IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-09-09

*** shmohamud has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)00:55
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!10:14
fkoikoi!add Updates from each group10:15
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Updates from each group" has been added to the agenda.10:15
fkoikoi!add Spencer Django Project 10:16
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Spencer Django Project" has been added to the agenda.10:16
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:10:16
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)10:16
LittleWebsterSpencer Django Project (added by fkoikoi)10:16
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*** jelkner has quit (None)12:37
svayeGood morning Jeff12:38
jelknerhere we are ;-)12:39
jelknerGood day tboimah and dcammue!12:47
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:47
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)12:47
LittleWebsterSpencer Django Project (added by fkoikoi)12:47
tboimahGood morning everyone, i am seriously ill i only turn up today to let yous guys know, malaria is giving me hard time so i will be going to the drugs store to ask for advice, so i will not be long with you guys i am so sorry.12:51
jelknertake care of yourself tboimah!12:52
tboimahACTION login out to go to the drugs store12:52
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:52
jelknersvaye, where is everyone?12:59
jelknermost important, where is scooper?12:59
dcammueGood morning Jeff12:59
jelkneri am heading into DC today12:59
dcammueHe's on his way12:59
LittleWebstersvaye : dcammue : jelkner13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterSpencer Django Project (added by fkoikoi)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelkneri have a doctor's appointment, and then i'm meeting with Kevin at Kamal's place13:00
jelkneri really wanted to communicate with the Supe before then13:00
dcammuescooper is here already13:01
dcammueand fkoikoi is connecting 13:02
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff13:05
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi13:05
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:07
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi i have to leave for DC soon13:08
jelknerso let's please get started13:08
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:08
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)13:08
LittleWebsterSpencer Django Project (added by fkoikoi)13:08
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:08
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)13:08
LittleWebsterSpencer Django Project (added by fkoikoi)13:08
fkoikoialright everyone, let's start the meeting 13:09
fkoikoiso as for the python team, I was thing about working with the web team to create a project. That way we will be able to practice everyday. 13:11
fkoikoiThis is my idea but I need others input13:11
fkoikoibecause I don't know how others might see it13:12
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:13
scooperI you done Freena13:15
scooperAre you done Freena13:15
scooperFirst and foremost because I begin I will like to tell everyone including Jeff13:15
scooperthat the supe will not be with us to as promise13:16
scooper*today as promise13:16
scooperNow in term of update from each group13:16
scooperAs our key objective remain the same.... acquiring all necessary skill to make this business work13:17
*** dcammue__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:21
sysadmin_sorry for the disruption 13:21
sysadmin_As my colleague freena mentioned early13:22
sysadmin_we will not more design content from the front end developer to continue to develop this site13:22
sysadmin_and even make it look good and secure by including ssl certificate in the shortest possible time13:23
sysadmin_\ me done13:23
fkoikoithanks scooper13:23
sysadmin_Lately Jeff,13:24
svayefkoikoi about the project you spoke about early I and scooper already started 13:25
sysadmin_can we use our personal github account to be able to participate in the CSC221 Python class, since our server is down for now??13:25
fkoikoialright svaye13:25
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:25
mulbahGood morning13:25
svayeJeff are you still here?13:27
jelkneri am13:27
svayeI think scooper was asking you a question13:27
jelknersvaye, you already know the answer, yes?13:27
jelknersince you did it13:27
jelknerso did daniel13:28
jelknershare the love, svaye, don't come to me when you don't need me! ;-)13:28
fkoikoiJeff are saying that we should used github13:29
svayeOkay Jeff13:29
jelknerit's a fair question, svaye 13:29
jelknerhere is what i told my Virginia students this year13:29
jelkneri am a free software activist13:29
jelknercodeberg is a non-profit that uses a customized version of gitea, which is free software13:30
jelkneri personally prefer that13:30
jelknerbut i told my students in Virginia that they can use any host they want13:31
jelknersince it is *their* portfolio they are building13:31
jelknergithub is owned my Microsoft13:31
jelkneryou can tell that the look keeps getting glitzier and glitzier since they bought it13:31
jelknerMicrosoft is a huge corporation13:31
jelknercorporations are *only* interested in one thing, *making profit*13:32
jelknerthey don't care a hoot about people13:32
jelkneror what happens to them13:32
jelknerthey will gladly rob, injure or kill if it makes a profit13:33
svayeJeff can I ask you a question13:33
jelknerso do what you feel best ;-)13:33
jelknerACTION done13:33
fkoikoialright I get your point Jeff13:33
jelknersure svaye 13:33
jelknerask away13:33
svayeshould I do all the assignments and classwork 13:34
jelknerplease, svaye 13:35
jelknerthat is what i am hoping this year13:35
svayeOkay thanks I will do just that13:35
jelknerif we can really collaborate13:35
jelknerso that you can even get to know (virtually) some of the students in Virginia13:35
jelknerand work with them13:35
jelknerscooper, i'll email the Superintendent and let him know i'm a bit frustrated about our lack of communication13:36
jelkneryou are doing a fabulous job, but we need his support to make this work13:36
jelkneri know how busy he is13:36
jelknerbut i can't go to meetings where i talk about sister-school projects or to Kamal about building a school if i don't have his support13:37
jelknerdoes he want us to do this?13:37
scooperthe supe want the school13:37
jelknersince i'm so far away, it would be great if you all can meet with him at his convenience13:37
jelknerand then represent his wishes when you work with me13:38
scooperbut what I think here is that due to his engagement with the Ruling party that is why he didn't turn up13:38
jelkneri understand13:38
scooperI will engage him on monday Jeff13:38
jelknerhe has *a lot* going on13:38
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:38
jelkneri get that13:38
jelknerok, scooper 13:38
scooperSo you two can talk directly on the phone13:38
jelkneri'll email him and cc you13:38
jelkneremail will be better13:38
scooperbefore you leave13:38
jelknersince it is asynchronous13:38
scooperthis is our first python project13:39
jelkneryes, quick please13:39
jelkneri have to go13:39
scooperlooking forwarding to working with the web team for more content13:39
jelkneri can't really help with that scooper 13:39
jelkneri don't know Django13:39
jelkneri have only done the beginning tutorials13:39
scooperI m learning it now Jeff13:39
jelkneryes, i know13:39
scooperOnce I continue I will be a pro one day13:40
jelknerso you need to lead us forward13:40
jelknerthen we will come to you for help with it13:40
jelknerthat will be the day we are ready!13:40
scoopersure by God grace that will happen one day13:41
jelknerbut scooper, i must tell you that you need to really learn Python to do Django13:41
jelknerso let's make sure we can do that13:41
jelknerPCEP will be a first test of our skill13:41
jelknerfkoikoi, scooper, and janet should all be able to earn PCEP certification13:42
jelknerit's a nice way to hold ourselves accountable13:42
jelknerwe will know we have valid skills when we can do that13:42
jelknerdo let's not loose sight of that13:42
scooperJeff went will the python team take the test...13:42
scooperafter the CSC221 Lesson??13:43
scooperJeff When will the Python team take the test???13:43
jelknerAll my CSC 221 students will be taking the PCEP in January13:43
jelknerif the three of you, scooper, fkoikoi, and janet follow along13:43
scooperSo that mean we are part right???13:43
jelkneryou will be ready than too13:43
jelknersvaye, asked the right question13:44
jelkneri messed up deleting arabach's account13:44
jelknerso *jelkner* broke the MCSS git server! :-(13:44
jelknerJust so their is no doubt who to blame ;-)13:44
jelknerbut jelkner made a bigger mistake earlier having only one sys admin who knew the system13:45
jelknerthat sys admin is gone13:45
jelknerwe need to try to make sure that doesn't happen again13:45
jelknersometimes one is all you got13:45
scooperHmmm we understand Jeff certain command must always be mindful of before using ....especially the DROP in Database13:45
jelknerso, for now scooper, fkoikoi, and janet 13:46
jelknerchoose another git host13:46
jelknerand set up your csc221 repos13:46
jelknerand send me the links13:46
jelkneri gotta go13:46
jelknerfkoikoi, see you on Monday at 11 am your time13:46
svayeHave a nice day Jeff13:46
jelkneryou too everyone13:46
fkoikoiokay Jeff13:46
jelknergreat chatting with you, as always13:47
jelknerACTION signs off for the day13:47
dcammue_Have a nice day13:47
fkoikoiI will sent you the link to my account13:47
fkoikoihave a nice day Jeff13:47
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:47
svayeACTION signs off for the day13:47
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dcammue_ACTION signed off for the day13:48
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*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:53
*** dcammue has quit (None)14:01
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:10
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*** janet has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:10
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sysadminACTION good bye Janet14:55
janetTake care scooper14:56
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:56
*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:56

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