IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-10-07

*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)12:36
svayeGood morning Jeff12:40
jelknerGood morning Shallon12:41
jelknersvaye, did you get the email I cc'd to ?12:42
svayeNo I will check it now12:44
jelkneri want to confirm that the alias works12:45
jelknerGood morning scooper 12:48
shmohamudGood morning all12:48
scooperGood morning everyone12:49
jelknerscooper, i'd like to confirm that the web alias Julian set up works12:49
jelknerdid you get the email i sent to Freena and cc'12:49
jelknerthe alias jetroweb@novawebdevelopment.org12:49
jelknernow goes to all 7 of you in Monrovia12:50
jelknerwhich will make it easier to communicate through email, since we can enter one address instead of 712:50
scooperBefore our meeting start Jeff12:53
scooperkindly check your email for September and October budget report, since our gitea server is down12:53
scooperI m using email for now12:54
scoopersecondly I want you to set a specific time so Dr Hubard can view the first phase of the project the Rural Cooking Blog12:54
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff12:54
jelknerno, my friend, i can't be the one to do that12:55
jelknernor should i be12:55
scooperyou give me the work12:55
jelknerthe only way this will work is for you to be able to organize that yourself12:55
scooperbefore I do any thing I have to consult you first???12:55
jelknerplease don't12:55
jelkneri will sleep so much better at night when i know you've got this12:56
jelknerand i don't have to be in the middle of it12:56
jelkneryou and luis12:56
scooperOK get you.....12:57
scoopereveryone please view the budget for September and October I just email it to you all........12:59
dcammueGood morning everyone13:00
scooperGood morning Dc Nike13:00
dcammueGood morning scooper 13:00
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scooperBefore we commence today Jeff, kindly be inform that Thomas will not be online today....13:00
svayewhy did LittleWebster didn't fire13:01
jelknerit fires at 10 here svaye 13:01
svayeOh that's why Bigbrother fired in the accict chat13:02
jelknerit did fire in the other channel13:02
scooperEveryone is connecting from home today, because MCSS closed to observed the Presidential election that is about to take place on Tuesday October 1013:02
jelknerwhere should we meet folks?13:02
jelknerhere or #accict?13:02
scoopersince Novaweb is not meeting  today13:03
fkoikoiI think the #accict will be preferable for our Saturday meeting since this chat is for business.  13:04
scooperJeff can we begin our meeting now????13:06
jelknerfkoikoi, i think you are right going forward13:06
scooperJeff did you see my message on signal13:06
jelknerbut for today we can stay where we are13:06
jelknerscooper, no13:07
jelkneryes, scooper 13:07
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:11
svayeWhat's the agenda for today meeting fkoikoi?13:11
fkoikoiDiscussion on the weekly meetings13:14
fkoikoibut scooper is the one chairing the meeting today13:15
svayeOkay 13:15
jelknerfkoikoi, i'm talking to scooper 13:16
jelkneron Signal13:16
jelkneryour right, fkoikoi 13:17
jelknerso we just hung up13:17
jelknerso the chair can do his job ;-)13:17
scooperGood morning everyone and welcome only again to this regular saturday meeting of our13:18
scooperThough we haven't placed any item on the agenda to be discuss, but here are few things we need to know13:18
scooperOne check your mail for Sept and October financial report13:19
scooperTwo re-strengthening our 10 minutes with Jeff everyone morning at 7:00 am13:20
jelknerscooper, can we just keep it at those two?13:20
jelkneri think tha's all we have time for13:20
jelknersince those are big items13:20
jelknerscooper, i don't see the email with budgets13:21
jelknerbut we should go back to putting them in a git repo13:22
jelknerso they are easy to find13:22
scooperlet me check my mail13:22 won't come back until our sys admins, tboimah and mulbah are ready to deploy it13:22
scooperplease 2 minutes13:22
svayescooper, do you have a codeberg account13:22
jelkner+1 svaye 13:22
jelknerlet's use codeberg13:23
scooperok for now let use the email I will use codeberg later please13:23
jelknerscooper, what do we need to decide?13:23
scooperplease check your mail jeff and shallon13:24
jelkneri see it13:25
svayeI saw the budget already scooper 13:25
scooperthe other please check your mail13:25
dcammuesome of us have problem with our email account13:26
dcammueso how will we see that?13:26
scooperread from thomas since both of you sharing the same computer13:26
jelknerdcammue, you really need to get that taken care of13:26
jelkneryou will need email13:26
jelknerjust to let you know, i have a 10 am meeting13:27
jelknerwe are taking a long time here and not accomplishing much13:28
jelknerwe need to move faster13:28
jelknerwhat are the questions before us?  what do we need to decide?13:28
tboimahhow will we re-strengthen our selves for the 11:00 am meeting with jelkner ?13:29
jelkneri have some comments on the budget13:29
jelknertboimah, good question13:29
jelknerbut before we try to answer that, what are trying to accomplish with the 11 am meeting?13:29
jelknershmohamud and i had a good conversation at breakfast this morning13:30
fkoikoiCan I proceed from where scooper stop?13:30
jelknerask scooper, fkoikoi 13:30
jelknertake charge, my sister!13:30
fkoikoiHe's have technical problems13:31
jelknerfkoikoi, may i make a reflection on the budget topic?13:31
jelknerthank you13:31
jelkneri currently send $800 each month13:31
jelkneri really can't send more than that13:32
jelknerbut we need that budget to grow13:32
jelknerso what is our plan to make our budget grow?13:32
jelknerwhat shmohamud and i were discussing at breakfast this morning was just that13:32
jelknersimply put, "success" for us looks like this:13:33
jelkner1. customers can come to NOVA Web Development with needs13:33
dcammuequestion for everyone13:33
jelkner2. NOVA Web Development can go to Jetro Web Development to fulfill those needs13:34
jelkner3. NOVA Web can bill the customers for the service13:34
jelkner4. Jetro Web can bill NOVA Web for their service13:34
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:34
jelknerand *that* is how Jetro Web development's budget grows!13:34
jelknerare you with me?13:34
jelknernow i fully understand that we have many, many things to do to make that happen13:35
jelknerbut we need to keep that goal clearly in our mind13:35
jelknerso that we can evaluate everything else we do with that big goal in mind13:36
jelknerok, that brings us to tboimah's question13:36
jelknerthere are several shorter term goals we need to achieve on our way to business success:13:36
jelkner1. We need a reliable place to do business (the new school we are hoping to build)13:37
jelkner2. We need to grow our development community (the new students we are planning to recruit)13:37
jelkneri am hoping the 10 minute stand up meetings each morning at 11 am can be used for those discussions13:38
jelknerACTION done13:38
fkoikoiThanks Jeff13:38
dcammuecan I ask?13:38
fkoikoiACTION waiting for dcammue question13:39
dcammueHow about the office assistance13:39
jelknerfkoikoi, may i respond to dcammue?13:40
dcammuejelkner,  though you said that we need two of those people13:40
fkoikoi+1 Jeff13:41
jelknerdcammue, that is what scooper and i were talking about on Signal13:41
jelknerplease everyone remember this: Jelkner has know idea what he is doing! ;-)13:41
jelknerno idea13:42
jelknerthat isn't totally true13:42
jelknerbut it certainly is partially true13:42
jelknerso keep that in mind13:42
jelknerwe are figuring this out together13:42
jelkneri have been at it for a long time13:42
jelknerand i've learned a little something from all the mistakes i've made13:43
jelkneranyway, orginially we talked about an assistant for scooper13:43
jelknerbut now i think we are moving beyond that13:43
jelknerwhat we really need is a Business Manager for Jetro Web Development13:43
jelknerat NOVA Web we are trying two Business Managers13:43
jelknerKei and Julian13:44
jelknertwo is better than one we think, because:13:44
jelkner1. they can collaborate and have each other's back13:44
jelkner2. if one of them can't do something, the other can, greatly increasing their capacity to deliver13:44
jelknerbut honestly, while i can share info like that about what we are doing at NOVA Web13:45
jelknerJetro will need to make its own democratic decisions13:45
jelkneri am looking for who you all want me to be able to plan with13:45
jelknerso we can plan together13:45
jelknerACTION done13:45
dcammueokay 13:46
dcammueThanks jelkner 13:46
fkoikoiThanks Jeff13:47
tboimahso you are waiting for us to show you the person jelkner 13:48
dcammueor you still planning with scooper13:49
jelknerscooper wants to be a full stack web developer13:49
jelknerso i need to plan with someone else13:50
jelknerfkoikoi seems a great choice to me13:50
jelknerbut i think she needs a backup plan for when she can't be there13:50
jelkneri leave that up to you all13:50
jelknerbut i have another meeting in less than 10 minutes13:50
jelknerso i can go and you can stay and discuss13:50
fkoikoiAs we are aware, I am the person who is charge with the responsibility of meeting with Jeff for 10minutes each day 13:51
jelknerplease email me with the answer to two questions:13:51
jelkner1. do i show up at 7 am my time on Monday?13:51
jelkner2. if i do, with whom will i be planning?13:51
jelknerACTION done13:51
fkoikoiAlright Jeff13:51
dcammuehave a nice day13:51
jelknermy only ask of you fkoikoi 13:51
svayeOkay Jeff13:52
jelkneris that if you can't make on any given day13:52
jelkner*Please* make sure you have found someone else to cover for you13:52
jelkneri work very hard to get up early to be ther13:52
jelknerwhen there is not one there to meet with13:52
jelkneri feel disrespected13:52
jelknermy time is valuable13:53
fkoikoiOkay Jeff and sorry for that13:53
jelknerACTION done whining ;-)13:53
svayewe're sorry for that Jeff13:53
jelknerthanks everyone13:53
jelknersee you soon13:54
shmohamudsee you soon13:54
jelknerwe have to follow up with Commie at the Kamal foundation very soon13:54
fkoikoiokay shmohamud13:54
jelknerhe is waiting to hear fromn us13:54
jelknerACTION signs off13:54
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:54
dcammuefkoikoi, 13:55
fkoikoiso while Jeff leaves, the floor is open for everyone suggestions or commit13:55
dcammuecan i discuss with you shortly?13:55
dcammuefkoikoi, 13:55
fkoikoisure dcammue13:55
dcammueI want you to please tell me if this is right13:56
dcammueabout what scooper did to me13:56
fkoikoiwhat dcammue?13:56
dcammueby giving my money to mulbah without my notice13:57
dcammueis that right?13:57
dcammueis to you all 13:58
fkoikoican we please discuss that later and finalize our the discussion on ground 13:58
fkoikoiso I can email Jeff immediately after our discussion13:58
svayeMy money is also with Mulbah dcammue 13:58
dcammuejeff have already go13:58
dcammueI mean my susu svaye 13:59
fkoikoiyes but he ask for everyone suggestion before he left13:59
dcammueon what?13:59
svayeso let's talk about it after the main discussion dcammue13:59
LittleWebstersvaye : mulbah : dcammue : fkoikoi : tboimah : shmohamud14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterUh-oh! That is embarassing...14:00
LittleWebsterUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
fkoikoi1. do i show up at 7 am my time on Monday?14:00
fkoikoi2. if i do, with whom will i be planning?14:00
fkoikoithe floor is open to everyone14:01
dcammueyes he did before he left14:01
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dcammueand he wants an email14:02
fkoikoiyes he wants an email after the meeting14:02
dcammuefor me he should meets every morning14:02
dcammueat 7:am14:02
svayeI will be online Monday14:03
dcammuehis timme14:03
dcammuenot only monday svaye 14:03
dcammueis all about all days14:03
svayeI will be online everyday 14:03
fkoikoiI will also be available because that's my Job14:04
tboimahI think dcammue is right14:04
svayeI had classes at the embassy that's why I wasn't online everyday, but it's over now14:04
tboimahwe need to meet with jeff for us to hvae the idea for standup meeting 14:05
svayeyes fkoikoi 14:05
fkoikoiAre you saying that I can count on you if for any reason I can't make it for the stand up meeting?14:06
svayeJust tell me ahead of time 14:06
dcammueand through this we will grow better business plain14:06
fkoikoiLet me use this medium to apologize to everyone here for my absents14:07
fkoikoiI am sick that's why but I feel much better now14:08
svayeIt's okay fkoikoi, it's good that you're much better now14:09
dcammuespeedy recovery14:09
fkoikoiokay dcammue14:09
fkoikoisure svaye14:09
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fkoikoiit there anything that needs to be discuss?14:09
dcammueyou are the one to select the person?14:10
dcammuemulbah, 14:10
dcammuewhat happened?14:10
fkoikoiwhat so you mean dcammue?14:10
fkoikoiwhat do you mean dcammue?14:10
dcammueI though that we all will agree to one person?14:12
fkoikoiwho and what are you talking about??14:13
dcammueis about the assistance14:15
fkoikoitboimah do you know what dcammue is talking about?14:15
fkoikoisvaye what about you?14:15
dcammueis that not what jeff is talking about14:15
fkoikoican someone please make me understand because I am lost14:16
svayeHe's talking about the person that will be there when you're not around14:16
fkoikoiI wasn't the one who did the selection okay14:17
fkoikoiI asked everyone here for their view14:17
fkoikoibut only svaye said that she will be available 14:17
fkoikoiis that true or not?14:18
mulbahI think it will be better we go at the office to discus that14:18
dcammueyou ask for our view not who wants to help you in the assistance process14:18
fkoikoiJeff is waiting for our respond before Monday14:19
tboimahthat's will be the right thing to do14:19
dcammuethen we can do without scooper?14:20
fkoikoiWow, I ask for everyone view on the question that Jeff left14:20
fkoikoiso what will I email Jeff about14:21
fkoikoiif you all don't want to give your input14:21
mulbahto be real everyone is inserted14:21
fkoikoiso than what was stopping you guys from talking?14:22
mulbahbecause from the beginning everyone was will but school was the problem14:22
svayeso what is the conclusion here14:22
fkoikoimy battery is 4%14:23
fkoikoican we move faster please14:23
mulbahI think doing the roofed joe will be the best14:24
dcammuewill be planing with be done after the brake14:24
fkoikoiHow will that be done here?14:24
dcammuejuat tell jeff that14:25
fkoikoidon't forget that Jeff said he won't be on the hexchat until you can finalize this and email him before monday14:25
tboimah so can we vote? or what14:26
dcammueThen see you all14:27
dcammueany one fkoikoi 14:28
svayewhere are you going dcammue we haven't decided14:28
mulbahtboimah everyone is instated14:28
mulbahso how will we vote14:28
svayefkoikoi, I think it will be good for you to tell Jeff that everyone is interested, but I will meet with him until he can decide who should be your assistant14:30
svayeOr scooper could do the selection 14:31
svayewe don't have to argue here Jeff need to meet someone monday14:32
dcammuefkoikoi, 14:32
fkoikoieveryone agreed with svaye?14:32
fkoikoiyes dcammue14:32
dcammueplease read your message14:32
fkoikoiplease respond14:32
fkoikoimy computer is going off14:33
dcammuethat's it14:33
fkoikoialright Thanks everyone 14:33
fkoikoiHave a nice day14:33
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tboimahACTION sign off 14:34
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dcammueACTION sign off14:35
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svayeACTION signs off14:44
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mulbahHello shmohamud14:48
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shmohamudHello Mulbah16:29
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