IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-08-07

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jelknerGood morning fkoikoi, scooper, and tboimah!10:38
scooperGood morning Jeff10:38
tboimahGood morning Jeff10:38
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff10:38
jelknerI took the bus to work *early* this morning, so I am in my classroom now.10:39
jelknerI've been working on learning to do responsive design.10:39
scooperwow good using media query10:40
jelknerand a bit of javascript10:40
jelkneri found out that firefox has a "responsive design mode"10:41
jelknerthat makes testing easy10:41
scooperI have a wonderful css book can I share it with you???10:41
jelknereasier, at least ;-)10:41
jelknerplease do10:41
jelkneranyway, the homepage is now responsive10:42
jelknerand so is
jelkneri have to work on the rest of my classes today10:45
scooperit's nice Jeff but when display on mobile only Courses information and Resource show on mobile10:47
jelknerare you looking at the first one?10:47
jelknerif you click the "hamburger" button, it toggles back and forth between the list of courses and the info section10:48
jelknerI've tried it on a few phones, and it seems to work10:49
scooperyes the hamburger menu is working?10:49
jelknerit uses JavaScript10:50
jelknerbut it works for me10:50
scooperwhat is the max-width you use in @media??10:50
jelknerlook at the source code, my dear friend!10:50
jelkneryou don't need to ask me, you can ask the code! :-)10:51
jelknerThat's what you need to learn to do.10:51
jelknerAnyway, i tested it on both Ubuntu Touch and LineageOS10:52
jelknerand it works10:52
scooperI m seeing 108010:52
jelknerthat's it!10:52
jelkneri don't have a lot of experience with this10:53
jelknerbut i have a large group of students coming10:53
jelknerthey will be my testers10:53
jelknersince if it works for them, it works10:53
jelknerthey are my audience10:53
jelkneri choose 1080 and portrait10:53
jelknersince modern phones like the Poco X3 NFC have that kind of resolution10:54
scooperyou can still you the browser to serve as phone10:55
jelknerI'm not sure what you mean10:57
jelknerif you are talking about "responsive mode", that's what i was saying10:57
jelknerOn Firefox, Hamburger -> More Tools -> Responsive Design Mode10:58
jelknergive you a "mobile view" of the website10:58
svayeGood morning Jeff10:59
sysadmin_You can still use the browser to serve as phone.. right click on inspect, at the far right corner search for a phone icon. when you click on that phone icon you will see responsive design mode...11:00
jelknerok, it's 7 am11:01
jelkner11 am your time11:02
jelknerand i have *a lot* to do today11:02
jelknerso let's get to it11:02
jelknerscooper, adrian is asking about the linode11:02
jelknerwe need to shut down the MCSS mail server11:02
jelknerand move it to your control11:02
jelknerso please get that taken care of by Thursday11:02
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jelknerthat's when i'll be meeting with adrian before he goes back to the UK11:03
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sysadmin_We talk last week and then yesterday he send me email again11:03
sysadmin_but the such is not in Monrovia yet that while.... I haven't purchase the linode server11:04
sysadmin_as I speak the right server bill is still being deducted from my card.........11:04
jelknerwe could just shut mail down11:05
jelknerand wait for the Supe to "feel the pain"11:05
jelknerof not having it11:05
jelknerthen maybe he will act11:05
jelknerif ya'll don't need it11:05
jelknerwe should just shut it down anyway11:06
scooperIt's import right now to mcss Jeff11:06
jelknerthen you need to act, my friend!11:06
scooperwe use it for major transaction11:06
jelknerit is bad practice for MCSS to have mission critical infrastructure that it can not reliably control11:07
jelknerwhen does the Supe get back?11:07
scooperOk but I also told Adrian to send the sup a mail and attach some urgency to it11:07
jelknerthat's not Adrian's job11:08
jelknerit is yours and mine11:08
jelknerAdrian is the developer11:08
jelknercustomer management belongs to us, my friend11:08
jelknerwe can't run a successful business if we ask the developers to be responsible for customer relations11:09
jelknerthat's what has been killing NOVA Web Development11:09
jelknerwe don't reliably invoice!!!!!11:09
jelknerso we don't collect revenue11:09
jelknerand we fail as a business11:09
jelknerI met a young person in my Summer class how told me she is interested in business11:10
jelknerher name is Kei, and you will be meeting her11:10
jelknershe is going to try to take over as business manager for NOVA Web Development11:10
jelknerthat's what we have needed for so long11:10
jelknersince none of the developers were effective at doing that11:11
jelknerthey didn't invoice11:11
jelknerthey didn't market11:11
jelknerthey didn't sell11:11
jelknerthey *did* do amazing developer work11:11
jelknerthey are the product11:11
jelknerbut if we don't have a business team11:12
jelknerwe fail11:12
jelknerso no, it is not adrian's job to email the supe11:12
jelknerit is yours and mine11:12
jelkneri will just send an email like i did before11:12
jelknerbecause i did this before11:13
jelknerbut this time, i'll be more "hard assed" about it11:13
scooperok Jeff can you add your voice to mine voice to get this done???11:13
jelkneri will state that "on such and such a date, the MCSS mail server hosted by NOVA Web Development will be turned off"11:13
jelknerand if you do not take action before that date, you will not have working mail11:14
scooperGot you11:14
jelkneri have two other agenda items for today:11:15
jelkner1. discuss which Jetro Websters should join our Zulip chat11:15
jelkner2. follow up on our email from Saturday11:15
jelknerI think that fkoikoi_ and scooper should be the first two people on Zulip11:16
jelknerand svaye if she wants to11:16
jelknerNOVA Web uses Zulip for most of our asychronous communication11:16
jelknerand as we move forward in our collaboration, and begin to work together more closely on projects like the Rural Clean Cooking stove11:17
jelknerthe Jetro Web folks working on these projects will need to use Zulip11:17
jelkneri see tboimah_ is here today11:17
jelkneri still haven't heard anything from dcamune, janet, or jallah11:18
jelknerit would be nice to know what their plans are11:18
jelknerACTION done11:18
scooperThanks for raising such concern as it relate to those names you mentioned11:18
jelknerlet's deal with Zulip first11:19
jelknersvaye, are you here11:19
svaye+1 Jeff11:19
jelknerare you in the lab?11:19
scooperbefore we more11:19
scoopersecondly the book is exceeding it MB size for email, will it be ok for you if I send it through google drive???11:20
svayeYes Jeff I am in the lab11:20
jelknerscooper, let's not use Google drive11:20
mulbahGood morning to all11:20
jelkneryou need to learn the skills we need11:20
jelkneryou can simply scp it to one of our servers11:20
jelknerand tell me it's there11:20
scooperI will do that now11:21
jelknersvaye, what OS are you running on your laptop?11:21
jelkneryou can ask Mulbah for assistance11:22
jelknerand i see that mulbah is here, great!11:22
jelknermulbah, how about you, can i invite you to our NOVA Web zulip chat?11:23
jelknerKevin uses it often11:23
jelkneri tried to set up a Zulip for MCSS11:23
mulbahokay 11:23
jelknerbut only Gabriel and a few others ever used it11:23
mulbahThat will be great11:23
jelknerbetter to just have one place where we meet11:23
jelknerso communicaiton is easier11:23
jelknerACTION goes to send Zulip invites to mulbah and svaye 11:24
jelknermulbah and svaye, you have both been invited11:28
jelkneryou will recieve an email at your NOVA Web email address with instructions11:29
jelknerYou need to install Zulip11:29
jelknermulbah, that's *your* responsibility as a sys admin! ;-)11:29
jelknerok, that's all i have for now11:30
fkoikoi_Jeff can I say something 11:30
jelknerplease, fkoikoi_ 11:30
jelknerACTION waits for fkoikoi_ to say something...11:32
fkoikoi_I apologize for not having items on the agenda for the past weeks. I know that I also have that responsibility as an assistant and I am sorry for being reluctant. I am going to call Janet, Jallah and decamue right after this meeting to hear from them too. 11:32
jelknerthat's great, fkoikoi_ 11:33
jelknerwe need for you to develop as a leader11:33
jelknerit is a process11:33
jelknerand will take time11:33
jelkneri understand that11:33
jelknerbut our shared success depends on it11:34
jelknertake charge, fkoikoi_!11:34
fkoikoi_Alright Jeff, thanks11:34
jelknerthis is *your* business we are building11:34
jelknerthat's what worker cooperatives are all about11:34
dcammueGood day everyone11:34
jelkneri'll be back on at 7 am tomorrow11:34
jelknerlet's talk more then11:35
jelknersvaye, mulbah please join the Zulip by then11:35
svayeOkay Jeff11:35
mulbahAlright Jeff11:35
jelkneruntil tomorrow morning11:35
fkoikoi_Okay Jeff, Have a great day.11:35
jelkneryou too, fkoikoi_!11:35
jelknerACTION signs off for the day11:36
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ubuntouristHullo mulbah and tboimah 13:00
ubuntourist(And Hullo scooper, too)13:01
ubuntouristHoping for a stable network connection today.13:01
tboimahhow are you doing Mr Cole13:01
scooperGood morning ubuntourist13:01
ubuntouristI'm doing well. And how are you all doing?13:02
ubuntouristSo, has anyone experimented with script and scriptreplay?  They're both easy to use and are wonderful for recording and playing back terminal sessions.13:03
tboimahI read the past conversation from the IRC log and i also saw you assignment13:03
ubuntouristAny progress with the assignment?13:04
ubuntouristACTION waits for signs of life 😉13:07
ubuntouristAs we continue, we will need to start working more via e-mail, I think. The network is just TOO unstable.13:08
tboimah_should i share my screen with you so that i can do that13:09
ubuntouristAnd, using script and scriptreplay, we can share recordings of all of our terminal work.13:09
ubuntouristtboimah_, to show what you've done with the assignment? Yes, please. Share a terminal.13:10
ubuntouristACTION waits for a stable connection...13:12
sysadminubuntourist the internet is good today but the power cord mistakenly slip that while13:12
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tboimahssh vPQcCLdLHF4m7NVwvKBvEEsj6@lon1.tmate.io13:14
mulbahGood morning Mr. Cole13:14
tboimahyou ssh into that link and see what i am doing13:14
ubuntouristHi mulbah13:14
ubuntouristI'm on now tboimah 13:14
tboimahshould i start13:15
ubuntouristtboimah, yes13:15
ubuntouristmulbah, can you see what tboimah  is doing?13:15
mulbahno I'm trying to ssh into the link13:16
ubuntouristtboimah, stop for a moment.13:16
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ubuntouristLet's use script to record.13:17
ubuntouristscript -T timecode13:18
ubuntouristexit and then 13:18
ubuntouristexit first13:18
ubuntouristNow script -T timecode13:18
ubuntouristNow do the "ls" again and contine with your ccomments etc.13:19
ubuntourist(I want to have a nice record that we can play back again later.)13:19
tboimahACTION done13:22
ubuntouristtboimah, Bravo!13:22
ubuntouristSo. On the screen now, there is information about where you should send e-mail for problems, and also a URL for13:23
ubuntouristwhere to find out more about the package.13:23
ubuntouristIf I had a problem, I would contact the Maintainer. If I wanted to know more about the history and development13:24
ubuntouristand maybe more documentation, I would look at the Homepage13:24
ubuntouristWe don't want to waste time with  that right now.13:24
ubuntouristJust know that whenever you want to find out more about a file, you can13:25
ubuntouristgo through the steps you just did:13:25
ubuntourist1. find out if the file exists with "ls"13:25
ubuntourist2. Find which package it belongs to with "dpkg-query -S"13:26
ubuntourist3. Find out what it does, who maintains it and were to get more info with "apt-cache show"13:26
ubuntouristLet's play back yout work: Type "q" to quit. then type "exit"13:27
ubuntouristNow we'll play it back:13:27
ubuntouristscriptreplay -t timecode13:27
ubuntourist(and then just sit and wait and watch.)13:27
ubuntouristIt may take a few minutes. It is doing things at the speed you typed. And if you paused for a long time, it pauses.13:28
ubuntourist(It will stay here for a minute, because we chatted while "most" was displaying the "apt-cache show". 13:31
ubuntouristso the screen is paused, because you were not typing. In a minute or two, the screen will scroll, and then, 13:32
ubuntouristeventually, the "q" and the "exit" will show up.)13:32
tboimahsure 13:33
ubuntouristAns when the "exit" is shown, the screen will also indicate that the script is finished playing back.13:33
ubuntouristSo you know how to use "scp" to copy files both directions between your computer and the server?13:34
tboimahyes 13:34
tboimahwe can do that in the lab here13:34
ubuntouristGood. When it finishes the "movie" you  can copy the two files "typescript" and "timecode" from the server to your computer.13:35
ubuntouristThen you can run the playback on your computer (with "scriptreplay -t timecode") or you can send the two files as an13:36
tboimahshould i do that now13:36
ubuntouristattachment to me, or Jeff or whomever you want, and they can replay yout work on their computers.13:37
ubuntouristSure. Let's do that. 13:37
ubuntouristSo exit the server and scp the files from the server to your computer.13:37
ubuntouristNow, because we made that abbriviation for the server name you can use that13:38
ubuntourist(I think you used mcss for the abbrviation.)13:38
tboimahI am using one of the machine in the lab not my personal computer13:39
ubuntouristso "scp mcss:timecode ." and "scp mcss:typescript ." should do the trick.13:39
ubuntourist(Don't forget the period at the end, which means "this directory location")13:40
ubuntouristYou don't need all that.13:40
ubuntouristThat's why we set up the abbreviations.13:41
tboimahi know but i am not using my personal computer i am using one of the computer in the lab13:41
ubuntouristWe made a  shortcut (or alias) for ""...13:41
ubuntouristAh, 13:42
ubuntouristThen, if you haven't copied over the config, then my mistake: You'll need the long form of the command. Sorry.13:42
ubuntouristTry typing a tab here13:43
ubuntouristNever mind. (That still depends on the "config" file. Ignore that suggestion.)13:44
ubuntouristspace period.13:44
ubuntouristup-arrow, and get the "typescript" file too.13:45
ubuntouristYou need both.13:45
ubuntouristThe "rypescript" file has all of your keystrokes and output, but it's "ugly"13:46
ubuntouristtry "most typescript" to see what I mean.13:46
ubuntouristSee the stuff at the top?13:47
tboimahit look ugly13:47
tboimahand confusing13:48
ubuntouristThat ^[[2004h is a called an "ANSI escape sequence"13:48
ubuntouristANSI = American National Standards Institute -- I think. I forget exactly what it stands for..13:49
ubuntouristan "escape sequence" is a series of characters that are interpreted rather than displayed normally.13:49
ubuntouristThe "^[" is actually the "esc" or "ESCAPE" key's representation.13:50
ubuntouristANSI escape sequences are used to clear the screen, change colors, and show the cursor position.13:50
ubuntouristThe problem is that "most" (and "less" and other programs) don't know how to interpret the escape sequences in a file.13:51
ubuntouristBut "scriptreplay" knows what to do. However, scriptreplay needs a companion file to tell it when to display and wen to pause.13:52
ubuntouristIf you scroll down to where you typed "dpkg-query -S ... | most" it will get REALLY ugly.13:52
ubuntouristThe stuff in red is where you typed backspaces.13:53
ubuntouristAnyway, q to quit.13:54
ubuntouristnow "most timecode"13:54
ubuntouristThat is telling it how to time the typing. When should it pause? when should it continue? when did you type fast? when did you type slowly?13:55
ubuntouristAll of that information is in the "timecode" file. So, together with "typescript" the scriptreplay figures out how to show the "movie".13:56
ubuntouristSo, when you are sharing examples with other people who are learning, or sending assignments to Jeff or me, or trying to show13:56
ubuntouristsomeone a problem that you are having, send BOTH files.13:57
ubuntouristWithout the timecode file, it means someone will have to fight through the mess of ANSI escape sequences.13:57
ubuntouristAlso there's nothing special about the name "timecode". 13:58
ubuntouristwhen you typed "script -T timecode" you said "I want a timing file (-T) and I want it to be named 'timecode'."13:59
ubuntouristYou could say "script -T August_7_2023" and then for the playback "scriptreplay -t August_7_2203"14:00
ubuntouristI like "timecode" or "timecodes" because that's the term used in audio and video production for synchronizing the two.14:01
tboimahit is cool to work with14:02
ubuntourist(Also there is a way to tell script not to use the filename "typescript" but I forget the option to do that. I just let script choose14:02
ubuntouristits preferred default filename "typescript".)14:02
ubuntouristEach time you use "script" it will OVERWRITE the old "typescript" and "timecode" file. So, if you want to save many14:03
ubuntouristyou must remember to rename the old files or move them to a separate directory, before starting script again.14:04
ubuntouristq to quit14:04
ubuntouristHere's a handy way that I create subdirectories. This goes back to the book, talking about expansions.14:05
ubuntouristYou can expand commands. Type:14:05
ubuntouristdate --iso14:05
ubuntouristThat prints the current date, in the International Standards Organization (ISO) preferred format.14:06
ubuntouristNow, type:14:06
ubuntouristmkdir $(date --iso)14:06
ubuntouristSee the first line?14:06
ubuntouristcan you guess what happened?14:07
tboimahit make a directory of the current date14:07
tboimahit give the directory the name of the current date14:08
ubuntouristYes. The $(...) says "put the output of the command between the parenthesis into the line". 14:08
ubuntouristThe Bash shell looks at what is in the parenthesis, and  evaluates it, If it is a command, it substitutes the results of the command.14:09
ubuntouristSo "mkdir $(...)" becomes "mkdir [the output of the command]"14:10
ubuntouristWe will be using $(...)" a LOT. It is super-powerful.14:10
ubuntouristLet's try a more complicated example.14:11
ubuntouristYou've used the find command, right?14:11
ubuntouristAh. Let's start there, instead.14:12
ubuntourist"find" is for finding files on your computer. It needs a "starting directory" and instructions on what to search for..14:13
ubuntouristThe "starting directory" means that it will only search that directory and subdirectories inside that directory.14:13
ubuntouristSo, if you wanted to search your entire computer, you would use "/" as the starting directory. If you only wanted to search14:14
ubuntouristyour own directories, you would start with your home directory "~/" (or "/home/tboimah/")14:15
ubuntouristIf you wanted to search only your Downloads, "~/Downloads".14:16
ubuntouristYou can search for files that match a certain name. Or search for only directory names, or search for files created before or after a certain date... 14:17
ubuntouristor files with certain access permission or ownership, or lots of other criteria. But the most common use I have is14:17
ubuntouristsearching for files that match a filename pattern.14:17
ubuntouristso, type:14:18
ubuntouristfind ~/ -name "*.conf"14:18
ubuntouristUnderstand what it did?14:19
tboimahit find all the config file that end with end standtion .conf14:20
ubuntouristExtension not standtion. But yes. That's correct.14:20
tboimahokay thanks for the correction14:21
ubuntouristProgramming languages have a concept: When you have a list of items -- numbers, filenames, vocabulary words... anything --14:21
ubuntouristyou often want to do the same operation on every item in the list. Maybe you want to view the item if it's a file. Or add the number 5 to each item if the list is a list of numbers.14:23
ubuntouristHere, the "find" command returned a list of file names.14:23
ubuntouristSuppse, instead of typing "most /home/sysadmin/.config/hexchat/notify.conf" and then14:24
ubuntourist"most /home/sysadmin/.config/hexchat/ignore.conf" and then14:24
ubuntourist"most /home/sysadmin/.config/hexchat/sound.conf" and so on,14:24
ubuntouristwe can make the Bash shell do the work for us?14:24
tboimahokay 14:26
ubuntouristWe can, with a "for" loop. A "for" loop means, "for everything in a list, repeat (or "loop") through the following commands, substituting the next element in the list.14:26
ubuntouristLets start up script again. But first, we'll rename the old files before we start.14:28
tboimahwe are going to python now14:28
ubuntouristmv typescript typescript-2023-08-07-13-0014:28
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:29
ubuntouristmv timecode timecode-2023-08-07-13-0014:29
ubuntourist(I'm just using the date and the time when we started.)14:30
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:32
ubuntouristOK. Now "script -T timecode"14:32
ubuntouristLets do the find again so that it is in the script. Up-arrow WON'T work here. It will not remember the find command.14:33
ubuntouristIt only remembers what was typed while you were "inside" of a script. We'll talk about that more in the future.14:34
ubuntouristNow, we're going to use that list, and feed it to most, one file at a time. This will be four lines of typing. So, wait til I type four lines....14:35
ubuntouristfor item in $(find ~/ -name "*.conf")14:36
ubuntourist    most $item14:36
ubuntourist(Before you type those, can you speculate about what it might do?)14:37
tboimahokay for the first command14:38
tboimahit is saying the find all the file that is in the home directory that end with the extension .conf14:39
*** mulbah07_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:40
tboimahfor the second command it say that list the content item14:40
tboimahACTION done14:40
ubuntouristThe $(find...) will create a list. The "for item in" says for every item in a list that follows...14:41
ubuntouristand then the "do" and "done" surround the commands that you want to use with each item.14:42
ubuntouristLet's start a little simpler:14:42
ubuntouristType the following four lines, including the "done" at the end:14:43
ubuntouristfor x in mon tues wed thurs fri14:43
ubuntourist   echo "today is " $x14:43
*** mulbah07_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:45
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ubuntouristWe've played a little but with "environment variables" a few weeks ago.14:46
ubuntouristThe word that follows "for" is a variable that you can use later with a $ prefix. So in the above examples, "item" was a variable, and "x" was a variable.14:47
ubuntouristin the second example, we created a list: "mon tues wed thurs fri"14:47
ubuntouristThen, using "for" we said "pick an item from the list, one at a time"14:48
ubuntouristthe "x" means "assign the value of the item we selected to a variable named 'x'"14:48
ubuntouristThen, in what is called the "body of the loop" -- the part between "do" and  "done" -- we said "echo",14:49
ubuntouristwhich means "type back whatever I tell you to type"14:50
ubuntouristThe part in quotes should be typed exactly as written. So, "today is".14:50
ubuntouristBut the $x is a variable. Just like the environment variables. Each time the "for" gets a new value, $x changes.14:51
ubuntouristSo echo "today is" $x  changes. each time, it "echoes back" with a new value.14:51
tboimahokay it is well understood14:53
ubuntouristNow we're going to try that more complicated one, and that will finish the day. I'll type it again below.14:53
ubuntouristfor i tem in $(find ~/ -name "*.conf")14:53
ubuntouristmost $item14:53
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:55
ubuntouristOk, it looks like the first file is empty. We can see the filename in blue at the bottom of the screen and it14:55
ubuntouristtells us we are 100% through the file.14:55
ubuntouristType "q"14:55
ubuntouristIt showed us ALL of the ".conf" files, one at a time.14:56
ubuntouristType "exit" to save the typescript and timecode file14:57
tboimahubuntourist before you leave can i ask you a question14:57
ubuntouristWe had a lot of long pauses. So the scriptreplay will be S-L-O-O-O-W!14:57
ubuntouristYes. Please.14:58
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tboimahIf i am a system admin and my os is given problem and i want to run a new os how will i get all my information form the old os on ubuntu14:59
ubuntouristThat's  a HUGE questiion! A good one, but a very big topic.15:00
ubuntouristA simple answer, that is NOT complete:15:01
tboimahAh okay15:01
ubuntouristFirst you will want to copy all of the "/home" directories: This will save the work of all of your users. As a systtems administrator, 15:02
ubuntouristyou can get packages working again, and reinstall stuff, but there is no way to know what your users have been working on.15:02
ubuntouristSo, you want to preserve students work, your business manager's records of finances, the letter to the organization that you are asking to help you, etc.15:03
ubuntouristAll of that is going to be impossible to recover if you trash your system.15:04
tboimahokay thanks15:04
ubuntouristNext, save alll the files and directories in /etc. Those are specific configurations for your system. A lot of the configurations will be similar 15:04
ubuntouristacross all your computers. But, the list of users will be different on each computer, and the name of the computer -- for example, I see you are on "tubman" --15:05
ubuntouristwill be different for each machine. That kind of configuration data is saved in one of the many, many configuration files in /etc.15:06
ubuntouristNext, you'll want a list of packages that are installed. The basic packages will be the same on your systems, but, for example,15:07
ubuntourist"most" is not a standard package, and had to be specially installed with "apt install most". 15:07
ubuntouristYou will want to be able to get the full list of ALL installed packages, so that when you are setting up a machine from scratch, 15:07
ubuntouristyou can run all the "apt installs". Then look at the saved /etc files to see which ones you need. (You'll need the file /etc/passswd and /etc/shadow, for example,15:08
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ubuntouristbecause they will contain your list of users and their passwords. You want to avoid resetting everyone's login password.)15:09
ubuntouristAnd finally, you'll want to restore all the saved /home directories so that your people can continue working from where they15:10
ubuntouriststopped before your computer disaster..15:10
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ubuntouristBut there is a LOT more to learn before you even THNK about trying something that big!15:10
tboimahokay is there any assignment for today15:11
ubuntouristNo. I think we did a lot today. I guess you should experiment with script and scriptreplay -- but remember to rename the two filles to save any work you want to watch again later. Also, maybe experiment with the for loops...15:12
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tboimahokay thanks for today15:13
ubuntouristTry to become comfortable with the tools so that you don't have to think too much about how and when you might want to use them.15:13
ubuntouristAnd, of course, typing practice is always a good thing.15:13
ubuntouristThat's it. See you Friday!15:14
ubuntouristOh, and share the typescript files and timecode files with mulbah. 15:14
tboimahi will do that15:14
tboimahhave a nice day15:15
ubuntourist(You should have four files. The first typescript and timecode files that we renamed, and the two that we just saved.)15:15
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