IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-09-23

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scooperGood morning ledmer12:04
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:14
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)12:14
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by scooper)12:14
LittleWebsterAOB(Any other Business) (added by scooper)12:14
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ledmerHi! good morning12:23
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scooperGood morning programmer Shmohamud12:56
fkoikoiHi everyone 12:58
scooperGood morning Jeff12:58
fkoikoiOut meeting is going on in the accict chat12:58
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:02
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:02
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by scooper)13:02
LittleWebsterAOB(Any other Business) (added by scooper)13:02
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jelknershmohamud, we are talking about you on #accict13:21
jelknerwhy not join us there?13:21
jelknerjust /join accict13:21
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:30
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:30
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by scooper)13:30
LittleWebsterAOB(Any other Business) (added by scooper)13:30
jelknersysadmin_, can you please remove the last two agenda items?13:31
jelknerthey don't belong here13:31
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jelknerand i can't remove them13:32
scooper!remove Updates from each group13:32
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Updates from each group" has been removed from the agenda.13:32
jelkner!add Discuss status of new irc bot13:32
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss status of new irc bot" has been added to the agenda.13:32
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:32
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:32
LittleWebsterAOB(Any other Business) (added by scooper)13:32
LittleWebsterDiscuss status of new irc bot (added by jelkner)13:32
scooper!remove AOB(Any other Buesiness)13:32
LittleWebsterError: "AOB(Any other Buesiness)" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!13:32
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scooper!remove AOB13:33
LittleWebsterError: "AOB" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!13:33
jelknerweird scooper 13:33
jelknerlet's ask tmickelson about it13:33
scooper!remove AOB(Any other Business)13:34
LittleWebsterSuccess: "AOB(Any other Business)" has been removed from the agenda.13:34
jelkneri believe he will be here at the 10 am meeting13:34
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:34
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:34
LittleWebsterDiscuss status of new irc bot (added by jelkner)13:34
scooperWhile we await the other can we chat here??13:35
jelknersure scooper 13:39
jelkneri was just on the phone with kei13:39
jelknerasking her to join us early13:39
jelknerwhat did you want to discuss?13:42
klariosHello guys, Its Kei13:43
scooperit's concerning the mail Dr send me this morning13:43
scooperHello Kei13:43
jelknerGood morning klarios 13:43
jelknerdo you know if jmolina will be joining us?13:44
jelkneri was hoping to talk to the two of you about how to organize these meetings13:44
jelknerand how to use our irc bot effectively to make the agenda available ahead of time13:45
klariosyes, julian should be joining us soon 13:45
jelknerlet's wait for him before we talk about that13:45
klariosI was looking at the logs and it doesnt seem so difficult. 13:45
jelknerthe tech isn't the difficult part13:45
jelkneras in many cases, it's the human factors that are challenging! ;-)13:46
jelknerthe tech may work, but it doesn't work if you don't use it13:46
jelknerso klarios, scooper and jelkner are used to adding agenda items13:46
jelkneryou can see what we've done already13:47
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:47
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:47
LittleWebsterDiscuss status of new irc bot (added by jelkner)13:47
klariosjulian is here13:47
jelknergood morning JulianMolina 13:47
JulianMolinaGood Morning Y’all13:47
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jelknerso what was hoping to talk to you about before the meeting started klarios and JulianMolina (who just dropped off)13:48
jelknerwas meeting planning13:48
jelknerand chairing13:48
klariosgotchu 13:49
jelknerklarios, since you are NOVA Web's only regularly paid member at present13:49
klariosyes from my part we have some items to add to the agenda13:49
jelkneri hope you won't mind making this your responsibility13:49
jelknersince it is so important to have it done13:49
jelknereffective organizations plan13:49
klariosYeah it's totally ok, I will try my best in learning to manage the bot for effective planning13:49
jelknerlearning the bot won't be hard13:50
jelkneri promise13:50
jelkneri can teach you right now13:50
jelknerready klarios?13:50
klariosthat sounds good!13:50
jelknertype "!help"13:50
jelknerwithout the quotes13:50
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove13:50
jelknerthere you go13:50
klariosthere's an add, agenda, help,  and remove13:51
jelknernow look at the current agenda13:51
klariosok 13:51
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:51
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:51
LittleWebsterDiscuss status of new irc bot (added by jelkner)13:51
jelknereasy, right?13:51
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:51
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:51
LittleWebsterDiscuss status of new irc bot (added by jelkner)13:51
jelknernow what would you like to add?13:51
klariosI would like to add updates of Mexico solidarity progress and some changes to the AEA site13:52
jelknerthat's two items13:52
jelknerklarios can add one13:52
jelknerJulianMolina can add the other13:52
jelknertry it13:52
klarios!agenda updates about Mexico Solidarity project 13:52
LittleWebsterInvalid arguments.13:52
jelknernope, you use !add for that13:53
klariosi!add updates about Mexico Solidarity project13:53
jelknerno i13:53
klarios!add updates about Mexico solidarity project13:53
LittleWebsterSuccess: "updates about Mexico solidarity project" has been added to the agenda.13:53
jelknerin front ;-)13:53
klariossorry typo13:53
jelknernow check the agenda again13:53
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:53
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)13:53
LittleWebsterDiscuss status of new irc bot (added by jelkner)13:53
LittleWebsterupdates about Mexico solidarity project (added by klarios)13:53
klariosyep 13:53
klarioslooks great13:53
jelknerJulianMolina, can you add the other one?13:54
JulianMolina!add Changes to AEA Site13:54
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Changes to AEA Site" has been added to the agenda.13:54
klarioswe're ready13:54
jelkneryou're both trained13:54
jelknerthat was easy, right?13:54
klariosyep 13:54
jelknerand the coolest part is that LittleWebster is a bot written in Python13:54
jelknerso we can modify it's behavior13:54
klariosooh that's nice13:54
jelknertmickelson is rewriting it13:55
jelknerwhich is the bot running on the other channel13:55
klariosoh that's cool, we will be able to maximize its use13:55
jelknerthough that one is still buggy13:55
jelknerso i want to keep the stable one here13:55
jelknerLittleWebster has been running for years13:55
jelknerit just keeps working13:56
jelknerjust like you want good software to do13:56
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jelknerso now you have the tool, klarios and JulianMolina 13:56
jelknerthe more important thing is the human factor13:56
jelknerplanning good agendas13:56
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jelknerand then using that to lead the meeting effectively13:57
jelknerare you ready?13:57
klariosyeah, we will give it a try 13:57
jelknerin less than 3 minutes, you're on!13:57
jelkneri'm going to sit on my hands for this one, klarios 13:58
klariosone quick question, for the rural cooking project, are you planning something specific towards it?13:58
jelknersince I talk too much otherwise ;-)13:58
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klariosNo worries13:58
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jelknerscooper and ledmer_ are leading that13:58
klariosgot you. 13:58
LittleWebsterscooper : dcammue : shmohamud : klarios : tboimah_ : JulianMolina : AntonioAbela : jelkner : ledmer_14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterThe Rural Cooking Project (added by scooper)14:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss status of new irc bot (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterupdates about Mexico solidarity project (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebsterChanges to AEA Site (added by JulianMolina)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
klariosAlright guys, it is 10:00 AM, here is the agenda for today14:00
klariosfirstly we a lot in our list, for the rural cooking project we have designated those working on it ledmer_  and scooper 14:01
klariosRegarding that, communication has been attempted between the clients and the developers, are there any plans for that currently?14:02
klariosledmer_: scooper 14:02
scooperFirstly thank for granting the opportunity to speak on this14:03
scooperI yesterday I email Dr Hubbard14:03
scooperwhich are cc Jeff and Luis14:04
klariosThank you for being part of our team. That sounds great!14:04
klarioshello Ved14:04
scooperDr. Hubbard responding positively by granting access to his Hetzner account14:05
klarioswe are discussing the first item in the agenda.14:05
scooperwhere we can use to purchase the server for this project.....14:05
scooperUnfortunately I didn't complete the purchasing of the server because I need to understand few things before doing so14:06
jelknerscooper, the server is already purchased14:06
jelknerand running14:06
jelkneryou just need to access it14:06
jelkneri believe14:06
klariosscooper: That sounds awesome. jelkner got you14:06
scooperJeff I login in the Hetzner account today14:07
scooperI only saw Default project without name14:07
jelknerscooper, get a sys admin to help you14:07
jelkneryou have tboimah_ and mulbah14:08
scooperI understand Jeff14:08
scooperbut the server need a ssh access14:08
scooperAnyway email will  better explain it all Jeff14:09
scooperACTION done14:09
klariosGot you, thank you for your cooperation and collaboration14:09
scooperklarios please drop your email here before leaving 14:09
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klariosof course, all means of communication will be shared 14:10
klariosfurthermore moving on to the second item 14:10
klariosto discuss the status of the IRC Bot 14:10
klarioscurrently I am aware that Toby is working on costumizing it 14:10
jelkner keiry.larios@novawebdevelopment.org14:11
klarioswe will be able to have its services until he is ready to deploy on here. 14:11
jelknerklarios, i added the second item since i thought tmickelson would be here14:11
jelknersuggest we move on14:11
klariosnext, I have gotten a couple of emails from AEA stating they wanted some changes to the website14:12
klariosit seems to be about 3-4 changes 14:12
AntonioAbelaOk that should be easy enough14:12
AntonioAbelacan you forward those emails to me?14:12
klariossuch as changing the names of the members14:12
klariosyes of course AntonioAbela 14:12
jelknerAre we tracking hours?14:12
jelknerwe need to let june know regularly about the cost of her requests14:13
AntonioAbelaI am going to start now that we kind of fixed our relationship wih AEA14:13
jelkneragainst the $1K credit14:13
jelknerso that when it gets to $0 and we start invoicing, she is ready14:13
klariosAntonioAbela: yes regarding the tracked hours, for AEA we need to subtract from that credit. 14:13
klariosin conclusion for work that is approached from now on hours will be tracked? AntonioAbela 14:14
klariosgot you, that is totally ok with me, just in a future even if we are doing repair work we still need profit.14:14
AntonioAbelaYep, totally understandable14:15
klariosgot you, and regarding the changes needed to be made, it won't be a bunch of workload on you if you want to take on the project14:16
AntonioAbelaYeah I should be able to do it, I just finished up my first round of tests so I have a bit more free time14:16
klariosAntonioAbela: although its not in the agenda, me an Jeff are planning to go to the bank on Monday to deposit the check for housing alliance solutions, I was just able to see the splitting situation. 14:17
AntonioAbelaOk, great thanks!14:17
klariosDo you think charging them 15/hr is efficient for us? or should we approach something different. 14:18
klariosIn fact I think the workload may be a lot and compensation very little.14:18
klariosAntonioAbela: 14:19
AntonioAbelaPersonally, I feel like increasing the amount we charge them right now is not the best idea14:19
klariosgot you14:19
jelknerklarios, we told them $20 per hour14:19
klariosI see14:19
jelknerand agreed AntonioAbela gets $1514:19
AntonioAbelaOh perfect14:19
jelknerand the $5 goes to the business management14:19
klariosgot you, so for the invoice from now on will it be $20 an hour?14:20
jelknerwe can't change this14:20
klariosAntonioAbela: 14:20
jelknerthat would be a *bad* idea!14:20
AntonioAbela$20 an hour for invoices, got it.14:20
klariosyeah no worries, we will also have the wages available after its deposit on Monday.14:21
AntonioAbelaCan you forward that email now? I just want to take a look at what the changes are.14:23
klariosAntonioAbela: yeah of course. 14:23
klarioscyrus is having so issues with IRC so we are waiting for him in order to move on. He will be here shortly. 14:23
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klariosAntonioAbela: what Is your nova web dev email?14:24
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jelknerklarios, suggestion: we need a member directory14:24
jelknerso we all have each other's emails14:24
cbahrambegiHello sorry for being a little late14:25
klariosHello Cyrus14:25
klariosjelkner: 14:25
klariosI aggress14:25
AntonioAbelaGot the email klarios, thanks!14:25
klariosAntonioAbela: your welcome, thank you for making time for this costumer, they're very important to us.14:26
klariosmoving on to the last item 14:26
klarioscbahrambegi: how is the progress on mexico solidarity project14:26
cbahrambegiIts going well so far14:27
jelknerthis is a project near and dear to me.14:28
klariosgot it, do you need any help regarding the donation development?14:28
klariosalright 14:28
jelkneri just pasted an article from the recent bulletin14:28
jelknerthey interview a May First board member14:28
jelknerwe don't currently have the capacity they need14:29
jelknerbut i hope we can provide the kind of partnership with them14:29
klariosI was wondering if any developers connected now know about making the interface for donation, I know there was a project in the past regarding it, but we need to be able to do it.14:29
jelknerthat will be the core of our business14:29
cbahrambegithe donation development is something i don't have any exprience in14:29
jelkneryes, klarios 14:29
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jelknerVrishin tested that on Thursday14:29
jelknerit worked14:29
jelknerSo we are moving forward with it14:30
jelknertimes up14:30
klariosI see, got you, then we will coordinate it with him 14:30
jelknerklarios, can i introduce you to an old tradition?14:31
klarioscbahrambegi: We have someone who can help. We will continue communication, for now focus on the most important stuff you can do14:31
klariosjelkner: sure go ahead14:31
cbahrambegigot it14:31
jelknerso firstly, it is *really* important that these meetings move *fast*!14:31
jelknerso 10:30 they should end14:31
jelknerpeople have lives14:31
jelknerand work to do14:31
klariosI was thinking about 5-10 minute per item14:32
jelknerso when the SchoolTool project started using irc and this bot many years ago14:32
jelkner+1 on 5-1014:32
jelknerTom Hoffman, the SchoolTool project manger14:32
jelknermade a typo14:32
jelknerhe intended to write "drops the gavel"14:33
jelknerbut he wrote "gravel"14:33
jelknerso we started a little silly tradition14:33
jelkneron ending our irc meetings14:33
jelknerthe chair, klarios 14:33
jelknerwould write "/me drops the bag of gravel"14:33
jelknerwhich ends the meeting14:33
jelknerso go ahead chair14:34
klariosACTION drops the bag of gravel14:34
jelknersee ya'll next week14:34
jelknerklarios, i'll see you at 8:40 am on Monday14:34
jelknerto go to the bank14:35
AntonioAbelaThanks everybody! See you next week14:35
klariosthank you guys for coming, thank you for being part of our team and giving your time. Have a great rest of your day14:35
JulianMolinaSee y’all later!14:35
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klariosjelkner: alright see ya then14:35
*** JulianMolina has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:35
ledmer_See you guys!14:35
jelknerACTION signs off to do school work14:35
scooperACTION drops the bag of gravel14:35
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ledmer_ACTION drops the bag of gravel14:36
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