IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-10-03

jelknerGood morning scooper, tboimah, and dcammue 10:56
tboimahGood morning jelkner10:56
dcammueGood morning jelkner 10:56
jelknertboimah and dcammue, is scooper around?10:56
dcammueHow is the electrical issue?10:57
tboimahHe step out for something but he will soon be back10:57
jelknerthis morning i have had no problem (jelkner crosses his fingers! ;-)10:57
tboimahhis here now Jeff10:57
scooperGood morning Jeff10:58
dcammuehe's here10:58
tboimahhe is here now jeff10:58
scooperhow are you doing10:58
jelknerscooper, is fkoikoi coming?10:58
scooperFreena sis called me not too long saying she is sick10:58
jelknerok, then i have only one agenda item for today:10:59
jelkner1. defining the roll and responsibility of the adminitrative assistant10:59
jelkneractually 2 items10:59
jelkner2. developing a plan to fill those rolls and responsibilities11:00
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jelknerscooper, i went to visit with Commy Johanbein on Saturday11:00
jelknerhe is expecting us to follow up11:00
scooperCan are share the Rural cooking site with you11:00
jelknernot now11:00
scooperI m almost done with the first phase of it11:01
jelknerif we want a school, i need your help11:01
jelkneryou can send me a link and i can look at the site11:01
jelknerright now, we need to figure out what to do11:01
jelknerif you tell me, jelkner, stop worrying about this, we don't want a new school11:01
jelknerthen i'll drop it11:01
jelknerand move on to something else11:01
jelknerbut if you do want one11:02
jelknerwe have to act11:02
jelknerwhat do you suggest?11:02
scooperI need the school process to continue JEff11:02
scooperI'm 100% in support of this11:02
jelknerso let's address this issue now please11:02
jelknerwe need an administrative assistant (or two)11:03
scooperit will guarantee us a place to stay in the near future11:03
jelknerwhose job it is to be here *every* morning at 11 am11:03
jelknerand to help plan and move our work11:03
jelknerif fkoikoi can't do that regularly11:03
jelknercan we have two people do it?11:03
jelknercan they divide the pay based on who covers which days?11:03
jelknerwhat do you suggest?11:04
jelkneri'm feeling a bit frustrated, because if i don't respond to Commy, it makes me look irresponsible11:04
scooperI support your idea Jeff11:04
jelknerand hurts our effort11:04
jelknerso, can you please call a meeting of the team11:04
scooperI will come up with a idea before today end11:04
jelknerdiscuss this, and have everyone come up with a plan11:05
scooperand report to you11:05
jelknerthen you tell me who that person or persons will be11:05
jelknerso that i can begin planning with them11:05
scooperYes I will Jeff11:05
jelknercan you do that by tomorrow, or is that too soon?11:05
scooperLet me come up with idea11:06
scooperfirst and share with you today....11:06
jelknernot just you please, scooper 11:06
scooperI have a way of selecting leader here11:06
scooperto avoid hard feeling11:06
jelknerwe need to have everyone involved11:06
jelknerremember, we are trying to build a worker cooperative11:07
scooperlet me demonstrate that task first11:07
scoopereveryone will be involve 11:07
scooperbut one person will be selected.....11:07
jelknersince we will be "mutually interdependent"11:08
jelknermaybe one is not the best idea11:08
jelknerin fact, i think it isn't11:08
jelknersince one person is a single point of failure11:08
jelknerwhen something goes wrong, they have no one to cover for them11:08
jelknerNOVA Web Development is now looking at two business managers11:08
jelknerKei Larios and Julian Molina11:09
jelknerthey are working very well together11:09
jelknerthat makes me feel confident11:09
jelknersince i know that when something needs to be done, the probability that we can handle it is very high11:09
jelknerok, gotta go11:09
jelknercan we talk tomorrow?11:10
jelknerACTION signs off for the day11:10
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tboimahJeff and I discuss to meet today after the stand-up meeting right? yes.11:10
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jelknerhi tboimah 13:49
jelknerdo you have a few minutes to talk about tmate and script?13:49
tboimahyeah Jeff13:57
tboimahBut before i do that i like you to watch a "movie" that i created for "tmate" and "script" before we can experiment it jelkner>13:58
jelknertboimah, let's be clear on what we're trying to accomplish14:12
jelknerscooper and i need to talk a lot about this14:12
scooperI m here Jeff14:12
scooperon the phone or here??14:13
jelknerhere is better14:13
jelknersince we can include tboimah and mulbah 14:13
scooperI m here14:13
jelkneri am excited about the tech you are using with kevin to facilitate remote collaboration and learning14:14
jelknerbut it doesn't make sense for you to demo it to my classes right now14:14
jelknermy students have school Mac laptops without system admin rights14:14
jelknerif they can't install tmate or script easily, there is no sense in giving them a demo of how to use them14:15
jelknera better idea would be to get scooper and luis to use them14:15
jelknersince they *are* collaborating14:16
tboimahjelkner tmate and script are not something you can install Jeff, it is a command 14:16
scooperwe use tmate this gone saturday luise and myself Jeff14:16
jelknertboimah, i can install it because i'm running a linux box on which i have admin14:16
jelknersudo apt install tmate was all i needed14:17
tboimahAhh okay14:17
mulbahThey can use "codetogether" with vs code to work on one project14:17
jelknermy students can't do that14:17
jelknerbut luis and scooper can14:18
mulbahby sharing one code editor14:18
tboimahBut you can not install "script" for "movie" 14:18
mulbahjust like tmate14:18
jelknerscript is already on my machine14:19
mulbahI think tmate is use for sysadmin and codetogether is use for programmer14:19
tboimahall you have to do is to just type "script" and it will start recording all what you have type14:19
jelkneryes, i know14:19
tboimahand later you can reply it with scriptreplay14:19
jelkneryes, my friend, i understand14:19
jelknerbut does it work on a Mac?14:19
jelkneri don't know14:20
jelknerand i don't have time right now to find out14:20
tboimahas long it have terminal, yes14:20
mulbahbut jeff have you try tmate on an mac computer14:20
jelknerno, mulbah 14:20
jelkneri use linux14:20
jelknernot Mac14:20
jelknermy students use Macs14:21
jelknersince that's what the school gave them14:21
tboimahBut Mr. Cole use mac right?14:21
jelknerMr. Cole is a free software guy, like me14:21
mulbahmaybe there might be a version of tmate on mac14:21
jelkneri'm sure there is, mulbah 14:21
jelknerbut i do not have the time to investigate it14:22
jelknerscooper, i really need your help planning14:22
scooperdid you see my email???14:22
jelkneryes, i saw it14:22
jelknerthat's what i'm talking about14:22
jelknerlet's start with you, my dear friend14:22
jelknerare you going to be a developer or a business manager?14:23
scooperI m here14:23
scooperI want to be a full stack developer Jeff14:23
jelknerthat's what you told me14:23
scooperThat is the main reason I m up every 3:00am14:23
jelknerso what i am asking you is to help me find two business managers for Jetro Web Development14:24
jelknerfkoikoi can be 114:24
jelknerwe need another14:24
tboimahhere is a link that says that you can install tmate on "macs"
scooperIs it urgent Jeff that we most find one right now????14:24
jelknerdid you see my email?14:25
jelknerhere is the problem14:25
jelkneri think we can wait until Saturday14:25
scooperDid you email me just now???14:25
jelkneri replied to your email14:25
scooperAfter our discussion I will check14:25
scooperdid you see the first template of the work?? Rural Cooking Stove???14:26
jelkneri just said that i am available saturday after all14:26
jelknerscooper, i am going to have a nervous breakdown14:26
jelkneri am involved in too many parts of this14:26
scooperPlease done14:26
scooperall else we all will collapse14:26
jelknerwe need to change that, scooper 14:27
jelknerwe need to get to the point where i can get "hit by a bus" as the expression goes14:27
jelknerand NOVA Web and Jetro Web will keep moving14:27
jelkneronly then will we have been successful14:27
jelknerwhat i would like to propose this saturday14:28
jelknerand i can make the meeting saturday is this:14:28
jelkner1. we have two business managers who share the responsibility14:28
jelkner2. we agree on a monthly stipend to support the work, and arrive at a daily rate for it14:29
jelkner3. the two business managers can decide who comes on any given day14:29
jelknerbut only if one of them shows, do they get paid for that day14:29
jelkneri met with Commy last Saturday14:30
jelknerhe is expecting an email from me14:30
jelkneri can't send it, since it depends on having someone in Monrovia who can help coordinate this project14:30
jelknerso we need to decide how we are doing this *before* i can email him14:30
jelknerscooper, what do you think of this?14:31
scooperI m in total support of any suggestion Jeff14:31
jelkneri said that wrong14:31
jelknerit is ok if only one of them shows14:32
scooperAll I need is the best for Jetro Web DEv14:32
jelknerwhat isn't ok is that no one shows14:32
jelknerso should we talk about this on Saturday?14:32
jelkneryou haven't shared the budget for a few months now14:32
jelknerthis Saturday would be a good time to talk about it14:33
scooperDid't I share September budget with you and the team??14:33
jelkneri don't think so14:33
jelknerbut i bet it is in the repo, yes?14:33
scooperI will check14:33
jelknerwe can look14:33
jelknerbut i mean we should discuss it14:33
scooperbut for the record everyone received their regular  stipend14:34
scooperbefore you leave14:34
scooperhow often do you see Luise??14:34
jelknerdo you mean Luis?14:35
scooperYes Luis14:35
jelknerevery other day14:35
jelkneri see him tomorrow, but not today14:35
scooperwe planned to meeting but since saturday I have received respond14:36
scoopermean while I m on the project14:36
jelknerscooper, we shouldn't use github for this14:37
scooperand promise to give a django version during our saturday meeting while sort up some error in the css file14:37
scooperI ask you before14:37
jelknerit is not free software14:37
scooperwhat should I use14:37
jelknergreat question14:37
scoopersince my gitea account is down14:37
jelkneri suggest codeberg14:37
jelkneryou have access to a vm, yes?14:38
jelknerthe one dr. hubbard purchased for you14:38
scooperI use nano often in the terminal them vm14:38
jelkneryou will be deploying on the vm14:38
jelknernano is an editor14:38
jelknera vm is a "virtual machine"14:39
jelknerit means a computer14:39
jelknerin the "cloud"14:39
jelknera machine into which you can ssh14:39
jelknerand administer14:39
jelknerand deploy software14:39
scooperthought it was vim14:39
jelknervim is an editor14:39
jelknerlike nano14:39
jelknervm is short for "virtual machine"14:40
scooperwhen you say vm14:40
scoopergot you now14:40
jelknerso i'm asking if you have a server ("vm") from dr. hubbard?14:40
scooperI bought the server already14:40
jelknerthat is where you will be deploying the application14:41
scooperand give it to the sys admin team as instructed by Jeff Elkner 14:41
jelknerboth you and luis (and mulbah and tboimah) need accounts on that machine14:41
jelknerwe want to get to the point where the sys admins can set things up14:41
jelknerso the developers can develop14:41
jelknerwe are so small now, we will be wearing a lot of hats14:42
jelknerbut we want to at least make tboimah and mulbah aware of what we want them to learn how to do14:42
jelknerwe want be able to say, "We need a django server set up for Rural Clean Cooking Stove with the URL..."14:43
jelknerand tboimah and mulbah say "Got it.  I'll have it to you by 4 pm tomorrow"14:43
jelkneror something like that14:43
jelknerwe aren't there yet14:43
jelknerbut we are ready now to begin understanding the target better14:44
jelknerwhat is the domain we will use for this?14:44
scooperI give it to thomas it will14:44 ?14:45
jelknerwhat then?14:45
jelknerdo we have that domain?14:45
scoopercheck your private14:45
tboimahsorry there was a typo14:45
jelknerdo we have that domain?14:46
jelknerawesome, how did we get it?14:46
jelknerthat is a chinese domain14:46
scooperI received that domain name from Dr. 14:47
scooperHubbard when we first communicated 14:47
jelknerhow do you administer the domain?14:47
scooperAsk thomas and mulbah14:47
scooperThat was their task14:47
jelkneri am asking them ;-)14:47
jelknerthey are here14:48
tboimahcan you make your question clear14:48
jelknercertainly, my friend14:48
jelknerDNS stands for "Domain Name System"14:48
scooperHow did you guys administer the domain name I give your14:49
jelknerit is the system the World Wide Web uses to map "domain names" to ip addresses14:49
tboimahnow i got you14:49
jelknerthe Internet (TCP/IP) uses IP addresses14:49
jelknerDNS is a system that sits on top of that14:50
jelknerto make it work, you need to "point" your domain at an IP address14:50
jelknerthis is done through a web application14:50
jelknerfor example, we at NOVA Web Development typically use Name Cheap14:50
jelknerNamecheap is what is called our "domain host"14:51
jelknerwe purchase domains from them14:51
tboimahwe stop the root user from login and them we create two user by the name of administrator and sudadmin and now we are working on the IP address so that the user can user the domain name to login instead of the IP address14:51
jelknerand then log into their web interface to configure our domains14:51
jelknerbut tboimah, what i am asking about is a separate thing14:52
jelkneryou are talking about configuring the box14:52
jelkneri am talking about configuring the domain14:53
jelknerthe domain "points to the box"14:53
jelknerand you configure it through an application controlled by your domain host14:53
scooperlet me come in here14:53
scooperI think Im understanding what you are trying to say14:54
scooperafter I bought the server14:54
scooperthe ip address and password was send to Dr. Hubbard14:54
scooperBefore before doing so14:54
scooperI set the domain name in a 14:55
jelknerin a ... ?14:55
jelknerin a what?14:55
scooperReverse DNA that is provide by my service providers14:55
scooperto make sure it pointing to that domain name14:55
jelkneryou have it backwards14:56
scooperI use the rdns check14:56
scooperon the internet to make show it point to that domain name14:56
jelknerthe domain needs to point to your server14:56
jelknernot the other way around14:56
scooperdomain name is pointing to the domain name 14:56
scooperthe domain name is poiting to the ip address14:57
scooperprovided by my server provide14:57
scooperto check this 14:57
scooperplease use rdns check in your browser14:57
scooperand use Reverse lookup to see where this domain name is being pointed14:58
jelknerhere is what i just did14:58
scooperdo you understand now???14:59
jelkner$ host
jelknerand i see14:59 has address has IPv6 address 2a01:4f8:d0a:1257::214:59 mail is handled by 10
jelknermy question is how did you set the domain to point to
jelkneri have to go, scooper, but this is very interesting15:00
scooperYou mean on the server???15:00
scooperon from the service provide???15:01
jelknerDNS is not provided by the server15:01
jelknerno our server15:01
jelknerit is provided by a DNS server15:01
jelknerdomains have owners15:01
jelknerdr. hubbard must have purchased the domain
jelknerfrom whom?15:02
scooperI done know who did15:02
jelknerand how then do you "administer" the domain15:02
scooperhe purchase the domain from15:02
jelknerwe need to ask15:02
scooperI only purchase the server Jeff15:02
jelkneri have only administered domains through web applications15:03
scooperand point the domain name to the Ip address15:03
jelknerbut anything that a web application does can be done by someone with more skills than i have from a command line15:03
jelknerwe need to understand how to set this up15:03
jelknerit is what we will be doing for customers15:03
jelknerright now, when i point my browswer at that domain15:04
jelknerour school system is blocking it15:04
jelkneris there a website running there?15:04
scooperbut it's not secure15:05
scoopertype this in your browser
jelkneri just got off the phone with dr. hubbard15:09
jelknerso now i understand15:10
jelknerthe domain was provided by the vm host15:10
jelknerthat was my question15:10
jelknerhe got the domain when he purchased the vm15:10
scooperso the question here is15:10
jelkner(virtual machine)15:10
jelknerso now we know where to go for help15:11
jelknerto the hetzner site15:11
scooperwhy is the domain name is not being use to login the server through ssh15:11
jelknerwe will need to set up https15:11
jelknerit can be15:11
jelknerdns just maps names to ip addresses15:11
jelknerthat's all it does15:11
jelkner$ ssh
jelkneris the same as15:12
jelkner$ ssh
jelknerdns replaces with show not be sue instead of the ip address to login15:13
jelkneri don't understand your question15:13
jelknerscooper, tboimah, mulbah, here is some homework for you15:14
scooperwhy is the not being use to login 15:14
jelkneri have to go, scooper 15:14
jelknerbut i don't understand your question15:14
scooperwhen using the terminal with "example" ssh scooper@cleancooking.....15:14
jelknernot being used by whom?15:14
scooperby us15:14
scooperwhen we when to login to the server15:15
scooperwe rather use the ip address15:15
jelkneryou can use whichever you like15:15
jelknerpeople only use names because they are easier to remember15:15
jelknerthe Internet works on numbers15:15
scooperI understand Jeff15:16
jelknerDNS "maps" the names to the numbers15:16
jelkneranyway, i have to go15:16
jelknershould we wait until Saturday to meet again?15:16
scooperbut if for instead you use ssh it will not log you in15:16
jelkneri don't want to show up tomorrow at 7 and find no one to plan with for the 3rd day in a row15:16
scooperI m always online Jeff15:17
scooperif no one is around use me15:17
jelknerno, scooper 15:17
scooperthat is what we are team for......15:17
jelknerthat is not a good plan15:17
jelkneryes, i understand15:17
jelknerwe want very much to collaborate15:17
jelknerbut we need to, as the saying goes15:17
jelkner"Plan your work and work your plan"15:18
jelknerright now we don't have a plan15:18
jelkneri need to talk to someone on your end about that15:18
scooperplease give your feedback on the project first phase through email15:18
scooperbefore I proceed to the next step...15:18
jelkneri'm not the customer15:18
jelknerscooper, i am not going to be pulled into everything like that15:18
jelknerdr. hubbard and tanaka are the customers15:19
jelkner*they* need to approve your work15:19
jelknernot me15:19
scooperOK I will put the work on the Server and invite Dr Hubbard to view the first phase15:19
jelknerbut i do want to figure out why the ssh you mention isn't working15:19
jelknerwe can ask Matt Gallagher on Thursday15:19
jelknerhe comes from 5 to 7 pm15:19
jelknerthat is late for you15:20
jelkner9 to 11 pm15:20
scooperthat is 8pm my time right??15:20
jelknerso maybe you can ask Luis to talk to him?15:20
scooperI will be there15:20
jelknerit is 9 pm your time15:21
jelknerand sometimes he is 10 minutes late15:21
scooperI m making use of every opportunity 15:21
scooperI will wait15:21
jelkneryes, but you can only do so much15:21
scooperI need a solution to my problem so15:21
scooperI need to exercise patience15:21
jelkneranyway, i'll see you Thursday about this technical issue15:21
jelknerand then Saturday, yes?15:21
scooperAre we meeting tomorrow>>>15:21
jelknerWe don't have a plan15:22
jelknerso let's not meet15:22
scooperDrop the plan 15:22
jelknerif we are waiting until Saturday to make the plan15:22
scooperyou have on mind15:22
scooperother are here15:22
jelkneri don't understand?15:22
scooperThomas, Daniel Mulbah and Scooper are here15:22
jelknerBut svaye, fkoikoi, and janet are not15:23
jelknerso we can't make any decisions15:23
scooperWe will relate to them later today15:23
scooperok Jeff15:23
jelknerscooper, let's meet when:15:23
jelkner1. we can *all* be here15:23
jelknerthis is a very important decision15:23
jelknerwe need to make it together15:23
jelknerso, are we agreed on Saturday at 9 am my time (1 pm your time)?15:24
scooperyes Mr. Jeff15:24
jelknerOk Mr. Spencer!15:24
scooperplease tell Shmun15:24
jelkneryour task now is to be sure everyone is there15:25
jelkneryes, i'll tell him15:25
scooperI will be online today15:25
jelknerwe are planning to meet for breakfast before the meeting15:25
scooperhe promise to meet me 8pm my time15:25
jelknerokie dokie15:25
jelknersee you later15:25
scooperok dokie15:25
jelknerACTION logs off until Thursday at 9 pm Monrovia time15:26
scooperACTION signing up now15:26
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scooperHello Shmohamud20:24
shmohamudHello scooper20:25
shmohamudAre you ready for your first Javascript lesson?20:25
scooperyes 20:25
shmohamudOk, first I'm going to test what you know20:25
shmohamudDo you know any JS?20:25
shmohamudOk, then a little test makes sense.20:26
shmohamudWrite me a function declaration function and call it helloWorld20:26
shmohamudIt should simply print "Hello world" to the console20:26
shmohamudshould we do this here or do you want to use Git?20:26
scooperlet us here for today20:27
scooperlet use here for today20:27
scooperfirstly I m family with function in JS20:27
shmohamudas you know, there are function declarations, function expressions and arrow functions in JS. Start by writing me a function declaration helloWorld20:27
scooperBut I do know how to declare a variable20:27
scooperI came across function before when I was reading one js book called20:28
scooperJs Ninji for beginner20:29
shmohamudOk, can you write me a function declaration helloWorld that prints "hello world" to the console?20:29
scooperlet me try20:30
scooperconst message = "Hello World";20:31
shmohamudOk, so you've defined a variable, that could go _inside_ the function but that doesn't qualify as a JS Function. Do you know the syntax for a JS Function?20:32
shmohamudfunction functionName(){ */do something /* }20:33
scooperme guess20:33
shmohamudThat's the syntax for defining a function. 20:33
shmohamudSo for a function that prints hello world, do you want me to show you or can you give it another try now that you see the syntax?20:33
scooperdo it let me see20:34
shmohamudfunction helloWorld(){ console.log("Hello World") }20:34
shmohamudThat's what I was looking for20:34
scooperexcellent Shmomamud20:34
shmohamudThat's ok if you don't know JS function syntax yet, we will learn it, I just want to understand what you currently know20:35
scooperbut can I make some  recommendation as we proceed??20:35
shmohamudof course20:35
scooperbefore proceed to JS function20:35
scooperI advise we start with variable20:35
shmohamudOk, let's start with JS variables.20:35
scoopersince it's the introductory part of JS20:35
shmohamudBefore we get into JS variables specifically, what is a variable in any programming language?20:36
scooperIn programming a variable is memory location that hold or store value20:36
shmohamudGood. An analogy is like a physical box, you use a box to hold things. In Programming we use variables to hold values20:38
shmohamudDo you know three ways to declare a variable in JS?20:38
shmohamuddeclare me a variable as many ways as you know20:38
scooperconst message = "Thanks for teaching me JS";20:39
shmohamudPerfect, that's one way. Keep going20:39
sysadmin_is me scooper20:43
sysadmin_my internet went off20:43
shmohamudare you good now?20:45
sysadmin_not really20:45
sysadmin_but managing20:45
shmohamudok, take your time, let me know when you're ready to continue20:46
sysadmin_let continue20:46
sysadmin_but my respond will delay a little bit20:46
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sysadmin_because am using one hand to type20:47
shmohamudok, two more ways to declare a variable - keep in mind I'm just seeing where you're at today so don't worry if you don't know everything20:47
sysadmin_y the other hand os holding my internet router20:48
sysadmin_Is the another way to declare a variable apart from the three I give??20:49
shmohamudI'm sorry you're in such a tough situation... When you're a programmer, you will be able to take pride in overcoming such difficulties :)20:49
shmohamudCorrection: when you're a professional programmer. You're already a programmer :)20:49
scooperare you still there shmohamud20:55
shmohamudhow's your connection?20:58
scooperBetter now 20:58
scooperI m waiting on your respond20:58
shmohamudAwesome, do you know more ways to declare a variable in JS?20:58
shmohamudso far, we've got const. There are two other keywords20:59
scooperapart from const20:59
scooperI know let and var20:59
shmohamudthose are the three important ways. Now, do you know the difference between let and const?21:00
scooperI use it in my previous example no too long21:00
shmohamudwhat's the difference?21:00
scooperconst is use to declare variable that can't be assign21:00
shmohamudis it a variable that can't be assigned or a variable that a can't be _reassigned_?21:01
scooperthat can't be reassign21:01
shmohamudconst message = "Scooper is my hero"21:02
shmohamudmessage = "Sysadmin is my hero"21:02
scooperwhy let allow you to override or reassign21:02
shmohamudThat will throw an error, because we're reassigning it21:02
shmohamudThe "why" is complicated, but javascript started with just var and later specifications added let and const21:03
shmohamudI'm not sure how to answer why today, but can you give me time to research and get back to you?21:03
scooperOn what Shmohamud21:04
shmohamudI want to research why "let" was introduced into the javascript language21:04
shmohamudWhat makes it different from "var" which also allows reassignment21:05
scooperI think because of ES6 new technology21:05
scoopersince JS is meant to be backward compatibility21:05
shmohamudYes, but the developers must have reasons why they introduced it... I think it's related to variable scoping...21:05
shmohamudYes, ES6 is when it was introduced I think21:06
shmohamudReady for the next test question? :)21:06
shmohamudWrite me a for loop in javascript that prints the numbers 1 to 100  (inclusive or exclusive your choice)21:07
scooperI having wrote a loop in javascript before21:09
shmohamudyou haven't?21:09
scooperI haven't wrote a loop in js before I only stop on understanding variable21:10
scooperand how it's declare21:10
shmohamudgot it21:10
shmohamudcan you write me a for loop in Python that prints numbers from 1 to 100?21:10
shmohamudplease do21:11
scooperfor i in range(1, 101):21:13
scooper    print(i)21:13
shmohamudbeautiful, great job.21:13
shmohamudSo in Javascript, the same thing is done, using the for keyword, declaring an iteration variable, a stopping condition, and an incrementor21:14
shmohamudfor(let i=1; i<101; i++){ console.log(i) }21:14
scooperI often see open and close parenthesis and a curly bracket in js21:16
scooperwhat are they doing or mean21:16
shmohamudThere are three different ways I've seen JS curly brackets used21:18
scooperI understand the curly bracket21:18
shmohamud1.) Defining a code block (like above, that's the code block we want to execute)21:18
shmohamud2.) Defining an object literal (var myObject = { someKey: someValue }21:19
shmohamud3.) Object destructuring (const {someKey} = myObject)21:19
shmohamudThe parenthesis are used when defining for and while loops, as well as when declaring any function.21:20
shmohamudDoes that make sense?21:21
shmohamudCool. So can you declare a variable of an array that has 3 names in it?21:22
shmohamudI have to get running in a few minutes. Do you want some homework / are you available tomorrow at the same time?21:23
scooperI was sending you an email just now21:24
scooperplease check21:24
scooperI just send you a js book please view it21:24
scooperand give me you advise... I want to use it to learn JS21:24
shmohamudOk, I'll check it out. Are you available tomorrow at the same time?21:25
scooperNo, I m meeting with Jeff by this time tomorrow21:25
shmohamudOk, what about Thursday?21:25
scooperI m in21:26
shmohamudOk, let's meet again Thursday, same time.21:26
scoopercan we set our meeting time now21:26
shmohamudSame time as today21:26
shmohamuddoes that work?21:26
scooperand when do we intend to end this??21:26
shmohamudYou mean learning JS?21:27
shmohamudIt will take at least 10 weeks21:27
shmohamudmeeting 3-5 times per week21:27
scooperI have Uop lesson as well to do that why I m asking21:27
shmohamudOk, focus on UoP21:28
scooperSo I was think 45 minutes each day21:28
shmohamudif you have spare time, I want you to write me a for loop, a while loop and declare a variable of object type in JS before next time.21:28
shmohamud45m per day is pefect21:28
scooperwill that be ok for me???21:29
scooperany break day or day off21:29
shmohamudyou will need at least 45m of you own time, plus our meeting time21:29
shmohamudto learn this, you will need to eat, breathe and live in javascript for the next several weeks. As much time you can devote as possible is best.21:29
shmohamudThis is difficult material! You can do it, but you have to fully commit yourself to learning every single day. I will be here to help but the work can only be done by you alone.21:30
shmohamudDoes that make sense?21:30
shmohamudOk Scooper, great job today. Looking forward to Thursday. Any last question for me?21:31
scooperplease check the book and give your feedback shmohamud21:31
shmohamudWill do21:31
scooperit will help me learn why I read the book as well21:31
scoopernot now still we meet thurday21:31
scooperI m working a web project already21:31
shmohamudLooking forward to Thursday. Have a great rest of your day and good luck with your current web project.21:32
scooperI guess Jeff told you right???21:32
shmohamudHe hasn't! I'll pick his brain this weekend21:32
shmohamudWe will be getting breakfast :)21:32
shmohamudOk I've got to run scooper, have a great rest of your day and great job today.21:32
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