IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-09-16

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sysadminGood morning tmickelson12:16
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fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff12:46
svayeGood morning fkoikoi we are in the accict chat12:47
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mulbahGood morning Jeff13:01
svayeGood morning mulbah please go in the accict chat13:02
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:02
LittleWebsterDiscuss SECOSOL website deployment (added by jelkner)13:02
LittleWebsterWho should represent us at USFWC annual meeting ? (added by jelkner)13:02
LittleWebsterAOB (added by fkoikoi)13:02
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jelknerGood morning shmohamud 13:57
LittleWebstersysadmin : jelkner : tmickelson : tboimah : shmohamud14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss SECOSOL website deployment (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterWho should represent us at USFWC annual meeting ? (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterAOB (added by fkoikoi)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
jelknerGood morning tboimah 14:00
jelknerand tmickelson 14:01
tboimahGood morning Jeff14:01
tmickelsongood morning jelkner 14:02
KlariosHello Guys good morning14:02
AntonioAbelaGood morning14:02
jelknerFolks, it's going to be really important to show up here *before* the start of the meeting14:03
jelkneri put two items in the agenda14:03
jelknerbut you can't see them unless you look in the log14:03
JulianMolinaHey Jeff where do I join?14:03
jelknergood morning JulianMolina 14:03
jelknerwhat do you mean?14:03
jelkneryou have joined14:04
jelknerthis is the place14:04
jelknerok, we are all busy14:04
KlariosI see the agenda14:04
JulianMolinaOh ok14:04
jelkneri'm going to run this meeting, but Klarios from now on, please get here before the start of the meeting14:04
jelknerand you should chair14:04
jelkneri'm really here as customer14:04
jelknerfor SECOSOL14:04
jelknertmickelson did great work getting Django to work on May First14:05
jelknerwe want our website!14:05
jelknerSo now, AntonioAbela, tmickelson needs your help with that14:05
jelknersince you and your sister worked on it14:05
jelknerbut tmickelson can't find it in the repos14:05
jelknerACTION done14:05
AntonioAbelaI’m haven’t had the time to finish it yet it is still a work in progress. 14:05
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jelknerThis is killing us, AntonioAbela 14:06
jelknerwe need to figure out how to get these things to move14:06
jelknerThe website will be mission critical for SECOSOL14:07
jelknerwe have a strategic plan calling for fund raising that we can't do without a website14:07
jelknerso what's the plan?14:07
jelknerWhen can SECOSOL get a website?14:07
AntonioAbelaI know it is important but I just don’t have enough time right now to work on it so I would need help from interns.14:07
jelknerThat's fine14:08
jelkneri understand your limitations14:08
jelkneri can reach out in a pinch to Stefan and Adrian14:08
jelknerto help guide others14:08
jelknerbut we need to move effectively forward on this14:08
jelknerwe need to figure out if we can get enough talent to take care of our current business in time to keep NOVA Web going14:09
jelknerthat's what Saturday mornings should be all about14:09
jelknerKlarios, JulianMolina by next Thursday, please make a list of all the students who expressed interest in developing Django apps with us14:10
jelknerwe will need to assess their level of skill14:10
jelkner(no easy task, since we don't have that skill ourselves)14:10
JulianMolinaI don't have a contact for Luis yet but I can speak with James and Edward14:10
jelknerand determine how far away they are from being able to hack on websites like SECOSOL14:10
Klariosof course. For now it is everything learning. 14:11
KlariosI have luis's contact14:11
AntonioAbelaThe good thing is most of the secosol website is just a redesign so it’s mostly just html and css14:11
jelknerWe should ask Adrian if he can take over guiding our top intern on that project14:11
jelknerso that he can train them along the way14:11
jelknerthat's my proposal14:11
jelknerAntonioAbela, that is good14:12
jelknerso it's relatively "low hanging fruit"14:12
jelknerbut it is still an organizational challenge for us14:12
Klariosit will take time for now to instruct everyone and assess everything.14:12
jelknersince we don't effectively organize our work yet14:12
AntonioAbelaI have 2 tests this coming week but after that, some time should free up in my schedule and I should be able to get a decent amount done14:13
KlariosTo get right into helping Antonio may be a challenge for some, for so it will take us until Our lead developer is ready to continue14:13
jelknerAntonioAbela, we don't want you to be put in the position of being our single point of failure14:14
jelknerwe need to grow the team as quick as we can14:14
jelkneras a student run operation14:14
jelknerall of you will have academic requirements on your time that will need to be honored14:14
Klariosthe good thing is that they have interest and have begun learning. 14:14
jelknerso the only way this works is to have a big enough bench that *someone* is available to do work in a timely enough way to meet14:15
jelknercustomer needs14:15
jelknerand that someone will rotate14:15
AntonioAbelaRoughly how many people do we have? And generally where are they skill wise?14:15
jelknerLet's ask Klarios and JulianMolina to work on that this week14:15
jelknerand report to you AntonioAbela next Saturday14:16
AntonioAbelaOk that sounds good14:16
JulianMolinaWe will get that list soon14:16
jelknerok, i had a second agenda item14:16
KlariosI will update you on that through the week as I get to talk to them. 14:16
jelknerbut i think we shouldn't worry about it now14:16
jelknerwe have to put out the fire14:16
jelknerfirst ;-)14:16
jelknerbefore we start building back14:16
jelknerok, i'll call Stefan later today14:17
jelknerand ask him when Adrian will be back from Spain14:17
jelknerAnything else before we go?14:17
AntonioAbelaJelkner kind of off topic but Alliance for Housing Solutions should have sent a check and I was wondering if you have gotten that yet? 14:18
jelknerThat is not at all off topic14:18
jelknerbut no, it has not arrived yet14:18
AntonioAbelaIt usually takes a bit of time14:18
jelkneri'll keep an eye out for it14:18
KlariosI will updated you on it AntonioAbela 14:18
jelknerok everyone14:19
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend14:19
jelknersee you next week14:19
KlariosThank you Jeff. 14:19
jelknerACTION logs off...14:19
AntonioAbelaThanks! Goodbye14:19
KlariosAntonioAbela: 14:20
JulianMolinaSee y'all later14:20
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