IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-09-04

*** fkoikoi has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)10:24
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jelknerGood morning Spencer10:45
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff10:53
scooperGood morning Jeff10:56
jelknerGood morning Freena.10:57
jelknerAre we ready to go?10:57
jelknerI have a bit less time than I thought.10:57
jelknerSECOSOL has a training yesterday10:57
scooperI m ready10:57
jelknerthat went until almost 10 pm10:58
fkoikoiokay 10:58
jelknerit was great, but i'm exhausted10:58
jelknerok, here is the agenda i would like to discuss this morning:10:58
jelkner1. Moving our learning fro #novawebdev to #accict10:58
fkoikoiI sent you an email this morning Jeff10:59
dcammuegood morning Jeff10:59
jelkner2. Having the two of you participate in my CSC221 class10:59
jelknerfkoikoi i just replied to svaye's email10:59
jelknerbut i haven't responded to yours yet11:00
jelknerbut i can respond in general here11:00
jelknerthings will go wrong11:00
jelknerappointments will be missed11:01
jelknermistakes will happen11:01
jelknerwe are human, and that's how the world works11:01
jelknerthere is no way to avoid it11:01
jelknerso that's ok11:01
jelknersuccess means keeping our rate of error below the threshold for failure11:02
jelknerwe can't determine exactly what that is11:02
jelknerso we strive to keep it as low as we can11:02
jelkneri deeply want this project to be successful11:03
jelknerso i will try as best as i know how to make that happen11:03
jelknerand hope you, my comrades, will do the same11:04
jelknerwe have so many challenges that face us11:04
fkoikoiit will be successful jeff 11:04
jelknerbut we have the great strength that we are committed to each other and willing to work hard together to move forward11:05
svayeGood morning Jeff11:05
jelknerGood morning Shallon11:05
jelknerok, scooper, who here can help with hex chat?11:05
scooperWhat do you mean Jeff 11:06
scooper"who here can help with hex chat"11:06
jelknerI would like you all to configure your hexchat to that you autojoin two channels on oftc11:06
jelknerthis one, and #accict11:07
jelknerthanks to tmickelson11:07
jelknerthey are both being logged now11:07
jelkneri'm working with a group of young folks who want to make NOVA Web Development work as a business11:08
jelknerwe are going to use the #novawebdev channel to discuss specific things related to the business11:09
jelknerproviding service to customers, maintaining our infrastructure, etc.11:09
jelknerwe have come a long way in the last year11:10
jelknerthis year i want to create collaboration opportunities between learners in Monrovia and Arlington11:10
jelknerthe place to do that will be the #accict channel11:11
jelkner"accict" comes from "Arlington Career Center Information and Communication Technology"11:11
jelknergreat, i see you there11:11
jelknerlet me move over11:11
*** dcammue has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)11:18
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mulbahGood morning Jeff11:25
tboimahGood morning Jeff11:25
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*** svaye has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)11:50
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*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:41
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:41
*** svaye_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:41
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:41
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