot Jeff11:54
scooperIf you can recall I did ask you for excuse regarding the programming team.... This week is our last for this term as UoPeople11:55
jelkneryes, i recall11:56
scooperso I appeal to you that we be consider till our exam can finish11:56
jelknerthat's why i added the only agenda item i see on the agenda for today11:56
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:56
LittleWebsterDiscuss plans for all members regarding study at UoPeople (added by jelkner)11:56
scooperbecause it's really challenging especially for me that is doing Statisitc this term11:56
jelknerwe need a strategy, scooper 11:57
scooperOK what it's11:57
jelkneri'm not sure11:57
jelknerwe need to develop it together!11:57
jelknerthat's what i'm trying to say ;-)11:57
jelknerfirstly, think about the broad goa11:58
scooperBut we I still studying programming especially python..11:58
jelknerok, that's fine11:58
jelknerthe ultimate test of our process will be our ability to do things with the skills we are developing11:59
jelknerto serve customer needs11:59
jelknerthat's why projects like Rural Clean Cooking stove are so important12:01
jelknersince if we can't deliver value to customers, we won't have a business12:01
jelknerand we need to practice that a lot!12:01
jelknerbut we aren't ready yet12:01
jelkneri understand that12:01
jelknerfirst, we need to develop our skills in web, programming, and system admin12:02
jelknerthat is our product12:02
jelknerour skill in those areas12:02
jelknerwhich will enable us to build web sites for customers that meet their needs12:02
jelkneranyway, UoPeople is one of the resources we have to help guide our learning12:03
jelknerbut it is only one12:03
jelknerwe also have the certifications12:03
jelknerCIW for web12:04
jelknerPCEP for Python12:04
jelknerwe still need to choose one of Linux system administation12:04
jelknerI believe Kevin is looking into that12:04
jelkneranyway, we need a strategy12:05
jelknerso use these tools effectively12:05
jelknerthat's why I put the agenda item that i did for today12:05
jelknerscooper: it will get easier as you gain experience with all this12:05
jelknerthen you will be able to provide more leadership in the process12:06
jelknershould everyone be taking classes at UoPeople?12:06
jelknerwould it be better for some people to take a term off to focus on a certification?12:06
jelknerwe have very limited reasources12:06
jelknerusing them wisely is our only hope12:07
jelknerso we need to decide on a learning plan for each of our members12:07
jelknerone they like12:07
jelknerand are willing to work hard to acheive12:07
scooperI can manage that money, everyone can enroll Jeff12:07
jelknerdoes this make sense?12:07
scooperBut we need to ask them for their view Jeff.....12:08
jelknerbut should they, scooper?12:09
jelkneryes, we need to ask them their view!!!12:09
jelknerwe are working to develop a cooperative12:09
jelknerThe first principle of a worker cooperative is:12:11
jelknerVoluntary and Open Membership12:11
jelknerThe voluntary part here is really important12:12
jelknerwe assume all the participants *want* to be doing this12:12
jelkneri don't know if i am effectively communicating12:13
scooperI m following along12:13
jelknerif in a year from now, i can't come to Jetro Web Development and say "I have a small community organization that needs a website"12:13
scooperand also reading from the website12:13
jelknercan you build it for them?12:13
jelknerif you can't say "Yes we can" by next June12:14
jelknerwe will not be on the path to success12:14
jelknerso, each of the voluntary members of Jetro Web Development needs to take both personal and collective responsibility for developing our skills12:15
jelknerif we want to succeed12:15
jelknerACTION done12:16
scooperThanks Jeff all recommendations and measures will be highly put into placed again...12:17
scooperthat is the only way we can make this happen......12:17
scooper\me done12:18
scooperACTION done12:18
jelknerACTION signs off for a few minutes.  Be back by 9 am (1 pm Monrovia time)12:33
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:33
scooperACTION signs off to use the restroom. Coming back shortly...12:38
mulbahGood morning Jeff12:50
jelknerGood morning mulbah 12:59
LittleWebsterjelkner : mulbah : scooper : thehedgeh0g13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss plans for all members regarding study at UoPeople (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff13:02
mulbahGood afternoon fkoikoi13:02
jelknerGood day, fkoikoi 13:02
jelknerHi all, if we're not meeting today, i'm going to sign off and get to work13:06
scooperBefore the meeting begin Jeff...13:06
scooperThomas will not be present today... but for the other folks don't know why they are not here yet.....13:07
jelknerscooper, let's try again next week13:07
scooperno excuse nothing at all13:07
jelknerlet folks know that their stipends are contingent on their participation13:07
jelknerlet me know when you all are ready to move forward13:08
jelkneri'll be available Monday at 11 am your time, but only if you email asking me to be here13:08
jelkneri'm not going to keep showing up and wasting my time13:08
jelknerhave a great rest of your day13:08
jelknersee you soon, i hope13:09
jelknerACTION signs off for the day13:09
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:09
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:10
*** sysadmin has quit (None)13:11
*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:12
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:12
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:24

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