IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-08-22

*** shmohamud has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)01:34
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dcammueGood morning fkoikoi10:45
dcammueand mulbah10:45
mulbahGood morning dcammue10:45
dcammuehow are you10:50
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jelknerGood morning fkoikoi_ dcammue_ mulbah and tboimah_!10:58
tboimah_Good morning Jeff10:58
jelknerfkoikoi_, what are your plans for today?10:58
jelkneri've only got 10 minutes10:59
fkoikoi_Good Morning Jeff10:59
jelkneri'm riding my bike to school today10:59
jelknerand i haven't left yet10:59
jelkneri was waiting for after our meeting10:59
mulbahGood morning Jeff11:00
fkoikoi_ICA don't have a branch or office in Liberia 11:02
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scooperGood morning Jeff11:02
jelknerYes, I know.11:02
dcammueGood morning Jeff11:02
jelknerSo we need to reach out to them.11:02
jelknerAnd ask what to do.11:02
scooperWait freena11:03
jelknerfkoikoi_, i should have some time today if you want me to help with that.11:03
scooperI told you yesterday after doing my research11:03
scooperThe supe promise to intervene today11:03
scooperbut for now I m hoping to speak with him again this mornning of afternoon11:04
scooperJeff, the supe said he will call you today11:04
jelkneri'll look out for that11:04
scooperor you should call him to just in case he get busy11:04
jelkneri'll call him11:05
jelknerwill do11:05
scooperHe is expecting your call any moment today.....11:05
jelkneri need to ride to school11:05
scooperok back to our activities11:05
jelknerso it won't be for an hour11:05
scooperyesterday Shanun did show up online11:06
scooperI Email him but he promise to turn up today11:06
scooperand apology for not turning up due to tight schedule11:06
jelkneri see kevin, but not sahnun11:06
jelknerso you meant he *did not* show up, yes?11:07
scooperSahnun and I exchange email yesterday....11:07
scooperdid show in the Hex chat11:07
jelkneryes, i see nothing in the log i just sent11:08
jelknerbut Kevin did11:08
jelknerok, i need to go11:08
jelkneri'll call the supe11:08
jelknerand be back tomorrow for our next 10 minute meeting11:08
jelkneri'll report on my effort to contact Superintendent Zawolo11:09
jelknerACTION signs off11:09
fkoikoi_Alright Jeff, we will get back to you after our research Jeff11:09
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jelknerscooper, i just tried to call the Supe but he didn't pick up.12:15
jelknerwe don't have much luck calling each other.12:15
scooperShould reach him12:15
scooperand tell him to check his phone??12:16
jelknerhe is on the phone constantly, and i am almost never on it.12:16
jelknerso between those two factors, we find it very hard to reach each other.12:16
scooperAre you calling him online or on his local number??12:16
jelkneri'm using telegram12:16
scoopershould I go and tell him to check his phone???12:17
scoopersince you are in the position to talk right now???12:17
jelknerit is a planning day12:18
scooper\me going to the supe12:18
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:19
jelknerscooper, i had a wonderful chat with the Supe12:37
scooperyes Jeff12:37
scooperI was there 12:37
jelknerhe is going to introduce you to the legal person that MCSS uses12:37
scooperwhen the conversation was ongoing12:38
jelknerhe said today or tomorrow12:38
jelknerok, great12:38
jelkneronce you meet him, we can start the communication12:38
scooperthat was his commitment he made to me yesterday when I told he about our plans12:38
jelknerSECOSOL will want to hire him to help us12:38
jelknerassuming the cost isn't *too* high ;-)12:39
jelknerok, i need to get back to work12:39
scooperok Jeff 12:39
jelkneri'm working on PCEP certification today12:39
scooperI m here waiting for Shanun12:39
jelknerokie dokie12:40
jelknersee you tomorrow morning my dear friend!12:40
scooperOk Jeff12:40
jelknerACTION signs off12:40
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*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:08
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*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)23:44
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